epj78 Member


  • Totally depends on the marbling or the fat within the steak. Depending on the animal - the amount of fat in the marbling differs greatly not only from cut to cut but from animal to animal. Marbling is really what gives a really good steaks its flavor. So, a ribeye has a lot more marbling then a NY Strip. But figuring out…
  • I am no expert - but did your doctor just test TSH? I've heard some come back within the normal range for TSH, but their T3 or T4 could be low. Also, I would flat out ask the doctor what the actual result was. YOu are the customer, the doctor is the provider. Only when you have all the data can you make the right choices…
    in Thyroid? Comment by epj78 September 2011
  • Oops - I read treadmill, not elliptical. I'm with the others - unless the resistance is set high, I don't burn as many on the elliptical as MFP says. I don't use it enough to give you a ball park though - I tend to stick to the treadmill since I burn more calories there.
  • That seems really, really low if I'm reading your ticker right in your profile (since part of the calorie burn equation is weight). 4.5 MPH walking is kicking butt - my little legs won't take me that fast, I have to jog it. So you have to be getting your heart rate up. Just to give you a benchmark - at my current weight -…
  • This is definitely a question for your doctor, please call him/her and don't take any advice you get here. Each person is different after surgery and you need to consult with your doctor what is best for YOU. Not what someone else thinks that has never even met you.
  • I've never had a scale that measures water, nor have I heard the 50%. I wouldn't worry about it as long as you are getting in your 8 cups of water a day. Yes, usually when one switches to healthier eating, they will see water weight loss of anywhere from nothing to 5 pounds in the first week. This is because unhealthy…
  • That is a good reminder when we want that little nibble of something for no other reason then we want it!
  • DOes your heart rate change while you are working out? i.e. is it lower walking then doing something more intense? Are you getting the strap wet before putting it on? You should be for it to work properly.
  • That is perfect. You are averaging about 2 pounds a week which is exactly what you should be averaging - at the high end actually. Losing any more than that per week puts you at risk of gaining back because you are doing something "short term" or losing muscle. You said it yourself "when I dieted before" You don't ever…
  • It's true since there is hardly a difference in how they are processed. I just like the texture better :)
  • Sounds like you are just getting fitter! Check a few times during the workout to make sure the sensors are working the whole time - but if it is just the upper level is coming down - yep, you are just getting fitter.
  • Someone once told me, anything before the "but" doesn't matter :) I tend to agree. Everyone just braces themselves whenever the hear the "but....."
  • All my guy friends tell me that they like it when women approach them. However, I'm still old fashion and hate doing the approaching. In fact, I won't do it. I'll do the subtle signs - like eye contact - that say - "hey I wouldn't mind being approached" - but I won't approach. They try and try to convince me - but it's…
  • Also remember egg yolks aren't all bad for you - tossing a full egg in with your eggs whites is actually a good thing. They get a bad rap. The egg yolk contains many good vitamins and minerals. http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/Egg_Yolk.html Like everything - in moderation! But they certainly are NOT poison!
  • The one person I know who had the surgery, had this issue as well. Evidently, it's quite common to have addiction transference to alcohol or drugs or smoking.
  • They will be clearly marked "Steel Cut Oats" in the store. You can make a big pot on Sunday and just heat up throughout the week.
  • Oh - I have tried the gamete of expensive face cleansers and Cetaphil is by far the best I've used. I won't ever use anything else again. My face and my pocket book are happy :)
  • I use Cetaphil both BEFORE and after my workouts. I find my pores open up when I sweat and my make up and other gunk gets caught in there. SO I make sure I start off with a clean face and this seems to help. Cetaphil is incredibly gentle so it works for me since I wash my face 3-4 times a day. And it's cheap - another…
  • I think everyone has to make the decision that is right for them. For WLS to work long term, people that go through that have to put in the work too or it comes back (like you are starting to see with your mom). Believe it or not, some people that have had the surgery will eat highly fat and calorie ladden things straight…
  • Sometimes you have to fall on your sword. Just tell him you were projecting what works for you onto him, and you realize different things work for different people and you were wrong to try to guilt him into your way. Then tell him that you'll support him anyway possible or never talk of weight loss again - up to him.…
  • Frankly, I've just gotten really good at separating. It only takes a few seconds in the morning to separate as you make eggs. Hardly any more time then just pour. Although I do know seconds count sometimes :) Is there another reason you are looking to store? In any case, here are a few weeks if you do want to do ahead of…
  • Like others have said - I switched mine to. I shoot for 40% carbs, 30% each fats and protein. I barely ever hit it - but that is my goal. Oh, and change you fiber up too - in my opinion, that is the other thing MFP sets a bit too low. Everyone should be getting 25 g of fiber.
  • I think it is Fix It and Forget It - Lightly I have it - pretty good cookbook - although some of the recipes are a lot more complicated then I like for crockpot recipes.
  • Tons of recipes at this link: http://www.barkingspidertx.com/crockpotrecipes-1.zip You have to download into Word - but there is search and sort and very easy to use. Also, try crockpotgirls.com and crock pot girls on Facebook.
  • I'm slow so I try to stay to the sides so the quicker ones can pass me easily. A lot of people wear headphones, you just need to keep the volume low enough you can hear those around you. I used to think the no headphones was a hard and fast rule - imagine my surprise at my first 1/2 marathon where virtually EVERYONE was…
  • I have goals to run a 5k, a 10k and a 1/2 marathon. If you aren't running, all these have walking events. I've already signed up for them so that pushes me!! And would be great as mini steps in meeting your ultimate goal.
  • I eat a little something right after my morning workout (about 6:00 am) - usually about 150 calories or so. Tons of research out there on the importance of breakfast - I'm not a huge breakfast eater, so a quick 150 calories does it for me. Then I eat at 10:00, 2:00 and 6:00 for my main meals. I'll have a snack at 12:00…
  • WW meetings are great for support and accountability. IF you know you are weighing in and having it noted somewhere - you are more likely to keep on track all week. The actual program is not all that different then MFP. A bit, but not a lot. They are all about calories in, calories out too - but point based (which is…
  • It does have a chest strap. It just doesn't have the anti-interference stuff that the F7 has.
  • If you programed it for your height and weight - it should be about as accurate as you are going to get. I usually look at my HRM a few times per workout just to make sure the sensors are reading right, etc. Just a gut check.