Seeking goals

I am attempting to make a goals list for myself that is not related to the scale. I want goals that are small and attainable but still significant enough to encourage me to push on. My ultimate goal is to spend a weekend hiking the appalachian trail.
I have 120 pounds to lose before I reach this goal. I would appreciate any suggestions or maybe just a list of what your own goals are. It might be nice to have rewards to go with the goals too - a thought I just had. Thanks


  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I have goals to run a 5k, a 10k and a 1/2 marathon. If you aren't running, all these have walking events. I've already signed up for them so that pushes me!! And would be great as mini steps in meeting your ultimate goal.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    A superficial goal of mine is to simply to wear a sleeveless shirt, confidently!
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    A superficial goal of mine is to simply to wear a sleeveless shirt, confidently!

    Oh I would LOVE to do that!

    maybe i'll make that one of my goals

    Mine is just to be in a healthy weigh range which would be 60 to 65Kgs.
  • mccgivens
    My goals are pretty simple: I want to lose 80 lbs and I want more energy. I don't have a time frame just as long as my weight is going down. My ultimate goal is to be able to keep up with my kids when they get into high school sports. I am tired all of the time and I know it's because of the wight I have gained over the years. I don't want to be "skinny", I want to be "not fat". Good luck to you.
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the input --- anybody else have any idea?
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Lots of people seem to have broken their goals up into chunks. For those of us with larger amounts to lose, that seems like a good idea. Something along the lines of, "I want to have scaled 1/3 of the mountain in X amount of time." It makes it look more achievable.
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    So having a specific item to be able to wear is a definite possibility. Maybe a shirt and then later on a pair of pants
    But I am really looking for more ideas. I have already doubled my walks with my dog from 20 min. to 40 min.
    I am not allowed to run due to my knees so a 5k is not possible. However maybe walking a shorter distance - 2k
    Problem is the concrete is hard on my knees so I am hesitant to do that.