Not trying to be so negitive but..



  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I think everyone has to make the decision that is right for them.

    For WLS to work long term, people that go through that have to put in the work too or it comes back (like you are starting to see with your mom). Believe it or not, some people that have had the surgery will eat highly fat and calorie ladden things straight - like butter. Because it wasn't being hungry that caused them to gain the weight. So, I don't think any way is the easy way out. I think you have to put a lot of hard work into addressing root causes of issues for anything to work. Sure, WLS helps the weight come off easier, but it doesn't ensure the weight is going to stay off or you are going to be a happier person. But, some people need that boost to start working on what the real issue is.

    And congratulations on the work that you have done!!!! No matter what learning good eating habits and exercise habits is a MUST to maintain weight loss and you are definitely doing that!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I do feel like some people "take the easy way" by getting surgery and don't learn how to change their lifestyle. They just look at the surgery as a quick fix. Some don't. Some people are at the point where it's life or death and need surgery.
    I commend you on losing through a healthy lifestyle. What you learned through your journey will stay with you a lifetime.
    Congrats on all your hard work!!!
  • Melanie_Robinson
    Melanie_Robinson Posts: 36 Member
    I agree. I have several acquaintances that have had the surgery. They are very small, but their skin and hair look sick. {Not being mean, they just look unhealthy}. I have been working hard and see very SMALL results. I just know they are thinking " Why don't she just have surgery?" If my life was in danger I could see it, but other than being overweight I have no health issues (for that I am thankful). I am just determined to do it the healthy way, however long that takes. Good for you on your loss! Keep it up!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    I agree with you completely. I think it's ridiculous that weight loss surgeries are so easy to get. And, I heard on the news a while back that a bunch of doctors were wanting to ease up on the restrictions for those procedures! It's so much better if you just put out the effort to lose the weight naturally. You learn how to make changes to your diet and exercise habits so that you keep the weight off and can actually live a healthier life. Weight loss surgeries are just like any other quick fix, for most people they don't work in the long term.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    This can be a hotly debated topic here. Congrats on your successes with the choice you made. I'm going to sit back and watch the poo storm build now.

    SCOOT OVER TEDDY, and hands him a beer...lets watch this show together !! I think one will get good .
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work and success in weightloss! You did it the right way. The struggle is as mental as it is physical... in many ways more. People that do not succeed on facing the mental angle will often re-gain, or experience other issues down the line. Keep your chin up when you listen to others that chose the road of surgery brag of their success.... you know you did the time and work and are better for it! As for your Mom... I'm unsure how you can help her from climbing back up, it's tricky to keep from causing problems or having her become defensive. Perhaps offer her some advice on what has helped you 'maintain' , strike it as something you can do together. I wish you every luck, you've done amazing!
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    Honestly, I feel the same way with my friends who are doing HCG. At the end of the day, though, I can only focus on myself and what I'm doing. When I hear them talking about how hard they worked to lose weight, I just smile. They are doing what they feel is best for them, just like I'm doing what I feel is best for me. :)
  • chantihayes
    At 400 pounds I made the choice to skip gastric bypass and lap ban surgery. with hard work I have lost 100 pounds to date. But I kind of get upset when I hear people who had this surgery talk about how much weight they have lost, when they took the easy route.
    No problem at all with people who had the surgery if it was vital for health and life.
    I also had my own mother go through with this surgery. I had to hear her talk about how much she has lost and how fun shopping for clothes is now. Two years later, her weigh is climbing back up ..

    What does everyone else think?

    I think everyone has their own reason for it. Some people have tried literally everything, including diet and exercise. Some people have health conditions or medications that make it very difficult to lose weight. Maybe they needed to lose it fast and this was their way. . And if you've never been through gastric, you can't possibly call it the "easy route" - because my close friend went through it and recovery was hell. She had no time to train her body to eat less and I cant tell you how many times she ended up sick from eating too much or eating the wrong foods. When you do it the old-fashioned way, you havetime to train yourself and gradually introduce or take away foods. It's a reality that some people gain it back, but that's again because they don't have a lot of time to prepare themselves for it.
    your way is working for you , 100 lbs is great!! But, I fail to see how someone else having success with lap band should make you upset... becausein the end, both ways result in weight loss and a healthier person.
    Oh and most people only do lapband because it IS vital for health and life, as reputable surgeons won't operate unless medically necessary.............

    You asked, that's what I think.. and btw, I've not had lapband and don't qualify for it, but like I said, my friend went through hell after hers'... and 5 years later she has kept it off .
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    congrats on your weight loss.

    I have never been overweight, however, I don't feel one way or another about people who choose to have surgery to lose weight. I'm not sure that any surgery is easy; there are certainly risks that include death. My guess is people who choose that route cannot, for some reason, do what you have done. Perhaps they don't have the willpower, support, knowledge . . . whatever it is that they're lacking to succeed with another method.

    I have a brother-in-law who must be nearly 400 lbs., he is only 50 years old, but in need of double knee surgery due to his weight.

    I wonder why he DOESN'T get lap band or some other such weight loss surgery instead of knee surgery, but it is not my body, so really not my business.

    In any event, you should be proud of your accomplishment regardless of what others are doing.

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I also think it's great that you are doing it the old fashioned way! You are learning how to eat, how to handle your emotions, cravings, everything. I bet you'll be much more successful. People who do the surgery have the weight loss forced on them. They often don't learn what being healthy is really all about.

    My sister was actually encouraged to GAIN wait to be eligible for surgery, but her best friend, a NURSE. I'm so proud that she's doing it the right way and that she seems to finally be having some sucess.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. I know 4 people that have had the surgery. And while initially it might seem to be the "easy way out," here is what I know about those 4 people. What I don't know is if there were medical reasons for their initial surgeries.

    #1. I never would have know if he had not had medical complications. It did not seem to work for him at all.
    #2. A co-worker that I initially met a few years post surgery. He has been packing on the weight for the past couple of years. I see what he eats...if he initially changed his habits he has reverted to the old ones.
    #3. Friend's mom...probably a bit of 1 and 2 combined.
    #4. Very good friend that I must say looks fabulous, but her journey was not without issues as she had some "addiction" tranfserence and struggled with alcohol addiction. She has since quit drinking.

    I understand that bariatric surgery can be a lifesaver for some people and I get that. But IMO, 25% is not a very good success rate.
  • jamr1019
    jamr1019 Posts: 47 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss......looks like you are on the right track to reaching your goal.
    I don't believe you are being negative, you are just simply stating what you think and there's nothing wrong with that. Keep up the good work.

    HW: 201
    SW: 183
    CW: 153
    GW: 150
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Stand tall for the courage and commitment it takes to ungergo a body revamp. Loosing weight is not easy for anyone, but it is especially difficult when it takes twice the amount of time it does for surgery patients. I see patients daily who have had the surgery and the weight comes back!~ Now this does not imply that my weight or your weight will not return, but when you work so hard to accompllish a goal, you often think twice.

    The mental anguish, and the pain that is associated with weight is horrid! The brain will always function the same, but when you dramaticaly cut caloric intake after bypass, your brain goes hay-wire...You have adjusted yourself through milestones and hard days, and good! Remember we all choose what works for us, and you will BE healthiere in the long run because of moderation and not extreme.

    I am not bashing any weight loss surgeries! I realize the year of tests and pain to get to this point must be strenuous! There is both positive and negative! Neither situation is ideal nor easy! The obstructions, mental anguish and nutrient deprivation is nothing to play with!

    With whatever path we choose, hopefully the same result will be yielded!

    Be proud of your accomplishment, and be proud of your Mom! When we begin to understand that others take pride in our difficulties, we tend to look at their reactions different.

    Keep up the amazing work, and remember your body thanks you!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member

    #4. Very good friend that I must say looks fabulous, but her journey was not without issues as she had some "addiction" tranfserence and struggled with alcohol addiction. She has since quit drinking.

    The one person I know who had the surgery, had this issue as well. Evidently, it's quite common to have addiction transference to alcohol or drugs or smoking.
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Honestly, I feel the same way with my friends who are doing HCG. At the end of the day, though, I can only focus on myself and what I'm doing. When I hear them talking about how hard they worked to lose weight, I just smile. They are doing what they feel is best for them, just like I'm doing what I feel is best for me. :)

    I like this :) Doing what is best for you-- congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • markeeley
    markeeley Posts: 20 Member
    Wow what a response. Trying to read all the post and respond would be difficult.

    I saw one comment about how some people cant lose no matter what. I want to respond to that.

    Spent money on diet pills, gym memberships and etc. At the end of the day, I was cheating myself. I was making the choice to eat bad carbs, bad sugars.

    If you want to lose weight you have to eat food to fuel your body, not because it taste good. I am still way overweight, but now I finally understand this concept.

    I am the worlds most picky eater. I will not eat fruit. Somehow I have lost 100 pounds. I just try to make the better choice now! Currently I am 3 week without fast food!! wooot!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I think you are amazing to do it this way. People will have so much more respect for you.

    Anytime someone starts a sentence with this statement, they know that they are being exactly what they say they do not intend to be. "I don't mean to insult you, but..." "I don't mean to be a bother, but...", "I hate to sound like an azzhole, but..." Just come straight out and say what you mean without hiding behind a disclaimer. As a close personal friend of a Bariatric Surgeon, I know of many people who have regained weight after having bypass. I also know of countless success stories associated with it. Just because this was not your choice does not make it wrong. And I am sure that in the past, you have lost and gained weight just like your friend has who had the surgery. And as far as someone having so much more respect for you because you did it the "hard way", child please. I feel no lest respectful of my friend Andrea who lost 135 pounds after her lap band several years ago and has kept it off, than I do for my brother who lost 100#s the hard way and now has regained it all back and more. Just do you and let others do what they feel is best for them. Step off your high horse and applaud success in any way, shape, or form. Surgery is never easy...unless you are an officer of the Starship Enterprise.
  • markeeley
    markeeley Posts: 20 Member
    I think you are awesome but....

    I am happy with anyone who is healthier. I know that I have more self satisfaction doing it on my own without any help from a doc.

    Shouldn't there be a site created just for people who work hard and don't cheat for weight loss?
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    OK so as a person who had family try to talk me into having the lap band surgery and even going to a hospital to get information on it, i am totally against the surgery route to lose weight. for one the risks are really high that there might be a problem during or even later. i was a big guy at 535 pounds when i started losing weight and wanted to take the easy route, but i was way to scared to actually follow through with it. and on top of that i have a coworker who had the surgery and it worked for her, but she started eating too much again afterward and ended up worse than she was when she started. yes losing weight is hard work and no one wants to put the effort in anymore, but i have lost 90 pounds in 9 months, with most of it being lost since i started on this site. the support of other people with the same battle is so amazing. the bad thing is i have friends where i work that make fun of me for one of the things i do. i go to zumba 3 times a week and love it, but they continuously are making fun of me and laughing at me, but yet have i seen any of them doing much to better themselves. 2 of them were strength training with me, but one of them dropped out and it is just me and another guy. but lifting weights is not enough. OK i am gonna shut up now...
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Someone once told me, anything before the "but" doesn't matter :) I tend to agree. Everyone just braces themselves whenever the hear the "but....."