

  • I do that too ....come and go. On and off again. This time - I'm ready to roll :)
  • Thankyou VERY much for all the replies. I will log this in as above stated - Thanks again!! Really appreciate it!
  • That's a good idea ...I normally don't incorporate my burned calories into my daily total- I seem to do better when I stay at 1200/day- but it's nice to know how many calories burned after all that hard work.
  • I love working for Delta Air Lines. It's a great job! Going on 12 years this August. Each day is different ...never boring! Hectic some days ..but for the most part don't regret my career choice! Sorry ..no trades here either :)
  • "Oh Louis, Louis. Still whining Louis. Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries" - Lestat, Interview with the Vampire
  • I use it as a sour cream substitute. Good stuff when mixed w/ salsa ~ great as a dressing on my low fat taco salad.
  • The program I am on encourages you to eat every 2-3 hours up until an hour prior to bedtime so snacking is good! Theory is eating keeps your metabolism burning calories/fat. So long as you keep your snack at 200 calories or less u should be in good shape (according to my program :) My fav 200 calorie or under snacks are…
  • I too did the same thing. I worked really hard in 2010 and lost 35lbs. (my goal is 80). In the past year I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and kindof used my fatigue as an excuse for not having any motivation and over a year and 4 months time I regained 32lbs. Ugh! Ready to do this and get all the weight off and keep…
  • Have a cup of slow carbs (veggies or the berry fruits) with each meal. When eating fast carbs eat only whole wheat products. I always go over on my fiber and it's easy to do if you stick to those guidelines.
  • I like to use a protein shake as a snack. Never a meal. I use the women's Aria Protein powder and mix it with 8oz of soy milk and crushed ice. Shake it up in a shaker and it's a great snack on the go and satisfying for about 2 hours. I always make sure I have a meal 2 hours after having the protein shake.
  • Welcome back! I too joined MFP a year ago and did really good - but then got off track. Was so tired all the time. Long story short was just diagnosed w/ severe sleep apnea and am doing the cpap darth vader treatment ;-) and am starting to feel much better now! Ready to do this! I have always had low self esteem as well -…
    in New :) Comment by WifenMom November 2011
  • I am 41 and have dieted after each child I've had (3 for me ;-) Each time - the ONLY thing that has worked for me is dropping my calorie intake down to 1200 calories. Last year after joining this site -I worked out, jogged - and ate the xtra calories MFP said I was entitled - and the scale didn't move much. I then dropped…
  • My program I'm on says not to weigh in weekly. Set a goal (like a month out) for the amount you'd like to weigh (realistic of course) and then weigh in and take your measurements. I guess our weight loss efforts show more so in measurements than the scale - when you are working out. I of course can never wait that long -…
  • They say other beverages "count" but there's nothing like good clean clear water to flush out your kidneys. The program I'm on says to drink 12 eight oz glasses of water / day (tea and coffee count). I don't count coffee or tea in the mix and believe it or not once you get past days 1 and 2 of drinking ALL that water - it…
  • When jogging last year I found that if I didn't stretch I would get a terrible pain in my calves while jogging. The better I stretched beforehand - the more endurance I felt I had during the jog. I have read that before any workout it's good to stretch and warm up. Good for the muscles and good for the heart :-)
  • Hey there! Carbs ARE A culprit for weight loss. I'm on a food plan called Diet Free Life. I absolutely love it - you can eat what you want w/ certain guidelines. On thing on the plan that's important - you CAN eat a carb - it's a FAST carb - that's your breads/rices/pasta's. You should also combine with your FAST carb a…
  • Welcome to MFP. This is a wonderful site AND lots of great people on here! Best wishes - keep in touch!
  • On my prgram I'm on they recommend 96 ounces of water each day. I do find that when I reach that goal everyday - I do lose weight - and I do feel less bloated and just generally feel "better" on the inside. Water flushes our kidneys and liver, and our liver actually help to metabolize fat - therefore when we are drinking…
  • Hi! I know you said don't say this BUT - I used to work 4am - 1230pm. That meant I had to get up at 2am. Yuck! So I would get up 15 minutes earlier. I have a 12 minute Fat burner and a 12 Minute Muscle maker. Sometimes I would just do the 12 minute Fat Burner but that was enough to get my metabolism going. (not enough for…
  • I was reading last week while browsing different sites about weight loss - where someone called the "fitness jerk" said to get up, don't eat, don't brush your teeth, just get a COLD glass of water and get to it. Supposedly the COLD water starts the metabolism, as does the workout, and your body will be an "inferno" for the…
  • Thankyou everyone for the replies. I need to go back and recalculate what I first entered when I joined a year or so ago. I'd like to lose the SAFE but MAX amount each week - which is 3lbs per week I believe if you weigh over 200 (currently 218) (I'm terrible at math! lol) Thanks again -and I'll be sure to keep those…
  • Hey! I too LOVE peanut butter - it's not always so friendly when you are trying to count calories and lose weight though ..so I wanted to mention the great peanut butter alternative I found at Trader Joe's. It's called Better n Peanut Butter. It REALLY low in calories/ fat - 2 TBSP is a serving ...and it tastes GREAT. It's…
  • Haha RoadDog THAT was FUNNY! LOL .. In all seriousness though regarding your question ...I've NEVER had success in losing weight WHILE nursing. I nursed all 3 of my kids and retained my weight NO MATTER WHAT I tried. It's like my body NEEDED the xtra fat to keep my bodies ability to produce the milk. I would get soooo…
  • They have whole wheat French Toast at Trader Joe's that is pretty good! And then you can have some sugar free syrup? I believe they have whole wheat waffles too ..those would be good too w/ sugar free syrup and some strawberries or blueberries? Hope that helps!
  • You are eating too much refined sugar products and not enough veggies or protein. Try eating more well balanced meals and snack on healthier things such as Luna Bars, whole wheat crackers and lite cheese sticks. Are you eating whole wheat products? what else do you drink besides coffee? Are you drinking water also?
  • I'm on a program that limits sugar but not dairy. The TYPE of dairy you choose is of course important ... meaning soy milk or skim instead of regular milk. Eggs are FINE though (a protein) and cheese is fine (in limited amounts) Cheese is considered a "fat" for your meal but you can still have it! Sugar is taboo if it's in…
  • The program I'm on (Food Lovers for Life) says that on average .. anyone over 200lbs ..can expect to lose 3lbs per week. Hope that helps?!!
  • Thanks ladies! I had computed in 791 calories burned after doing the workout in my daily log so I'll be sure to stay well under the extra 91 calories or so, which I normally do on a day I work out anyways. Thanks again!
  • 90Pounds is your goal? Girl how tall are you? You must be pretty petite hmm? Sounds like you are doing great! Take care, Laurie