Finding time and energy for exercise

I had last week off of work and was able to get up nearly every morning and exercise and that felt GREAT. Now I am back to work and getting up at 4:20 am M-F. I do get done with work early in the afternoon, but after a full day of work, I feel exhausted and can't seem to get motivated to work out. Does anyone else get up really early and find it hard to exercise after a full day of work? Any suggestions or things that have worked for you?

Please don't say exercise before work...I'm getting up way too early the way it is!! :yawn:



  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'd be exhausted if I had to get up that early too! What about trying napping after work for 30 mins? It'll give you more energy in the afternoons for workouts.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    Can you walk on your lunch hour? Otherwise I would suggest heading to the gym straight from work. I find that if I go home after work, it's harder to make myself work out. Also, try to find a friend or family member to work out with or sign up for a class with.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I find that if I trick myself into exercising when I'm tired from a long day by telling myself I just have to go to the gym and do something, anything (treadmill, elliptical, etc...) for 10 minutes, I usually wind up doing more, and it re-energizes me. Part of feeling tired at the end of the work day is stress, and exercise actually reverses that. Even if it's just a walk, or yoga, or some stretching, you'll feel so much better afterwards. It's really mind over matter to get yourself up and moving.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    When I am working (currently out of work but have a call back date, so no stress over it), I don't go home after work, but directly to the gym. I hate it (until I get there and start moving) but it works.

    Logging in here also helps-it holds me accountable.

    Good luck figuring out what works best for you!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I think that napping is good advice! Also, you could try eating a piece of fruit or having a cup of tea to try and boost your energy. I'm not a fan of caffeine (never did anything for me) but I know that it has helped several people that I know. Maybe try starting your workouts in the evening as well? Though I never had to wake up THAT early (oh my! how do you do that!?), on days that I did, I would just plan to work out in the evening. Making a schedule may even help.

    good luck!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I find that if I trick myself into exercising when I'm tired from a long day by telling myself I just have to go to the gym and do something, anything (treadmill, elliptical, etc...) for 10 minutes, I usually wind up doing more, and it re-energizes me. Part of feeling tired at the end of the work day is stress, and exercise actually reverses that. Even if it's just a walk, or yoga, or some stretching, you'll feel so much better afterwards. It's really mind over matter to get yourself up and moving.

    this is my suggestion too...once you get into an exercise habit (takes me 1.5-2 weeks) then you'll have MORE energy and it becomes addicting! Also try to go straight to work out after NOT go home first...the tv/couch/bed is just too tempting!
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Can you walk on your lunch hour? Otherwise I would suggest heading to the gym straight from work. I find that if I go home after work, it's harder to make myself work out. Also, try to find a friend or family member to work out with or sign up for a class with.

    I couldn't agree more with this statement. There's something about when you walk through that door that, like letting the air out of a balloon, lets all of your energy and motivation escape your body. So, I would also suggest hitting the gym straight from work. That way also, you've got it out of the way and can enjoy the rest of your evening at home.
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    I know you said you don't want to hear this but getting up 30 minutes earlier is an option. I workout every morning and go to bed early, knowing that I have to get up early. You can get a great workout in about 30 minutes. Examples are-Take a brisk walk/jog around the neighborhood, lift weights, do an exercise video (30 day shred, Chalean video). There are so many options here. Make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep and eating well. Good luck!
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    I get up around 5:30am and work from 7am until 4pm. I know what you mean about not having energy to work out. I find that if I make myself to at least 10-15 min of something I feel better. Some night I come home and snooze on the sofa for a while, helps me to get rid of that exhausted feeling.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    You just have to force it. I know easier said than done. I never want to work out after work - especially early mornings at work --- but you just have to pull on your big girl panties and do it. I drag myself kicking and screaming all the way --- reminding myself I'll feel better for doing it when I'm done. SOmetimes I have to make deals with myself like "ok, you only have to do 15 minutes, if you are still tired after that, you can stop". I think I've stopped once.

    Sorry - this is the only "trick" that I know that works for me. And really it isn't a trick at all :)
  • Colieque1
    Colieque1 Posts: 4
    Can you walk on your lunch hour? Otherwise I would suggest heading to the gym straight from work. I find that if I go home after work, it's harder to make myself work out. Also, try to find a friend or family member to work out with or sign up for a class with.

    I completely agree with this! Almost every day a small group of us walk during lunch. It actually helps the day go by faster, and gives us a little stress relief. I also go to the gym straight from work. I know if I stop at home it's over. I take classes at the gym, and that makes it more fun/enjoyable than just running on the treadmill or going on the elliptical for a while.

    SW: 152.8
    CW: 138.6
    GW1: 140.0 (Met!)
    GW2: 135.0

  • caat1rules
    caat1rules Posts: 25 Member
    I have 2 words, Hemo Rage. Go get some.
  • WifenMom
    WifenMom Posts: 40
    I know you said don't say this BUT - I used to work 4am - 1230pm. That meant I had to get up at 2am. Yuck! So I would get up 15 minutes earlier.
    I have a 12 minute Fat burner and a 12 Minute Muscle maker. Sometimes I would just do the 12 minute Fat Burner but that was enough to get my metabolism going. (not enough for the entire day though) IF I got up earlier (at 130am) I could do both or the 36 minute kickboxing. TRUST me it's not easy. It all depended on how EARLY I got to bed the night before also. I have 3 kids, one of them age 3 (age 2 at the time I was working that shift)
    There were many mornings I skipped the workout - and once I got home - I FORCED myself to put my workout shoes on, clothes on. Believe it or not - after FORCING myself to work out - I found I had more energy to keep me going until bedtime (no later than 7pm) and then fell into bed exhausted.
    As of last August I came off that shift and work a new one 1130am - 800pm (I work for an airline - no matter what - my hours stink)
    It's easier now to find time, although I've learned that I sure like to sleep in (my 3 year old does too luckily for me right?) so sometimes, ashamed to say lol, it's a challenge getting up early enough now that I work this shift. ( I know you don't wanna hear THAT lol)
    Starting WED I begin a new shift 930am-800pm (10 hour work days, 3 days off) I plan on taking my day of "rest" one of my work days of course. Jog on my 3 days off - and the other 3 days I work, well I just better start getting to bed earlier and drag myself outta bed sooner.
    Hope that helps some! Good luck and take care, Laurie
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I usually get myself off the couch at night by saying just do 10 minutes, if after 10 minutes I'm still exhausted I can be done. Usually though after 10 minutes I keep going. I do notice that after a few weeks of doing it I'm not as tired in the evenings.
    When I was working out of the home I had to get up super early to get everyone dressed and dropped off so I know what you mean about not wanting to get up any earlier. A quick nap would be awesome after work if you are able to do that.
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    I find that if I trick myself into exercising when I'm tired from a long day by telling myself I just have to go to the gym and do something, anything (treadmill, elliptical, etc...) for 10 minutes, I usually wind up doing more, and it re-energizes me. Part of feeling tired at the end of the work day is stress, and exercise actually reverses that. Even if it's just a walk, or yoga, or some stretching, you'll feel so much better afterwards. It's really mind over matter to get yourself up and moving.

    this is my suggestion too...once you get into an exercise habit (takes me 1.5-2 weeks) then you'll have MORE energy and it becomes addicting! Also try to go straight to work out after NOT go home first...the tv/couch/bed is just too tempting!

    Definetly.....excercise right after work..... what i do is change into my gym clothes at work that way i just go straight to the gym.or meet a coworker at a school and walk around the track with so we both keep ea other accountable to not skip out. i feel after the first 10min....ive regained my energy ..
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Can you walk on your lunch hour? Otherwise I would suggest heading to the gym straight from work. I find that if I go home after work, it's harder to make myself work out. Also, try to find a friend or family member to work out with or sign up for a class with.

  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Just take the "thinking element" out of it. Make exercise a habit just like, say, brushing your teeth. If you set a specific time after work to go to the gym then its easier to go then just being like, "Oh, I'll just go whenever I feel like it" because then you'll start relaxing and not want to go.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I used to have a real early schedule, and like some others said, I just went straight to the gym from work. If I stopped home, that was it. I was tired, and on the couch wanting to veg. But if I had my gym bag in the car, ready to go, and I went straight to the gym, I somehow would find the energy to do it. And once it became routine/habit, it didn't seem like a struggle anymore, but just part of the work day.
  • Kristylarson
    Come to work when I do and then we can go to the gym after work!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder if there would be many people there at 3:30??? hee hee
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Every day at around 4 PM, I would be dragging... that was my slump, where it really hits home that I don't get enough sleep and I need a nap. One day I decided that it was either sit there feeling like I couldn't go on one second longer *OR* I could get up and do 15 minutes of some exercise. And then go back to my regularly scheduled slump if I felt like it. I'm not saying that's easy -- it's about making the mental decision to GO FOR IT.

    The funny thing is, after about 10-15 minutes of exercise, I felt so much better I kept going. But even if you didn't, that would be 15 minutes you weren't going to get before!

    Getting up earlier wasn't a workable option for me, but it's really just about the same kind of mental shift to just do it - to make it a priority and force yourself/bribe yourself/motivate yourself to give it all you got for a tiny sliver of your day. It doesn't matter when you work out. You've gotten some great suggestions - do something on your lunch break, or stop by a gym on your way home, or something else. If morning actually does make the most sense, but you just feel overwhelmed by the idea, you might want to make the shift to getting up a little earlier to make your whole day healthier.

    And like someone else mentioned, one of the amazing things for me has been that I am finding I have MORE energy in my day-to-day life since I started working out. It doesn't just end up being one.more.thing. wearing you down and sapping your resilience and strength. I'm more able to cope with the demands of my day since I made the decision to just do what I could, when I could, without letting the "But what I neeeeed is a nap!!" voice glue me to the couch in self-pity. (Not saying that's what you're doing -- that's what I was doing.) This is so much better!