MrsMarvelous Member


  • so yesterday i did INSANITY cardio power and resistance it was pretty fun id like to keep doing it.. i have the videos but dont like working out at home.. im still lurking about here.. havent been doing the weighins much because i havent been losing yet.. uhh hopefully i can get back to it.. and im going to try really hard…
  • hey all im going to weigh in at 194lbs... my goal is 2lbs a week.. Y classes start up again on the 6th... my kids are officialy on summer break... and god help ME... its only day one and im ab out to kill the oldest...
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~Bump~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So my grades are.... drum roll...... Sociology A Math B Biology B wooooohooooo so excited... just thought id share... now onto losing the freaking 10lbs i just put on since January...uhhh
  • Hello Everyone!!!!!!! long time no chat lol well my finals are the week of May 9th... and that week will start my no pop again and almost no fast food.. unless i can get a salad or something.. going to school has really done a number on my work out routine.. i know i could suck it up and still go .. but i would be really…
  • sweet.. i may need a reminder that the new challenge starts May 9th.. i plan on starting that week for summer since ill be done with finals that week!!
  • just want to share with you all .. i have lost .5 in off my neck, 3in off waist, 1.5in off hips with in the last few months .... with a total of 6in on waist and 5in off hips over the last year!!! Feels Good:bigsmile:
  • hey super pals man there is a lot of reading to catch up on.. forgive me but i just skim over a little here and there.. untill summer when i dont have to study lol well i gained about 2lbs.. so up to 191lbs boooo and i dont think its muscle lol i was not eatting my best and missed a few workouts.. but my goal is to stay…
  • checking in .. im at 189lb so i look at it this way .. im doing GREAT at maintaing my weight... lol
  • AMY holy cow girl you are looking fabulous !!! and i cant believe you are 209 you look a lot smaller in the photo with your new coat.. must be some muscle.. i was thinking you looked 170lbs.. you are doing great!!! hello new people and welcome.. sorry i havent been on .,. been busy with school and life had a pretty good…
  • hey super pals... my goals are you lose 10lbs by march 14.. i havent really moved lately.. so ive tried eatting different and excersing different than what im used to .. so we will see if that changes the lbs for me... hello to the new friends.. weighing in at 188lbs...
  • Hello I am from the Washington/ Vincennes area.. but moved to Illinois about 3 years ago :) welcome to the site.. i find it very helpful and a lot of nice people!!
  • sooo on sat i was 188.6lb... but today im at 190lb and its TOM eh well.. im tired and going to bed..
  • looking good... you have been doing fantastic... and cute coat
  • hey boy we have had a rough week .. i got a good work out on MOnday... then my daughter got sick.. and wed night my son and other daughter were sick... one girl went back on thurs just to get sent home again today... uhh no needless to say i have been to the Y to work out... which kinda blows.. and ive been having a head…
  • starting weight~ current weight ~ ( how many lbs lost or gained ) Ex 188lb 186lb (-2lbs) we try to check in on Mondays.. Kristina can put you on the chart ...cheers
  • another website to share Download audiobooks and e books
  • hey everyone... Congrats Karen.. :drinker: i have a website to share with you all its maybe you have been to it before but i sometimes like to know if i am getting enough grains veggies fruit etc.. so you can imput your info and it give you a graph that tells ya its the my pyramid menu planner.. and you…
  • This am weighing in at 187.6 i think that is -3lbs.. i was at 190lb right.. shoot i forget lol ill check back later.. gonna head to the YMCA
  • how awesome.. sounds kinda what im going through... the scale is really not moving for me lately.. but ive gone down in inches / pant sizes but i try not to get discouraged.. it feels great to get tone.. and feel better about my body... thanks for sharing :)
  • here is a good laugh for you all so today was my first day of classes right.. well i had a brain fart after my first class and thought it was Monday.. so i waited for my 11oclock class.. got out a little early with my first around 9am.. well i went to the 11 class and it was the wrong class.. because i was on the wrong…
  • you can try dance shoes.. a lot of people in my class have purchased dance shoes you can move easily in them and you can get shoes with or with out arch supports
  • Watching your portions... eatting healthy foods... and lots of cardio... you cant target a certain place to lose fat.. but lots of cardio will help jump rope, jump on a mini tramp.. run.. dance Zumba anything to get your heart racing you can also do some toning exercise for your belly area also ... thats just my opinion…
  • hey gals this was not an awesome week for me to work out.. monday started out good but by Wed i was sick.. something going around stomach bug... so needless to say i didnt work out for 2 days.. and didnt eat much on wed.... then my poor hubby got sick fri.. he was fine then it hit him like a ton of bricks.. vomiting...…
  • I forget what day we are weighing in LOL so im back at 190 again.. that stinks i think i gained 4lbs but im not gonna let it get me down...... i cant remember who said it .. about "doing it for me , not counting on co workers or friends" I totally agree... I started working out with a couple different friends and slowly…
  • Good luck on your journey Im a stay at home mom of 3 also, and going to school part time.. i go to the Ymca and work out and my kids are in tumbling.. so it keeps them busy and i get a good work out!!
  • ~Karen Michelle i was just looking at some of your before and after photos... you are looking fantastic keep up the great work... your looking so much younger too :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks Ladies :bigsmile: Lacey i like the change to blond :flowerforyou: Kendal WOW look at you , way to go :drinker: looking fab i worked really hard tonight in zumba and walked the track a bit too before class... feeling pretty good... i was starving when i got home though lol now gonna veg out and watch some tv before…
  • :explode: gah dang TOM you suck... up 4 lbs.. back at 190 AGAIN ... really pissing me off here... hopefully ill be at every class this week giving it my best and maybe it will come off we have snow.. yuck its cold out and llike 6 in of snow-ness... why cant it just be spring... 7 more days untill school hope its done…
  • sw188./184. (-4lbs) sorry it took so long... i kept forgetting when i was on the computer to do it :blushing: