200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Zombies will get the fatties first...haven't you seen Zombieland? Rule #1 is Cardio. You totally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! I like zombie movies - it's a guilty pleasure. Is that A&E show called The Walking Dead? I've been watching it on the interwebz - it's good.

    Hmfishy: Where are you from? 15C sounds some kinda British to me. (Could be European) I'm not nosey (well, I AM) I'm just eager to find a group member who lives on the same side of the pond as me (I'm an American living in Germany).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeah we went to see it in the movie theater. Got a babysitter and everything just to see it! LMAO!!! I was thinking fast food like burger king....and kept thinking, well..yeah they like HUMANS. DUH. SLOOOOOW Humans!!!

    The Walking Dead is way more intense than I thought it would be. I was expecting it to be more zombieland, but it is super well done and I'm impressed with it.

    I think we might let G watch zombieland...she likes zombies too and definitely has the humor to get it (and the wit her momma lacks!). Even though she's only 4. She loves Starwars, as both her parents do too. And we started watching the Indiana Jones movies and she has been playing "Dr. Jones" with Jeff for a week now. It is hillarious!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I've got Zombieland in my netflix instant queue, but haven't watched it yet. Now I feel like I need to!

    Got my run in for the day, despite it being 29 degrees and icy out. I was a bit afraid that I would faceplant at some point, but was glad I got out. Ran 3.27 miles at an average pace of 11:24. Woot! I still got it (somewhat). I had to slow it down at points to because I was afraid of slipping and trying to bypass puddles. Plan is for another 3ish miler this week and then a 4 miler this weekend as my "long run". Made my excel spreadsheet of training and I'm ready to go!

    And I'm just about to blow all the calories I burned and more at trivia. Ugh. I'm pounding the water so I can combat some of the high sodium content (I'm not even going to try and weigh tomorrow). Had a yummy lunch out. Indian buffet. I tried to keep the naan count down and load up on veggie heavy dishes and it was uber yummy. Will definitely go back there again.

    hmfishy- Definitely don't get into the mindset that eating with the hubby is a "treat". I know others in the group (I spy you Kendal) were struggling a bit with keeping the eating in line when they were out with their man. Especially as it sounds like he wants to get healthier as well, it'll be great for you to lean on one another. And there are so many yummy healthy dishes out there. Check out the recipes section on the site. People post great recipes all the time. As for exercise, just try and move as much as you can. Make time in your schedule, even if it's just for multiple short bursts. We all started at different fitness levels. Believe me, I never thought I would be running. And last October, Victoria and I ran our first half-marathon together and are training for our second. You'd be amazed at what your body can do. Just don't overstrain yourself. You have to work up to things. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the group. What's your starting weight for the week? Do you have a goal for this 6-week challenge (we're just starting week 3)? We weigh in sometimes between Friday and Monday and I post everyone's progress Monday afternoons.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    TOM is wearing me DOWN this week. I am so sluggish and crampy and all I want to do is take a nap. So far I have resisted any chocolate.

    I needed to mail something to Joey about the house (paperwork from the county about the tax value) and he got pissed cause he found out that I have an attorney. It angered him even more than I remained calm during the entire conversation (no matter how many times he hung up on me and then called me back). The last thing he told me is that he no longer is living at the address he originally moved to and the very last thing he said was "come find me". (I know him....he thinks he's such a badass for saying that and hanging up) I left him alone at that point....all I was really concerned with was the stupid property tax paper and its not that big of a deal. About an hour later though, Joey sent me a text that said "u keep effing with me then u better invest in a gun." I talked to my attorney and he advised me to call the police. The officer who called me was incredibly nice and didn't brush me off at all. He even told me a couple of the ways I can prosecute Joey in the future if I change my mind about pressing charges. Today Joey sent me a text saying to send him the papers and he'll sign them.

    Did I tell you guys the washing machine broke last week? I bought a new-to-me one yesterday and it was delivered today. Then I had to go out and get gas and run by walmart. My toilets are also messed up. Taylor's been working on those the past two nights but other parts are breaking and I bought a piece thats too tall for the tank.

    And I'm crampy. Did I mention I'm all crampy?

    I am taking tonight off exercise again. :frown: It sucks to say that, but its 9pm and I'm just now sitting down. My calories weren't crazy today. I need to log it all before I say that, but I had turkey hot dogs for dinner.

    ETA: I was only 75 cals over
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    here is a good laugh for you all

    so today was my first day of classes right.. well i had a brain fart after my first class and thought it was Monday.. so i waited for my 11oclock class.. got out a little early with my first around 9am.. well i went to the 11 class and it was the wrong class.. because i was on the wrong day... so i missed my other class that started at 930 because i was on a different day... geez... i wasnt to embarresed though.. so i had some lunch and went home... tomorrow.. 8am class and 11am class.. got it lmao...

    so that was my fun day.. and when i got home i took a nap.. because between waiting on my classes i was sleepy.. and now im about ready to go to bed.. because i have to get up at 630 to get me ready then get the kids up and off to the bus stop by 720 so i can leave at 730 to take my youngest to daycare....

    i had a good work out today Zumba about 600 cal burned... came home starving but didnt really eat a lot .. pork chop and some nutella and bread.. still feeing a little hungry .. i still have a few calories to eat today like 500... i dont know if i want to eat them because i havent seen the scale moving much .. but also dont want to deprive my body of food either.. idk what to do to get the weigh moving again... eh...
    hope you all had a better day than I today !! hehe im hopeing i get it right tomorrow.. oh oh and i get a free lunch at school too.. chicken n noodles mashed taters and green beans and jello... yum.. well gnight
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bethany that is funny! I did that the first term in college...talk about making it even more nerve wracking since I hadn't been in school in over ten years!!

    Fishy get out of that mind set!! Buy some skinny cow ice-cream bars, log it first thing in the morning and look forward to it all day. I bet you can make it through the day knowing you get that treat at night!!! It totally works for me.

    Kendal the end is near girl!! Good job keeping calm, it's the best thing you can do.

    I'm tirrrrrrred. The bootcamp class kicked my *kitten*.
  • ktchw
    ktchw Posts: 6
    I'm new to this site as of today and I would like to join you if I may. I also have 200+ #'s to lose.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kitchw: Hi there! Welcome to the group. Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, are you married, got any kids, etc.

    Lacey: I like you idea of logging a treat in the morning and then looking forward to it all day.

    Bethany: Bummer that you got your schedule screwed up. Monday holidays totally mess with me for the rest of the week!

    Kendal: Major props to you for dealing with your ex in a calm and sane manner (despite his being bat-poop crazy). I'm sorry you're feeling crampy and miserable. And I'm sorry you've got washer and toilet issues. Sometimes, things like that make me think twice about being a homeowner.

    Kristina: way to run you speed demon! You rock!!! You also HAVE to see Zombieland, it is the single most entertaining zombie movie I have ever seen.

    Well, it's Wednesday and I weighed in this AM at 217 :mad: . I didn't eat THAT poorly in Rome, so I'm pretty sure it's water weight (better be water weight...). I'll keep pounding the water and working my butt off. Today is P90X Plyo so that should burn some calories! Have a lovely day/night!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I was down to 214.8 this morning. I think TOM is screwing up my weigh ins.

    Zombieland scared the crap out of me. I like Shaun of the Dead though....guess I just don't like fast zombies that attack you out of no where.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sean of the Dead is super fun too. The scary zombie movies, horror kinds, I don't like those...but the funny kitchy kind, LOVE them!! I got Jeff a tshirt for Christmas last year from cafepress.com and its pretty awesome. They have tons of them.

    I am all sorts of body tired and I hurt my shoulder last night at the class so tonight I will just do loads of cardio and core and lower body exercises instead.

    Gotta get going here..
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Welcome to all the new people!

    Sorry I haven't been better about posting on here. I currently don't have Internet (long story) so I've been posting from my phone which can sometimes be a pain. Anyways.......

    I finaly measured myself and I was actually a little surprised by my measurements (neck:15" waist: 39" and hips 47.5"). I carry most of my weight in my butt and legs so I need to keep track of those as well. I did get all my water in yesterday and I'm getting back on track with working out.

    I've set up a bit of a challenge for my son (11yrs). He is doing the 30 day shred with me with the promise of a new video game when we finish 30 days of it. He is a great kid who stays out of trouble and maintains good grades but he isn't as active as a boy his age should be. Over the last two years my son who was always tall and skinny has put on a bit of a belly. It's hard as a parent because you want your kids to be healthy and fit but you don't want to give them a complex either, but he has started to show interest in what I've been doing and wants to start going to the gym. He is at a crazy age and going through all kinds of changes and only has a mom to talk to about it.

    I LOVE zombie movies! Well horror movies in general. The walking dead was brilliant and I can't wait for the next season.

    Lacy: I also dig the idea of logging your treat early. I think if I did that I would work harder to earn it.

    Fishy: Lacy is right. Skinny cow bars are great to help with the bad for you food cravings and if you can stay away from bad foods one day then you can do it for two days then three and so on. Like any lifestyle change the hardest part is getting going.

    Well ladies, I'm off to be an awesome sister and give my little brother a ride to work.
  • adgrissom
    adgrissom Posts: 20 Member

    This group seems to align with my hopes are for in 2011.

    A little backstory:
    Married, (25 years in 2010, though I truly didn't know if we were going to make it- but that is another story), two daughters - one in college (2nd yr) and the other is about to graduate HS. I have a terminally ill younger sister (34) and an aging mother who is the primary caretaker for sister, I have watched them both suffer greatly this past year. Father-in-law, suffered fatal health issues in 2010 and passed away.

    With 2010 behind me, (quite possibly the worst year of life), I have nothing to look forward to except making this start of how I want my life to be. Trying to mend those relationships that I thought were lost and for now am taking care of myself, which means I can then take care of others without sacrificing my health.

    Overall goal is to lose just over 100 lbs... however I have started with a more manageable goal. I would like to be down 20 lbs. by end of January. Lost almost 20 lbs. by end of year (started in September) gained a lot back through holidays. Started 10 lbs. heavier than I wanted. Next goal, lose a total of 40 by August (45th bday) and would like to be down full 100 by end of March 2012.

    Since using MFP, I am already down 4, weigh in tomorrow hoping for at least another 2.

    I am proud that I have stayed with the exercise portion, major missing component of the past. Since 12/27, I have only missed 3 days of doing some kind of exercise.

    My husband, who wants to lose as well, is usually someone who sticks with it so that has made it easier on eating out and what gets prepared for meals, however, he doesn't need to work out to lose weight, so it has been a little more difficult going on my own, but I do! Would like to walk in 5K in March and my goal is to do it in under an hour...

    Here's to making it happen!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am looking back at my little calendar to see how I'm doing this week....every day I've been over on cals. Not by just like 60-75, but over 150. Eff!!! It is day 62, and so far this week I've worked out 146 minutes and burned 1347 cals. I have to exercise 154 more minutes to complete the 300 per week by Saturday...so minimum 51 min work outs over the next three days.

    Good to put it into perspective I suppose.

    Week 1:
    311 min/2744 cals

    Week 2:
    317 min/2877 cals

    Gotta get the eating back on track. Right now.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    ADG - think of your exercise time as "me time." Your time to yourself that you can just be without getting interupted or having to think about anything else but you, or nothing at all. When I work out my mind completely stops. Its the only hour of the day that it does and I seriously relish that fact.
    I think you are on the right track, so use us for support and keep going every day. A little change each day leads to long term lasting results.

    Sarah - I think that is great to get your son involved without pushing weight loss on him. My four year old daughter eats like a mad person and I find myself lately telling her to drink water, etc. etc. and then see if your tummy still needs food. She is by no means overweight at all, perfectly sized. I wonder if I am not giving her some sort of early complex so I try to not make too big a deal out of it and never ever say anything to her about getting fat or too skinny, etc...but still. I worry with how much she eats. Even though 99% of it is healthy.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies. Today is just flying by so far. I'm stil feeling this semi-cold. Sort of congested and my throat is gunky, but am able to function. Unfortunately my voice is comng and going, which makes the 2 therapy sessions I have today a wee bit difficult. One down, one to go.

    Food should be good today, which I definitely need after yesterday. I burned the roof of my mouth yesterday when eating spinach/artichoke dip, which is totally karma for indulging in it. Bad calories. Bad.

    Anyways, brought my gym clothes today and plan to hit up the rec center after work for a decent workout (probably the bike), and then plan to frump the rest of the evening. I missed the Biggest Loser last night (though read a recap), so I'll watch that among other things and try to get to bed early.

    adgrissom- welcome! Thanks for the intro. Many of us in the group want to ultimately lose a good chunk of weight. It's important to make those smaller goals so it doesn't seem so unattainable and you lose hope/motivation. Thrive for those small victories. And the exercise component is a key part. While eating really is the majority of what will help you lose weight, you'll get smaller quicker when you exercise, your body will bounce back better, look leaner, and, what I've found the most rewarding part- it's a major mood lifter if you do it consistently. I'm glad your husband is helping as well. Even if he doesn't need to exercise to lose weight, maybe you can get him to join you sometimes, as the added support is great. And you can totally walk a 5K in March! Stick with it!

    Sarah- taking measurements is another great way to measure progress. I try and do it at the beginning and end of each challenge. I expected to lose weight first wear I gained it last, but that hasn't been the case, probably due to the types of exercise I've been doing. I surprisingly had a pretty flat stomach for considering how heavy I was. Eventually the weight caught up with me, and I did gain there, but I thought that would be the first to go, but it's actually been my hips and thighs (where I gained first) that have gotten the smallest, though I still have a long way to go. Keep up the great work, and thanks for checking in! It's a pain to do on the phone. I have an iphone, and while I love the newest version of the app, I really wish they'd update it so there was a mobile version of the message boards. Would make life so much easier!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: Bummer about the burned roof of your mouth and feeling sick. That sux. My sinuses have been acting wonky but I'm hoping it's just because the weather can't decide if it wants to be snowy or 45 degrees outside. I choose to ignore it.

    Lacey: Get your workouts in *cracks whip*

    ADG: I'm glad you found your way to our group! Our ladies are freaking awesome and a great support. I have had an UBER crappy 2009-2010 and so I feel you on putting a crap year behind you (I don't wanna bore the ladies who already know my story but here's a quick rundown: Jan 2009 - I got blood clots in my lungs and nearly died, Dec 2009- had the equivalent of open-heart surgery to remove a (thankfully) benign tumor in my thymus, Jan 2010- a personal marital crisis had to be dealt with all of one month after major surgery, Jan-March 2010 - husband was across the country (he's in the military), Sept-Nov 2010 - husband was in another country). My personal belief is that 2011 HAS GOT TO BE BETTER than the past 2 years (even though DH is deploying to Iraq for the last 6 months of the year!). You're right that you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of the people in your life. Keep your health as a priority and you'll be better able to cope with all the other crap that happens. You can do this!!!

    Sarah: It's cool that your son is doing your workout program with you. I am a MAJOR advocate of keeping kids active. I put my son in sports most of the year (he does 2 seasons of soccer and 1 of basketball) which helps develop teamwork and cooperation as well as coordination and being a great outlet for kid-energy. I also make Gabe walk the dog with me ever morning for 30 to 45 minutes and, when the weather is nice, I make him go on my runs with me (he's 7 and can run a 5K with NO PROBLEMS). His dad has recently begun a program of calisthenics (push-ups, sit ups, squats, etc - without weights) with him to make him a but stronger for his sports (he's a bit of a skinny kid and doesn't eat very much at all). I've been paying a lot more attention to his water/fruit & veggie/ protein intake to make sure he's getting the nutrition he needs to be as active as he is.

    Another day is over (here in Germany) and the weather cannot decide what it wants to do. It rained all day then got really cold and snowed for about an hour before stopping. I walked my dog and did P90X Plyometrics. Now that it's week 3, I can really feel a difference in the quality of my workout. I can jump higher and squat lower without my heart rate trying to explode out of my chest. So even if the weight isn't coming off as fast as I think it should, my fitness level is definitely elevated. Have a great day ya'll.
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    ADG- Welcome to the team! I'm sorry to hear about a bad 2010, but 2011 is a new begining and I think for all of us it is a big year for change and personal growth.

    Kristina- Sorry about the burn and I feel you on the spinach artichoke dip. Once it's in front of me I can't stop eating it! I have an iPhone too and though I love it I miss jumping on my computer to do this.

    Amy- That's awesome that you have your kids so active. Johnathan (my son) isn't much for sports but during the summer I can't keep him out of the pool. He always drops a bit in the summer I just need to figure out winter activities.

    Lacey- I wouldn't worry too much about giving your daughter a complex as long as it's poise feedback. I had my son very young and wasn't great about good nutrition with my son. My mother had a habit of over feeding my brother and myself as children and it wasn't untill the last 5 or 6 years that I realized how bad this is. It has taken some time to break that habit for myself and now my son.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have not written much. It has been a crazy week! Had a little accident over the weekend, so I've been dealing with the insurance issues, and I have a special project due at work Friday, so I've been focusing on that. I have still gotten some exercise in. Today one of the pharmaceutical reps brought Starbucks muffins to work. I really wanted one, but I didn't want to waste 360 calories. I looked at them several times, but I didn't take one!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Karen- Great job avoiding the muffins!

    Well I exceeded my water intake today! 10 glasses down!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gals - I'm just sitting down to relax. I worked all day, had 45 min at home to make dinner and did 15 min of stretches, off to bookclub, it was my month to drive so got home at 10:30 (very late for me) but love the group of ladies. Family emergencies are haunting me this week. My cleaning lady cancelled Monday - her sister had Bleeding mass on the brain and is having surgery this week. On a positive note, hair dressers daugther lost baby and had heart attack plus liver failure but is now home and doing okay. We're aiming to do my hair this Sat. So, after getting home Tonight, I packed my lunch and cleaned the kitchen. I really HATE cleaning!!! This makes me appreciate her all the more!! At least DH is a neat freak and will help clean. My back is feeling better. I figured out what caused my problem - helping to walk a client that hasn't walked in years. I saw him Mon when the flare up occured and again today. I was smart and spent time stretching between his walks today - it really helped. Until I walked him today, I hadn't figured the trigger out.

    Sorry to babble but I'm just venting. I'm supposed to run 3 miles tomorrow. It's another long day of work leaving not leaving until 9 am but with being up late, I'm not sure I can get it in before work. If not, I'll do it Friday.

    I learned one of the bookclub ladies (4 miles from me) sells grass fed/ no hormone ground beef by the pound and has green house with naturally grown veges for sale. How did I miss this before? This is her 3rd month in the club. I knew she baked/sold great pies (note to self - stay away from the pie). I will admit buying homemade strawberry jelly from her stand last summer. I didn't know more stuff offered for sale at her house. She also sells farm fresh eggs. Can you guess where I'll be shopping?

    Sorry I'm not responding to individuals. I'm just to tired. Catch you tommorrow!!!