200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Btw, I'm wearing a brown pencil skirt with a cute new cardigan today. I'm feeling very Mad Men.

    Also, my bum is totally aching today. Thank you 30 Day Shred! I tell you, I still have phantom pains from how I felt doing it that first time. I could barely walk!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well my salty crappy splurge meal begat sugar, which begat salt, etc. etc...I ended up around 2000 cals yesterday. Goal today is to work out as hard as I can for 60 minutes and chug water like nobodies business. Tomorrow is that boot camp class. The rest of the week I am concentrating on busting it at the gym and chugging lots of water since I Know my sodium will be high I think with the meals I have planned for this week.

    Kristina - I bet you look cute!

    Amy - you know when you just don't want to cook? It is one of those weeks for me lol. Normally I can cook way better than what I can eat out too, but yeah...one of those weeks. I'm wanting simplicity I guess...and got burned for it! Good job on the yoga position!
    And if that flucking video does so many sun salutations I'm out. I HATE those things, they drive me nuts for some reason, lol.

    Sarah - good to see you are back. Its the best thing you can do for yourself, to realize that you didn't eat so well and move forward the next day!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Great job on the weight loss over the week!

    Christina- I hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are terrible!

    Karen- I'm sorry to hear about your computer, but Congrats on the new one. Great attitude to have about the competition at work, but I still hope you win :)

    Kristina- I feel your pain. My TOM is due to arrive in the next day or so and my scale hates me too. It said I went up 3 pounds this morning and I worked out longer yesterday than I have been and was under my calories. I called it a liar and decided not to jump on again untill it's over.

    Amy- Congrats on the weekend trip! It sounds like so much fun! I would love to see Rome.

    Well today I have a lunch date with some friends. Mmmm sushi! I haven't had sushi in a while and I'm not quite sure how to log it. I also have an interview today with a company I don't really want to work for, but being that the store I work at is closing at the end of the month and I haven't had much luck finding anything else I hope I get it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Howdy gang - just a quick check-in from the iPhone while I stop for lunch. Up too late helping DH celebrate his b- day. He got a six pack of Celebration Ale from Sierra Nevada Brewing - one of my favorite!!! 7 came awfully early but I got my run in (2 miles at 13 min pace) and was out the door by 9. My caseload has picked back up (frowns)... I like working 40 not 50+ hours a week. I'll try to post individually in next few days.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hey everyone....I'm out of work again today. I took Lexi for a walk up to the main road to see the weather/road situation. Its COVERED in ice, yet people are still dumb enough to drive on it. :grumble: Doesn't look like I will be going to work tomorrow either. UGH. I hate wasting my PTO on days like these. Once in a while its nice, but not 2-3 straight days.

    My arms are a little sore from p90x yesterday and my legs are a little tired from walking in the snow/ice this morning. I'm not sure whats on the schedule today with P90X. I'm thinking if its something light, of trying my 10 minute cardio game that I bought on Black Friday and completely forgot about.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: We had that ice crap here last week! It was horrible!!! Trav still went to work cuz they don't get PTO in the military. Isn't it nice to get that sore feeling? I love it cuz it means I was working it!!!

    Victoria: Bummer about the added work. Yay for DH's birthday! I get to help mine celebrate his 36th B-Day this weekend (I keep teasing him about being over 35 :bigsmile: )

    Sarah: Enjoy that sushi for me...they don't have Sushi or Japanese restaurants anywhere near here. I had to go to England to find sushi (and that was back in August!). Good luck with your interview!

    Lacey: I had a no cooking style week last week so I totally feel you on that. I normally LOVE to cook but sometimes it's just too much. I TOO hate sun salutations. It's an irrational hatred and I push through it but it's always there. I think I prefer to do something different instead of the same-ish thing over and over and over (with slight variations). It's kind of why I hate step aerobics. They do a pattern, then add on, start over, add something else on, start over, add something else on and by the end, I just wanna smash the instructor over the head with a step. (I may have anger issues)

    Kristina: Your outfit sounds cute! I miss wearing "work clothes". Now I just wear jeans and hoodies. Bor-ing!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    :explode: gah dang TOM you suck... up 4 lbs.. back at 190 AGAIN ... really pissing me off here...
    hopefully ill be at every class this week giving it my best and maybe it will come off

    we have snow.. yuck its cold out and llike 6 in of snow-ness... why cant it just be spring... 7 more days untill school hope its done snowing by then lol .. well im off to hang out with some kindergartners my daughters class is super fun!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bethany I keep forgetting to mention it - I am LOVING your new pic!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    this was on the sidebar on facebook just now.....the bottom pic is of me in October 2009, the other was this past New Years.....

    WOOOOWWWW!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ETA: a bigger version...I look horrible and tired in the New Years picture, but oh well....its the same angle and it shows a big difference....thats what I like :bigsmile:

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Bethany I keep forgetting to mention it - I am LOVING your new pic!!!!

    I agree and I also wanted to mention yours too Lacey...Love them both, you both look great!!

    Weighin for me ...I am going to go with 216.8....I was 214 on News Years Eve....but I put 2 pounds back on overnight...to bring in the New Year... I just like to have fun like that....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    haha oops. I did Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper today when I should have done Cardio X....guess what I will be doing tomorrow? lol
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Kendal- That is awesome that you were in the same pose for those pics. You can totally see a difference! Congratulations!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks Ladies :bigsmile:

    Lacey i like the change to blond :flowerforyou:
    Kendal WOW look at you , way to go :drinker: looking fab

    i worked really hard tonight in zumba and walked the track a bit too before class... feeling pretty good... i was starving when i got home though lol now gonna veg out and watch some tv before bed... everyone have a wonderful evening..ZZZzzzzz
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    Kendal- That is awesome that you were in the same pose for those pics. You can totally see a difference! Congratulations!

    ~Karen Michelle i was just looking at some of your before and after photos... you are looking fantastic keep up the great work... your looking so much younger too :flowerforyou:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Thanks Bethany! You are looking great too! I love seeing all the transformations!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey ladies. i had a good day stayed under on my cals and even though i didnt get to exercise i will probably work out tomorrow. i started class today so now my time is even more limited but i am determined not to let it affect me. i love all the new pics and it sounds like everyone had some pretty awsome days. it is beddy bye time now but i will check in tomorrow. night all
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning Super Pals! I tried to kill myself this morning with a 35 min dog walk, followed by a 30 min tempo run (hello - ran between 5 and 5.3 mph!!!), followed by P90X Legs and back and Ab RipperX. I officially want to die! And in unrelated news: my scale says I have GAINED a pound since last week :explode: . I know I shouldn't weigh every day (i totally do though) and I know I've been doing some seriously hard working out (muscles retaining water and blah, blah) - but it's just a bummer to see the scale move in the wrong direction. I wonder if I'm being too strict with the diet?? I keep the cals between 1500 and 1700 on most days. What do ya'll think?

    Amber: Good job staying under your cals!

    Bethany: Way to go in Zumba!

    Kendal: It's so nice to see the progress you've made. You are doing super-great. Keep it up girl!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy if you keep seeing no loss for a week or two then I'd consider eating more...if you are burning close to 800+ cals a day and only eating 1500-1700 then your net is like nill. Every body on MFP who seem to have followed the MFP deficit calorie, eat most of your exercise cals back have lost weigh successfully so that says something. Or lighten up on the work outs or something.

    It is day 69 for me. So far this week, I've worked out 172 minutes so I am on my way. Today is the boot camp class and I have major high hopes for it, so I hope it is what I want it to be and don't walk out being disappointed...my want is to feel the burn and burn a *kitten* ton of calories. That isn't asking tooo much is it? LOl.

    Okay I'm super busy at work so I gotta get going! Have a great day everyone!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Amy (and everyone else doing a super ton of exercise) read this recent thread....it might help you make a decision on how to proceed regarding exercise and eating back cals.