200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies! Just a quick check in. I'm going to read over your posts tomorrow. Another long work day, and I"m super excited about a long weekend.

    Good luck everyone with their weigh-ins. I'll do mine on Monday :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    YEAY for Friday night!!!

    Plan for the weekEnd is to stay within my cal range and only work out if I have to to keep in range. My body is poofed up from the bootcamp and exercises I did tonight and I want to give it time to recover so I can have a decent weigh in Monday morning. It won't be easy to do the low cals without working out but I can do it!
    I've been set at losing 1.5 lbs per week and if by a week from Monday I don't lose any weight I am going to increase to only lose 1 lbs per week and see if that helps. As long as I shrink I don't really care but I also don't want to toss my body for such a hard loop it holds onto everything for weeks on end either.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Lacey- it's good you want to take care of your body and give it time to recover. Thanks for the positive feedback earlier. I want to start working out more, and I will, but as you said, I am losing weight and that's what matters!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    P90X didn't happen last night. Taylor asked if I wanted to go out to dinner and then we invited some friends. We had mexican food and I did not hold back.

    So explain to me how I'm down 1.2 today????!?!? :huh: Maybe my body needed to recover? Maybe the muslces were retaining water like crazy? I dunno. I was going to catch up today and do Legs/Back, Ab Ripper and Kenpo tonight, but I just don't know now. What do yall think?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I'd make up the ex today since it's just one day. The leg video is strengthening and pretty easy. I'd do the Kenpo first though. Your arms may be a tad tired after all the pull ups (*winK*)... If you're running short of time, you could put the Ab ripper off until Sunday...

    Now I'm off to do some step aerobics as we watch some silly movie about Vegas...I'm bummed that my hair cut/color has been delayed due to a family emergency for the beautician... Unfortunately, I still have a client at 12:30...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal isn't it funny how sometimes just eating out a huge meal can make your weight drop? Its like your body goes "awwww...you fed me a lot so I can finally let go of some of the weight I've been holding onto since you've been working out and eating right and making me feel all weird!"

    Victoria bummer about your hair appt!

    This week for exercise and cal burn I've done what I planned...however food hasn't been as good. I've stayed within cal limit BUT the sodium is off the charts..I've not done that before and it seriously goes to show that even though I bought healthy prepared food its still crap all the same.

    We went out to breakfast for the first time since about July and I ordered eggs benedict with potatos thinking I'd just eat half and take the rest home for Jeff....well by the time Jeff got G's pancakes cut up I had finished one half of the egg benedict!!! He looked at me like I was crazy.

    And now i'm pissed at him because he clearly didn't even pay attention when I asked him to hold his paper check until today before we deposit it so we can make sure we put it in the right account. Seriously. We're trying to work TOGETHER here and be a better partner to each other and he can't even do that one thing. Gawd I'm frustrated...sorry this was random and happened literally as I typed this.

    So I will work out to burn off the above meal and eat some banana in the hopes it helps with the sodium and move on.

    HAve a good weekend!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    its only the first week and I'm so not following the right order for P90X. I did Kenpo tonight and will have to do legs/back and ab ripper tomorrow. I should have done legs/back and abs yesterday.....oh well.....as long as I'm doing it I guess thats all that counts. I have Monday off work so yay!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh Gals - I've taken a huge leap and purchased a BodybuggSP that will work with my iPhone. I'm really excited. I've decided this is my anniversary/Valentine's gift to myself. DH got 2 of the pinball plastic reproductions that he wanted. I'm hoping this will give me the drive to get over my slump and motivate me to lose more. I've had bad luck with HRM and I know the MFP estimates are off. Once it arrives, I'll do some trial and error MFP vs treadmill vs bodybugg numbers for you. It's been awhile since I last researched them and the prices have come down - $209 was a price I couldn't pass up. It comes with 6 months free subscription then has a monthly fee. If all goes well, I won't need any more help after 6 months but I'm figuring it really will take 18 months to get rid of this last 40 pounds...

    I'm still pretty bummed about not getting my hair done but then I think of the family emergency and am thankful I'm not going thru that!!! The step daughter of my beautician had to have an emergency C-sec to remove the dead 8 month old fetus. I can live with grey hair a few more weeks.

    Amy - hope you're having a great time in Rome!!!

    Kendal - I feel for you on the P90X schedule - It really is brutal and leaves no time for anything else. DH and discussed why it works and the answer was - if you work out for an intense hour a day how can you not tone up and lose weight!!! DUH!!! Even if you not perfect, you are doing great doing as much as you can...

    Karen - yep - keep doing what you're doing until you hit a plateau!!! then think about alternatives... Hope you're feeling better and that you stayed away from the cake (I know too hard to do),,,

    Kristina - have you started training yet? I've got a 4 mile run scheduled for tomorrow. How do you like your new job? I'm so jealous of your 3 day weekend!!!

    Lacey - I truly believe staying married is harder than anything else I've ever done. Spouses can frustrate us but then again they can lift our spirits so high... Your story reminded me of the time DH went to the bank, withdrew money and called me to say the account was low - he then proceeded to use his debit card on the way home from work and overdrew the account. He had no clue the debit card came out of the checking account (*men -sighs*). Why do people assume men do the bills - we all know women keep the books in line!!! Great job with keeping it on track for cal burned!!!

    Sarah - glad you checked in.. Good luck with scale. Are you taking measurements too? The scale is great but not the only measure of progress. Great job getting staying within calorie range...

    Bethany - I so hear you on the weight gain. I'm proud of you for keeping on... Enjoy boot camp!!! By the way, I really like your new profile pic - BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Amber - I remember school sucking. I'm proud of you for sticking with it. Great job staying within cal range.

    Christina - hope your weather has improved and that you're doing great.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Up tO 211.2 this morning. It is to be expected. High sodium this week, new harder strength training moves hag are causing sore muscles and then several days of eating too much. Yesterday after the eggs Benedict I worked out, then went and got groceries, the dogs new fleece coats and new food to try and came home...rest and then proceeded to make madeleine cookies. And I ate them too. Probably 6 of them. So I only have myself to blame on the food level..
    I can see major changes taking place in my body tho already and so can my husband so thats cool. This week I will cook all my food and stay within cal limit and I'm sure it will be fine. Annoying thought for sure.

    Today I'm taking the day off from the gym and am going to do smoothies for bfast and lunch so that my dinner wont push me over.

    Victoria that is cool the body bug now works without the iphone!! I can't wait to get an iphone here in a few weeks on verizon.

    Kendal keep doing what your doing!! At least you're doing it!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Also I will weIgh tomorrow morning tosee where I sit after a day of rest.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I had a really stressful Saturday. I had an incident where I tried to help a stranger, and I didn't use common sense, so I ended up in a big mess! It's a really long story. I trust people too much I guess. I did have some birthday cake by the way, but not too much. I should be okay.
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Sarah - glad you checked in.. Good luck with scale. Are you taking measurements too? The scale is great but not the only measure of progress. Great job getting staying within calorie range.....

    I do need to start measuring myself. I just keep putting off getting a tape measure. I did go up a bit but I'm not too stressed about it because I know I will get back down this week.
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    I was at 207.6 today up a bit from last weeks 205.8 :(
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hey gals
    this was not an awesome week for me to work out.. monday started out good but by Wed i was sick.. something going around stomach bug... so needless to say i didnt work out for 2 days.. and didnt eat much on wed.... then my poor hubby got sick fri.. he was fine then it hit him like a ton of bricks.. vomiting... yuck.. so i did work out on Friday i still kept it a bit easy for me incase i didnt feel good.. i was concerned a little before hubby got sick.. and got a pregnancy test.. it was neg .. thats a good thing.. for now.. this week im hopeing to have good work outs... but im also starting back at school on tues so it might be a little adjustment... today my son went to spend the night with a friend since we had a 4 day wkend... it was nice to have him gone for the day.. hes 10yr... lol and has lots of energy and its cold outside .. you get the picture.. while he was out.. i wanted to go out to eat.. so i picked the asian resturaunt it was yummy i dont get to go there often because hubby dosent like to eat there very often. so i got my fix... we will see if i lose any lbs... since i ate good there lol...

    amy~ sounds like you are having a great time in Rome.. those cappicinos look soo yummy

    Victoria~ sorry you didnt get your hair "did" i feel aweful for the mom and baby.. i cant imagine how she is feeling..

    Lacy ~ good luck at fixing your meals .. i find it hard to cook sometimes.. i would just rather have someone else cook for me , like my hubby hes a good cook but he worked in the Kitchen now the bakery at Hyvee and dosent really want to cook when he gets home.. and after the kids get home from school... we are headed to the YMCA like every day but different times.. so i just bring healthy snacks usually for them if they get hungry ....

    im interested to see what my weigh in will be for monday well guess i better head for bed.. its 12:40am yikes...
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well this week was both good and bad for me. it was good because i ate healthy and stayed within my calories. it was bad because wok was stressful and i did not get in any exercise. but i am pleased over all because i am do 3.4 pounds this week making my official weigh in 241.2. YAY ME!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    well ladies it is about 6 am here and i havent been to sleep yet so nighty night! i will check in later
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm alive and well. I'll be posting the weekly loss board later today once I hear back from everyone. It was NOT a good week for a lot of us, at least on the weight loss front. Sounds like several of us are stepping up the cardio, which is great though.

    Victoria, no I haven't started really training for the half, but I need to this week because it's rapidly approaching, plus I've been falling off the wagon HARD, and I need the structure of a training schedule right now.

    People I still need to hear back from-- will post the chart later this evening no matter what:

    Lacey- I have your weight from earlier (211.2), but let me know if you want an updated weight for today. I know you were hoping it would go down with a day of rest

    I think I've got everyone else :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I will have to catch up on all your posts later....I'm weighed in at 217.4 this morning. TOM is slowly showing up. I have a feeling this month is going to be super UGH since I skipped it last month.

    I didn't work out yesterday....spent the ENTIRE DAY on the couch watching movies. In my defense though, my groin, hip and leg seriously hurt from kenpo on Saturday night. I guess I'll just skip the legs/back and ab ripper tonight and pick up with Core Synergies.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My weight this morning was 206.4!!! Another 2.2 lbs loss. Yeahhhhh Thank god. The day of rest and getting the eating back under control did a body good I guess!

    Back to the same routine again this week and will keep on keepin on. However this week I want to be extra vigilent with the food...I know overdoing it two weeks in a row isn't going to help me keep losing.

    I've got to get going and will catch up later.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Im up in weight from my period...so I will just stay with last weeks weight and hope by the end of the week it will be better...did I post last week?? Gosh I have been so busy...I dont even know anymore where I go..... I was 215 last Friday.
  • chwhalon
    i have been on mfp for about a week now. I weigh 216 lbs, my highest wt was 241, my goal wt is 170 or lower if possible, dreamably 160, honestly i would be happy in a size 12, but 8-10 would be faboo, currently an 18-20, anyway...would love to be part of this group, i need tons of support, my fiance has been away from home for 17 months now due to an immigration problem he had to leave unexpectedly inwjuly 2009, our wedding was scheduled aug 1 2009 and was canceled, and our daughter was born aug 25 2009, there is a list of hardships since that time, well i survived but now that he might be home soon, i hope, i want to lose weight and get ready to live life again, so please add me as a friend if u r willing