200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    have any of you ever looked up a warrior dash? I kinda want to do one, but I'm no where in shape for it. Plus I don't have anyone to do it with me.
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey all, hope everyone had a good weekend, am over in the bf's at the mo so havent made the greatest food choices today but hey ho, going to go for a long walk tomorrow before i got home
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    have any of you ever looked up a warrior dash? I kinda want to do one, but I'm no where in shape for it. Plus I don't have anyone to do it with me.

    I REALLY want to do the one up in Hillsboro in September... REALLY WANT TO DO IT. I want to dress like a Viking chick and wear the free furry viking hat and get muddy and drink my huge beer and eat my turkey leg afterwards.

    A couple people at work and some in the Pac NW MFP group might pony up and do it this year. It looks SUPER fun.

    I also hear that there are some walking parts because the trails are small and people can back up.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Warrior Dash looks like SO much fun!
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    I weighed in at 210lbs this AM....That is 3.5lbs down from my weigh in last Monday. Wooohooo!!! ...but unfortunately 210 is the same weight from the day when i joined up for this challenge. So I'm at zero for the challenge. Just gotta work extra hard this week! One my my new goals for this challenge is to hit Onederland. fingerscrossed lol.

    Today was an absolutely beautiful day here in the STL area. After a weekend of pretty much nonstop rain, I decided to get out of the house with the kids. We spent over 3 hours walking around the zoo today. So much fun and some good movement/exercise for the day.

    Gotta get some dinner prepped for the kiddos. Will catch up on news for the day later tonight!
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Crystal, Meg and Amy!

    Today I really did work hard on keeping my calories in check but because of the fruit I ate my sugars were through the roof.

    My husband started a new job today and is working doubles this week and next. He just called and let me know about how crazy it was today and he is excited about the prospect of the future with this job but also worried about not contributing so that adds to the crazy stress of our move we are in.

    Counting down the days left of school... only 12 more!

    Off to get dinner prepped for my hubby to get home and spend a bit with him before he naps and is back off to work.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Jenn-Good job working on keeping the calories in check. The good thing about the sugars is that they were natural sugars from fruit. I'm sure you still did really well!

    Starting a new job is always stress. Glad to hear your hubby is excited about the future with the company and the fact that he is worrying about contributing means he will probably be a employee. Hope you guys get to enjoy some downtime together before he heads back to work.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Oh man this thread moved waaaay too much while I was away this weekend. I managed to keep up with reading and I'm thinking of all of you so please excuse my not responding to everyone individually. I did see we had a few more new people so welcome!

    I am such a dork I dragged my scale with me to the super fancy hotel we stayed at this weekend. I was only down 0.8 to 217.2 lbs but I'll take it considering how bad my eating has been the past couple of weeks. Quite a few days where I was just barely below maintenance calories for my net, and the types of food I've been eating haven't been the greatest. I'm starting over again today (well really, yesterday after we got home) and have managed to eat fairly cleanly which makes me happy. Got in a great workout after work today too so I feel terrific.

    The weekend was really nice. We didn't get to go hiking :( because the trails were all still snowed over! Guess we should have checked ahead of time. But we had a nice picnic in one of the day areas and I got stared at by a mooching chipmunk during the entire meal. Then we headed in to Calgary and stayed in one of its oldest/fanciest hotels right downtown (the Fairmont Palliser, for anyone who wants to look it up). It's one of the old railroad hotels and was build in 1912. When the Queen visits Calgary that's where she stays. So basically we paid $50 extra per night for bragging rights about where we stayed, plus $30 per night for parking. Oh well, it was worth it.

    Chris and I spent a lot of time just reconnecting and hanging out without a million distractions like we would have at home. And Saturday we spent the whole afternoon exploring the museum across the street from the hotel--that was pretty cool and I think it was a decent workout! I didn't count it for calories or anything, though. More like a bonus to cover any overeating I may have done. Saturday morning we went to a buffet for brunch with one of my friends from high school and her husband--we only connect 1-2 times a year so it was great to see them. And then Sunday morning we had breakfast with my mom and her friend, her friend's son and his fiancee. I hadn't seen my mom since Christmas so it was really awesome, although way too short. Just wish my dad had been along on the trip too, but I'll see him in July when we go camping with them, and my brother is also thinking about joining us.

    Last night we watched hockey after we got home and my team (Vancouver) won! So I've been in a continuous good mood.

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hello my sexy chicas:flowerforyou: Missed you lots:brokenheart:

    Firstly welcome to the new comers. As I am sure you have found out.. these are an incredible set of girls with an incredible heart & a witty disposition... so they will keep you on your toes & laughing:laugh:

    Kendal - I LOVE your pics. You are incredibly pretty & the photographer has done you great justice:drinker: YAY to your incredible weight loss:) Want to see more pics.

    Kristina - you are doing sooo well.. I am ALWAYS inspired by your journey:) Have a blast in Colorado & your dating scene seems interesting:love:

    Amy - Great job adjusting your micro nutrients. It might still take a while to get it right...but deciding that you need to change things up & to what percentage I think is the biggest piece:) I love your dog stories... once I can move to a place with a backyard I am getting me a dog as well. I LOVE em:heart:

    Laura - welcome. I love your pic with your adorable baby:) Looking forward to getting to know you better:) Great loss:)

    Crystal - you are knocking the lbs off!!!! :drinker: I soo wish I could lose as much as you did. Amazing work. Just keep doing whatever you are as it is working for you:) I am glad you are looking to try Zumba - that is a fun class. Crystal I am sooo sorry you are going through this. All I can say is you deserve better & you have to take care of yourself & your daughter.Trust me you will survive & life will be better. At least you will have your pride & be happier. And finally you really cannot change another person... only decide if you can either work around the issue & make peace with it.. or choose otherwise. Just know we are all here rooting for you:heart:

    Sarah - Calgary is sooo beautiful. Your trip sounds heavenly. Seems like you had a BLAST:)

    Annette - YAY to rollerblading!!!! I sooo get you with that. I used to Rollerblade & can't wait to get a bit stronger & try my hand at it again. It is fun.. of course it would help if you knew how to stop or fall without hurting yourself. But you know with your attitude you will get it fast, You go girl:)

    texastae1010 - amazing job deep cleaning the house. I always try to do a spot & maintain it.. so it never gets crazy... but I have a few spots that end up becoming catch all's as well & I need to clean that up. YAY to you for doing this. BTW.. you can always drop your lotions etc at a donation place.

    Victoria - YAy for the new shoes:) So great to see your progressing so well with your running! You are becoming a full blown athlete:love: Great work with bicycling.. I know you feel that was a slow start.. but bike a few times & you will be amazed how quickly you will be back at your last years speed.

    Kerry - it is soo inspiring to see others take up something they see you being successful at! WAY TO GO:) Seems like you had an incredible weekend & hats off for getting back on track sooo soon:)

    Haille -YAY for the prom having gone so well. I can't wait to see the pics:bigsmile:

    Lacey - Hola babes:) How are you & how is life treating you?

    osucristina - way to go with your weight loss:)

    kingfisher16 - amazing loss:flowerforyou: I would take 2 lbs any day!!!

    GonnaDoItJenn - way to go with school. What are you studying?

    I tried catching up by going back 4 pages.. then got overwhelmed & skipped some... though tried to comment on almost everyone. If I have missed you I am sorry. just a LOT to catch up on.

    As some of you know the last three weeks has been a crazy schedule for me... working full days with a seminars in the evenings & weekends!!!! i learnt a LOT, did not binge & tried to make the best choices I could.. but that is not saying much. I got two days of exercise in:sad: And by the end i was off kilter for sure.

    I took Sunday to catch up on some zZZZZ's started eating & drinking better & got in a Bikram yoga session in today & feel soo invigorated. So good to be doing this as my body is getting more flexible & stronger every time I do bikram. Today I could do several postures much better & go deeper since my body has gotten stronger:drinker: Loveit.

    Have not gained weight... but am not showing a loss.. so am passing this week & will shoot for next week weigh ins.

    Wishing you all a GREAT week ahead, clean eating, drinking water & getting enough exercise in.

    :heart: Suzie
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member

    So my grades are.... drum roll......
    Sociology A
    Math B
    Biology B wooooohooooo so excited... just thought id share...

    now onto losing the freaking 10lbs i just put on since January...uhhh
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wow this post has MOVED in the past 8 hours! LOL. I will have to get on here tomorrow and post to everyone.

    I logged all my cals today. Yeay me. I made salad rolls for dinner with shrimp and homemade peanut sauce. YUM.

    I realized about ten minutes ago as I went to take my BMF off my leg that I didn't wear the effing thing again today. GOod grief. Well, I think I will start wearing it again on Sunday when I start P90X. Until then, its concentration on food and cal counting. I keep thinking about the arm versus the leg thing...and I wonder if I should just always wear it in one spot. I understand the variance I am gettin wearing it on my leg, but wonder if wearing it in one spot consistently is best versus wearing it on my arm to work when I can hide it well enough (yes I am self conscious of the thing, I can admit it) and on my leg the next day.

    We were told about an hour ago that one of Jeffs cousins just had a baby thats been diagnosed with Smith Magenis Syndrome. We looked it up. All I can say is that I will be praying for that family tonight and for a long time. We are heart heavy here tonight.

    I've got to watch the rest of Survivor to see who won. I was surprised to see that the finale was last night and only watched an hour of it.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Ok, just reading through all the posts since last night just overwhelmed me too much to respond to anyone in particular. Sorry ladies just one of those PMS-moody days.

    So... my check-in for Monday... 2735 cal burned/2959 cal consumed/224 cal overage - I'm not too bummed as this is the first day I've had an overage in like two weeks. What bums me out is that I've been working my *kitten* off the last couple weeks and I'm not seeing any progress. I did meet with a trainer earlier this evening to start doing free-weights and I'm reading New Rules of Lifting for Women. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm working out too much and/or not eating enough. I usually eat between 1300-1800 cal/day and workout 1-2 hrs a day 4-6 days a week.

    I don't know... I'm not frustrated enough to quit, but I feel like I'm not doing something right. I'm probably just PMSing. Ok, I'll bring the negativity to an end and shut up.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Monday: 2797 calories burned/ 2170 calories consumed/ 627 calorie deficit.

    megruder: I LOVE free weights! Enjoy!! You might not be eating enough. I also have a Body Media Fit Armband and, at first, I tried to keep the 1000 calorie a day deficit that SHOULD have had me losing 2 pounds a week. Instead, I pretty much lost NOTHING until I dropped my deficit to around 500 calories a day. Others on this thread have gone through the same thing.

    Lacey: I wear my armband on my left arm 99% of the day. I switch it to my leg at night so I don't get chafing and since I'm pretty much not doing anything, I'm sure my calorie burn is not affected. At first, I was weird about people seeing it on my arm, but now I don't even notice it's there. And I don't give two *kitten* s what other people think of my funky armband anyway. If I was trying to look nice for an event or something, I'd probably wear it on my leg under pants or something but, other than that, what do I care what people think of me??

    Bethany: Fabulous work on your grades girlie!!!

    Suzie: Congrats for getting the yoga in!!

    Sarah: Your weekend sounds like it was really nice.

    Jenn: What does your husband do for work? Doubles sound kind of miserable!!

    Laura: I LOVE going to the zoo! There is a ridiculously beautiful zoo here in Stuttgart that I ADORE wandering around since it is half a zoo and half a botanical garden. They even have wild birds just wandering around the joint, it's really cool. I LOVE how much the Germans LOVE being outdoors in beautiful surroundings.

    Kendal: I'd do a Warrior Dash in a heartbeat. There's also this really cool race in MD where ZOMBIES chase you - I even considered a transatlantic flight just to do the zombie race but I figured that family would probably be pissed at me for coming back to the states and not coming to the correct coast (my fam is all West coast).

    Victoria: WTG getting your bike out!! That's awesome!!

    Kristina: I know you don't feel ready for your race but maybe you'll be fresher for your race if you don't kill yourself with training beforehand??? (Realize that I have NO IDEA what I'm talking about, I refuse to even THINK about running that far!!)

    kingfisher: Great job on your loss this week!!

    Got the dog out for a jog/walk this morning and I'm getting ready for my Insanity Max Cardio and Cardio Abs (I HATE when there are 2 workouts like that back to back- Shaun T is a jerk). Have a great day ladies!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    have any of you ever looked up a warrior dash? I kinda want to do one, but I'm no where in shape for it. Plus I don't have anyone to do it with me.

    I realize Michigan is a bit of a trip but I'd do this one with you!!! I'm betting that if you committed to come here for it we could talk Kristina and Kerry into joining us!!! Wouldn't that be a blast. Who knows who else might be in the mood for a trip to Michigan...

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Mon 2746 burned and 2521 consumed!!! Another under day for me... I should have time to catch up with everyone tommorrow. Amy - I laughed at the chubby dog story. I took moms dog to the park with me to run on the hill - last week he did it 4 times this week he stopped after 3. I ran up/down 10 times. I laughed at his laziness (or smatness)... Wish you were closer so I could help you and the pooch burn a few more cals...
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok so the weekend came and went nothing all that exciting to be honest I worked out Saturday did my thing Sunday I tried but my body and mind had different ideas so I did 30 minutes of cardio…yesterday aka Monday I woke up with no voice,body full of phlegm, and what not yep sinuses I do not love thee lol….so I got up did some grocery shopping and that was about it they kicked my tushy probably why I was off on Sunday well that and we got up at midnight to register my hubby for the Army Ten Miler in October and in my state of delusion I also registered myself I don’t run I have never run even in school I got out of running because I was in dance or gymnastics so yeah this is going to be interesting lol I am going to start the couch 2 5 or 10 k looking it over…just not sure how much is to much meaning I am doing Turbo Fire, weights, and then that …not that it can hurt me to burn the extra calories I am just worried about getting so sore that I might stop everything…we have 49 days until we go home and that within itself is motivation to get my tushy moving lol….so it is now Tuesday and I was trying to respond to everyone I got just a couple of people I am sorry the thread has been moving so quickly and umm…my sinuses make reading hard if that makes sense so please forgive me I will try to get better…as I am going to go and drink something hot and find some meds to help kick this crap in its butt lol

    Amy-Hubby is in the Army I actually lived over in Germany in Kitzingen for several years on a DOD contract I loved it and there is small part of me that hopes he comes down on orders for Germany/Italy lol

    Kendall –Thank you for the recipe sounds yummy

    Victoria-thanks for understanding about the hubby and all of the Chicago suggestions
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Oh wow. A Warrior Dash in 1.5 months?? The one here isn't until the end of August. But MAN that would be awesome to meet you girls and accomplish something like that. Other than running, how do you train for the other parts? Climbing nets and wading through water and jumping over walls? There's no way I can be ready to run that fast by then either :-/

    Amy- if I was being chased by zombies, I would be the fastest runner ever. I'm too scared to intentionally do something like that lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- yay for a Michigan Warrior Dash! Tempting!

    So I'm working a half-day at home and then leaving for the airport. I'm going to try and check in still, even though I'll be out of town.

    Wanted to get the chart up though. So here's our first week's numbers!

    Name/ Starting Challenge Weight / This Week's Weight (Difference)

    Kristina / 177.6 / 177.6 (0)
    Victoria / 188 / 190 (+2)
    Kendal / 218.8 / 215.8 (-3.0)
    Lacey / 208.6 / PASS
    Amy / 199.2 / 198.6 (-0.6)
    Sarah / 218.2 / 217.2 (-1.0)
    Suzie / 177.8 / PASS
    Amber / 238 / ???
    Noelle / 195 / 194 (-1.0)
    Kerry / 197.2 / 195.1 (-2.1)
    Hailie / 259 / PASS
    Annette / 185 / 183 (-2.0)
    Karen / 229 / 230 (+1)
    Crystal / 229 / PASS
    bwildered / 175.2 / ???
    Nava / 226.6 / 223.8 (-2.8)
    Tae / 213.6 / 213.6 (0)
    psychohope / 259 / 259 (0)
    bells1990 / 196 / ???
    Cristina / 159.8 / 158.2 (-1.6)
    Renee / 209.6 / ???
    Laura / 213.5 / 210 (-3.5)
    sophjakesmom / n/a / 199.5
    Debbie / n/a / 234.8
    Katie / n/a / 249
    choirgirl37 / n/a / 223.4
    Lisa-Marie / n/a / 216
    gonnadoitjenn / n/a / 321.8

    WHEW! That's a lot of folks!

    This week's winner with 3.5 pounds lost? Laura! In very close second with 3 pounds lost? Kendal!!

    *twirls* Congrats ladies! Great to start to the challenge!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I AM SICK. :sad: I haven't been sick since like, December, and I'm pretty bummed about it. Yesterday I thought my throat just hurt from all the singing/yelling over the weekend, but alas, I was wrong. I'm congested and fuzzy and dizzy and my throat is still on fire. Grr. I was thisclose to not getting up to work out this morning, especially since it was Yoga which meant I needed to have my butt in gear no later than 5:15. So my alarm went off at 5:02 and I layed there for 10 minutes debating just shutting my alarm of and sleeping. But I didn't. I've come this far - why should a d@mn cold stop me. I managed to push myself through all 90 minutes and even held twisting half moon without support from my couch for the first time. Woot. I still feel like *kitten*, but I'm really proud of myself for pushing through.

    Kristina, I am pumped that you are going to have a second date with that guy so that you can decide if you like him or not. Have fun in Colorado!

    Amy, I love the "chubby puppy" story. Too funny. And you might have a chubby puppy, but I don't think you can categorize yourself as "chubby" anymore. You are way to tough for that! I don't really have a specific "type" of hat that I collect... I just like them. My favorite hatmaker is a company called Goorin Brothers... http://www.goorin.com/ in case you want to check them out.

    Kingfisher, yay for the 2lb loss! Congrats!

    Victoria, Kendall, and Lacey, I just googled the warrior dash and it looks hilarious and awesome. Definitely something that I think would be fun to do. Victoria, I would totally do that one this July but I actually already have plans that weekend - concert tickets and then fun in Detroit after. Boo!

    Victoria, I'm glad you got your bike out but sorry that it kinda kicked your butt. I think that's true with any new form of working out... I'm sure you'll be taking hour long bike rides in no time.

    Laura, I also love zoos! Its such a nice way to spend time outside and learn stuff and look at cute/awesome/weird animals. I'm a big big fan of polar bears.

    Jenn, I also would like to know what kind of work your hubby does. Doubles sounds pretty stressful and miserable.

    Sarah, I looked up that hotel in Calgary - GORGEOUS. I think I better put that on my bucket list of cities to visit at some point in time - it looks so pretty! I'm glad you got to take some time to visit with your mom and family, that's always really nice.

    Suzie, are your seminars done? If so, YAY! I know that has been crazy and kept you super busy. Are you still liking Bikram?

    Lacey, I also googled Smith Magenis Syndrome and just wanted you to know that Jeff's cousin will be in my prayers - that will be a big battle for them. Have you watched the Survivor finale yet? I wish I would have known you were watching it - we could have chatted about it! I like this season a lot, except for the fact that the Zapatera tribe were all basically a bunch of wimps who didn't know how to actually play that game.

    megruder, strength training is so great! You'll be surprised and how much of a difference it will make and how much stronger you will get.

    Bethany, congrats on the aweome grades! :drinker:

    Tae, I think you will have plenty of time to train for the Army 10 Milers in October. You might have to start rotating out days though because with that kind of distance you won't be able to do running and things like Turbo Fire... just ask Kristina about her experience with training for a half and doing Insanity - its pretty exhausting. I'm actually thinking about running a half marathon in October, but I think I am going to wait until I have completed P90X and had some time to play with a training schedule to make a final decision.

    Well my phone is ringing... off to work!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kerry, Lacey: You mean there's still people other than me out there that watch Survivor?! Loved this season, but of course any season with Boston Rob is worth watching.

    Kerry, I'm so impressed with you for going and working out when sick. I haven't gotten sick yet since starting this weight loss journey (knock wood), but I know I wouldn't have the same resolve! I'm a big baby when sick. Hell, I had to argue with myself for half an hour before going to do cardio last night!

    Great week everyone, and thanks so much to Kristina for tracking that all! What a huge task.

    I've managed to stuff myself into some old size 12 work pants. How I can fit into a 12 at 223 pounds is beyond me (mind you there's quite a bit of muffin top action, and verging on frontal wedgie action). I do know that these are an old cut of Banana Republic pants that ran a little bigger; they don't make them anymore. But still! Little victories.