200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: How exciting about a new-to-you car! That's soooo cool!!!

    Marian: Hi there! Way to go with your 6 pounds lost, that's awesome!

    Kristina: I love crushed red pepper. Thanks for putting the recipe in the database (that part is just a pain). Yay! for a skinny caramel machiato - yum!

    Kendal: There is little difference between table salt, kosher salt and sea salt. The texture is the main difference. read here for more info http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes-and-cooking/kosher-vs-table-vs-sea-salts/index.html FYI: I prefer sea salt but I think it's a personal preference thing.

    I inhaled almost an entire head of organic broccoli at dinner tonight. It was just so freaking tasty. Gabe raised his eyebrows at the pile of broccoli on my plate and I said, "Hey, it isn't mashed potatoes - don't judge me!" We also made a yummy kiwi lemonade with fresh lemons and kiwis with a little agave nectar and water. It was sooooo tasty. I love my juicer!!!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Kristina- That soup looks soooo bomb, thanks for sharing it and so proud of you with the amount of exercise you are getting in you are an inspiration.

    Sarah- You have inspired me as well, congrats on the BMI that is a MAJOR accomplishment *hugs* I so want to be in your shoes and will keep trying to get there.

    Marian- Me too, I actually joined MFP about a year ago...and I lost about 20 pounds...but unfortunately gained it all back and more, I want to stick to it this time and i feel that being in this support group will really help make that a reality for this time around, and also learning from my past mistakes helps.

    I am soooo tired, I woke up at 2 am randomly and couldn't go back to sleep until 3:30 ...only to have to wake up at 6 to get ready for my classes...getting a little study review in then definitely taking a much needed nap. My goal for today is to play Just Dance for an hour..I did it for 30 minutes yesterday and my polar watch read that I burned about 332 calories or something...as much as I usually burn on the elliptical. I peeked at my scale yesterday and it sort of made me mad..it said I was a pound heavier, I know I can't let it get to me but it did because I feel that I have really been putting good time and energy into planning my meals throughout the week and consistently logging, drinking at least 5 cups of water and burning at least 280 calories of exercise daily but I am wondering if it is enough or if I am going about something wrong here.

    Hope everyone is well!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    You gals win over paperwork!!! My crazy lady client canceled today so I have a 50 min break at home!!! I'm super tired today. Stress (from work and taxes) is interfering with my sleep. Sighs.. I've actually missed 2 days of working out. I may walk on the treadmill tonight. My eating has been so-so. The weatherman is wrong - he said 3 to 5 inches and we've already gotten 3. The roads are getting slick - Boo, Hiss. Where is spring? Time is flying by too quickly - I can't believe that I missed yesterday being Fat Tuesday. At least I didn't have a punchki (?sp)

    Kristina - I'm going to try the Lentil Soup this weekend. WTG on the running. Hills suck!!! Self confidence girl - I'm sending some over because you are a great runner!!! I'd know since you flew by me in our last 1/2...

    Amy - hope the headache goes away. I'm so proud of you for sticking with the P90X!!!

    Drea - What is your average calorie intake. Are you set to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week? I find I did better with 1 pound loss and eating 1/2 my exercise calories. Are you taking measurements? Muscle takes up less space than fat so you could be losing inches and gaining some weight. Did you eat salty food or do new intense workout the day before you weighed - these can also lead to being a pound up. I weigh everyday (*blushes*) but only record the Friday weight. It's normal to go up and down a few pounds everyday. You're okay as long as the overall trend is downward. PS - good luck on the exams!!!

    kmturtle - ooohhhh - a new SUV!!! AWESOME...

    suzie - good luck on the interview!!! Cyber prayers headed your way that you get the job...

    van - welcome to the group:flowerforyou:

    sarah - SWEET:drinker: Here's a water toast (*well we could make it virtual champange*) to dropping your BMI!!!

    Kendal - sorry - should have told you about the secret sport bra workout plan (*winks*). If there's no company here, I often workout in skivies. Why add to the laundry pile and DH likes to watch the girls bounce... Have you tried sending Carolyn a message on MFP? I haven't heard from here in ages.

    marian - you signed up to run a whole marathon - WOWSA. I'm content with 1/2 marathons. The training for the 1/2 last summer took too much time (*I run at a turtles pace - training at 14 to 15 min miles*)... Which marathon are you doing? How far are you running now?

    wichelle - hope that back is feeling better. Back pain is hard to deal with.

    Lacey - I too want to know what the sun looks like... okay - I need an explanation on the new pic...

    Noelle - we need to find ways to destress and avoid the over eating. Any ideas???

    Kim and Amber - hope all is well!!!

    Sorry if I missed anyone. I went back through the last 2 days of posts - Congrats and Thanks to everyone for being so active!!! It's nice to see the group get bigger. I now have 5 min to get out the door and on with my day. Happy Hump Day!!!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hey super pals

    man there is a lot of reading to catch up on.. forgive me but i just skim over a little here and there.. untill summer when i dont have to study lol

    well i gained about 2lbs.. so up to 191lbs boooo and i dont think its muscle lol i was not eatting my best and missed a few workouts.. but my goal is to stay under 190lbs.. so ive got to stick with work outs and eat better..
    i have 2 tests tomorrow.. biology and math.. then on spring break !!!

    Kristina.. that Lentil soup looks delish... but i think id be the only one eatting it.. so i might try it and freeze it if i like ...

    hello to all the new people :flowerforyou:
    well im off to clean house!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hiya all!

    I just ate the most delicious avocado curry. I am pretty sure it was yellow curry sauce with avocado pureed into it. YUMMO. And a glass of wine. SO now I'm sitting at my desk praying that food and booze digest well enough that I can get my work out in. I want to do another good work out so I am shaky tonight like I did Monday.

    Bethany - I miss college so much!

    Victoria - my daughter loves Star Wars and Princesses...so she makes Darth Vader ride the pretty sparkly princess ponies. I find it fitting.

    Drea - I too have the same things happen with the scale and it totally blows. I can be perfect for weeks and the scale will increase in number. I try to remember that my clothes are looser but it is HARD not to get discouraged.

    Amy - I can eat broccoli like that too. And cauliflower. I know that people can get major caffiene headaches when they stop drinking it. Even if its a cup.

    kmturtle - yeah for a new car!

    Kendal - I have about five or seven different kinds of salt in my cupboard. I'm not sure what makes kosher salt kosher...I assume its the way it is processed for the Jewish community. I find that I can tell a vast difference in plain table salt and a good sea salt to where I don't mess with table salt anymore.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for explination Lacey... That is a cute combo.

    I just did a new BL Bob's Cardio Max workout with 4# weights and am sweating like a pig!!! I felt it was a harder workout than my normal 30 min walks with Leslie but I only burned 177 cal vs my normal 220. I know, I know using weights will build muscle and help you burn more in the long run. Next time we try the Jillian workout - I'm shaking in my socks (and bra) just thinking about it. Now I've got to go write my notes.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    just want to share with you all ..

    i have lost .5 in off my neck, 3in off waist, 1.5in off hips with in the last few months .... with a total of 6in on waist and 5in off hips over the last year!!! Feels Good:bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Marian- welcome! That's great that you started running!! What full marathon did you sign up for? I'd love to run one full marathon in my life, but I want to wait until I speed up more. Hopefully sooner than later I'll be ready. Both Victoria and I started running in fall/winter of 2009 and ran a half-marathon together in October of 2010 and it was great! She's training for another half in April, and I'm training for one in June. Good luck!

    Victoria- glad you see you check in! Way to go getting a workout in, despite being hella busy!

    Lacey- that curry sounds pretty amazing! you're always eating such amazing food and I always drool at it.

    Bethany- welcome back! We missed you! And holy inch loss batman! Fab!

    So my training coach customized my half training plan to accommodate the fact that I really only wanted to run 4 times a week, and I am no where at the total amount of miles that the default training plan is (I'm at 10 vs. the default of 20). Basically, as the weeks go on, I"m only running 4 times a week (versus the 5 of the default), but she has me at the end pretty much running the same total amount of miles as the default, so I have longer short runs, but the default plan has them running more often. I eventually get to a max of 30 miles a week. Last time I trained, I think my longest week was 22 miles, so it'll be interesting! My longest run is actually 14, so if I hit that, it'll be the longest I've ever run AND the 13 will be a cinch! The longest the default plan is is 12 mile run, so I'm actually running further. Looking forward to another run though tomorrow. Let's hope my legs don't ache! I've got a 4 milers and I think I'll have to do it in the morning (UGH) if I plan on doing day 2 of insanity. Break up the workouts to make them manageable.

    So, I did the insanity fit test. It was HARD. Some moves I really just couldn't do, or wasn't doing them to the form that they were doing it on the video. So I think as time goes on, my number of reps for the fit test might not go up a ton, but I'll be able to do more correctly. Amy, what was your experience with it?

    Well, I'm off to eat my lentil soup (y'all will have to let me know what you think of it--- crushed red pepper, yo!), watch the wire (thank you netflix) and the dvr'ed biggest loser from last night.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I just put my training plan (running + insanity) into an excel file and it's a bit overwhelming. This is going to be interesting!! Tomorrow: 4 miles and plyometric cardio circuit. fun?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok I have a new Least Favorite p90x workout. I had to do chest, shoulders and triceps last night. Its basically an hour of pushups. :noway: I am a big girl with 0 upper body strength. After that I was supposed to do Ab Ripper. I got about halfway through ab ripper and stopped. My back was sore from all the attempted pushups and then trying to sit at that angle to do the beginning moves (bicycle, crunchy frog...). oh well, at least I have another week before I have to try THAT again.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Wowsas... three posts in a row. You gals need to step it up! JK.

    Just getting an early start to the day. So running in the morning begins again! I think the only way I'm going to be able to double up on my exercise is splitting it in the morning and evening. So, this morning, my alarm went off at 5:30 (ugh), and Emma and I ran 4 miles, at a 12:44 pace, which is pretty slow for me. It's funny.. and I do remember this from training for my last half. I always feel like I'm going much faster in the morning than I actually am. My legs were pretty sluggish though... I think a combination of me just being half asleep and tightness from the exercise this week. Done though, and I positie is that Emma should be pretty tuckered out this morning.

    Eating should be okay today. Will do my first insanity workout tonight. Running and plyometrics on the same day just might kill me.

    I weighed in this morning at 183.8, which was pretty soulcrushing. Now, I keep telling myself part of it is pre-TOM bloat. I'm a little over a week late, so it's unclear if that's really true or not. I just need to fess up to the fact that I'm almost 9 pounds heavier than my lowest here, which I'm SO pissed at myself for being at. All I can say is that by sticking to my training program and eating well better show some major difference on the scale, and hopefully I'll be in the 170s again soon.. and then will maybe finally see those elusive 160s I haven't seen since my freshman year of high school.

    Also took my measurements this morning as a baseline to insanity. I'm actually really not up much there. A half an inch here or there, so it's not horrible. I'll take pictures as well so I can see the difference. Not going to want to look at myself while taking them though. Blech.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Thursday!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good Morning - I may be a bit annoying since I'm on a runners high... 6 miles done at 14:17 pace on the treadmill. I :heart: running!!!

    Great job Kristina on getting the morning run in. If you double the workouts, make sure you eat more. I feel your pain on the +9 club. I was at my lowest when we ran last Oct and am also up 9 pounds (*sighs*). What have we done to ourselves?

    Kendal - way to rock out the P90X... I hated the crunchy frog.

    Bethany - WTG on the inches lost.

    Time to scoot out the door for work... Have a nice Thursday. Yeah for 1 more day until the weekend...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- seriously. We need to get our acts together... we were on FIRE back in October! There's no excuse to not be losing weight with the amount of working out you're doing and the amount I should be be doing. You know what that leaves... food. You know it and I know it. Get that food back under control. Think about how good you feel after a hard day of working out and a good day of eating. So much more of a high than how you feel after eating something you shouldn't be eating, and no guilt! *cracks whip* Are you logging everything? We need to be uber accountable to one another!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I :heart: that you :heart: running! I also :heart: running but I've had to cut back on my mileage to let my hip and hamstring heal. I'm hoping that I'll be good to go when I finish P90X cuz I'm GOING to finish my 10K training program. (PS- I TOO hate crunchy frog AND I hate Fifer Scissors - well...I mostly hate ALL of AbRipperX)

    Kristina: You are a posting machine! You are also a running machine. You rock, girlie!! I found the same thing you did with the fit test (that I couldn't do all the exercises) but you WILL improve over the next 60 days and you will amaze yourself!

    Kendal: I JUST finished Chest, Shoulders & Triceps about 10 minutes ago. I HATE the slow motion pushups. They suck @ss. By the end of that workout, my entire upper body feels limp and pathetic and then Ab Ripper X kind of pushes me over the edge. So, I FEEL your pain (quite literally).

    Bethany: Way to go on the inches lost!!!

    Lacey: avocado curry sounds freaking awesome!!!!

    Sorry I didn't post this morning. The Hubbs had a day off to pay him back for working late almost every day last week so we walked the dog as a family (where the Hubbs commented on my neglectful parenting skills when I allowed Gabe to ride his scooter without a helmet. Dude! It never occurred to me that he'd need a helmet for a scooter - it's not like he falls off the thing or goes very fast. Do I need a helmet for walking?? Cuz that's basically the speed Gabe scoots around at.). Then, we went off to explore an organic grocery store I just heard about. Walking in there made me happy. The people were friendly (not really unusual in Germany though), there were yummy samples of stuff at every corner and I nearly went into a coma when I realized that EVERYTHING in the store was organic. I also noticed that the organic milk is a helluva lot cheaper there than what I've been paying at the military commissary (boo!). So we stocked up on yum-yums. I also just finished my P90X for the day and am planning on making my coconut curry for dinner. (Food makes me happy) Speaking of happy, we were in the equivalent of a German Target (called Real) and I found a Lindt chocolate bar that was divine. (I only had a square - not the whole thing) It is a blueberry-lavender dark chocolate bar and it may sound weird, but it is FABULOUS!!!! Have a good one ladies!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Kristina and Victoria, you guys are running superstars. So awesome. Kristina, I can't believe you are going to train for the 1/2 marathon and do insanity. That is, ahem, INSANE. :wink: And very impressive.

    Kendall, the more you talk about p90x, the less I want to try it. :( Maybe you can tell me that its super fun and awesome and you feel like She-ra again. I'm still rocking 30 day shred for another 2 weeks or so, and then we'll see. I still don't have p90x, but really want to try it.

    Amy, how did I miss that you live in Germany? Where abouts are you? I spent about 6 weeks gallavanting around mostly Eastern Germany between my junior and senior year of highschool with a choir that I was in. I can't imagine trying to eat right with all that amazing bread and meat and cheese at your disposal all the time! And that Lindt bar sounda amazing... plus it was dark chocolate, so at least you were getting some antioxidants or something, right? :bigsmile:

    I have decided that I hate all workouts involoving plank pose... plank jacks, side twists in plank, you name it... consider my butt kicked. Kendall I agree with you - upper body strength is not my strong suit and I don't think my arms appreciate trying to hold the rest of my chubby self up. GRR.

    I'm thinking about planting a garden this year... I have a massive side yard since we are on a corner lot, so I have plenty of space for one, but I know nothing about it. Which is kind of ridiculous because I work at Home Depot. The thought of just walking outside to get all the veggies I could want is really appealing though.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: I've lived in Germany for almost a year (it will be a year next month). We live near Stuttgart, which is in Southern Germany about an hour north west of Munich. I haven't spent much time in Eastern Germany yet but ALL of Germany has some pretty fabulous food. I have no problems avoiding the meats (I've never really liked meat and have recently gone vegetarian) but the bread and cheese are freaking awesome (I close my eyes and pretend they aren't there and it mostly helps). I DID find some spinach stuffed soy schnitzel at the grocery store I was raving about and we're gonna have that for dinner tomorrow (SOY SCHNITZEL - how cool is that???). I'm thinking you could go talk to someone in the gardening section at work and they could give you some tips on how to start a garden. When the weather gets a bit nicer and when we get off our lazy butts, we are gonna get the things necessary to have a terrace herb garden (we have a small yard but the ground is very full of hard clay - not so good for growing veggies). I'd LOVE to have my own fresh herbs (especially basil!!!!).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- I complain about P90X but its working really well for me. I ended up taking 2 weeks off from exercising cause I was sick, so it took me 6 weeks to do the first 4 weeks of the program, but I still lost 1.5" off my waist and hip and an inch off my belly. I just started my 2nd month so the routine switches up and I'm doing a workout that I've never done before. I will probably continue to complain about it, but I will do my best because I know the program works.

    And as far as gardening, I'm going to plant a wildflower garden this weekend! The weather will finally be nice enough and I think its close enough to spring for it not to die on me. I looked at the seed packages of tomatoes and vegetables. Most of them said I needed to start by planting them in a container inside and then transplanting them outside. :indifferent: No thanks. I might try to throw the seeds outside and see if they grow anyway lol.

    Kristina and Victoria- I think a lot of us older group members saw our lowest weight a while ago and have since put on a few pounds and then maintained that general number. Its quite frustrating but you aren't alone.

    I'm back on the dating scene. well, its a dating website lol. the attention is very nice but I'm taking it slow. (high standards but low expectations) would it be weird if I created a spreadsheet to keep track of all the mens and their stats/qualities? lol I can be very forgetful.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh Kristina - you are so right (* hangs head in shame*)... I've been bad with logging food. I think I forget how helpful it is to see the numbers smack me in the face!!! I know my choices have been bad. DH and I stopped sharing meals. I've been lying to myself saying "Oh, it's only a few extra calories" or "you deserve a cheat" way to often. You made me feel guilty (as was needed) so as of today, I will log everything that enters my mouth for at least 2 weeks.

    You should have scolded me before I bought the 2 Groupons to Frankenmuth Brewery. At least we'll be using them the weekend of the 1/2 marathon!!!

    My promise to myself and all of you is to be honest with what I eat and to try and eat better. + 9 pounds in 4 months is bad... It's time to reverse the trend... Thanks ladies.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola all!

    Kendal and Kristina - way to go on the hardcore work outs. As Amy has said, sometimes the scale doesn't move but your clothes do and that is as great or better really!!

    Amy - I would have never thought about a helmet either!!

    Kerry - anything core like that is suck. But those planks, they will get you into shape faster than anything. About 8 years ago and 20 lbs lighter I had a personal trainer before my wedding and basically all he had me do is core exercises. I slimmed down so fast it wasn't funny.

    Victoria - good job on the run!!

    Well for myself, I went to the gym after all last night and had a great work out. I did more HIIT run/walking for 20 minutes at the beginning and am slowly picking up the pace and the length of time I'm running. Its interesting. I can feel that precipice where my heart is pounding and I'm breathing heavy and that I just need to push through that wall but I keep backing off. At that precipice I also get that break through feeling like I can keep running forever and then I look down at the treadmill to see how long I've been doing it or at my HR and then I freak a bit at the breathing and slow down. I think I need to start covering that up and just flat out make myself not look. It is HARD though to not look lol!
    I managed to keep my heart rate up the whole time and got a great calorie burn out of it too. One thing however, the 5:30 class instructor was a bit *****y to me thus forever making me not want to take a class from her overly tanned skinny fake blonde *kitten*. Sigh. That is the first time since I've been there where everyone hasn't been sweet as peaches to me.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Great job getting your gym on, girl! I have found that, for me, running is at least 75% mental. I psych myself out of going faster or farther or longer even though my body TOTALLY can do it. I can't even look at my heart rate monitor during my runs because I know I'll freak out that it's too high but I just go with it and look at it afterward. I also have to cover up the time display on the treadmill when running for similar reasons.

    Victoria: I had an attack of giving myself permission to cheat over the holidays and ended up gaining 5 pounds that I had busted my butt to lose. It's really easy to give yourself permission and then to slip-slide into doing that way too often to be good. The only way I have found success at keeping myself from doing that is to LOG everything. Even if it's junk that I gave myself permission to eat. Seeing it in my log makes it real to me and also helps me to put the brakes on destructive behavior.

    Kendal: I think a spreadsheet to keep track of guys and their attributes is very organized. It's hard for someone to make an impression virtually, so I'm sure that having a cheat sheet to remind you what's special about so-and-so would help you out. I had a wildflower garden when I lived in California and I LOVED it! So easy to deal with and pretty.