200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- I will weigh in next weekend. Trying to stay away from the scale and focus more on how I feel/look.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm not weighing either. The scale is messing with me, so I'm giving it two middle fingers up and ignoring it for a few weeks as well. Everyone says I am looking thinner and it is WAY up in numbers, so screw it.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Scroll down and watch the video.
    A. Nick Taraby does THAT kind of work out and he is one of the smaller dudes on the show?? Holy. *kitten*!
    B. I think I dont push myself hard enough.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Last night I did my first workout. Did you know that there are muscles all down your back, arms, bum, legs, and hips?
    I swear I can feel my ears this morning!

    I did a 5min warm up on my ancient exercise bike, stretching, leg lifts, and 10 min on our punching bag. Grand total of 30min.

    I think I need to do something light today to warm up and then stretch out. . . . .everything! Rake anyone?

    I feel accomplished though which always feels great.

    Good job Noelle! Do lots of stretching. I found that when I took five minutes to really stretch out after each work out, and then again later before I go to bed that I am not nearly as sore or stiff anymore. (Part of it is the fact that I need to increase my intensity but still..)

    Isn't it amazing that all of a sudden you're like 'Oh my God, I had NO IDEA there was a muscle there!"

    I'm going to do planks tonight...I might try to move weights back and forth like the Spartacus dude (ha, watch me fall! watch my fall!) in the hopes of finding more muscles.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Watching "Ashur" do that workout kind of makes me hate him less (I hate his douchy character, not the actor - of course). WOW. I wonder what "Crixus" does to maintain his shape. :wink: Watching people workout like that makes me think I don't workout hard enough too. I hate thinking that though because it's just gonna make me work harder. (sigh)

    Kendal: I'm sending you good vibes for your weigh in next week. It's gonna be good, I know it!

    Noelle: Isn't it funny how you discover new muscles?? I've been doing P90X for 2 months now and I thought I was done finding new muscles (they're not new anymore they are just sore all the time). I was, of course, wrong. I went ice skating last Saturday and then went inline skating today and I have discovered about a billion little muscles around my ankles and shins that I never knew were there! Well, they're there and they ALL hurt!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So, I lost the original chart I was keeping everyone's name and weight. Excel unexpectedly shut down and I lost the info. ACK! But I think I was able to recreate mostly everything. If you see something off, let me know. So here's this week's numbers:

    Name/Starting weight of challenge/last week's weight/this week's weight

    Kristina / 182.4 / 180.6 / 180.6 (0)
    Victoria / 192 / 191 / 190 (-1.0)
    Kendal / 217.6 / 221 / PASS
    Lacey / 206.6 / 205.6 / PASS
    Kim / 196.5 / 194.5 / 193.0 (-1.5)
    Amy / 211.2 / 209.4 / 209.2 (-0.2)
    Karen / 255 / 254.5 / 254.5 (0)
    Sarathes / 241 / 240 / 237.2 (-1.8)
    blessedmommy2 / 231 / 227.6 / 221.0 (-6.6)
    wichelle / 218 / 218 / 218.5 (+0.5)
    jamielr84 / 247 / 242 / ?
    ct1986 / 217 / 222.4 / 217.2 (-5.2)
    suzieqdiva / 191 / 189.9 / 186.8 (-3.1)
    Amber / ? / 240 / 239 (-1.0)
    Noelle / na / 213 / 209 (-4.0)
    startingoverca / 277 / 277 / ?
    craft338 ?
    Bethany / ? / 189 / 189 (0)

    This week's winner? BLESSEDMOMMY2 :drinker: :drinker: With a MASSIVE 6.6 pound loss! *jaw drops*

    But, I have to say, considering it's week 2 of a challenge, which usually means weight losses sometimes dip down a bit, we had several people lose 2+ pounds this past week, which is FANTASTIC! Everyone should be super proud of themselves! Go team!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So prayers can come true!!! A patient cancelled and by some miracle mom had the day off and was available to exercise early. I only had to shuffle 1 clients time around. Then a second miracle occurred - it was sunny and 42 degrees (super heat wave!!!) when I finished my clients at 4:30. I took a chance and ran outside... Blessed fresh air and I averaged 14:28 time over the 7 miles... That's great for me with the hills and traffic!!! Nice 1057 cal burn :) by the way MFP would have given me 937... Yeah for an extra 120 cal burned...

    I'll probably be finding those new muscles tomorrow... I'm off to shower before BL. See you all tomorrow!!!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    So prayers can come true!!! A patient cancelled and by some miracle mom had the day off and was available to exercise early. I only had to shuffle 1 clients time around. Then a second miracle occurred - it was sunny and 42 degrees (super heat wave!!!) when I finished my clients at 4:30. I took a chance and ran outside... Blessed fresh air and I averaged 14:28 time over the 7 miles... That's great for me with the hills and traffic!!! Nice 1057 cal burn :) by the way MFP would have given me 937... Yeah for an extra 120 cal burned...

    I'll probably be finding those new muscles tomorrow... I'm off to shower before BL. See you all tomorrow!!!

    Way to go! I can't wait until I can get outside, still quite a bit of snow here. Awsome time.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey ladies what week are you currently on? Wondering if it isn't too late to join!

    My name is Andrea, 24 years old from Massachusetts currently weighing in at 260 lbs and trying to get down to 200!!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Way to go Blessedmommy!!!!

    Hi Andrea!

    Pinbotchick that is awesome!

    Akasullengal thanks for keeping track!!!!

    Well I am faltering a bit! TOM is due in a few days and my weight yesterday jumped up to 221.5! I baked for the teens last night and swiped a few cookies. not good for a fat diabetic doing a low carb diet! I'm really paying tummy wise for the gluten also. That paying is why the scale jumped down a bit this morning~ yuck.

    I've been really bad about getting in here to check in. I'm going to make it my goal today to pop in here daily even if all I post is "I'm here". I get a bit overwhelmed by not being able to keep up on the personals but that is no excuse not to get in here!!!! If I can just see the last few posts to comment I wont feel mean I'll just get my butt posting !!!!!! Ok you all just heard me say that!

    Today will be Chalean extreme burn 2. I really tried more weigh Mon and was very glad yesterday was a rest day!

    I booked the hall for my sons grad party in June. Since I gained so much since my brothers death in Sept it would be really nice to be back in the low 190's or better yet less before that party! I saw many of these people that will be attending at the funeral and I would not like to see them almost 30 lbs heavier than Sept! I also have a fun event in July. I would love to feel comfy in short sleeves and shorts for both these events!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Kristina!!! The chart looks good to me. Glad you made it home safely.

    Welcome Andrea:flowerforyou: We are in week 2 of this challenge but have been around for over a year. We LOVE have new people join us... Feel free to post away with info on yourself, daily triumphs and failures, questions and whatever you want to talk about.

    Another day begins. I burned 3116 cal yesterday!!! The 7 mile run really helped. Do you know how much food 2600 cal is??? I'll never eat that much healthy food... Throw in some junk food and I can do it. Oh well. My goal is to get back into the 180s... Mr. Scale and I are arguing about it. He's winning. !@#$!!@## MEN (*rolls eyes*)... Sighs... DH made frozen pizza for dinner last night since I was out running. Why couldn't he cook something healthy? I ate it anyways. There goes 800 cal. Enough on my life. Time to get up and make some juice - carrot, spinach, apple, grape... or kiwi, apple??? I'll see what calls to me when I get downstairs. Have a nice hump day!!!

    WIChelle - don't worry about trying to respond to everyone... It's very hard to do. Just pop on and say hi and let us know what you're up to...

    Kim - it wont be long until the sun is shinning everywhere... I can't wait. Spring hurry up and get here...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm starting to get apprehensive about weighing in this week. Its the end of the first 4 weeks of P90X and I'm worried I won't see a difference in weight or measurements. What if me feeling skinnier is just all in my head?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Make sure you are taking your measurements too. You are building muscle so you may not be as light as you wanna be on the scale but you will definitely be skinnier.

    Victoria: Holy calorie burn - Batman! That's awesome. I gotta get me a Bodybugg. Isn't it funny how guys cook when left to their own devices? The Hubbs generally makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or makes breakfast for dinner if he's put in charge of the meal (which is why is is rarely in charge of dinner). I swear, the man was nutritionally deficient before I came around and actually cooked food that required more than "just adding water". This is why I am starting Gabe out young with learning to cook. He can scramble eggs and make toast, he can make ravioli and spaghetti and meatballs and he is great at baking just about everything. He'll probably still end up living on mac 'n cheese though seeing as he's a guy.

    WIChelle: Way to go on your Chalean workouts!!

    Andrea: Hiya, welcome to the group. Jump on in and start posting, everyone around here is really supportive and super-fab!

    Kristina: Thanks for doing the chart! Looks great to me.

    I started my last month of P90X today with Chest & Back and Ab RipperX. It is basically an all pushups and pullups workout. I am proud to announce that I did EVERY push-up on my TOES and not my knees!!! (Even the super-hard diamond push-ups!!!) I was so psyched that I had to call The Hubbs at work to brag about myself (I am a dork - I realize this). I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. I hope everyone has a lovely day.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Kendall~ I'm sure it is not in your head at all. I'm sure you will see a difference in the tape!

    Anvy~ sounds like you are doing awesome! I'm struggling to do the knee pushups yet but I can do more than last week. I'd call and brag too!!!!

    Pinbotchick~ wow 7 miles!!!!!!!!

    I need to go figure out how to get the ticker in my siggy!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- yay for outdoor running! Isn't it great? I'm so proud of you and your burn! I can't wait to start upping my mileage again. I'm still in the 3.5ish range. *grumbles* What a calorie burn! I'm so VERY impressed with you.

    Andrea- welcome! we're in our third week of a six-week challenge, but we also welcome newcomers! Just jump right on in with the convo, and we weigh in Fridays- Monday mornings every week

    Wichelle- Motivation can be hard around TOM, because no matter what you're doing, the scale tends to creep up. I'm pretty regular about always being up around 3ish pounds. Try not to pay attention to the number and keep plowing ahead with the healthy eating and exercise, and you'll be even lower than you started once the TOM weight disappears. It'll be lower! Checking in daily, even if it's just to say hello is keeping you engaged in both the group AND making you think about your healthy habits, so I highly recommend. I've found over the past year, if I stray too much for too long from this group, I tend to flounder, so stick with us!

    Kendal- if you're feeling skinnier, and especially if your clothes are feeling looser, don't stress about the number! If you're staying commited to the video program and eating well, you will notice a difference!

    Amy- already the last month of p90x? You're just powering through!

    So, I know it's been a few days since I've really checked in. I apologize! I didn't log my food over my trip either, but I didn't eat horrendous-- just not great. Back on the wagon since I've been back. Logging and walking up a storm. My trip to DC went well. It was super short, so I didn't really get to enjoy it. I'm hoping that when I go out again this summer for the kick-off meeting (this meeting was the pre-kick-off meeting), I'm going to tack a few extra days on, so I can see my brother in Baltimore and maybe explore the city a bit.

    This week shouldn't be terribly bad. My boss it out of town for the rest of the week, which usually helps with the email load that I get. I really need to wade through the 500+ emails I have in my inbox and start filing them in the appropriate folders. I'm still waiting on my promotion/raise, which has taken forever (though, probably not as long as yours took, Kendal!). They're trying to work at it on both angles... me staying at the VA, or moving over to the University. So, this morning, I just applied for the job, that I technically already have on the HR website. A bit odd, but let's hope it's all resolved in the next few weeks. Kristina needs some money!

    I'm also traveling to see some friends in a little over a month. I did colorguard and winterguard for about 10 years, and I really miss it. Several of my friends from back in NC are traveling to OH for the championships this year, which should be a blast. They haven't seen me since I started losing weight, so that'll be a nice change for them! It's also motivation to shed as much extra weight as possible over the next few weeks. It's been hard to get to the gym, when I've already done two long brisk walks a day, so I think I need to incorporate more runs still, like I set as a goal this challenge, but on days I don't run, I should do a DVD at home. I don't think I'm up for p90x, but perhaps down the line I'll do something like that. I always read about Insanity as well, which I think is more cardio based. Anyone know much about that? Something I thought about possibly investigating in. I need something that's going to work me out pretty good at home. Let me know if y'all have any suggestions.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hi everyone... hoping its cool to join in on this - been reading through and it seems like you are a really great, supportive group of people.

    My name is Kerry, I'm 27 (almost 28), 5'9 and currently about 226. When I started MFP in the end of January I was at 240.

    I have been married for a litle over 2 years, and its just me an the hubby holding down the fort... no kids, no pets, no worries, which is what I probably have to blame for the 50 pounds that I gained since 2006... too much eating and drinking whatever I wanted. I have been working out 5-6 days a week, every morning at home. I started out just doing Yoga, and for the past 2 weeks have added 30 day shred to each morning as well.

    I think my biggest challenge is weekends. Its not too hard to stay structured during the week, but as soon as Friday night hits, we head out to dinner with friends and that's when it gets difficult, and usually stays difficult through Saturday. So if you guys have awesome going out tips to control what you eat, I'd LOVE to hear them.

    Glad to be a part of this... my goal weight is somewhere between 155-170, I think. To be honest though, I'd just love to see a 1?? on the scale. Weighing a-hundred something just sounds AMAZING.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: Welcome to the group! Way to go on your weight loss so far - you're doing really awesome! I also have problems keeping my eating structured on the weekends. What works for me is to log everything I eat all weekend. When I log my food, I am more aware of what I'm eating and will re-think bad food choices. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't eat anything tasty on the weekends, it just means that I am more aware of the calories I'm taking in and I make sure that my exercise is enough to burn off the extra intake.

    Kristina: Insanity is a GREAT program. I did it this past spring before I joined you gals here. It is more cardio-based than P90X but it is really hard cardio. Lots of jumping and push ups and burpees and intervals. It's an excellent workout and I'd recommend it highly. The only thing is that there aren't quite as many videos in the series as there are in P90X so I kind of got sick of looking at the same Shaun T vids by the second month (it's a 60 day program though, not 90 - which is cool). I also heard that he's coming out with another iteration of Insanity sometime this year (might be out already, I don't honestly know) so maybe check out the new one (it's supposed to be more than insane).

    WIChelle: When I started Month 1 I did ALL my pushups from my knees but I have gotten steadily stronger during the past 2 months and things that used to be a struggle aren't any more. It's awesome!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kerry- Welcome and congrats on your weight loss so far! I agree with Amy that weekends can be incredibly challenging. It's hard when they aren't as structured as a regulary work day. I would also suggest that you make sure you're still logging your foods on the weekend, cause it's too easy to slack off otherwise. If you go over a little, it's understandable, but if you're logging, you're less likely to completely blow your calorie limit out of the water.

    Amy- thanks for the advice on insanity. I liked the fact that it was only 60 days and that it was more cardio-based. I think I might go ahead and purchase it. I need all the extra push I can get, and it's nice that someone else in the group has tried it out. Perhaps I can then transition to p90x like you did down the line. Thanks!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Great, I usually weigh in on Fridays so that is perfect!! It's actually been awhile since I have worked out but I have been logging for a little while now. I am transitioning from a move, from California to Mass and pretty much jumped into school right away so it has taken me awhile to transition. It's been a little overwhelming but I am adapting well!!

    I finally set up the wii and started the 30 day challenge with wii active yesterday. I was surprised after the workout session when I checked my polar watch and saw how many calories I burned, I was sweating up a storm! I had fun doing it too, I woke up earlier than usual this morning to get my next session in today. My goal is to do all 30 days of the challenge, wish me luck. On top of that I finally pushed myself last weekend to go out and get a gym membership, I did it, check off my list...now all I need to do is frequent it....

    Weekends are so challenging for me too, me and my bf are more tempted to go out to eat on weekdays.

    Oh and I have a question, I have never measured myself. Where can I find that tape at in the first place, and how do I measure myself correctly?

    So happy I found this group!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I just got my juicer today and HAD to try it out. We just did a basic carrot-apple juice as I happen to have a bunch of those available. It was pretty good. Now I am raring to start experimenting with different ingredients. So, for those of you who juice, I have a couple of questions. 1) what's your favorite juice combo and 2) how do you enter the calories in your diary??

    Andrea: I think you can get a tape measure in the sewing section of somewhere like Wal-Mart or Target. I think that's where I got mine. You just need a fabric/flexible tape measure. I know they make fancy tape measures specifically for measuring your body but I have never had a hard time with my trusty sewing tape measure.