200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey everyone. sorry i havent been around i was super busy on monaday and tuesday i suddenly cme down with yet another cold. grrrr when will it end. i swear i think i need to start taking something for my immune system. so right now i am suffering but im still making it through. maybe i will start getting over this soon.

    kristina~ i noticed u didnt have my starting weight, my stats should be 237.5 / 240 / 239 hope that hels with the chart. that sucks about excel crashing. i am glad you made it back safe

    sarahes = i am sorry about your grandpa hope things get better

    andrea- sorry bout your uncle. it is a hard situation to go through

    kendal good luck with your weigh in this week. you are doing great.

    welcome to all the new people, sorry i cant remember all the names due to cold medicine.

    well it is time to hit the sack my medicine has kicked in and im not sure how much longer i will be able to make sense when typing night!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have a ridiculously terrible headache today. I feel like my entire face is trying to implode into my head. On a happier note, I am down to 208.2 this morning (down a pound this week). I kind of feel like my weight loss is inching a long but I guess it's better than going up. On a juicing note - DO NOT, and I repeat: do NOT juice an entire pomegranate and expect it to be drinkable. We made this mistake last night and it made our carrot-apple-tangerine juice absolutely the most terrible thing to have to choke down that I've had in a long time. We redeemed ourselves this morning with mango-tangerine juice.

    Amber: Feel better.

    Sarah: your pita sounds yummy!

    Kendal: I am SO glad that I'm not the only one who giggles when Tony gets into Frog! I do have to say that all the yoga and stretching have helped with my flexibility in "other" areas of my life. :happy:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    so today was my weigh in day! Last week I scaled in at 260, and today.....*drum roll* 255 I really hope I continue to do this 30 day challenge on wii active since it is doing me a lot of good, I haven't changed anything in my diet, just added more exercise.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Victoria and Kristina, way to represent Michigan! I'm in Lansing (went to MSU).

    Kendal, thanks for the input on the HRM... hopefully sometime over the summer I'll get one. And I totally cracked up at your P90X comment - hilarious! Once I'm through 30DS, I think I'm gonna try that. I'm still such a pansy - pushups are my absolute nemesis. I've always had terrible upper body strength, but I'm working on it!

    Andrea, Sarah, and Suzie, I'm sorry for the hard weeks you guys have had... it is always ironic how bad stuff is always accompanied by some sort of good. My grandfather passed away on Christmas Eve this year, but because of it I had the first Christmas with my entire family together in about 5 years. And Andrea, way to kick some serious booty this last week! 5 pounds is AWESOME!!! Keep it up!

    And Amy, I totally agree on flexibility coming in handy at other times. ;)

    Today was day 1 of level 2 of 30DS, and it kicked my booty. Strength moves weren't too bad, but all the cardio moves in plank position were tough. I was dripping sweat all over the floor, which is such an amazing feeling.

    Time for a weigh in. Last week I was at 225.1, today I'm at 222.2. 2.9 pounds baby!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Oh and one more thing... Amy and Andrea, do you guys watch Tosh.O? Did you see this weeks? If you did, I almost threw up when I saw the elephant/hyena thing. Hilarious, but SO disgusting!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Sorry I haven't been more active. These 60+ hour work weeks are taking their toll.

    I'm at 214 this week that's a loss of a little more than two pounds.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Oh and one more thing... Amy and Andrea, do you guys watch Tosh.O? Did you see this weeks? If you did, I almost threw up when I saw the elephant/hyena thing. Hilarious, but SO disgusting!

    Great job on the weight loss!!! That is a HUGE loss, congrats!

    My bf and I LOVE tosh.o..and I have almost thrown up the past two shows...last week with the throwing up bits...I am so sensitive to that..I was literally gagging and had to leave to room for a bit until it was over. Then last week with the hyena and the elephant..my jaw DROPPED when I saw that.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Sorry I haven't been more active. These 60+ hour work weeks are taking their toll.

    I'm at 214 this week that's a loss of a little more than two pounds.

    30 pounds!! *woot woot* great accomplishment!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    is also lurking

    Kendal: HI!!!! :drinker:

    ct1986: Nice loss!

    Kerry: I :heart: Tosh.0 (even when it's disturbing....or maybe, ESPECIALLY when it's disturbing)

    I got through my P90X, did a walk with the dog and did some Wii Fit. My head is still killing me and it is making me more likely to rip a loved one's face off, but so far no one has died. It's only 7:15 pm though, so that could change.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words. The family & extended friends are glad that her pain is over.. though it broke my heart to see the 9 yr old grandson who has lived with his grandma... & he was just breaking down. I know I need to be strong!!! But after I came home I did give into carb stuffing.. & realized what i was doing & why:-( & quickly replaced the carbs with some protein. I know that the next few days are going to be a bit emotional.. so I need a plan. Yesterday I took a can of V8 & water with me in the car.. so I would not eat food that was not good for me. But even on my own.. since I am feeling emotional.. I need to keep some things healthy around to turn to.. if I need to.

    Any quick ideas of things to eat, to manage the next few days would be helpful. I know I am going to try to get i my work outs & proper eating, but can not bet on it:-(

    Many thanks... and sorry I am not keeping track or responding to others posts.. My hugs & best wishes to all. I did catch a 5 lbs loss!!!!! Love it:-) Great work everyone & thanks again.. I would not even be trying to work it out without you all!

    :heart: Suzie
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    also lurking.

    I weighed myself this morning...dumb to do after the wine and cheese and high sodium mexican pizzas a la Taco Bell I made last night, and the fact that I'm sore. I was up two lbs to 207.8. I swear I feel like such a loser. I keep hovering between 205-207 and can't get it down.

    Time to be honest here, has my slacking off and not working out five to six days a week totally stopped my weight loss completely? I know my eating hasn't been great but even when I was working out that much and eating and logging everything right I barely lost anything. It is super discouraging and I guess its time I ask your guys' opinions...what do I need to do?

    Seriously. I can take the criticism if you guys are seeing something that I am obviously missing here. Gawd. I won't stop, but it makes me feel like i want to. I feel like I'm just lurking in this group and not getting it done you know?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I totally FEEL you girl! First off, don't quit!! Your clothes have been fitting better even though the scale is being a douche....right? I'm sure that slacking off has affected your weight loss efforts but probably not as much as you think. I work out 6 to 7 days a week. I burn a billion calories. I lost nothing last week and ONE pound this week. Sometimes the payout doesn't seem to equal all the effort put in. That doesn't mean it isn't working. I honestly don't feel like I am in a position to tell you what you should do. I will tell you what I plan to do to finally (dear God, please!) break into One-derland. I'm gonna do a 9 day fruit and veggie thing with The Hubbs (he isn't trying to lose weight but wants to "detox" himself from anything that might be causing him food sensitivities. I'm just going along for the ride) starting Monday. After that, I plan to keep the over-processed carbs out of my diet. My exercise is too intense to really go "low carb" but I intend to keep the carbs mostly fruit and veggies and quinoa, etc. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll try calorie cycling or something. I don't know. I'm tired of losing a pound...then losing nothing...then losing half a pound....then getting my period and gaining 3 pounds only to start the whole thing over again. If you figure out what you're gonna do to shake things up, let me know so I can maybe add it to my repertoire.

    Suzie: when I want quick and easy foods I generally turn to yogurt, oatmeal and protein shakes with fruit. They're quick and easy. I'm sorry for what you're going through.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Since I was seeing some changes the first six weeks of the year, I was hoping that by backing off a bit on the exercise I'd maybe see some more on the scale...since that is how it works for more people. Less weights, etc. more loss. But unfortunately I guess I am learning that I can't do that because I eat more I think, more splurge meals than I should be having.

    My husband says last night that he wasn't noticing the changes as much this six week challenge as the first. So I need to take the next two weeks and push it. And when I come back from Vegas, don't let up until June. That will be my next push.

    Maybe I need to do something like that to my diet too Amy. Jump start the body somehow.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Not looking forward to the weekend...I usually struggle so must...stay...strong
  • blessedmommy2x
    I weighed in today, lost 3.4 lbs this week. WOOHOO! Down to 227.6 lbs

    I weighed in today, lost 6.6 lbs this week. I don't know how... but I am thankful for the loss. I literally weighed myself 20 times with 2 different scales to make sure it was right, lol!!! I am down to 221.0 lbs.

    Hope everyone is doing good! :-)

    Well I only lost a few ounces this week...
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning! I'm so excited to get a rest day tomorrow from Chalean! Wow do I need it!!!!! I had a good weigh in but am going to officially wait to record until tomorrow. That should help me get through the Sat night "I want drinks and munchies!" There is a thrift sala at the community center today. I haven't been to one in ageas and ages so I'm going to go poke around.

    Andrea~ we CAN do this weekend thing!!!!!!! Congrats on the weigh in!!!!

    Akasullengal~ good luck on the job posting app!

    Lacey~ don't beat yourself up over the gain. You could do everything right and still show a gain because of salt , hormones etc.

    Kendal~ your comment about the p90x giving you gas made me laugh so hard! that happens to me with pilates!

    Sarah~ I'm so sorry with what is happening with your grandpa! hang in there! I think the computer thing wuld have scared me! Glad there was a better on for you to use!

    Dixiegal ~ I hope you are feeling better soon!

    Anvy~ COngrats on the weigh in! I hope that yucky old headache left!

    Suzie~ I am so sorry for your loss! hang in there! Congrats on the job offer!

    Kmturtle~ Congrats on the weigh in! What does DS stand for? I'm always nosy about exercise programs!

    CT1986~ way to go!!!

    Blessedmommy~ ounces are awesome! To me anything losing is awesome!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. Still no news, so I'm just trucking along and trying to get ahead at work. I weighed in this morning at 235.6 lbs for a loss of 1.6. Not huge, but steady so I'm pretty happy with it!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    You guys like my profile pic? LOL a friend on here asked me who's body I would like my face to be on and I said J LO, so this is a hybrid that I call Dre Lo! I went out and got some measuring tape and took my measurements this morning, look forward to seeing the progress. Hopefully I will fight through my lazy weekend mindset and continue this 30 day challenge on wii.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well, I took a rest day from P90X and went to my son's last basketball game of the season and then spent 2 hours bowling with his team mates, The Hubbs and Deli (who hasn't been around here lately) and her family. I had sooo much fun! Then we came home and played Rock Band until my throat gave out. I hope it's just too much singing and not an actual sore throat! Hope everyone is doing great!