200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I am going to wait until first thing Monday morning to post my weight. I know I've gained since I last weighed in. I skipped weighing last week, and I've been out of control with my eating in the past week or two.

    A while back we cancelled our gym membership to save money. My husband and I both gained some weight back over the holidays, but I did good at first just exercising at home and lost 10 pounds in January. However, he hasn't been motivated to do anything, and as I said I have gained some back, so today we rejoined the gym! We are going to keep going at this because we both have a long way to go!

    This is our progress after him losing 92 pounds and me losing 37... just as a way to motivate me to keep going and hopefully encourage you too!

  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well hello everyone. i have been lurking. i feel like poo. i think while i was sleeping someone came and injected thick gooey liquid into my head and chest. even though im still sick i am going to attempt a work out tonight depending on how i feel. i cant breathe with out coughing. i weighed today and it showed a loss but im waiting till tomorrow or monday to record. well its back to work for me. see ya later.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies

    Well, I've been out of town for the day and I did pretty well. My mom and I went shopping today and we did good with our food and snacks all day. But the Latte did put me over by about 200cals. Oh well.

    I did my weigh in this morning before breakfast and good news! I'm down another 4lbs. From 213 to 205 in two weeks. Loving it!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Noelle: WOW! Great loss girl!

    Amber: Feel better. Being sick sux!

    Karen: Your pics are awesome. You guys have done so well!!!!

    Andrea: I think that if I could have any celeb's body, I'd opt for Angelina Jolie but I think I am more realistically J-Lo or Beyonce (I got a bit more junk in the trunk than Angelina). I like your pic!

    As for me, yesterday was a complete bust. I ate crap. I didn't log. The only exercise I got was bowling (although it does burn a surprising amount of calories!). I still have a freaking headache and a bit of a sore throat but I'm gonna be back on track today. I also have to go grocery shopping since we didn't do it yesterday and are rapidly running out of healthy food options. Have a great day ladies.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm weighing in at 217.2 this morning. Actually that's what I was Friday morning. I had a rough weekend and weighed 218 today and yesterday so those don't count. But I took my measurements today and I was right! I am smaller! The big loses were 1.5 in my hips/gut area and 1.5 in my waist. I also lost 1" in my belly. I was wearing a different (looser) sports bra when I measured today so my measurements showed a .5" gain. I just switched back into the bra I originally measured in and I got the same +.5" measurement, so I must have measured in a different place. I'm not worried....I don't wanna lose my girls lol

    hopefully this picture isn't too big ...well dang, its so small you can hardly see the difference
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Amber: I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is awful :(

    Kendal: Wow, look at you! You have made some amazing progress!

    Amy: Sounds like you're a bit under the weather--hopefully you feel better soon.

    noelle: Wow, 4 lbs is amazing! You're doing great :)

    Karen: Great pictures! Even if you've gained some back you and your hubby have done amazingly well.

    I've been pretty good all week, as the number suggest, but today I'll be tested pretty severely. We're going to a breakfast buffet at the local dinner theater, followed by the matinee performance of the show (can't remember the title, but it's a comedy). I have resolved to not go overboard and just eat what I like within reason, and to make healthy choices where available. One thing I remember about this place is they have loads of fresh fruit, so I think I'm going to load up on that.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday :)
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I was hoping for better by waiting until today but nope. 217.5 for this weeks weigh in. Its a tiny loss but I'll take it. Especially with tom overdue!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok, I've lost the time window to edit my last post so I'm gonna attempt to post a bigger version of that picture

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: You pics definitely show a difference! That's awesome!!!

    WIChelle: A tiny loss is still a loss! Good job!

    Sarah: Yeah, I was feeling kinda crummy all weekend but I am mostly better today. I hope you had a good time at the theater.

    Well, it's Monday again - how did that happen??? This weekend was just not long enough. I am probably going to be kinda grumpy this week as I am doing the detox diet thing with The Hubbs and it involves de-caffinating. I don't drink a ton of coffee but I DO have a cup every morning. So far, it's 10:30 am and I haven't hurt anyone, so maybe it won't be as bad as I think. Anyways, hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - you look GREAT in your pics.

    Karen - you pics look good too..

    As for me, I posted yesterday but the cybber ghosts have stolen it....

    As for me - I'm looking at another long day...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My checkin reflects my horrible eating weekend. I'm up to 192 today. Pizza and cherry pie were the downfall and I can't even blame it on TOM.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm alive! I'll post in greater detail once I'm at work, but I went through the posts and wanted to call out a few peeps who haven't weighed in yet this week, so I can post the chart this evening.

    Those whose weights I don't have/missed:
    suzieqdiva (i know you said you lost weight, but can you let me know the numbers?)

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I weighed in at 208.2 on Friday (down a pound).

    Victoria: I too succumbed to the pizza monster this past weekend. We were bowling and the pizza was just soooo good (but sooo bad!). I also had an incident with some Starburst Jellybeans. Bad...bad...bad. But I'm back on track today.

    Well, I just finished my YogaX and I think i pulled my left hamstring. It's been bugging me off and on since I went ice skating and that horrible monster-child pushing a sled thing came from behind and swept my feet right out from under me and I crashed to the ice. I had a HUGE bruise on my butt for the past week and I thought that was my only problem but now that the bruise is gone and I took 2 rest days this weekend, it has become apparent that my left hamstring has something wrong with it. There's no bruising or swelling but it HURTS! I took it easy on it during the Yoga but I'm wondering what I can do to help heal it (besides sitting on my booty doing nothing - it just isn't an option for me). Any ideas guys??
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I gained since I weighed 2 weeks ago, which I expected. I am at 259.0. I will do better this week!! I rejoined a gym and am going to start tonight!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I won free Bojangles breakfast for my whole office tomorrow from the local NBC station!!! (not sure bojangles is a national thing, but its a fast food place that focuses on chicken and biscuits) Not the healthiest place but I'm so excited to win!!

  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey Everyone!

    Holy crap, I didn't get on the board for 2 days and I missed SO much... not really sure where to start, sorry if I miss a ton of stuff.

    Lacey, don't beat yourself up about the scale, and don't give up. Working out is SO good for you... not only are you burning the calories while doing it, but your body has to keep working after to rebuild the muscles, so you gotta keep going with it. I agree with Amy, probably a good idea to try to limit the refined grains you are putting into your body, which is easiest to do at home. Just remember that you are doing this not only for the confidence and smaller jeans, but also for your overall health and wellbeing. Whenever I get really ticked that the scale isn't showing what I want it to, I remember that in the long run, what matters is my health. Life is short enough on its own, I don't need to beat the crap out of my body with terrible food and laziness and make it even shorter!

    Kendall, you've made AWESOME progress! Well done!

    Amy... pulled hammy? Boo! I have achilles tendinitis in my left ankle... when it starts to get really pissed, I try to ice it and elevate it as often as possible. Probably a good idea to stick with some lower impact leg workouts for a week or so to give it time to recover. And since I'm by no means a doctor, there's always the option of taking some anti-inflammatorys and living with it. :) j/k.

    Andrea, how'd you do over the weekend? Did you keep up with the Wi?

    WIChelle, 30DS is just 30 day shred... I've been trying to do it every morning along with whatever other workout I'm doing.

    Weekend was super fun, super not healthy... did my best at dinner Friday night (swordfish and brussel sprouts), but then after Tosh (who was FREAKING HILARIOUS, btw) we went to a bar and then the casino and I ended up eating a hamburger at Five Guys at about 2:30 in the morning... oops. Saturday we ate out again all day and ended up at Michigan Brewing Company, so more beers... Sunday was a little better because I was home, but I didn't manage to get up and work out at all. So I started fresh this morning and at least gave myself a pat on the back that I watched my portions all weekend, even if what I was eating was total junk. :)
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Just wanted to log in NO WEIGHT loss this week. I had about 0.5 lb loss, but indulged in binge eating yesterday. So I believe it to be a wash:-(

    Sorry gals... It was a hard week & the weekend was no better. I attended a dear friends funeral prayers & cemetery service.. and was feeling bad that I could not celebrate my Mom's birthday due to that. She is absolutely ok & believes it was our duty.. and I did it all.. but at the end of the day feel that I failed to celebrate my Mom.. who is alive by my side.

    We will celebrate her next weekend, but was a bit sad. I also thought I had learnt so many tools & would be able to not sabotage myself... but had a tough time of it & then decided I needed to enter all I ate to see how much I could eat!!!! Gross. Oh well.

    This week starts anew & I am back on track.. so hope for better results by next week.

    I have not had a chance to catch up with everyone else's progress.. though know that you are an awesome bunch & I commend you. I will try to log in later today to play catch up. Until then.. have a GREAT day!:-)
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I lost 2lbs. I am at 240 now. I didnt lose anything last week. I posted that, but noticed there was a question mark by my name last week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria & Amy- the pizza monster got me as well, and I totally felt like crap afterwards. A combination of my stomach hurting and the guilty conscience!

    Kendal- being from NC, I of course know what Bojangles is. Granted, I'm a vegetarian, so I didn't go there often, but mmmm.. boberry biscuits. *drools*

    jamie- sorry about the weight mixup. I lost my chart and had to recreate it, and I KNEW i lost some information, so thanks for the update. I'll fix the chart.

    Well, the eating was not great this weekend again. Blech. My eating habits are not cutting it, and I need to move my *kitten* more. But, I've commited myself to some new changes...

    -My insanity dvds should come in the mail this week and I'm looking forward to diving into them.
    -I officially registered for the Dexter Ann Arbor Half-Marathon. I usually waffle, even though I'm training, but as this one actually fills out, I went ahead and signed up.
    -Along the same lines, I joined a training group for that particular half. I had to make a split decision, as the orientation session is this evening, so I'll have to let you know how it goes. I think it's a worthwhile expense, as it'll finally give me some running buddies. There are group runs on Saturdays and shorter speed/hills on Wednesday nights. They say they take all skill levels, just that you should be able to run three miles, which I can...I haven't completely lost it. I'm really hoping there are some peeps of a similar skill level as myself. I'm hoping that because it's a half-marathon specific training group versus a full-marathon group, there might be some more newbies (yes, it's my second half, but I still feel like a newbie).

    So, running should be picking up. Yay! And more cardio coming along... thank you insanity, in advance! Now, just need to whip my eating back into shape. I'm bloated like heck today. TOM should have come over the weekend, so it's any day now. Ugh.

    Sorry again for my absence. So much for posting every day. Argh.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I thought that at least for the next two weeks I could get on here and be good about logging. Ha. Its nuts here at work with the tradeshow in two weeks, customers flying in from all over the world and planning for it all. SO my goals for the next two weeks:
    1. get 300 minutes of exercise
    2. Make conscious choices about food
    3. log as much food as I can but not beat myself up about it if it doesnt' happen

    That is the best I can do right now. At the very least by exercising I can still create some sort of deficit. Ideally anyways.