200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Didn't one of you guys buy the Kettleworx dvd set?? I just watched a promo for it and am going to show it to Jeff...thinking maybe I could get him to do it with me 3x a week at night since its only 20 minutes. then I could just focus on cardio at the gym.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I bought the Kettleworx set to do after P90X. We just got it today and checked it out. It looks like a good workout. The guy who leads it is annoying and has a weird accent but the workout looks good.

    Kristina: Yay for running with Emma!!! Yay for Insanity too!!

    Noelle: I eat when I'm stressed too. The only way I've found around it is to get rid of bad food from my house. Seriously, if I have to drive to the store to get chocolate, I'm not gonna eat it. If it's sitting in my kitchen after a bad day, it's as good as eaten.

    Anyways, I didn't really get to check in today but I did P90X Legs & Back and then I taught Gabe how to eat artichokes at dinner. He totally dug that he was ripping into it and eating it's "heart" - boys are funny. We also roller bladed this afternoon in the mid 50's and sunny weather. Yay! Sun!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sun? What is this you speak of? LOL
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone! Wow am I crabby . I tweaked my dumb back last night doing nothing! Darn degenerative stupid dumb disks!!!! It worked out that today is a rest day from chalean. I better be up and about tomorrow. I'll be doing more iversion shortly. I dont care if I do chalean with a darn soup can for a weight. I vowed not to miss a workout in the 90 days!

    Kendal~ sending you a big hug! It is always hard to do.

    Dixie great job!

    Akasullengal ~ Good luck on the running and thanks for doing the list!

    Andrea~ Big congrats!!!!

    Anvi~ Howdy again! LOL

    Suzie~ How are things going for you?

    Pinbotchick~ When I got tired just reading what you do let alone imaging doing it! That is a high compliment to you to get all those referals!

    Lacey great job on the logging! I need to do it more often too. denial got me here.

    Have a great night!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    WIChelle - how is your back? Do what you can, but remember to listen to your back & give it some rest as well, so it can recover:-)

    anvy1221 - so lovely that you are getting some roller blading in:-)

    akasullengal - good luck with the evening workout.. and when you get around to it.. would love the recipe of the curried lentil soup!

    KendalBeee - just sending hugs your way:-)

    dixiegal2484, sarahthes, andreasoulcastle, KaeChelle, kmturtle3, jamielr84 - hope all is well at your end:flowerforyou:

    I am well.. just got off the phone from another phone interview!!!! I could not eat anything most of the day.. and my stomach is still in knots!!!:-( I swear I sometimes feel I should have gotten into sales, as interviewing is just that! I just hope this finally leads to a job offer.. but still have ways to go:-!!! Just need to work it.:sad:

    Now need to figure out how to eat the rest of my calorie's for the day :laugh:

    :heart: Suzie
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm so glad I worked out tonight. I was really struggling getting started. I didn't want to. But its cardio night and that dvd starts with 15 minutes of yoga, so I turned the light off and put 110% into it. And then I kept the light off the whole time. And then my shirt was just too hot and in the way, so I took it off. Me and all my jiggly bits worked out in my sports bra and workout pants and I felt like She-Ra. I have all the power in the world and was able to do more and work harder because of that mentality tonight. WOOHOO!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone quick check in, exams this week so been a little stressed and losing track of time. Got my workout in with playing Just Dance, got a little sweat going. Hope everyone is well!!!

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Andrea: Good luck with your exams!

    Kendal: I know what you mean! I started doing YogaX in just my sports bra and it was awesome. I didn't have to keep tugging my shirt down after swan dives and moving around. I was able to just have my head in my workout. Awesome!

    Suzie: Good luck with the job! I hate interviews.

    WIChelle: I'm so sorry about your back. The Hubbs has a similar problem so his back tweaks out doing the strangest things (like: getting out of bed or reaching for something on a shelf). Don't freak out if you miss a day of your workout though. It isn't an all or nothing game. You can do 91 days of your program if something happens and you miss a day.

    Lacey: We have had sun since the beginning of last week. In the almost year that I've lived in Germany, we haven't had this much sun without a rain/dark clouds interruption. We've been outside a little bit every day since the sun came out and the snow melted. It's FABULOUS! I can feel the Vitamin D pumpin'!

    So now I'm on to Day 3 of our Detox and it's actually going REALLY well. I thought I'd be slightly more hateful without coffee but I guess since I'm only eating healthy and whole foods, I can deal with a little caffeine deficiency. I haven't had a wheat product/coffee/ diet coke since Sunday and I am feeling good. It's kind of amazing. Today is KenpoX and a walk with the dog. I dunno if we'll get to roller blading today or not. Gabe's got a cold and was up and down all night alternately sneezing and blowing his nose (Poor guy). Have a fabulous Wednesday!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Suzie ~ I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!!!

    Andrea ~ good luck on exams!

    Anvy~ I know you are right but it still annoys me to no end. What type of a detox are you doing?

    Kendal~ Go SHE-RA!!!!!!!

    Well my back feels better but still sore. Not just the normal slight every day sore but weak sore. I'm going to try really light weights. honestly i' think I'll know during the warm up if I can do it. If not I'll do a bit of yoga because that always helps along with inversion. Gosh this annoys me. I can not sit as usual without intense pain. Always sitting is so hard. I work tomorrow so I hope it behaves for standing non stop the next 3 days because I am booked! Sometimes I think I should give into the fusion they have been after me to do for years and then i remember the horror stories and keep to the alternative therapy!

    I can control what goes in my mouth so that is what I will control :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    WIChelle: We're not doing any specific kind of detox diet. We are just eating tons of fruits and veggies, organic yogurt, no wheat/refined sugar/cheese/junk food. The Hubbs was having stomach problems not too long ago so he suggested we strip all the crap out of our diet for a week and see if it makes him feel better. Of course, it DOES make him feel better and me too. It also appears to be making the scale move in the right direction for me so I might just stick to it (I'll probably add coffee back in after the week though - let's not get crazy or anything). I hope your back gets better. It's so hard to have a nagging injury like that. I have a bulging disk in my neck that really causes me problems on an almost daily basis. An acupuncturist got me to the point that I could sit at my desk without crying in pain (you don't realize how desk-jockying really screws with your neck until something is wrong with your neck!) and I'm mostly functional but it flares us about once a week. I'm not eager to seek traditional treatments on it cuz I'd rather not have sharp, pointy things aimed at my spine so I just kind of deal with it. I do use a traction collar on it when it's really bad (yeah, it's TOTALLY cute! Not.) and that helps. I bet inversion would be good for it too. Good luck!

    I have had a headache for 3 days and I am borderline homicidal about it. I took Excedrin and Sudafed and nothing works. I'm gonna dig out my peppermint oil (Thank YOU Victoria!) and see if that can't help it. It's really sucking the life out of me.
  • vanofferen
    I would love to join the next 6 week challenge! I've never done something like this on the internet.
    Honestly, I'm not sure what my goal is in weight but I'm going with 150 for now... I just want to be healthy mentally and physically and lets not forget happy... at least pleased with myself when I look in the mirror. I have the same old story... OVERWEIGHT ALL MY LIFE! Had gastric bypass 11/2005 at 304 lbs and today weight 204.5. I don't like to excercise... I seriously need all the help and motivation I can get!
    I look forward to having some buddies on my journey!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi Van! We are always welcoming new people to our group. Jump on in and chat away.....we don't limit ourselves to only weightloss/fitness topics, so if you've got something on your mind about work, life, relationships, or something else you want to share, go for it! I think thats why our group has lasted so long (over a year since we started).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    Here's the curried lentil soup recipe. I haven't figured out how many calories it is, but by looking at the ingredients, there's nothing bad in it really, so it's pretty healthy!

    Yield: 6 servings


    2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    1 cup chopped onion
    1 cup chopped celery
    1 cup chopped or diced carrots
    2 tablespoons curry powder
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric
    1 tablespoon minced garlic
    1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
    5-7 cups vegetable or chicken stock (I used low sodium vegetable stock)
    2 cups red lentils, washed
    1/3 cup chopped cilantro, optional
    Red pepper flakes
    Plain yogurt, optional


    1. Heat olive oil in a large, heavy bottomed pot or Dutch oven, over medium heat. Stir in onion, celery and carrot and a pinch of kosher salt. Cook until vegetables soften, about 8 minutes stirring occasionally, and stir curry, turmeric and garlic. Cook an additional minute then add tomatoes and stock.
    2. Stir in lentils then bring to a boil; reduce to medium-low heat and cook, stirring every 5 minutes, 40-50 minutes or until lentils have completely broken down and softened.
    3. Season to taste with kosher salt and red pepper flakes. Stir in cilantro, if using, and garnish with a dollop of yogurt, if using.

    NOTE: you have to stir this frequently, or it'll stick and burn to the bottom of the pan. Someone commented on the recipe that they threw everything in a crockpot and it turned out good, but I didn't try that.

    Let me know if you try it out! It's pretty thick and hearty!

    ETA: picture from the recipe page. There's a contributor to my local online newspaper who posts recipes she makes frequently (annarbor.com)

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Well, I'm feeling pretty chipper this morning and pretty proud of the amount of exercise I did yesterday. 2 walks with Emma, a 4 mile run, and hill workout with the group. I had even flirted with the idea of doing the insanity fit test last night, but quickly realized I was, pun only partially intended... insane! So that'll be what I do when I get home today... possibly, if I'm feeling up to it, I might then do the first workout, but we'll see.

    My knees hurt today, but I don't think it's from the running. I have faceplanted and slipped so many times over the past few weeks with the ice and such, my knees have taken the brunt of the falls, and yesterday, I tripped and fell again on them during my 4-milers. Ugh.

    So, my first group workout went okay. Not as good as I would have thought. It was supposed to be the normal 501 group, which has been training for a spring marathon (this weekend is their 20miler), and my sub-501 group, training for the dx-aa half marathon, but I don't know if it's because I got there early, or peeps didn't show, but I was with all the veterans, and I was not at the same level! Met some nice women, but most people were just flying by me, which was a bit frustrating, but the coaches were motivating me along. Hill would be a nice term for what we had to do. First it was about a half mile jog to get to said "hill" and then, we had to run up it... it zig zagged at a very steep incline. I would only be able to get about 2/3 of the way up before I would have to powerwalk, and I tell you... never breathed so hard in my life.... and I though I wheezed bad the first week of c25k! Made me feel really out of shape, but I know I'm not at the same level as the other folks, so I shouldn't compare myself to them. Did the small loop and did the hill 3 times, and then jogged my way back. I tell you, after that hill, the jog back to my car was a breeze. I figure it was probably about 2.5ish miles total. I was only gone about 40mine, but that still put me at 6-7 miles run yesterday... WAY more than I have been. I hope I'm not horrendously sore tomorrow. I was okay this morning.

    Trying to also work on the eating. Went grocery shopping last night and got the fixings for salads to bring to work-- chickpeas (my fav), peppes, cucumbers, carrots, etc. Chopped them up this morning, so they should be ready to throw into a salad pretty easily for future mornings this week. Have a greek yogurt (chobani lemon-- new flavor- excited to try!) and an apple to have as well. Had crockpot oatmeal this morning with a tbsp of freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter (to die for!).

    Kendal- glad you got your workout on last night. Yay She-Ra power!!

    Drea- stress can be so hard for staying on top of things. Glad you were able to still get a workout in. *high fives*

    Amy- glad detox is going well! keep it up! Hope your headache improves! You don't think it's caffeine withdrawal, right?

    wichelle- I hope your back feels better soon. And, way to spin it as a positive, that yes, just because your back is giving you problems, there's no excuse to slack off on the eating front! You'll need to be even more diligent with that!

    Welcome vanofferen! congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey everyone. Just thought I'd check in so y'all know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. I've mostly been browsing forums using my iPhone which isn't really conducive to postng, but I have been following and keeping up. I've been light on the exercise this week due to having absolutely NO energy. I suspect the no energy thing is related to not sleeping--I've been fighting insomnia and only getting 4-5 hours a night (and I'm one of those people who needs 7-8 hours). The insomnia is stress-related and a lot of the stress-inducing situations are starting to go away so I'm hoping I'll be back to my old self again soon.

    My grandfather is still hanging in there (as of last night anyway) so as long as he is comfortable and pain-free I am happy about that.

    I have been good about food though--I've been under every day and even the day at the buffet I don't think I went over--it's hard to be sure with something like that but I made mostly healthy choices for the food and we ate late enough that afterwards I only had supper, which we kept light because we were still full!

    Anyway, my scale is showing a huge (for me) downward trend this week and I jumped BMI categories on Monday from Morbidly Obese to merely Obese. I'm ridiculously happy about that.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah: Yay for switching BMI categories!!! I've got my eye on "overweight" but I've got another 10 pounds to go before that happens.

    Kristina: I think I couldn't do the running group thing for the exact thing that you mentioned. I'd be all comparing myself to the in-shape marathon runners and it would drive me insane. Good job sticking it out with the workout and GREAT job working out yesterday. Awesome!!! Your recipe looks super-yummy. I'm gonna try it.

    Kendal: Hi!

    Van: Hi there! Jump on in and start posting. We love chit-chatting around here.

    Can you get a caffeine withdrawal when you only ever have one cup of coffee (and not even every day)?? My headache isn't as bad as it was before I worked out today but it's still there. Maybe it will go away in a day or so and then I'll know it was a caffeine headache. If that's what it turns out to be, then I think I might just stay away from the coffee - the headache isn't worth it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Sarah- that is FABULOUS that you dropped categories! I have another 30 pounds before I drop to the next category :noway:. Its also really good that you were able to control yourself at a buffet. Those things are expensive and I've always told myself I need to eat my money's worth of food. Thats one of the reasons I got so fat....I felt I had spent the money on the food so I shouldn't waste any of it.

    Amy- Hi! *waves a big nerdy wave over the ocean at you* lol I have no clue about a caffeine headache. I refuse to give up caffeine. I need it to function properly before noon. lol

    Kristina- you are incredibly brave for joining that group. You deserve to be there just as much as anyone else so you keep trucking along! You are doing an amazing job! And if I ever took the time to cook, I would so try that lentil soup think you posted! It looks good, I just don't like having to buy and deal with so many ingredients lol And what is the difference in salt and kosher salt??? The sweet potato fries recipe I use calls for kosher salt but I couldn't find any in the grocery store so I juse used regular salt and it tasted fine to me.

    Is anyone still friends with Carolyn on facebook? She tried to keep up with us after her move across the country, but I wonder how she's doing.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- I tend to throw a fair bit of crushed red pepper to give the soup a bit of a kick as well. I'm hioping with my running group that this weekend's long run will have more people with my new group that I can run with.

    Sarahthes- jumping BMI categories is HUGE! I can't wait until I finally drop to overweight, which at one point was only about 7 pounds away, but is not more like 15 *grumbles*. May I just say that being short SUCKS! I know it's just a number, but it feels so good to know you've gone down. Congrats!

    Kendal- I don't really know the difference between the 2. I just thrown salt in. haha. Thanks for the kind words about the running group. I know I shouldn't compare myself to the others... and I'm trying not to, because there's really no comparison. There aren't THAT many ingredients in the soup, but I'll have to work on finding some even simpler recipes you can make in my arsenal. I try to pick out recipes I want to make for the week and write all the ingredients down on my shopping list and try and make it that evening... or leave those recipes out on the counter, so I know they're specific to that recipe. It's not too bad... organization helps! I am not very creative when I pick up stuff and don't know what to make with it.

    Well, I'm off shortly to the clinic to see a couple of patients, and will stop at Starbucks on the way for a skinny caramel macchiato.. my 100cal treat to myself. Will make the lentil soup tonight, and will get at least some form of my insanity on, so I should be good on the calorie front.

    ETA: if anyone's interested in making the soup, I did sparkpeople's recipe calorie calculator, and this should be pretty accurate. 1/6 of the recipe is only 217 calories and loaded with nutritional goodies! I added it to the food database as well (annarbor.com-curried lentil soup), so you don't have to guesstimate when you make it :)
  • marian723
    marian723 Posts: 35 Member
    I am so happy that I am keeping up with MFP.... I started this last year and well I didnt keep up with it. So, now, here I am going at it again. This time it will be different. I am looking for people to add to my friends list. I love reading every body's post. It motivates me to get my booty in gear. Heres to the new start of loosing 70 pounds. So far I have lost 6. another motivator for me is I have signed up to run a marathon in October, Never have ran before so I think it will be fun. Wish me luck.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I am totally going to make that lentil soup, Kristina. It sounds amazing. And for the record, I don't think you have anything to feel out of shape about... so awesome that you do all of the running that you do! I can only hope that someday I've worked up to that.

    Kendall, I have totally taken to working out without a shirt on too... jiggly parts and all. There's something empowering about it, and I really do love not having to deal with my shirt riding up ever. If you want, we can all just start calling you She-Ra from now on. You deserve it! ;)

    Amy, I don't know how you are managing without caffeine. I stopped drinking coffee and diet coke while at work, but instead I drink like 4 cups of green tea, so I'm still getting my caffeine quota in. I wouldn't be surprised if that is what's causing the headache, even if it was only a cup of coffee, if you had it religiously every day your body is probably freaking out a little without it. I'm glad detox is going well too - I'd love to do that, but its a little trickier if your husband isn't on board for it.

    Sarah, AWESOME job on dropping BMI levels. Super exciting! Keep it up!

    Van, welcome! I just joined this group last week and everyone has been super friendly and supportive... I love it. Congrats on the weight loss so far and keep it up!

    On Friday this week I am trading in my 1999 Jetta (which is so beat up its not even funny... I've crashed it a ton and haven't bothered to fix anything... it was my first car, so full of memories and adventures) and getting a 2008 Ford Escape. I feel like such a big kid... it means I won't have a beater car parked in my garage anymore. That's pretty much all that's going on around here, but I'm super excited about it.