200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!

Morning gals!

Our "200+ Recommiting for the New Year" 6-week challenge has ended. I'll look through your entries from this weekend and update our weight chart. If you have not weighed in yet, please do so today, and I'll post our final results at the end of the day.

Just some general information for those who stumble upon this thread:
-We're an open group. Some of us have been here for over a year, but we always welcome newbies who will be active in the thread. it's been a great place for motivation and support
-We weigh in over the weekend (Friday through Monday morning). Please post your weight, and I will post a chart with how everyone is doing, with this week's weight loss winner every Monday evening (EST).
-If you're new to the group, please introduce yourself, so we can get to know you better
-As this is the beginning of a new 6-week challenge, please post any goals you have for yourself, be it weight loss, exercise, or just any life goals.

Happy posting!!


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    here are peep's weigh-ins I pulled from the end of our last challenge. If you haven't done your final weigh-in, please post it, so I can get the chart up tomorrow morning, at the latest:

    Kim: 196.5 (WELCOME TO ONEderland! *twirls*)
    Amy: 211.2
    Amber: 237.5

    And Lacey, I did like your challenge name, but it was my bad that I didn't read over everyone's post before posting the new challenge thread. We'll use it NEXT March. *wink*
  • officernice
    I would like to join this group. I need all the motivation I can get. :wink:
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Hi all!
    I would love to be a part of this challenge!! I am a mom of 2 boys! and happily married for 15 years :love: I am a Jesus lovin, happy go lucky, roll with the punches kinda girl! :flowerforyou: My goals this month is to exercise at least 3 days a week (I am getting a gym membership today so that should help!) And to have alot more "under calorie" days then over.
    My current weight, at least last time I weighed is 272. Soon to be less :bigsmile: (I am also doing a challenge that I dont use the scale for feb. - so I wont post any new weight until after feb.)
    Oh and
    :heart: :heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • blessedmommy2x
    Not sure if I am doing this right or not... I am new on this site. My overall goal is to lose 60 lbs- not sure in what time frame though.

    A little about myself: I am a Christian, I am married (over 5 yrs so far) and have been blessed with 2 wonderful children (2 toddlers) :happy:
    I am doing this not only to regain my self confidence, but for my health and to live a long life- so I can always be there for my loved ones.

    My current weight is: 231 lbs
    My FIRST goal weight is to be down to 210 lbs BY April 1st.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Valentines Day!!!! Sorry I was MIA for a few days. Once company arrived, I had no free time. My week of eating bad showed on the scale as I'm up to 192 (gulps). On the good side, H & M clothes fit in size L... we shopped, saw shows, gambled, walked, and had a great time. I missed a short 2 mile run but did get in my planned 5, 6, and 7 mile runs while there. Death Valley was awesome. We got back home about 3 yesterday... I unpacked and went to bed. I'm still tired.

    Welcome to the newbies!!!

    Kendal - hope you feel better soon.

    Kristina - glad to hear Emma took to running. Thanks for starting the thread!!!

    Lacey - I hope Gracie feels better soon.

    Amy - way to rock out the exercise!!!

    Kim - welcome to onederland!!! That's fantastic...

    Sorry to anyone I missed!!! I'll try to catch up later.

    My goals for this next challenge - get back down to 182, eat more on long workout days, eat better and log food, and continue training for my 1/2 marathon.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - I've got a Jack Lalanne juicer. From all the reviews I read before I bought, it seems to be the best. I drank more this morning. Oh and I love the Spartacus show..but wow. Holy sex!!

    Kendal - Get better then focus on all the other stuff..hope it happens soon!

    Kristina - no worriesa bout the name lol.

    Welcome new people!

    I got my *kitten* out of bed and did the JM 30 day shred. My knees and shoulders were creaking, wow! I'm going to look for a yoga On Demand video to do tomorrow morning. I'm thinking an every other day sort of thing will do it for me.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Seriously, I have never seen so much lewd and lascivious behavior in my life as is on that show. I had no idea the Romans were such skanks and so naked - ALL the time! At any rate, we totally dig the gladiator stuff and I love the cinematography of the show (very 300-esque) I think doing the 30 day shred every other day is a wise choice. You don't wanna burn out or hurt yourself.

    Victoria: I saw that you were logging your runs while on vacation - You ROCK!!! I have a hard time staying focused while vacationing, way to go girl!

    New People: Welcome to the group. Jump right on in and start posting. We tend to jabber on about whatever random things are going on in our lives and everyone here is very supportive!

    Kristina: I'm glad the run with Emma went well. It's so fun to run with your puppy! Sofie LOVES to run - for about 3 miles and then she lies down in the middle of the road and demands to go home.

    My goals for this challenge are to get to 199. Seriously, there's no reason why I can't lose 2 pounds a week, it's just that it hasn't been happening for me and I'm trying to WILL it to happen. I think I need to make sure to eat more food on my hard workout days. I will also continue to log my foods on the weekends and try to keep it as clean as possible. I also have to think about what I'm gonna do when I'm done with P90X...so far, I have no idea.
  • blessedmommy2x
    Okay so does it seem realistic to try to lose 21 lbs by April 1st?
    I just came up with long term goals (that I later broke down to weekly goals)
    Let me know what you think? Does this seem "do-able"?

    Current Weight: 231
    First Goal: 210 (by April 1st)
    Second Goal: 190 (by june 1st)
    Third Goal: 170 (by August 1st)
    REALISTIC??? Idk, what do you all think??? I think it comes down to 2-3 lbs a week.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    blessedmommy2x: I have no idea if that's reasonable or not. It kind of depends on how good your body is at losing weight. My body is REALLY, really terrible at losing weight but really, REALLY good at building muscle so even though I only average a little over a pound a week, my body is changing shape quickly enough to make me happy (ish). I know that I could never lose that much weight that quickly but I've seen people on this web site lose weight at that rate. I guess my advice would to set your goal to where you think you can hit it but if you don't quite hit it, don't get down on yourself because every body is different.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy -yeah I was SHOCKED when we first started watching that show! Wow. I really like it too. I watched another episode last night, from the second season I think? It goes back in time and its even worse!! Still though, something different.

    Blessed - I think you've set very aggressive goals. Have you been at this a while or just started? (I'm sorry, I don't remember from the last thread) I'd be worried about setting super aggressive goals and then working your butt off and not reaching them. It can be pretty discouraging. Especially if you are doing a lot of strength training and weights because it seems most women tend to stop losing weight, or slow way down, as they buidl muscle and burn fat. Lord knows whats happened to me. I'm definitely not saying you couldn't do it though.

    Goals for this challenge:
    1. For the five weeks (until March 21) I will work out five days a week in the morning alternating between some sort of yoga and the 30 day shred.
    2. I will also go to the gym five to six days a week, with an overall goal of 1500 minutes total for the night time/weekend work outs. (I'm not counting the morning ones, nor am I tracking them or wearing my HRM)
    3. I will track all my food.
    4. I will attempt to keep my sodium under control, and keep juicing.
    5. I will enjoy the fact that my body is slimming down, and not focus so much on the weight aspects of it. I'm not sure when I am going to weigh myself, but when I do, I will post it on here. I am not setting any pounds lost goal. It doesn't seem to work for me.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hey super pals...

    my goals are you lose 10lbs by march 14.. i havent really moved lately.. so ive tried eatting different and excersing different than what im used to .. so we will see if that changes the lbs for me...

    hello to the new friends..

    weighing in at 188lbs...
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd like to join you. I'm Michelle. I'm 40. I have 2 awesome kids and a husband of 18 years. My last weigh in was 218.

    My goals are to lose approx 6 pounds per month and exercise at least 3 days or more a week.
  • jamielr84
    Hi everyone! I would like to join also. I am currently at 247. My goals for this six weeks is to lose 15lbs, finish my couch to 5k program and be able to run a 5k at the end of this challenge!

    A little about myself~ I am 26, christian, married, 4 kids(Katie-15, Riley-5, Micah-3 & Isabel-1).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yay for a new challenge. It was perfect timing, as I see Karen tried to respond to the old thread, and it started a part 2 thread-- was meant to be! I've got your weight as 255, and will put it on the chart.

    Welcome newbies! If you didn't post a starting weight, please do so, and I'll add you to the new chart.

    officernice- welcome! why don't you tell us a little more about yourself!

    nowic- welcome! I think your exercise goals are pretty realistic. I find that it's important to not set too loft goals, so you're setting yourself up for failure. It's always better to overshoot a goal, then undershoot it. It's great when you see "under calorie days"-- just remember not to net below 1200. I'll put down your starting weight as 272, and have you PASS for the first couple of weeks on the weigh-in front (should be a really nice one come March!!), but you should still check in with how you've done on your other goals you set for yourself.

    blessedmommy2- welcome to the group and to the site! Weight loss fluctuates. All of us who have been here for a while have had good periods of weight loss where it's just falling off of us, and then bad periods, even when we're doing everything right. Be patient, and the weight will come off! It's a pretty aggressive goal you've set for yourself. As I mentioned in my response to nowic, it's better to do better on your goal, then set yourself up for failure. We all lose weight differently. Often, if someone is really sedentary and has not been dieting, the weight might start coming off quickly, then even out to a more normal weight loss (1-2ish/week), but everyone's different. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't come off quickly. Also, if you're exercising regularly, don't discount the fact that you might be getting smaller/leaner, without much difference on the scale.

    Victoria- welcome back! We missed you! Sounds like you had a great time. Way to go with the H&M larges! Fabulous long runs. I'm just getting back into it. My plan now is to turn, at least every other day, one of my walks with Emma into a run, and then continue to up the distance a bit with her, to start building my base again. Plan now is to maybe run the Dexter-Ann Arbor half at the beginning of June. There's just no way I'm going to be ready for Toledo. *sadface* You can totally get back down. We've got to be on each other's tushies!! No plateauing or going in the wrong direction anymore. Let's shoot for our lowest weight and beyond!!

    Lacey- 30 day shred still kills me somewhat. It's definitely high impact and not something I would do everyday. Even when I was exercising pretty much every day, that still killed me.

    Amy- that show is totally just softcore. Clearly, that's the entertainment factor they're going for. As long as you appreciate it for the crack that it is. You totes can get down to ONEderland. You're so close. Keep it up and you'll get there. You were so close to your 210 this past challenge.

    wichelle- welcome! I'll add you to the group chart for the challenge. Nice realistic goals! Looking forward to hearing more from you!
  • KaeChelle
    Kristina- I'm glad you found my post that got put on the 2nd thread! Yes, I am at 255 for the start of this challenge.

    I'm so happy I reached my goal the last 6 weeks. Thanks for all the support!

    For the new challenge, my goal is to exercise at least 4 times a week, and drink my water! I don't get enough! As for weight loss, my goal is to lose at least another 10 pounds, so that would put me at 245.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just wanted to say YEAY For how busy this thread is today!!! I loves it!:heart:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    It's so good to see the thread picking up steam again! I hope you new peeps stick around a while. I just wanted to check in before bed. (I'm not going to be freakishly early, I live in Europe - for you newbies) Have a wonderful rest of your Valentine's Day.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Hi I'd like to join in as well. I've lost about 27 lbs so far but still have a ways to go. My last weigh in was 217.

    I'm 24 and work with children/teens in a residential treatment facility. It is both high stress and demanding at times but I enjoy it most of the time. I also have Type 1 diabetes (since I was 10ish) and currently use an insulin pump. Not sure what else to share.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend and is having a decent Valentine's Day. My hubby is cooking tonight, which is absolutely wonderful. After the way my last few days of work have gone, I don't even want to think about cooking. Today was just one thing after another, trying to figure out which of the receptionist's duties I'm taking over... basically splitting her job between 4 other people. I gotta say, they have 4 rather overpaid 'receptionists' now!

    I posted in the old thread but I don't think it made it over here. I hit 241 in the middle of last week (I think my last weigh-in was 243) and I maintained it to today so I guess that's my number for this week!

    My next goal is going to be 230 in 6 weeks. I might play with my calorie goals a little to help achieve it. I'm also going to continue trying to work out ~30-35 minutes a day, 6 days a week. And I think I'm going to try dropping my sodium intake a bit more, maybe lower that goal and see if I can stick to it.

    To all the new people: welcome! This is an amazingly supportive group.