200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Hi all, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day!!! I did :happy:
    I am so excited I am getting a gym membership tomorrow:bigsmile:
    It was supposed to be today but when I went they said if I wait till tomorrow I will get it for half off(prorated because its the middle of the month- today it would have still been full price)- an offer I cant refuse :wink: So tomorrow is my first day Woohoo!! And hopefully a start of great things to come- woot woot!!
    Have a great night everyone- chat with you tomorrow:flowerforyou:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nowic: Congrats on the good deal for your gym membership. I guess that most of the New Year's Resolution gym-goers have peetered out by now so maybe your gym will be less crowded than it would have been in January. Enjoy the gym!

    sarahthes: I hope things settle down at work for you soon. Are they not replacing the receptionist?

    ct1986: welcome to the group! You've had great success losing weight so far, what are you doing?

    I'm coming off a rest day from exercise (it was Sunday) but, man, are my muscles tired!! I couldn't even drag myself out of bed this morning to do my AM yoga with The Hubbs. (He woke me up and I told him about a weird dream I had where he had befriended an over-sized spider like it was a dog and then I just went back to sleep while he did the yoga. I wasn't even conscious enough to feel guilty about it) I just can't quite shake the being sick thing. My body aches and I still have an occasional cough all wrapped up in a headache and sinus drainage. Blah. Time to drag myself through my day and my workouts. Have a good one ladies.
  • blessedmommy2x
    Hey Everyone! Thanks for all the advice on my goals. I have never done this before so I wasn't sure if I was being realistic or not. Looking forward to starting this journey with you all!!!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning everyone! I decided to treat myself to Chalean Extreem today. Has anyone done it? I almost hate to ask but is anyone else doing a lower carb plan? I have type 2 so there will always be some type of carb control.

    Amy what a funny dream! Hope you feel all the way better soon!

    Nowic how exciting!!!!

    Sarah how nice of hubby!

    Ct186 Howdy!
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    I am new to this site but definitely interested in these challenges! I haven't weighed myself lately (I don't have a scale at home) but at the Dr's I weighed 273. I will weigh myself at work and post tonight. My goal for this week is to stay under calories and to walk to work at least once (it's supposed to rain all week) it is a 7 mile walk if I do it though! Thanks!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi. My name is Mirna. I'm a 38 divorced mother of a 7 year old little boy (Tien). I'm currently doing another challenge but I figure the more I join the more motivation I will have.

    As long as I can remember I have been overweight and now obese. I'm currently 227 lbs. I started this journey at 242. My goal is to make healthier and wiser choices in food and to be more physically active. I have always wanted to ride a bike with my son so another goal is to get below 200 lbs and buy myself a nice bike so we can go riding together.

    Future goals are to reached my ideal weight goal, maintain an active lifestyle and eat what I want but with portion control in mind. I firmly believe that you don't have to deprive yourself of the food that you love as long as you practice self control.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning!!! I slept in and am feeling much better (more rested). I was so tired yesterday, I forget to put the Bugg back on after my shower. I started logging food again today - sighs. I hate logging but know I have to do it. My goal to stay in cal deficit of 500 to 800.

    Welcome to all of the new faces!!! This group is great.

    Time to get back to work.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Now that you've had your bugg for a while, do you think you have a better grasp on what you're burning?

    Mirna: Hi there & Welcome. Your starting weight was about what my starting weight was (I was 245 at my highest). Being physically active has really helped me to shed weight (not that I've lost all THAT much but I'm happy to be closer to 200 than I was). I also wanted to say that you don't have to be below 200 to bike. I bought a really awesome road bike back when i was at my highest and starting riding my bike back and forth to work. It was great exercise and it started my weight loss going.

    Sartingoverca: Back in the days when I rode my bike to work it was 7 miles in one direction. I never thought to walk it but I know exactly how 7 miles feels on a bike and it isn't easy. I think your goal of walking it is really admirable but if you haven't been walking much, I'd recommend working up to that amount of walking. It would really suck to get to work with blisters all over your feet.

    WIChelle: I've never done that program but I've heard good things about it. I've done Insanity and I am on week 7 of P90X so I know that BeachBody programs are really good. Good luck to you!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Victoria: Now that you've had your bugg for a while, do you think you have a better grasp on what you're burning?

    Mirna: Hi there & Welcome. Your starting weight was about what my starting weight was (I was 245 at my highest). Being physically active has really helped me to shed weight (not that I've lost all THAT much but I'm happy to be closer to 200 than I was). I also wanted to say that you don't have to be below 200 to bike. I bought a really awesome road bike back when i was at my highest and starting riding my bike back and forth to work. It was great exercise and it started my weight loss going.

    Sartingoverca: Back in the days when I rode my bike to work it was 7 miles in one direction. I never thought to walk it but I know exactly how 7 miles feels on a bike and it isn't easy. I think your goal of walking it is really admirable but if you haven't been walking much, I'd recommend working up to that amount of walking. It would really suck to get to work with blisters all over your feet.

    WIChelle: I've never done that program but I've heard good things about it. I've done Insanity and I am on week 7 of P90X so I know that BeachBody programs are really good. Good luck to you!

    Thanks Amy. I'm going to look into that. Don't laugh: I don't know how to ride a bike. I have to learn. LOL
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    anvy1221- I haven't really done anything particular. I tend to get bored so I change things a lot. I currently have a membership at Curves and really enjoy doing the Curves Circuit with Zumba. I also use the Wii fit some and enjoy TurboJam. It just kind of depends on the week. Beyond that it's kind of just been about being aware of the food that I'm eating.

    WIChelle- I don't know that what I do would really be considered low carb. I have to be aware of my carb intake since I have Type 1 diabetes and give insulin for it though. It's a bit different for me but I've been working on making better choices in which carbs I eat. (more complex carbs versus more simple carbs).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone. Today I am taking myself the The Running Company and doing the whole treadmill thing and getting a good pair of shoes. I got up at 5 and did yoga but had to stop because my heels were hurting so much. I don't know WTF is going on, but hopefully the shoes help the overall feeling of my heels. And if not, then I guess I have to go see a doc maybe? Ugh.

    I might even get some yoga shoes or lighter weight ones to wear too.

    I'd like to reply to everyone but I'm slammed at work so I've got to get movign!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    I updated the chart for our last challenge, but didn't get a chance to post it this morning. I will do so when I get home tonight as well as post everyone's starting weights for this challenge. If you want to be included and haven't posted your starting weight, please do so.

    Welcome to all the newbies! Please just jump right on into the posting!

    I'm in trainings all day at work, so it makes for an interesting day, as I'm working, but not "working." They are on the medical campus today and there's no parking anywhere, so I ended up parking downtown in a deck, which allowed me to get even more extra walking in today. Way to spin it at as a positive.

    Last night I attempted another run with Emma. 1.8 miles with little problems. She darts here and there occasionally, but overall, she's doing well. It was pathetic how winded I felt running. Only felt like I was starting to hit my stride in the last quarter mile or so. The plan is to continue to up that distance with her. My shins are hurting a bit today, but I'd like to do our evening walk as a run again this evening. We'll see though. I feel like I'm getting so much more exercise when I'm running.

    I weighed in at 182.4, which I'm uber pissed about. It was my weight at the start of the new year's challenge. I'm actually sort of shocked I didn't gain weight, because my eating has been horrendous, so I guess all that walking has at least been mitigating things a bit. I can feel it in my clothes though. They're a bit snugger than before, and as I was walking today, I just felt FAT. It's amazing what just a few more pounds than your lowest so far in this journey can feel like. I do NOT want to feel this way.

    My goals for this upcoming challenge:
    -Log food every day. I got out of this habit, and I know it's absolutely crucial for me to do so to lose weight. Start measuring out portions again, which I also slacked on.
    -At least 3 walks with Emma a week should be turned into a run.
    -At least 2 additional forms of exercise a week outside of walks/runs with Emma, be it a long run on my own, or a video or trip to the gym
    -Post once a day to this thread. When I'm slacking off, I don't come here either, so this helps me be accountable
    -Step on the scale at least 5/7 days of the week. Why? Same as the last goal. It's to be held accountable. I won't freak out if I'm up a pound or a two, as it's often due to something I've eaten the day before (i.e. high sodium content), but when I know I'm eating badly for a while, I won't weigh in, as I don't want to see the damage. This way, I can't shy away from it.
    -Lofty goal of 10 pounds lost... So 172.4 as a goal. It's hella lofty for me, as I only hit 10 pounds lost in the first challenge, but I'm committing to this sucker. I'm sick of waffling right in the same 10 pound range. This is not my final weight. I've still got like 40 pounds to go!

    Any thoughts on those?

    Again, I'll post our final challenge numbers tonight for our last one and the starting weight chart for this challenge.

    Glad to see so many people checking in and so many new faces. Please stick around! We get sad when we get attached to new folks and then they disappear!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    still around....still taking time off from eating right and exercising. I'm hoping I've "shocked" my system a little in the past week and a half and it'll kick start weight loss again next week.
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    I started walking a few days last week. I work at a public school campus and we had a short week- so I walked on Tues & Thurs. then we had friday off and my daughter and I walked on Sunday. This week it is quite rainy and I don't have a decent raincoat! I am in CA though- so it should hopefully clear up soon! The walking went much better than I had expected- It naturally breaks into segments- to work is 1.3 miles, then I walk to another job- approx 1 mi each way, then to my daughters daycare is maybe 2 mi, then home is just over 1 mile but we walk right through the 'town green' area and my daughter always wants to stop and play... The way I am looking at it is that I used to drive 30 min to work, now I could be there in 5 min if I drive, or I can give myself 30 min and walk... Once I get that done, I am there without a car and pretty much stuck with walking anyway :)
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Good morning everyone! I decided to treat myself to Chalean Extreem today. Has anyone done it? I almost hate to ask but is anyone else doing a lower carb plan? I have type 2 so there will always be some type of carb control.

    Amy what a funny dream! Hope you feel all the way better soon!

    Nowic how exciting!!!!

    Sarah how nice of hubby!

    Ct186 Howdy!

    Hey there welcome all the new people, as for the low carb plan I watched some videos on YouTube a little over a week ago and have started incorporating a lower carb diet, so far it's working great. After only losing 2 lbs last month and 4 the month before I figured I needed to reassess something. Last weeks weigh in I lost 3.5 lbs and this week so far (my weigh in is on Friday) I am already at a 1.5 lb loss so whatever I am doing seems to be really working

    I'll post the links to those videos later for those that are interested, I'm on my iPad right now so posting is a little annoying. They really made me understand blood sugar and I didn't realize that you cannot burn fat while there are increased insulin levels in your body, so really really good information. I'm not sure what level of carbs I'm going to stick to the trick is finding your own bodies level.
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    Okay, so I just weighed myself... I don't have a scale, and I wasn't able to access one at work until AFTER I'd eaten lunch... And I weighed 277. Way too much for me (I am 5' 11")... but I weighed 173 before the holidays... I know, I don't weigh myself much. I am going to weigh myself every other week... I am worried if I start weighing myself weekly I will become obsessed with the number (it's happened in the past)... Good luck to everyone!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay, firstly, here is the chart for our New Year's Challenge:

    Name/Starting Challenge Weight/Ending Challenge Weight/% Weight Lost, Pounds Lost

    Note: If you didn't weigh in this week, I took your last weigh in as your final challenge weight.

    Kristina / 182.4 / 182.4 / 0%, -0
    Amy / 220 / 211.2 / 4%, -8.8
    Kim / 203 / 196 / 3.45%, -7.0
    Kendal / 219.6 / 217.6 / 0.91%, -2.0
    Sarah / 210.8 / 205.8 / 2.37%, -5.0
    Karen / 266.8 / 255 / 4.42%, -11.8
    Lacey / 210.8 / 206.6 / 1.99%, -4.2
    Victoria / 189 / 192 / +3
    Amber / 246 / 237.5 / 3.46%, -8.5
    Bethany / 188 / 188 / 0%, -0
    Debra / 216.8 / 215 / 0.83%, -2.6
    Sara / 212 / 204 / 3.77%, -8.0
    hmfishy / 238 / 232 / 2.52%, -6.0
    sarathes / 244 / 241 / 1.23%, -3.0

    *drum roll please*

    Our winner of this challenge, in both the total weight lost AND total percent body weight lost was....

    Karen!!! She lost 4.42% of her body weight in 6 weeks and lost -11.8 pounds!!
    In a very close second for percent body weight lost was Amy with 4.0% lost--- see.. have faith, you're getting there!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    And now... starting weights for this six-week challenge. I used your final weight for the last challenge if you're a returnee OR your last weight you registered for the challenge. If you did NOT weigh in for a final time for the last challenge, I did not include you on this list, unless you're a long-time (more than one challenge) group member, who we know is good to come back, even if they take off a week or two. Please let me know if you'd like anything corrected.

    I'll keep up with this chart, posting everyone's numbers. If you don't check in for 2 weeks in a row, I'll remove you, just to clean up the peeps with just active participants:

    Kristina / 182.4
    Victoria / 192
    Kendal / 217.6
    Lacey / 206.6
    Kim / 196.5
    Amy / 211.2
    Karen / 255
    Amber / 237.5
    Bethany / 188
    Debra / 215
    Sarathes / 241
    officernice / please post your weight. you didn't in your intro post
    nowic / 272
    blessedmommy2 / 231
    wichelle / 218
    jamielr84 / 247
    ct1986 / 217
    startingoverca / 277
    myatac428 / 227

    As you can see, we have a nice range of weights, so you're not alone, and some of us who've now hit ONEderland, were once where you were, so keep it up!
  • KaeChelle
    Okay, firstly, here is the chart for our New Year's Challenge:

    Name/Starting Challenge Weight/Ending Challenge Weight/% Weight Lost, Pounds Lost

    Note: If you didn't weigh in this week, I took your last weigh in as your final challenge weight.

    Kristina / 182.4 / 182.4 / 0%, -0
    Amy / 220 / 211.2 / 4%, -8.8
    Kim / 203 / 196 / 3.45%, -7.0
    Kendal / 219.6 / 217.6 / 0.91%, -2.0
    Sarah / 210.8 / 205.8 / 2.37%, -5.0
    Karen / 266.8 / 255 / 4.42%, -11.8
    Lacey / 210.8 / 206.6 / 1.99%, -4.2
    Victoria / 189 / 192 / +3
    Amber / 246 / 237.5 / 3.46%, -8.5
    Bethany / 188 / 188 / 0%, -0
    Debra / 216.8 / 215 / 0.83%, -2.6
    Sara / 212 / 204 / 3.77%, -8.0
    hmfishy / 238 / 232 / 2.52%, -6.0
    sarathes / 244 / 241 / 1.23%, -3.0

    *drum roll please*

    Our winner of this challenge, in both the total weight lost AND total percent body weight lost was....

    Karen!!! She lost 4.42% of her body weight in 6 weeks and lost -11.8 pounds!!
    In a very close second for percent body weight lost was Amy with 4.0% lost--- see.. have faith, you're getting there!

    Wow, I can't believe it! Thanks so much for all the encouragement! I'm so glad I found this group and had a fresh start for the new year!