200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok, I am officially caught up on the board.....welcome to all the new people!!! We are growing so fast!!! LOVE IT!!

    You ladies are losing weight like CRRRRAAAAZZZYY!!!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Ah Alberta....I grew up there. I miss Canada :(. I've lived in the USA for the past 10 years but was born and raised Canadian. Where'd you live?

    I'm in Edmonton, but I'm from the Vancouver area originally and looking to move back in 1-2 years if all goes well.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    And here we go ladies. Week 1 of our 6 week challenge down and we had some great numbers this week. See below:

    Name / Starting Weight / Current Weight (Lost Lbs) (Lost %)

    Kristina / 182.4 / 180.6 (-1.8) (0.99%)
    Victoria / 192 / 191 (-1.0)(0.52%)
    Kendal / 217.6 / 221(+3.4)
    Lacey / 206.6 / 205.6 (-1.0)(0.48%)
    Kim / 196.5 / 194.5 (-2.0)(1.02%)
    Amy / 211.2 / 209.4 (-1.8)(0.85%)
    Karen / 255 / 254.5 (-0.5)(0.2%)
    Sarathes / 241 / 240 (-1.0)(0.41%)
    blessedmommy2 / 231 / 227.6 (-3.4)(1.47%)
    wichelle / 218 / 218(0)
    jamielr84 / 247 / 242 (-5.0) (2.02%)
    ct1986 / 217 / 222.4(+5.4)
    suzieqdiva / 191 / 189.9(-1.1)(0.58%)

    People who did not post, if there's no posting next week, I'll take you off the list... it's bound to happen with the beginning of challenges.

    We had several people all hovering around the same percent and amount of weight lost, but we've got a clear winner this week, in both percent and pounds lost

    jamielr84 with a massive 5 pound loss, and 2.02% of her weight down. NICE! :drinker: :drinker:

    Keep up the great work everyone and let's shoot for another good week! Let's keep up the motivation!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey everyone. sorry i havent been around this week. i have been sick lately and have been busy on top of it . i did wegh this morning and i was up to 240 again. but its water weight. hopefully i will get back down this week.

    kristina did u take me off the list this week?

    i will be around more this week but for now back to work
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Man my stomach is so swelled up from TOM its insane. Makes me all uncomfortable and even Gracie mentioned that my tummy was getting bigger...yikes! So I came home, ate 1/2 quesadilla and juiced kiwi, grapes, apple, celery, carrots and cucumber and drank a nice big glass of it in the hopes it helps. Considering that I ate mexican food Friday night, hamburger and fries Saturday and THREE huge snickerdoodle cookies I am not surprised. Can you say carb overload. Ugh.

    NSV: put on my work out pants I've worn for over a year and they are loose in the hips. Yeah baby! That was a good feeling.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Congratulations everyone!!!!! Actually seeing how everyone else is loosing is very informative & good!

    I officially am jealous of blessedmommy2 & jamielr8!!! Way to go girlfriends:flowerforyou:

    akasullengal - you are such a gem for doing this. Thanks you:heart:

    Laceylala - hang in there babes. This too shall pass & Congrats on having loose workout pants:smile: May be once you are over your Tom you can treat yourself to a new pair:-) I am so proud of you for juicing.. what an excellent idea. Love ya.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning! Thanks for the Anniversary wishes! We had a great time and even got an extra day together yesterday. Hubby got called off work due to the snow!The kids also enjoyed their extra day off! According to the tracking my chalean should be here today. I got a little avice from a very fit pal and was told since I o a lower carb plan I should plan 1 day a week higher carb so the heavier lifting doesn't wipe me out.

    I'll feel kind ok about my brother an then whammo it hits like a load of bricks. It just takes time just like it did with dad and everyone else.

    Lacery vegas sounds fun! I've never heard of Vegan butter! Great job on the lose tank top!

    Suzie I cant wait to pop over an read your blog!

    Sarah what workout are you doing?

    Victoria I think lazy weekend s are wonderful! Your soups sounds good!

    Anvy oh my so sorry about the rug!!! Is your dog ok?

    Kim way to go!!!

    Kenal water retention bites! Just go by how your pants feel :) CONGRATS on the raise!!

    Jamielr wow! WTG!

    Dixie have no fear the scale will go in your favor!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    COFFEE CREAMER FAIL!!!! I've always just poured my coffee creamer straight in my cup and guessed it was about 2 tablespoons.....today I measured and I actually use FIVE! I love my coffee too much to give it up (really, my job loves me when I drink my coffee cause I stay awake and am more productive)

    I was wrong when I said I was 221.0. I guess I got stuck on the 221 and didn't pay attention to the last number. It was actually 221.8 but this morning I was 218.8 so that is a 3 pound drop from Sunday. Yay for not REEEEALLY getting up to 221.8!
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies!
    What a great group! I've been reading through your posts and this is denfinitely my kind of motivation.

    My name is Noelle. I'm 32 and a mother of 2 beautiful girls. And I'm tired of feeling fat!
    Today is the day. I have been at or under my food goals for the last two days and today I continue.

    I am starting at 213lbs. I would love to be between 170-175. I've gained the 40lbs over the last three years when my Thyroid decided to get lazy. So now it's time to get back on track and work for what I want.

    I'm on my way
  • KaeChelle
    Just stopping by to say hello. Sorry I haven't really had time to stay caught up with everyone. I will try to do better! I gotta get busy with work for now. Have a great day!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    noelle: Hi there, welcome to the group! I'm 32 too and I promised myself that I am not spending any more of my 30's fat.

    Kendal: See...we told you that you weren't really 221 - I :heart: being right (just ask The Hubbs!) I'm with you on the creamer thing too. I know that I use more than 2 Tbs but I refuse to actually get a spoon out and measure the damned stuff as it's early and I haven't had my coffee yet so I just dump it in and enjoy my caffeine nirvana. :happy: . Oh, and Congrats on the raise- that's awesome!!!!!

    WIChelle: I would agree with your friend's advice on the carbs. You are gonna need some carbs if you are doing a hardcore exercise plan. You gotta eat to fuel the muscles and such. I'm glad you had a nice anniversary. Oh, and thanks for asking about my dog - she's just fine, not sick or anything.

    suzie: You are so positive and loving - I totally :heart: having you around here. :happy:

    Lacey: I always carb overload during my TOM (which would be now - BTW) but I am TRYING sooo hard to eat healthy and nutritious food. So far, so good today. Do you like your new running garb??

    Amber: I'm sorry you've been sick, feel better! :flowerforyou:

    jamielr84: Holy cow, what a great loss for you!!!! :flowerforyou:

    sarathes: Yay for holidays! Also, yay for the end of TOM!!!

    Kimm: I didn't know you were Canadian. My dad's from Nova Scotia all the waaaaaayyyyy East!

    Kristina: Hey there! :flowerforyou:

    I think I mostly responded to everyone. It's harder now that we have so many more people but I love having such an active board!!! I got a nice long doggie walk in the snow in this morning and then I hopped on my treadmill for the first time in a week. I promised myself to stop running if my hip started hurting me again but I was able to do 2 miles at a 12 min mile pace with no problems. It's so weird how much I miss running when I am unable to do it. I even missed my treadmill :noway: . I got my KenpoX workout in and am all ready to start my"recovery week" #8 tomorrow. I actually really HATE the P90X recovery weeks as they seem soo much harder than the regular weeks (probably cuz it's all core crap and Yoga - stuff I need but don't like so much). Anyhow, I ordered my after P90X workout today. I'm getting KettleWorx, anybody heard of and/or tried it? It's a 6 week kettle bell program. The Hubbs was all excited about it and I'm always excited about anything he'll do WITH me. (He was all about Insanity for about 2 weeks and then he gave up - his commitment to exercise kind of sucks) So I ordered it today and with how slowly mail from the states makes it over here, I would imagine that it will arrive just about when I finish P90X. I'm excited at the thought of doing kettle bells. When I still lived in California last year, I went with a friend to a kick-@ss kettle bell workout on the beach in Monterey and I have never been so sore in all my life as I was for the week after that workout. I hope this one is similar! Have a great day everyone!!!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I just can't keep up on this board! It seems like every time I look at it I have pages and pages to read, lol, but I'll keep trying.

    Personally I really like the kettlebell workouts I do; just remember to keep that core strong so you don't injure your back, etc. On a side note; I actually did my kettlebell workout first thing this morning after waking up and while warming up with it and doing the "around the waist" part it kind of slipped and flew, fortunately if just landed on the floor and didn't do any harm but since I'm on the second floor of an apartment building I think it may have woken up my neighbors....ooops, sorry.

    Today I have to go and retake CPR despite just having it a few months ago because my second job won't accept the one from my full time job (stupid!) so I'm not sure how much I'll get in today. I got 50 minutes of my Jillian exercises in this morning and have Zumba this evening. I was throwing in my TurboJam workouts as well but I think that might be a bit too much, so I'll take a break for now. Hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to check back soon.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I woke up feeilng like major @ss this morning. At 3am I thought maybe it was just the fact that our bedroom was a tad on the cold side. When my alarm went off at 5:30 yeah right. I've got the head cold action going on and my body is sore from working out, but it feels on the edge of ache. I am hoping that the two exedrin headache pills will at least clear some of it up and get me through the day. its hard to say if its the weather or if its a real cold. Lord knows its been going around.
    I love how green ORegon is, but the older I get the more I hate the fact that in a 24 hour span it can be hot, cold, raining and hot again. It kills me. I want to move somewhere more steady and warm. Like southern california.

    Not sure if the workout will happen today so I will watch my cals like a mad woman and at the very least I have a date with the hot sauna tonight at the gym.

    I decided that by June if I am still going strong with this, which will be 6 months, I am going to either buy rosetta stone for German or pay for lessons. I have a decent base since I had to take two years for Art History degree in college but I'd really like to speak another language fluently. I can read it WAY better than I can speak it. And then if that goes well, then maybe French or Chinese. It was nice to think of a non work out related gift to myself that didn't involve clothes or shoes.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I like the Rosetta Stone for German. My ADD-ness makes it impossible for me to actually do it every day but it is a really good program and a GREAT incentive for you! I hope you feel better.

    ct1986: what size kettle bell are you using for your workouts?
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    good morning girls! i am feeling better today finally. my eating last week was absolutely horrible! i didnt log it because i didn'twant to see the numbers. but i am back on track and ready to go. i wish i had the money to get a juicer and the fruit and veggies to juice. it all sounds soooooooooo good. despite being sick, i went to the park with my 2 dogs and a friend and went for a walk. it was great but my legs are still sore. i plan on going to visit mr treadmill and mr elliptical i just a little while. other than that to day is laundry day :sad: :cry: :sad: :cry: :frown: :frown: i hate doing laundry. actually i dont mind washing and drying clothes, its the folding and hanging i hate. i need a laundry fairy lol well you ladies have a great day and i will check back in later hopefully!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amber - I too hate HATE :explode: putting away laundry. Jeff doesall of our laundry (I cook), but I still have to put mine up. Hate. It.

    Amy - Is Rosetta a computer program or is it a cd car type thing or both?? There is a couple great apps for my ipad I thought about too, but I'd like a more comprehensive one.

    Exedrin Tension Headache pills oh how I loves yous!! They are kicking in and I'm starting to feel mildly more like a human instead of a puffed up balloon.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Ah Alberta....I grew up there. I miss Canada :(. I've lived in the USA for the past 10 years but was born and raised Canadian. Where'd you live?

    I'm in Edmonton, but I'm from the Vancouver area originally and looking to move back in 1-2 years if all goes well.

    Cool, I was born in Vancouver but my family lives in st. Albert and baptiste lake, just outside of athabasca up north. I love B.C. I love to move back home someday.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: They sell several iterations of the program and I believe that you have the option of getting some cds but the program is primarily a computer program. You can either purchase the program or you can use their web option (I did the web option with Spanish and purchased the German program). With the web option, the lessons are the same as the one you buy but you are kind of "leasing" the time - you can subscribe for 6 months or a year or whatever you think will work for you. The thing I didn't like about doing it online is that the program gets slow during the hours that most of the users are on and it made it really annoying. I like having the software on my computer, it's a lot more user friendly.

    Well, I spent my evening trying on every stitch of clothing in my closet and 2 dressers. I have a huge stack of "too big" clothes to get rid of and I am fitting back in to pretty much everything in my closet. I nearly passed out when I tried on 3 different (style and brand) size 14 dresses I own and....they....TOTALLY...buttoned (and/or zipped up) ...and they looked....GREAT!! I kind of tried them on "just to see" cuz I figured there was no way I'd fit into a 14 yet. :happy: Now I just need somewhere to wear dresses to. :grumble:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Woohoo Amy!!! That is sooo awesome! I am holding off on doing any more closet shopping until March 15th-ish and cannot wait. I've got a few size 14 dresses I don't think will fit but am hoping they are closer at the least. I'd love them to fit so I can take them to Vegas to wear out to my dinners. And am hoping that at Old Navy I can buy 14 pants...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    WOOOOHOOO AMY!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: