200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    I am checking in for the week... it's been rough! Valentines DID NOT help! But my weight is the same... 277. No less, but also no more... I now have a cold (yuck) but it is sunny today so I was able to walk to work!!! Supposed to be clear until Friday... Hopefully next weeks weigh in will be better!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Alight I'm finally at my computer for the first time in 4 days so I thought I'd post those links that I had told you about. You know the ones about blood sugar and which included info that unknown to me has helped me get moving again. Apparently you cannot lose fat while there is insulin in high levels in your system. My high carb days are over. Anyways, watch them all because they all go together and have a good amount of very informative information in them. The more carbs you eat the more you will crave, you need to find your bodies spot where you are getting enough but not so many that you are constantly craving them. Seems like a tricky thing to do but I am finding I'm having almost no cravings (unless i let myself get hungry) since I started eating less carbs. I am eating probably on average 80 a day, seems to be a good spot for me.


    Also, I am have unofficially just past my halfway to goal mark, weight in is not until Friday but im so excited to be halfway through my weight loss, I never thought this day would come. I am in the middle of TOM I really didn't think that I would have any loss this week (so far 1.5 lbs), I guess keeping up with things is really helping. I need to loose 136.5 lbs in total, and halfway is 38.25 lbs lost and so far I have lost 38.75 lbs. I now weight 193 lbs...holy cow im flying through the 190's 2.5 weeks ago i was at 200 lbs. I am not sure how long I can keep this momentum going but I am going to take every bit I can get.

    Amy: Awesome on fitting in 14's!!! I went shopping this weekend and bought my first large shirt and I tried on a size 14 pants that fit me...I couldn't believe it, I just got into the 16's! I think I am officially out of plus sizes. Feels great doesn't it???

    Kendal: Glad you are back on the wagon girl!! You got this!

    Also here is a chart I have been keeping track of my weight loss with if you would like to take a look how it has gone of the past 10.5 months.

  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    anvy1221: I actually have one that adjusts from 5 lbs. to 20 lbs. Currently I'm working with it at about 11 lbs.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    It's been a super busy day for me (and here on the board apparently!), so I don't have time to respond to everyone, but I did read all your posts!

    Everyone who posted their weight after I posted the chart, I added your weight to the list, and you'll be back on next week when you post your next weigh-in.

    Noelle- welcome to the the group! Thanks for the introduction. Jump right in!!

    I was in two trainings today, which took up a good chunk of my day, and I had a lot of stuff I had to get accomplished, which just couldn't get done. Tomorrow I'm in some waste of time training for the VA all day, so that's another day down that I could be actually doing work. This means Thursday and Friday are going to be crazy for me!

    I did find out my boss wants me to go (short notice) on a day meeting with in Washington DC on Monday. Yay! Of course, now that I have Emma, I have her to think about. Luckily, a friend will be able to take care of her (I'll fly out Sunday afternoon and come back Monday night), but I need to start looking for potential places to board her, as friends won't always be an option. Too bad I won't be able to spend more time in DC, as my brother lives in Baltimore and I have a friend in DC I would love to see.

    I'll check in tomorrow when I get a chance. Good to hear from everyone!! Keep at it!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - scooted over for you on the wagon!!! Congrats on the raise... Measure and put away the creamer!!!

    Suzie - you had a great weight loss. Remember slow and steady wins the race!!! Your story was interesting - thanks for sharing!!!

    Kristina - part of me is jealous of your snow and the other half of me is glad it was you and not me. We have grass showing again today (wind and sun just took it away!!!)... Have fun in DC!!! I'd watch Emma if I was closer. We are going in Nov this year for the Pumkin Chunkin!!! I can't wait...

    Lacey - Have a blast with your friend this weekend... To run longer, I'd really suggest C25K. Then slow down, breath deep and run. Glad your clothes are fitting better. Juicing does ROCK!!! Glad you're feeling better... Excedrin is my magic pill... It must be the caffeine. Good luck with your future closet shopping!!! I hope it all fits for Vegas...

    jamie - Congrats on your loss!!!

    sarah - congrats on your loss!!! Hope it got warm enough to go shopping. I love shopping.

    Hi Kim!!! I'm half Canadian but have always lived in the US. My mother's parents emigrated from Ontario Canada...

    Amber - hope you're feeling better... (((((big hug)))) Glad you got your workout in despite not feeling well!!! DH does laundry and the house cleaner folds it and puts it away... I hate laundry too!!!

    WiChelle - glad your anniversary went well!! The idea to eat more carbs makes sense to me with working out more. I know on my busy days, I burn tons more calories. Have you thought about a Bodybugg or BodyMedia?

    Welcome Noelle!!! This group is great!!! I have thyroid trouble and take medication. I've still lost almost 50 pounds - YOU can do it!!!

    Karen - nice to hear from you. Stop in when you can... We will still be here

    Amy - I have 2 kettle-bell workouts - very short 15 min or so. Let me know how you like the series DVDs. I have 5 and 10 lb bells. So cool that you went through your closet and that things fit better!!!

    ct1986 - I have to "refresh" my CPR next month. Been there, done that with dropping the Kettle-bell!!!

    startingoverca - at least it wasn't a gain. Hopefully next week will be better.

    I just love that BL is on now... The most inspiring show for me. Although caught part of a new show - "Pitchmen." WOWSA - I loved it... Exercise equipment demoed. Sooo cool. My first 2 clients for tomorrow have canceled so I have no excuse not to run!!! I'm going to try "Scorpion flip" during the commercial... Got in 30 min low impact aerobics with mom tonight...I so want to do the ball challenge!!! See you all in tomorrow!!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I can't get over how quickly this thread moves during the day these days. Love it! Makes it a bit hard to keep up with everyone but it's all good.

    kimmrdodge: Cool! My husband is American and loves the Vancouver area best of all the parts of Canada he's visited. Also, congrats on getting halfway done! I'm envious :)

    Amy: Way to go! I'm looking forward to the day I get to donate all my 'fat' clothes. Unfortunately, I've been plus-sized so long I don't have any smaller sizes lurking in the closet to inspire me.

    Kristina: Sounds like work keeps you pretty busy. I wouldn't mind having a job that involved a little travel, but unfortunately it's pretty unlikely with what I do. Glad you were able to find someone to watch Emma.

    Victoria: Have fun with aerobics and working out with your mom!

    My day today was pretty uneventful. I saw a small loss when I stepped on the scale but I've decided not to record every little fluctuation. New scale is officially lower than old scale was yesterday (by .4 lbs), though, which makes me happy. Work was good, but busy. I've got a lot of things on my plate but I was able to clear off some of the older tasks that have been hanging around for a while, as well as make some progress on one of my overdue reports. The report isn't officially overdue... I just wanted to have it done 2 weeks ago as I have another one piling up on top of it and I'll be auditing again in 2 weeks or so, which will be a third report to write up.

    Chris and I went to Olive Garden tonight and I was good and had grilled salmon (and brought half of it home). I've decided that Olive Garden doesn't really know how to grill salmon. I think next time I'll just suck it up, order something calorie-tastic, and only eat half of it. Now I'm just going to relax for an hour or so to finish digesting, then do a cardio workout (boxing and running, maybe a little skipping), and while I work out Chris is going to make banana bread. Yummy!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    pinbotchick: my CPR wasn't even up yet but I took the Heartsaver one a couple of months ago and had to take the Basic Life Support class today so boring, albeit important.

    sarahthes: I haven't been to Olive Garden in ages. Good job on the choice tonight. I think your plan for the future is fine too as long as it's only once in a while.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    ct1986: Bummer that your CPR certification wasn't enough. That's weird, isn't it?

    sarahthes: I'm down to the last of my smaller sizes hiding in my closet. I got rid of my size 6, 8, 10 and 12's about 5 years ago so once I get out of the 14's I'm gonna have to go shopping (something that I used to love when I was smaller and WILL love again). I used to really like the Olive Garden but their portions are really insane - good for you for getting something healthy!

    Victoria: I'm gonna have to look up "Pitchmen" on the interwebz. I'm always looking for new shows to watch!

    Kristina: Yeah, my dog is probably the cause of fewer last minute trips for my family. We have a really nice German lady who loves to watch her but she barely speaks any English so I have to get one of my bilingual neighbors to help me contact her when we need pet sitting. It's kind of a pain.

    Well, my day started off slow due to the fact that I was on the phone with a friend back in the states who is having marriage issues. I didn't get to bed until after 2 am (stupid time difference!). I rolled out of bed at 8 am and managed to drag myself on a walk with the dog and discovered that it was a butt-freezing 15 degrees outside this morning. The sun shining through my window kind of tricked me in to thinking it was warmer - it was not. Now it's almost 2 pm and it's warmed up to a balmy 30 degrees. I'm so ready for winter to be over. I got my YogaX in today and am feeling a whole lot more flexible than I have been in a LOOOOONNNNGGG time. Now...maybe..a nap??? Have a great day Super Pals!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    anvy1221: It's not really all that odd since the "healthcare" version covers things such as using bags, advanced airways, etc. but still slightly annoying since two months ago they said the other one would be fine.

    I can't wait for winter to be over, I don't so much mind the cold but now we are in the stage where one day it's 70 F and the next it's down to -10 F. That's the part that drives me crazy.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Still logging everything. (well, other than that one bite size piece of chocolate last night.) Still sticking to P90X- I did CardioX last night. When it starts with yoga, it takes a while for my heart rate to get up....my hrm only counted 87 cals burned in the first 20 minutes. :indifferent: yeah right. I think it said I burned about 400 cals so I rounded up to 500 cals for the hour....seems about right. It doesn't really matter though cause I was already right at my cals for the day before exercising so I had a 400-500 cal deficit yesterday.

    My main goal is to NOT weigh myself till next Saturday. That'll be the end of my first 4 weeks of P90X (even though I had a 2 week hiatus from being sick). I'm not expecting miraculous results, but I'll continue on anyway.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay making an attempt here to reply to everyone...finally!

    Kendal - have you tried the Silk coffee creamers made from soy? They have vanilla and hazelnut. Pretty tasty and I think (not sure) they are lower in cal. Good for you for sticking with the P90!!! YOu can do it, hide the scale! Out of sight, out of mind!

    Noelle - you can do it!! Keep posting in this thread and move towards your goals.

    Karen - I'm crackin' the whip at you girl!! Come back more often!!

    Amy - my gym doesn't have kettle bells but I wish they did. I'd even pay a PT to show me how to get a good work out with them!!

    Amber - good for you for walking and getting in that exercise when you are so busy!

    Kristina - I like to travel for work. Its the one thing I've always wanted to do, so I was so happy to get this job and find out I got to go at least a couple times a year. Its a nice change of pace. One of the trips I want to make with Jeff and Gracie when she's about 10 or so and can appreciate is to DC and go through the whole of the Smithsonian. It would take about a week to do it right.

    Victoria - That scorpion move...WOW. I think when I get back from Vegas, on top of cutting back on sugary foods, I am going to start up the C25k. I guess I need to just work through the mild pain and not be such a wuss about it. My husband was telling me that you kindof have to work through shin splints and as long as you can walk okay just to keep building on it..so I suppose I will push myself a bit harder.

    Saranthes - to go to OG and only get salmon...thats pretty damn good!!!

    Amy - I always forget about the time difference for some reason. I have a couple guys call me at least once a week from Germany at work and they are all excited to get off work and go home and I am just getting into work and am like "you suck!" lol. A nap sounds good....

    Well its about 35 here and there have been winter storm warnings for two days now. Supposedly we are going to get snow today and into the night. I will believe it when I see it. I'd like snow, but i DON'T want it to hamper my BFF coming down from Portland for the weekend. She won't drive in the snow...

    The head part of this cold thing is mostly gone but I am more sore than I should be and its a mildly achy kind of sore..so today will be a rest day. I've got my cals logged and still have about 200 to play with so I should be good on that front.
  • KaeChelle
    Thanks Lacey, I need that whip! I've been slacking off after doing so good at the last 6 week challenge! It's time for me to get busy! I WILL exercise tonight when I get home. Just saying it publicly so now I have to do it! :smile:

    This weekend I will be going out of town for a ladies getaway with some friends from church, but I plan on taking lots of water and healthy snacks.

    Gotta go... I'm at work!

    Have a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Hump Day!!! Is the week over yet? I only had 2 clients today and spent the afternoon doing paperwork and paying bills. YEAH for having money in the bank after bills and Vegas. I did manage a 2 mile run this morning. I'm finally over my slump of post vacation blues.

    I finally finished American Gods and did enjoy the book. After listening to the author talk after the book - now I want to read it again. I also just finished Outlander for book club this month. UPS just dropped off a package and think it's the Celtic CD about the life of Jamie and Clare in Outlander. I listened to the on-line demo song and it was great.

    Time to go fax things and add chemicals to the hot tub. Then on to think about dinner - fish and brussel spouts with my potato leek soup... I must be hungry.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I've been trying to read more as well. I started up with "The Girl Who Played With Fire" the other day. I'd been meaning to read the series for a while. The first book took some time to get into, but then it was a "page turner". So far the second book is good. I'd like to read 50 books read in 2011, but I'm only 5 down. I've got a ways to go!!

    I had a bit of a stumble today on the food front. I ate a great bowl of oatmeal this morning. Very filling and then I went to this all day training and they had donuts. I had JUST ate! Did I still eat one? Yes. *hangs head in shame* My own justification to myself is that I don't keep those things in the house, and I rarely am at events where they are an option, so there. I'll still be under calories for the day, if I don't eat a huge dinner. I'm not super hungry, so I'll have a hunk of bread with a big bowl of veggie soup.

    I'm finally going to have an office day tomorrow (whew!), so, while I will be pretty busy, I should be able to touch base with everyone. I'm splitting my day between the VA and the University, but should still be a more productive day than it has been this week!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have just all of a sudden lost the desire to work today. And since it is "supposed" to snow and storm all night into tomorrow and that means there "might" be a snow day for G's school, I NEED to keep pushing in case I need to either bring her to work with me or work from home.
    The potential storm is going to also screw up my BFF coming down this weekend...so bummer about that. Hopefully it will hold off but who knows. "They" keep saying it going to snow all week and nothing..so maybe "they" will be wrong once again. LOL.

    I just watched a youtube short on the follys of not measuring your food. Ga! I don't measure my food with a scale. And now I am almost positive that is why I don't lose weight as fast as everyone else when I am being diligent about everything. So yeah. Not sure what I want to do about it. Either log a quick 250 cals automatically or start weighing everything? Ugh. Honestly the weighing food will be a major thing to wrap my head around. Not sure if I'm ready for that. I guess for now, I will start thinking about it and if by June I am still slooooowly pacing along then I will consider it. Or maybe I will just buy a dern scale and try it for a week and see if it makes any difference.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    I am feeling good today. I struggled for two days with my calorie goal. I was right at or under but I was uncomfortable hungry. So I manually increased my calorie goal by 150 and today went so much better. It's amazing what a few calories can make. And my jeans are already more comfortable. Whoop Whoop!

    Ok Ladies. Keep going. Next stop skinny jeans.

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Lacey: I pretty much just eyeball my foods after the first time measuring. I'm still losing fairly steadily. Then again, I know the HRM for the PS3 doesn't always calculate calories properly-it tends to underestimate.

    Kristina: One donut never hurt anyone especially if you don't make a habit of chowing down on them. I don't think I'd have been able to resist either.

    Got in a good workout today. I'm getting fed up with my Script to text translator, though, so I'm off to have dinner and relax with Chris for a bit. Hope everyone else had a great Wednesday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I used to read sooooo much. Until I had my daughter. I used to read between three and ten books a month. Now I'm lucky if I find one I want to finish in a week or so. Its not the reading time, its the time i used to spend perusing barnes n noble for books, and Costco. That time is so limited now that I've gone through a huge slew of books I could barely finish because they weren't all that great. I miss reading.

    I am noticing all of a sudden that my legs are like seriously slimming down. From the knee to mid thigh they are seriously thinner. I had jeff take two pics of me about three or four weeks ago, side and front, and around the middle of march I'll have him take two more so I can see the difference. And then I will learn how to finally post pics on MFP:smile:

    Also, I've got to set another minutes exercised goal. I'm not getting the work outs at the gym like I need.
  • delimarpr
    Hey all, I'm Deli and I've been using the site and started an exercise routine for 2 weeks. Anvy recommended the site to me and thanks to her I've been able to keep it up! This is the 2nd time I've started an exercise program, the 1st time around I was 230 pounds and a size 22. I lost around 60 pounds and got to a size 12 in about a year. After an operation I stopped going to the gym regularly plus after some stressful situations I started binge eating again an almost gained it all back, today I'm a squeezed in size 16 :) After we got to Germany the anxiety picked up and so did the eating, plus the fact that my husband goes away every 2 months is not helping. I finally decided to start again and not allow my emotions take over my eating and exercise habits. I go to the gym 3 times a week with a friend and I exercise at home 2 times a week, I stopped eating after 6pm and started drinking lots of water, I normally don't follow diets, for me they don't work, I just adjust my eating habits, and slowly but surely I loose the weight. I'm reading all your posts and hopefully get to know y'all better. Thank you for reading me and allowing me to be a part of a great group.

    Oh and a short personal history. I'm form Puerto Rico; 33 yrs old; have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, 6 and 7; my husband is in the US Army and we've been together for almost 9 yrs; I'm also an only child and most of my family is overweight (we reeeaaally like our carbs jiji); in the last year I've gained an interest in reading, if I want I can read 2 books a week, I also like my tv shows and my social media :)

    Thank you again and take care!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Deli: Yay! You made it here!!! You keep working as hard as you've been and you will be smoking hot when Neo is done with that school in Colorado!

    Lacey: I think having a younger child definitely impacts the amount of reading you are able to accomplish. When Gabe was littler, he needed way more attention and I couldn't read anything. Now that he's older and reads a lot himself, I am back in to reading with a vengeance. I've read 13 books since the beginning of the year and I'm curious to see how many I can read by the end of the year. Oh, and I don't measure ALL of my food. I measure cereal (cuz I just can't eyeball it in the bowl), cheese (cuz I can easily over do it on cheese), peanut butter and coffee creamer (but I just started with the coffee creamer). I just eyeball everything else. Yay for slimmer legs!!!

    sarahthes: Good job getting your workout in girl!

    Noelle: I think it's good you changed your calories, it isn't cool to walk around hungry ALL the time. And yay! for looser pants!

    Kristina: I agree that one donut won't hurt you. Although eating when you aren't hungry might. (I'm just saying that because it looked like you weren't ashamed that you ate the donut but ashamed that you ate it right after you had just had breakfast...right?) I have problems with eating when I'm not hungry and I've been working really hard on being aware of my hunger level when I eat. It's hard!

    Kendal: Yay for P90X, you're doing great! I didn't really see any results in the first 4 weeks of P90X but I definitely saw some by the time I hit my first recovery week (somewhere around week 6 I think).

    I think The Hubbs is having gall bladder problems. He's had pain in his right abdomen for a while and is all gassy and bloatey. He went to the doctor about it a while back and she sent him to check for an ulcer (don't you LOVE how doctors don't listen to the things you say - he has no stomach problems whatsoever and doesn't have an ulcer.). When his test results came back normal, his doc said he was fine so he ignored it and pressed on for several more months. Now the pain is worse and he practically spent all night in the bathroom. His father and sister had their gall bladders removed so it really isn't a stretch to think there's something wrong with his. He was supposed to go to sick call this morning to try and make them look in the right place for his problem. I hate how you have to fight the military doctors tooth and nail to get them to help you. It sucks. Ok, my rant is over.

    Have a great day everyone.