200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I'm sorry I dont have time to catch up on the posts right now. I did want to at least pop in so it didnt seem I dropped out! Chalean came yesterday. I did the 1st work out and LOVED it!!!!!!! I'm sad today is a rest day already. have a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Deli:flowerforyou:

    Good morning Super Pals!!! The end of the week is almost here. Another light work day for me with only 4 clients. I've been getting tax work and other work related paperwork done - I HATE paperwork!!! Oh well, life goes on. Not sure what my exercise plans are beyond my 1/2 hour with mom. Maybe a walk on the treadmill or some Zumba... Take care and have a great Thursday...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I feel skinnier and I want to hop on the scale but I resisted that urge this morning. Last night I did Shoulders/Arms and Ab Ripper. I think Shoulders/Arms is becoming my favorite (probably because I can do all the moves and the guy who does the bands is hawt! rawr! lol). My hip flexors always pop when I do the Ab Ripper and I find that I tend to give up as soon as Tony says "you may not be able to do all this so take a break if you need it." Sometimes Tony needs to shut up and make me do it! lol

    Sorry, no time to respond individually to everyone. Keep going ladies! We got this!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Snow day today! YEAY for Gracie, she doesn't haver to go to school. Bummer probably for my friend coming down tomorrow though. Boo. It id pretty though. I'd take snow over rain any day of the week.

    Not sure if I will get to the gym today so I'm going to have to be diligent about cals.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Bummer about your friend not being able to visit due to the weather but yay for a snow day!

    Kendal: I seriously hate the Ab Ripper video. I don't know if it's because I have to do it 3 times a week or just because my abs are pathetic but I hate it. That said, I can do a lot more of it that when I first started. I can do 20 reps of most of the exercises (the Fifer scissors are still incredibly hard for me though) and I can do the cross-leg sit up thing all the way through with my legs crossed the whole time. So, even though it sucks - it works.

    Victoria: I vote for Zumba for you- it's so fun!

    WIChelle: I'm so glad you love your new workout! It really makes all the difference that you like your workout.

    Well, I drug myself through Core Synergistics today. It's a really challenging workout but it burns a bunch of calories while building the core so I like it. The Hubbs is going in tomorrow to see a GI doc and get an ultrasound of his gall bladder to see what's going on in there. Whatever it is, I just hope they figure it out soon because he's kind of miserable and I hate to see him in pain. The scale had me up a pound and it's my TOM so I know to stay away from the scale but I just can't keep from torturing myself.
  • Hi everyone. I haven't been able to post much lately. I have a sick baby and my other kiddos are starting to get it too! My youngest has an ear infection in both ears and all 3 of my little ones have bad coughs.
    I am on week 5 of couch to 5k and I am SOO nervous about day 3 (20 min run)!
    I wouldn't be surprised if I don't lose anything this week either. Last weeks 5lb loss was not a normal thing and I think I will probably pay for it with a big fat 0lbs lost this week. Oh well 5lbs in 2 weeks is fine with me!
    Have a great day everyone.
    - I am trying to keep up with everyone, and hopefully get to know some of you so I can start responding too.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Hope everyone is doing well. Not had a chance to read everyone's posts.. though quickly perused them & am excited that you gals are seeing weight come off:-) It is sooo satisfying to read that:-) Love ya all.

    I have so far been able to get on the treadmill twice this week for 40 & 45mins each. I had a bad day with some reaction to whey protein powder mix yesterday & was miserable, but am back on track today:-) I plan to get on the treadmill today as well & hope to be doing a lot more of that:-).

    Will try to get on here again soon... :heart: suzie
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My right knee is bothering me. I can't tell what is wrong with it, I just know it doesn't feel right. Maybe its the rain? Maybe I overextended it last night and its just now bothering me? I can't tell if its swollen- I tried to look but when you pull your jeans legs up, it kinda squishes everything. I will put on some shorts and take a picture later tonight to try to get an objective look.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- I used to be pretty good about measuring at least some of the foods that I ate... if they could be measured pretty easily (i.e. cups), but if it came down to weighing? Nah... and I have a food scale, so there's not a lot of an excuse. And yay for your legs slimming down. They've probably been doing it steadily, but, all of a sudden you realize a difference. That's certainly happened with me before... when I feel like not much is changing, and I'm like, hey! my tummy ain't hanging over anymore!

    Noelle- even being right near your calore goal is good... I don't know what you have it to lose per week as your goal, but as long as you're not really over by a lot, you'll still lose. You need the right balance of what will work for you in terms of calories, or exam what sorts of foods you're eating and find some more lower calorie options or that are more filling, so you're not as hungry.

    Sarahthes- woo for working out!!

    Deli- welcome!! Amy's great-- we love her around here! Keep it up with the exercise, and jump right on in with the conversation!

    wichelle- keep us updated on how chalean is going!

    Kendal- woo for feeling skinnier!!

    Amy- proud of you for still working out. I hope your hubbs is okay!! Keep at it, and even if the scale is up temporarily, it'll be a big drop when TOM is over. Mine's coming up next week, so I'm preparing for the inevitable jump.

    jamie- it's easy to psych yourself out about c25k.. the program works. You've been working up to where you are. It'll be a challenge, but it's completely attainable!

    suzie- nice treadmill work!

    whew... i think I got everyone!

    As for me, today has gone well. Eating was pretty much on point, and I should keep myself in line tonight. I hope everyone's preparing for weigh ins to start tomorrow! Remember to get your number posted by Monday morning!!

    I was split between office today which made for a hectic day. So much to catch up on. you don't want to see my inbox!! Tomorrow I have a full day at my main office, so that'll be helpful. We're supposed to get more snow again tonight (UGH!), so just walks for me and Emma.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Amy: I hope the docs figure out what is going on with your husband soon. Sounds like he is pretty uncomfortable.

    jamielr84: Aww, I hope your kids are feeling better soon. It's gotta be rough having all of them under the weather at once. Way to go on C25K. I'm thinking of trying that once it gets warmer here (the sidewalks are ice right now and will be for at least another 1-2 months). You can do it!

    suzieqdiva: Sounds like you're getting in a decent burn on the treadmill. Awesome!

    Kendal: Sounds painful! Hopefully your knee stops bothering you soon. I overdid it with squats and lunges a few days ago and my knees were bugging me but it seems to have gotten better. Took about 3-4 days for them to go back to normal.

    Kristina: Sounds like a busy day. I hate the days when I get 50-60 emails... up until April, I was in a job where I got maybe 2-4 emails a day. Now I get a lot more and it's always hectic trying to keep up.

    I have such a wonderful husband. He had supper cooking when I got home from work and everything was ready just as I finished my workout. Food choices were pretty good today except I'm low on calcium and iron. I'm thinking I might start taking a multivitamin again... thing is, I'm usually only under on those two things! So I don't know. Work was crazy today, but that seems to be the norm lately. I got a bit of overtime approved so I'm going in early tomorrow to get caught up on some stuff.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    welcome deli. glad to have you with us. you will like it here.

    kendal- i hope your knee feels better

    amy- i hope the hubbs feels better soon.

    jaime- i hope you little ones feel better too

    well i have been very successful this week with exercise. the weather here in south alabama has been absolutely beautiful. i went to the park on saturday, tuesday, and today and did a 1.175 mile walk each day. but the only problem is now the muscle in the front part of my right thigh (i think it is the quad muscle?) is very stiff and extremely sore. i am limping when i walk today. right now i have a heating pad applied to it and it is feeling a little better but i dont know what else to do for it. i am definitely going to give it a rest for a couple of days before i go back to the park to walk but i just wonder if yoga would be ok to do with a sore muscle. my way of thinking is that yoga might help stretch it out some. any advice thoughts or suggestions? i am open to anything right now. i hate pain. :cry: well ladies it is bed time here. long day tomorrow at work. night!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Amber: I'm sorry about your leg. I get stiff pains sometimes in my hamstrings and rolling on a foam roller really helps me out. I'm also an advocate of the healing power of yoga and stretching just don't do anything that makes it hurt (uncomfortable is ok, hurt is bad).

    Sarah: Maybe you should add a multivitamin to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs. I'm also jealous of your cooking hubby! Mine only "bakes" - no cooking. And the last thing I need is baking.

    Kristina: you have been a busy little ping pong ball at work, haven't you?? I hope you get caught up soon.

    Kendal: Bummer about your knee. Did you do anything to it (twist it or anything?)? I hope it feels better soon.

    Suzie: What happened with the whey protein?

    Well, today got off to a different start as we accompanied The Hubbs to his ultrasound appointment. You know, I have never sat in a German waiting room before (I've lived here almost a year now) but they do the oddest thing...Every person who walked into the waiting room greeted the room and every person who left the waiting room after their appointment was done said good bye to the room (and the people sitting in the room said hello and goodbye back as well). It was weird. It's never occurred to me to say hi or bye to a roomful of people I don't know and never talked to. Cultural differences are interesting. The Hubbs' appointment went fine, I guess. His gallbladder, liver and bladder are all fine. I know this is good news but he's kind of bummed as he has pain and discomfort and now has absolutely no reason for it.

    I better get my booty in gear and do my KenpoX. I weighed in this morning at exactly the same weight as last week (209.2) so I'll weigh in again tomorrow to see if there's any difference now that the TOM seems to be ending. Have a great Friday ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Jamie - don't worry about speed with day 3. You can do it!!! Running is mental. I have a 6 mike run today and plan to slow down to 15 min miles so that I complete it. I like to look at the clock and just take it 1 min at a time. At 5 min you'll be 1/4 of the way there. Get some good music or a great book and enjoy the run.

    Kendal - ice, ice, ice that knee. Hope it feels better soon

    Amber - ice, ice, ice that thigh!!! Gentle stretches. I second you getting a foam roller for stretches.

    Sorry I'm out time with responding. I have to get on Mr Tready in 6 min or I won't have time for my run before work.

    Check-in today at 190. The same as last week. I'll take it since TOM has arrived and I feel super bloated!!! Next week should be better. TGIF!!!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    anvy1221: I'm glad to hear that things came back positive but I do home that they find out what's going on with your husband soon, for your sake. It's frustrating when you know something isn't right but have no explanation.

    dixiegal2484: I would also suggest gentle stretching and a foam roller might not be a bad idea as well. Alternating ice and heat can sometimes help as well.

    sarahthes: If you are consistently only low on those two things would it be possible to just take those supplements. I take a multivitamin daily and that seems to work for me right now.

    akasullengal: Hope you have a productive day at work so you can relax and enjoy your weekend.

    As for me I'm weighing in at 217.2 lbs. this week. I'm continuing the "Live Healthy" 100 day challenge and will also be starting a 30 day challenge with the gym I go to. The goal is to lose the most weight/inches combined, not real sure how it's going to work but hopefully it will be the kick in the butt that I need since I've been struggling with motivation lately.
  • hey y'all just passing thru to wish everyone a great weekend!!!

    Amy what's wrong with Trav??? Could it be ulcers or kidney stones??? hope he feels better, BTW I went to a German ENT on Wednesday for Adam and the other person that was there didn't say hi or bye to us lol
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My knee feels better today (so far). I probably twisted or overextended it a little on Wednesday night. You guys should be so proud! I stuck with the entire hour and a half of YogaX last night. I gave up on the end of the first section (the 45-50 minute range) but I turned off my hrm for that so I didn't exactly cheat. I took your advice Victoria and turned the lights off. It made it more tolerable. Plus I knew what was coming so it made it easier to skip the unimportant stuff (like that pushup between upward dog and downward dog). And I giggle and think dirty thoughts when he talks about being on the cover of Downward Dog Magazine.

    Its raining like crazy today and Lexi refuses to go out in the rain by herself. I had to put her raincoat on (yes, my 67lb mutt has an adorable yellow raincoat) and go stand in the rain with her. I love her raincoat though....it keeps the majority of her body dry so when we get back in, I only have to dry off her head and tail. I've taught her to "wipe her feet" ...while I stand beside the back door, she will walk around me (on the doormat) a couple times and it dries her feet off.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hello everybody!! i'm sandra, and i've been on here for a little over a month. i started at 275 and i lost 20lbs so far, making it 255 today :) sadly, i know the weight won't come off as fast now cuz i'm out of that first month, so hopefully this group will help me stay on track and keep motivated :) good luck everybody!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hi Sandra!! *waves* :flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- I'll put your weight down as is, but if you weigh in lower tomorrow, I'll change.

    Victoria- I actually had you last week at 191, so you totes lost a pound! Nice run today-- I miss those longer runs, and can't wait until I get back into it.

    ct1986- challenges can really hope with motivation. I think it's great that you're involved in them!

    sandra- welcome! first, congrats on the weight loss so far, and second, congrats on sticking with it! you're right that it'll certainly not always come off that quickly, but that if you stick with it, it will come off eventually. have patience!

    I weighed in pretty much the same this morning, so I'll step on the scale again tomorrow morning and again on Sunday and I'll record the lowest weight. I'll be in DC until late on Monday, so I won't have the weekly chart up probably until Tuesday.

    It's nice that today is my first full day in the office this week, and I've been productive, but not super stressed, which is the best sort of day! My walk this morning with Emma was a bit shortened as it was snowing and pretty windy and I was pretty miserable doing so. I'll make up for it this afternoon/evening with an extra long one with her. It'll be good for both of us!

    Good luck everyone with your weigh-ins and happy Friday!!
  • Just leave my weight the same for now. I don't have my scale handy and I will be out of town the next few days. Hope you all have a great weekend!
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