200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- OUCH!! I know that had to really hurt! I had a tumble like that a couple years ago with my TINY little (at the time) 3 year old niece. We were at Logan's flag football game and I was chasing/playing with her. Well, as I was chasing her and getting closer, our feet got tangled and down we went.....with me on top of her. I somehow managed to create a safe area for her by landing on my elbows and rolling to the right. We did a complete roll and I somehow finished by throwing her back up on her feet. To her, it was a really fun roll. To me, it was a really embarassing fall and everyone kept asking if we were ok. I was fine, but its really funny how instincts kick in to protect little ones at your expense.

    My sister told me about a fall this winter. She and her daughter (the same niece) were out sledding. I forget how, but they fell. My sister pulled her kid up with one arm, held her expensive camera up in the air and went down on her hip.

    TOM is still beating me up. Can't wait for it to be over and to be able to get back on track with P90X.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey everyone... hope y'all are having a better Friday than I am. I found out late yesterday that my grandfather fell during the night a couple of nights ago. My grandmother, who sleeps in a different room and is nearly deaf, didn't find him til morning. He banged his head, got scraped up pretty good, and has a compression fracture in his spine, which means he is bedridden. Grandma refused to have him admitted to the hospital. Thankfully, they had an assessment from the local health authority today and they are going to be getting home nursing care 2x/day for the foreseeable future. Grandma is 85 and Grandpa is 91... not so sure they should be living on their own anymore.
  • KaeChelle
    Sarah- So sorry to hear about your grandfather. I understand your concerns as I have grandparents who are in poor health as well. I don't live near them, so I can't really help them. That will be good for him to have the home nursing care, and I hope it starts soon!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola girlies! It's been a bittersweet day here. Grandma finally passed away but I found out my bff is having a girl which is super exciting. All ive had to eat all day is complete crap and I feel it. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go to the gym and move around and sit in the sauna. Do some more running.

    I came home around 11 and tried my hand at making macaron cookies. (not to be confused with macaroons) Damn those are hard to get right. I'm getting closer though.

    Saranthes sorry about your grandpa, that's scary! I've had go watch my parents take care of my grandparents the past three years so they could stay in their homes as long as possible. It not fun either way you go with that.

    Amy sheesh been there though not as hard a fall!

    Jamie isn't there such a big difference running on a treadmill versus the road?? I find that the impact on my legs isnt as bad running outsider as it is on the treadmill. Good for you sticking it out!!

    Kendal Tom is such a *kitten*. Nuff said.

    Well I find that I am getting cranky and am all of a sudden emotionally dunzo so I see myself going to bed here shortly.
  • peterscr7
    Hey, if you don't mind another person, I'd love to become part of this awesome support group!
  • blessedmommy2x
    I weighed in today, lost 3.4 lbs this week. WOOHOO! Down to 227.6 lbs
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    blessedmommy2x: Congrats on your loss, that's great!

    peterscr7: Welcome to the group. We weigh in sometime over the Friday to Monday time period and Kristina posts a chart with our weights on Monday. Let us know more about yourself.

    Lacey: I'm sorry for your loss. I hope things are better today.

    Sarahthes: I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. It's so hard to have to decide whether or not outside care is needed. A lot of older people don't want to lose their independence but need help. I hope things work out for your grandparents.

    I was supposed to do my P90X Back and Legs workout today but my knees/shins are REALLY achy from my fall yesterday. Walking up and down the stairs hurts. I also have bruises on both elbows (didn't even realize I hit them) and my knees. So I'm taking a rest day.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning!
    Sorry to not get checked in yesterday. Thur/Fri are always a busy day for me. Weigh in same as start 218.

    Wow there are some awesome weigh ins going on here!!! Congrats!!! I dislike when I read and try to reply since you can only see the last few posts. I forget what I had to say to the others.

    Lacey I am so sorry to read your Grandma passed away. Big hug and more big hugs!

    Sarah sorry to hear about your grandpa falling. I'm glad someone is coming in to help.

    Today is kind of a big day for me! Today is our 18th anniversary. My father in law is going to come stay with our kids and zoo of pets so we can go spend a night away. I booked a nice jacuzzi suite. I'll do my best to eat well but I know I will indulge in champagne. I think I scared my hubby though as I woke up bawling my eyes out this morning. I assured him all is ok but just a dream! My younger brother was a UPS pilot. He died in Sept in Dubai when the plane crashed. I had been dreaming about the crash. I really miss him . I assured dh have no fer it is an awesome day!

    I'm awaiting chalean exteeeme. I can't wait!

    So what are everyones weekend plans?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Nothing like starting off the day at 6:30 with a kid who wants to be a butt head. Sheesh. But we turned it around and decided she should want to have agood day. Lol. Now we're watching Emerils Food Fast. He's stuffing squash blossoms which I've always wanted to try.

    So it looks like I may need to stay in Vegas longer after all, we'd decided not to go longer because the babysitter wasn't working out. My customer from Taiwan is coming so I've got to figure a way to make it work. With only a month away its going to be a scramble. Yeesh.

    Wichelle I'm sorry about your brother. I hope that your night with hubby is awesome! Happy anniversary!!

    Amy I can't blame you for having a rest day or two after that fall!! It usually takes me a few days to start hurting and then I wonder why I'm sore. Duh!

    Gonna go back to the gym today and I can't wait. I could use a good workout!!

    Oh also I bought dome earth balance vegan butter last weekend. Have you guys tried it??? It's awesome. More buttery than butter!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a quick check in this morning, but I'm sticking with my goal of checking in every day with you all, as you're such good motivators. Weight was the same this morning. I'm hoping for a drop tomorrow or Monday. Need to be good this weekend. Had a nice long morning walk with the dog, and as long as the weather holds, I think we'll do a run this evening. Maybe bump the distance up even a little more.

    I'm thinking tomorrow when I do my normal shopping run, I might go to the gym first. It's been entirely too long since I showed my face there.

    I don't have a lot of food in the house today, so I'll need to be creative and not do something stupid like order a pizza (ugh!).

    I'm about to run a few errands. More dog food needed, might hit up DSW for some new flats, and I want to go to World Market and browse around a bit. Otherwise, plan to relax and spend the day catching up on the DVR and get some reading done.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    AMY holy cow girl you are looking fabulous !!! and i cant believe you are 209 you look a lot smaller in the photo with your new coat.. must be some muscle.. i was thinking you looked 170lbs.. you are doing great!!!

    hello new people and welcome..

    sorry i havent been on .,. been busy with school and life had a pretty good week and the " ordinary day" aka Vday.. we really dont celebrate it .. although hubby bought me a very small cake.. i m like really? a cake.. like i need it.. lol but i did have some and a little ice cream too.. but let the kiddos eat most of it.. and i made some homemade banana bread for me instead yum-o
    i have been enjoying some of our warm weather here its been in the 60s soo nice.. i washed clothes and put them on the line.. i cant wait for summer to get here...

    Congrats to is it Karen who lost the most weight this past 6wks.. i cant remember names lol .. Good job..
    and good luck to everyone doing the next 6 wk challenge.. !!! catch ya laters
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Emma and I jogged a 5K this afternoon with much success! She kept up nicely, and it averaged out to a 11:29 pace... I think we might have been even a bit faster, because I didn't stop the nike+ every time she sniffed around for a bit. I feel so much better about myself when I move my fat behind around. The weather today was too glorious not to go for a run. We'll probably do another decent length walk tonight... just maybe a bit shorter than our regular one. It's in the high 30s and sunny. I've felt spoiled the past few days here with the weather... and we're back under a winter weather advisory for Sunday/Monday. Boo. Hiss.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: We've had a few weeks of lovely weather around here. But I see that they are predicting colder temps and even some snow in the near future. Good for you for taking advantage of the weather and getting a great run in!

    Bethany: Thanks for the compliment!! I guess I have the benefit of being a bit tall so I wear my weight better than a shorter person (I'm 5 ft 9) and I KNOW I've gained muscle doing P90X. It's such a great program even if Tony Horton is a bit annoying. I love banana bread. We made some pumpkin bread this weekend and it's already gone (thankfully, I wasn't the one to eat most of it!).

    Lacey: It just sucks when a kid starts a day off on the wrong foot. Most of the time, Gabe is incapable of turning it around and ends up making the entire day miserable or being banished to his room. Luckily, now that he's a bit older, those days are fewer and further between. How does one make vegan butter?? Don't vegans eschew animal products (like the cream butter is made from??).

    WIChelle: That's so sad about your brother. I'm sorry for your loss. On the other hand, have a wonderful anniversary!!

    I didn't do much of anything today but my knees are feeling a bit better so I'm pretty sure that I'll be back at P90X tomorrow (I get all antsy when I can't workout!). I played Rock Band for hours with Gabe and The Hubbs, relaxed on the couch with a book, watched The Golden Compass with the fam (it was a much better book than a movie but wasn't too terrible), after Gabe went to bed we watched several episodes of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena and we're almost caught up (this show is ridiculously addicting). So, all in all, I didn't do much today to get off my booty and I feel a bit like a slug but I'll be back at it tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I only got as far as logging breakfast. We went out for lunch, hamburger fries and onion rings...then to the movies sour patch kids. White chocolate mocha on the way home. Tomorrow we clean the house, I prep food for the week and I WILL go to the gym. I want the hot sauna and some run time on the tready. I'm feeling pretty slothly and like I've got a ten lbs brick of crap in my stomach after the past two days so yeah. Gotta get back to moving.
    I put on this t-back tank top I wear around the house tonight with pajama pants and its loose. I remember not too long ago it was fitted all the way down. Its good incentive to keep pushing for another month until I go to Vegas.
    And then I figure I will focus on May 14th after that - my BFF's baby shower..another sixish week push...then September 9th - Warrior Dash training, which means running outside. So between now and June, aside from keeping up with logging food, eating right and getting to the gym, I want to work on conditioning myself to push through that high heart rate and keep (endurance traning I guess?) running . Once it gets up there I want to back off and I need to learn to stick with it by gradually running longer and longer.

    Amy - I need to keep watching that first season of Spartacus. Maybe I will watch some more on Netflix tonight. I really like it. And yeah, its like Gracie is fairly good all week and just has to unload on the weekends sometimes. We usually have two mornings a week that result in crying for one reason or another before we walk out to leave. Par for the course. Drives me nuts but not much I can do except keep moving forward and push her to do her chores (brush teeth, get dressed, etc) on a consistent basis.

    Kristina - thats great about your dog and running!

    Bethany - nice to see you back on here. School and family is hard. I am not sure I could have done the working out, etc. AND school AND family. You go girl!

    OH I watched this show called Last Woman Standing this morning - where I think six female athletes travel around the world and do all these native challenges. I watched a Water Buffalo racing challenge in Indonesia, and the final challenge - a ten mile high altitude run with a pole and ring which you fling on sandals made of tires. Pretty cool!

    OH OH - have you guys "liked" Tough Mudder on FB???? Holy. *kitten*. That is one crazy *kitten* course! However, there are some pretty hawt pics of male @sses to goggle over posted on their fb page...so....yeah take a peak :love:
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Wow! You gals are quite a bunch of women!!!! An exceptionally supportive group & you actually care! I love it. Seems like I found a diamond within MFP & did not know it!

    I came to this site a few days ago & joined in.. thinking it better to have my butt kicked publicly.. as I have a rough time staying accountable.. especially when it comes to weight loss. Since another week has rolled by & I was thinking I should log in my weight tomorrow.. I came looking and found so many of you had taken the time to welcome me!!! I am touched & speechless:-)

    Thank you for making me feel so welcome.. but most importantly being YOU:-)

    BTW... i wrote my first blog post today.. & would love some feedback.. if you so are inclined:-)

    Thanks again... & I will remember to visit more often & really feel honored to be amongst such wonderful company!
  • KaeChelle
    Suzie- Welcome to MFP and to this board. The ladies here are great! I don't check in as much as I should, but it's nice to have the support! I'll check out your blog.

    I've been really busy this weekend trying to go through my things and declutter my apartment. I have made a stack for donations, and I have listed many things on ebay and smashion.com. Hoping I can make a few bucks, but if not, those things are going to goodwill or somewhere like that.

    Have a great day!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Feeling like I did pretty good yesterday. We went out for Tim Hortons breakfast yesterday. I made the best of a bad deal and did NOT get a doughnut, thus keeping the greasy tasty fat-laden meal to under 500 calories including coffee. My workout was insane. I've been whining for the past few days about how I hope it steps up soon. Well, it did! Holy Haleakala, it did! It claimed it was a nice full-body workout in the blurb before it started but then it showed the target zone % and it was 50% legs and only 8% arms! (the rest was split pretty evenly between core and straight cardio).

    I'm still weighing in steadily at 240 and have been since Tuesday (with some minor fluid level fluctuations), so I guess that's my official number for the week. I got a new scale yesterday and it doesn't exactly agree with my old one so I'm going to start using it next week instead of this week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Suzie - I just checked out your blog. IMHO losing weight is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. You can lose weight with only diet but you will lose it quicker and be healthier if you add the exercise. Can you get a friend to exercise with you? Walks outside are great exercise. I listen to books on tape while walking/jogging on the treadmill - can you get a good book from www.audible.com for your ipod or MP3 player and make it so you have to be on the treadmill to listen to it? If money is an issue, you can get cd from the library for free. I can't exercise at a gym since the closest one is an hour away. Exercise DVDs have helped me in these crappy winter months. Netflix and the library have cheap ways to try videos. All of Leslie Sansone walking DVDs are great. Getting a friend to this with you will make the time go quicker. Mom and I talk though most of the video - the important thing is that we are moving. At the gym, can you hire a personal trainer to give you tips on how to incorporate strength training or circuit training? I love the Zumba DVDs and can do them anytime. Once you've done some walking DVDs (ie low impact aerobics) you can do the same moves during regular TV shows. DH tolerates it since he's so happy I'm looking better. Good luck with getting the exercise in...

    Kristina - GO EMMA GO - I'm so proud of you for finishing your first 5K!!! You're really making me want a dog. Drools over DSW shopping. I'm a shoe *kitten* - I never seem to leave the store with less than 3 new pairs... Did you find any shoes?

    Lacey - more time in Vegas sounds great. Sorry to hear about your grandmother...

    Amy - sorry to hear about your fall. I fell Thursday night - slipped in mud and landed on my knees on the steps... The bruises hurt. Glad you're feeling a bit better.

    Jamie - the key to running outside is to slow down and then slow down even more. It won't be long until you're able to judge your pace outside...

    Kendal - hope you're feeling better.

    Sarah - hope your grandfather is doing better. Falls are never good. Many home health agencies have staff you can hire to help do things - cleaning, showers, cooking, etc. Glad you liked the new workout.

    Karen - good luck selling things!!! the extra $$$ always comes in handy.

    Welcome PeterSCR7 - tell us about yourself and jump in posting anything - questions, daily life, frustrations and brags...

    Great job blessedmommy - excellent weight loss!!!

    WIChelle - I get you on the not being able to see the other posts to respond to everyone if I'm using my phone. If I'm on the laptop (like today), I open a 2nd window and go post by post to respond... So sorry to hear about your brother - you're allowed all the tears you want for him. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary!!!

    Bethany - just check in when you can. I'm impressed you do it all with your busy schedule!!! Way to go...

    As for me - I'm a total sloth this weekend. I cooked spit pea soup and chili Friday night. I lazed around all day yesterday and only burned 1964 cal total... Sheesh... I knew I was being lazy but the Bugg smacked it in my face. I need to work and exercise more on the weekends... My new goal to burn 2500 cal a day on the weekends. I've skipped running all week. It's the weather and I'm just feeling bummed. I'll pick it up again on Tues. I need to go walk on the treadmill so I can burn more cal. My food has been over since the chili was not low fat and I ate 3 bowls of it yesterday!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend...
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Sorry, I haven't been around. I've been super busy, got called into work due to people calling in sick, etc. I did however still manage to get up and get my workouts in despite the long days, which I'm pretty proud of. The weather has taken a nasty turn around here. Anyhow, I'll try to check back soon and more often.

    Hope things are improving for those of you who are struggling.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    ct1986: Great job getting your workouts in despite long work days! That's awesome.

    Victoria: I am right with you on the sluggishness this weekend. I haven't done much of anything useful all weekend. My knees are feeling better but haven't been 100%. I spent the evening cleaning up the aftermath of Sofie's explosive diarrhea explosion on my Persian rug. It was insane...we were all sitting watching a movie when she stood up and bent over and splashed 100 pound doggie-doo ALL over the rug. I've never seen anything like it before and I've had dogs my entire life. And I absolutely LOVE that she managed to do this on the ONE floor in my entire house that has a rug (and a pricey Persian rug, no less). I was already PMSing today and that episode sort of pushed me over the edge. Gabriel went so far to try to appease me that he made a valiant attempt at making potato soup. I'm doing better now and my rug doesn't look like a doggie diaper anymore.

    sarahthes: Good job keeping your breakfast out meal within reason. I think that's the KEY to successfully losing weight. For me, I can't adopt a diet that restricts me too much. I can't get rid of entire food groups or carbs. I have to be able to eat the things I want to eat, I just need to learn how to do so in moderation. Good job lady, you're doing great!!!

    Karen: Way to go de-cluttering! I had a friend help me declutter my house before I moved last year but now that I've lost some weight, I have to go through my dresser and closet and get rid of a bunch of stuff.

    suzieqdiva: I agree with what Victoria said - weight loss is mostly made up of healthy eating and a little bit of exercise. There's no need to kill yourself trying to burn calories as long as you are eating better. And if you are just starting this weight loss journey, you might do better to focus on your eating and then slowly add exercise. It's hard to change your lifestyle and the more radically you change it, the harder it will be for you. It might be easier if you make small changes that you can sustain over time and then add other healthy changes as time goes on. As far as exercise goes, I say - do things that you like because it's easier to keep doing it. If you HATE going to the gym, then you should stay away from the gym. There are tons of great exercise DVDs out there so you can work out at home. You can go for a walk and listen to music you like or an audiobook and zone out for a little bit of "me" time. You can ride a bike and feel the wind in your hair. Another thing that helps me enjoy working out is to work out with a friend. It makes time go by faster and it also has a built in accountability as far as your friend is expecting you to show up and you'd feel bad letting her/him down.

    Lacey: I checked out the Tough Mudder page you mentioned - those dudes are HARD CORE. Wow.

    Well, I've kind of had enough of today what with the PMS and the dog poo and I'm turning in for the night. I HATE that the last couple of years I've had an increase in PMS rage for no apparent reason. The Hubbs and Gabe aren't exactly fond of it either. Anyhow, good night to ya'll.