200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    ADG- I think it's great that you made it to the gym despite not wanting to go. Sometimes, it's just the getting going that's the hard part - keeping going is momentum. You did great! And don't worry that it wasn't your best workout - you got moving and THAT is what matters!! I also think it's really sweet that you and your husband have decided to "date" in order to figure out where you're going. Me & DH had a bit of a marital crisis last year and we were at a crossroads where we could have ended it or worked hard at making it work. We chose the second option and, while not easy, it was the best one for us. We are stronger and happier than we have ever been. I wish you the best of luck!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    ADG- Yes, great job talking yourself into going to the gym. Even though you tricked yourself into going as you put it, you made the effort to go. It's amazing how much better you feel afterwards. The other night I put in a new exercise dvd. I didn't want to, then I planned on doing just the first 15 minute segment. Next thing I know I completed the entire 55 minutes and I felt great!

    I weighed in today at 258! I think that was a 3.1 pound loss or something like that. I'm not sure how that happened, but I'm happy to have broken the 260's. I shared the other day I have been going up and down in the 260's since April.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    This was posted on another board I read and I thought I'd re-post it here. It is a great visual of how your body is changing despite the scale not moving. Loved reading it and seeing the pics.

  • sarabaumgarth
    Hi ladies! I am new to MFP....just joined a few days ago. I was wondering if I could join the group?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    sarabaumgarth: Welcome to the group! Our ladies are amazing. We generally weigh in sometime between Friday and Sunday and Kristina (akasullengal) keeps track of our weight loss for us. (She's a rock star, we love her). So, tell us about yourself- are you married, have kids, what are your weight loss goals, etc?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    This was posted on another board I read and I thought I'd re-post it here. It is a great visual of how your body is changing despite the scale not moving. Loved reading it and seeing the pics.


    I was going to post this too!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    ADG- Great job on working out even when you didn't want to. I feel so much better after I work out especially when I didn't really want to. I think that you and your husband are on the right track to getting to know eachother again. I am single and probably not the best at relationship advice ( mine are usually monumentally disastrous ) one thing I have noticed with the more successful couples I know are that they take time to do things together. One of my step-sisters and her husband have a set date night every other week. They would do it more but they have three little ones at home.

    Kendal- Congrats! I love when people notice weight loss! It is such an ego boost and motivator.

    Karen- Way to go breaking out of the 60's!!! You rock!

    Amy- Thanks for reposting the sparkpeople blog. We have all heard the same things about the scale but seeing it is a whole different thing.

    Sarabaumgarth- Welcome! This is a great bunch of gals to mingle with.

    Ok. So I did my weigh in today and I'm at 205.6. Slightly under what I was after the first week. I wish that it was more, but it's still lower than I have been. Yesterday I felt great because my jeans were a bit looser than they have been. While I was at work I had more energy than usual and I even had some random guy come up to me and give me his number. It's been a while since thats happened! Lol. Anyway I feel great. I hope you all have a great weekend and great weigh ins! I'm off to get in a workout before work tonight.
  • sarabaumgarth
    Hi ladies and thank you so much for the nice welcome! You all seem really nice! I am 23, a stay at home mom of a 17 month old, and an army wife. We are currently stationed in Alaska. We also have 2 german shepherds...they are just like our kidos :) My weight goals are to lose my BABY WEIGHT! I would like to be back down to 170 again. My really long term goal would be to weigh 150. I have lost 20 lbs on my own by dieting, and then gained half back when I stopped. Then it hit me that I shouldn't be dieting! This NEEDS to be a lifestyle change! I have started to Eat Clean a few weeks ago, and I really enjoy it. I'm not 100% a Clean Eater yet but I'm getting there. My dad is getting married this fall and so is my best friend, so I would LOVE to go home looking GREAT for their weddings! I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola everyone! Happy Saturday!
    We went to the U of O Ducks parade in town today...it was fun. The football players came at the end in two huge flatness and they were dressed in sweat pants and checking their cell phones the whole time. I'm not into football, but when a town has a parade for a team who made it to the national championship game it seems to me they could show a bit of gratitude towards the town that supports them, even if they lost!!! Rant over. Lol.

    We went to lunch after that and I wanted eggs Benedict but I had the hummus platter instead. It was just as good and fresh tasting. I had a few fries and a bit of Gracies corn dog and just that small amount of grease had my stomach upset about an hour later! It's a good thing right!?
    I had planned to work out tonight but it's almost five and jeff had to run an errand in town so I'm going to stay home and chill out. We have Clash of the Titans to watch. I will go tomorrow morning instead and hit the sauna and hot tub. Oh and I'm going to have Jeff take two pics of me so I can see in a few months the progress ive made.

    I'm having a hard time seeing everyones post on this iPad. I will get out my laptop tomorrow and reply to everyone.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    This was posted on another board I read and I thought I'd re-post it here. It is a great visual of how your body is changing despite the scale not moving. Loved reading it and seeing the pics.


    how awesome..
    sounds kinda what im going through... the scale is really not moving for me lately.. but ive gone down in inches / pant sizes but i try not to get discouraged.. it feels great to get tone.. and feel better about my body...

    thanks for sharing :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    sarabaumgarth: Hey! I'm an Air Force spouse (I am also an Air Force veteran). We're currently stationed in Germany (I have friends in Alaska at Elmendorf). My goal is to lose my baby weight too - too bad my "baby" is nearly 8 years old!! My other baby is a huge Bernese mountain dog named Sofie (I'm a big dog person).

    Bethany: Yeah, I feel my body changing from the P90X but the scale hasn't been so great at reflecting it. It was nice to see that chick's pictures showing how different she looked at the SAME weight. It gives me hope.

    Lacey: I would think the football players would be more grateful but, honestly, most college kids have their heads firmly planted in their @sses so I'm not really surprised at their show of disrespect. (I would also like to point out that when I was in college I, too, had my head firmly planted up my @ss - so I am speaking from experience) Let me know what you think of Clash of the Titans - I liked the 70's version better and was WAAAAYYY bummed that they didn't really have the owl in it.

    Sarah: Yay for looser jeans and the weight going down! And super-yay for a guy giving you his number!!!

    Saturday was a good day. We went to Gabe's basketball game and it was really hilarious. There's something about watching kids who are just learning how the game works running around the court - like herding cats. Of course, it seriously pisses Gabe off that most of the kids aren't as serious about the game as he is but he REALLY likes that the other kids revere him as he is the best player on his team. (It's funny to watch his swollen head try to fit out the door!) His team won and he scored 10 points, so he was happy. I did my "long" run - 3 miles at a 12:30 pace (I'm FINALLY getting faster!!!!) and then did P90X Legs & Back and Ab RipperX. My legs are soooooo sore today!!!! I'm looking forward to the recovery week for P90X so my muscles can get a break ('cept the abs, of course - damn you Tony Horton!!!) Anyways, hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so I want to weigh in with my Friday morning weight of 216.6 but the past two days I've been at 218.0 so thats what I'll go with.

    Thanks for posting a link to that blog. It really helps to see something like that when the scale isn't moving for me (even though someone at work noticed I'm still losing).

    Taylor is taking me up to the mountains to meet his grandparents today. Our day will probably also involve sledding and MAAAYBE I will get to shoot my first gun. It was mentioned a couple days ago so I don't know if we will still do it.

    It will be so nice to have so much extra time in my day when I work from home on Tuesday (and probably Wednesday and MAAAYBE Thursday this week). I hope it snows 3 feet and then I won't have to spend an hour and a half a day driving to/from work.

    Anyways, its time to eat my yogurt and string cheese and get ready for the day. YAY!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Can I pull my hair out yet? I was soooo excited when the bodybugg arrived Fri. First step - 3 hour battery charge.. Sat morning I tried activating it - first needed to upgrade iTunes and put newest operating system on iPhone... After several error messages trying to update iTunes, we went over our download limit. I got up at 3 am to to uninstall iTunes and reinstall with most recent verstion - success. Then onto the iphone -the backup took and hour then another 90 min to update the iPhone (I do like the upgrades).. On to activating Bodybugg - It hit a technical error and the office doesn't open for 2.25 more hours - at which time, I'll be seeing my 2 clients today. I'll try again when I get home at 1... All weekend, I've been looking at the little bugg and wanting to use it but can't (*sighs*). Hopefully, it will be ready before my run this afternoon.

    On another note - I'm leaving Mr. Scale (does anyone want his number?)!!! Trust me he is evil or is expecting TOM to show up any day the blame... Or Mr. Thai from dinner Friday night. I was up to 190... (*frowns*). I haven't gotten up yet but will in few min. On a positive note, I love my new haircut and color!!! I really needed a trim. I've got 20 min to shower and get out the door for my clients. Boo, Hiss for having to work Sunday - But I'll have time off Friday afternoon...

    Amy - Crane - no way!!! I'm so impressed. If I get 1 knee up, I'm happy!!! Nice run time. I would've been hiding snickers watching the game. Would you like a pin for Gabe's head? Nice job on the smaller pants and losing inches!!!

    Bethany - hope classes are going better by the end of the week. I've gone to the wrong class more than once. Thank goodness my college days are over!!! Now I just go to the wrong clients house or accidentally skip a client...

    hmfishy - can you try putting the cupcakes in a container and out of sight. It may help you to limit the number you eat. Good luck. It's what I do with chips, take out 1 serving then return the bag to the closet.

    Lacey - Have fun in the sauna!!! Pink shoes - aawwwweee - they are the cure all!!! Glad Gracie is feeling better. I'm now 1/2 way through "American Gods".. I get the book but haven't gotten to the point where I can't put it down...

    Welcome Sara!!! Visiting Alaska is on my to do list - drooling with jealousy. I just finished "Northern Lights" by Nora Roberts - now I want to move to Alaska. We look forward to getting to know you as you make great transformations in your lifestyle change...

    Sarah - how awesome is it that you got a guy's number!!! Way to rock it. Congrats on the skinnier body/loser pants.

    Karen - You may be superstar of the week with a 3 pound loss - GREAT JOB!!!

    ADG - way to get to the gym. Good luck with the "dating"... Keep putting 1 foot in front of the other and you'll finish that 5K!!!

    Kendal - I'm like you. I have great motivation and will power in the stores but if the food shows up in my home, I'm all over it. (*sighs*). Men should not be allowed to shop!!! Congrats on the work compliment - that's awesome.

    Kristina - hope you're feeling better. Run girl run - 12 weeks until the race. My long run is 5 miles today... What are you up to? I'm using the same program for training but it's a few weeks shorter so my longest will be 10 miles vs 11 last time. Enjoy the class - it looked like a great deal!! Wish I lived closer...

    Amber - where are you???

    Behave everyone - don't go crazy with snacks and football!!! Enjoy your Sunday.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My unofficial weigh in this morning has me st the same weight as last week I think. Or maybe .2 higher. I didn't go to the gym yesterday as planned so today I will do a big card push, hit the sauna and hot tub then go target and the grocery store. I'm pretty sure Tom is on it's way so hopefully the cardio will combat that!

    Victoria - that sucks about your body bigg..how frustrating!

    Amy- that is too funny about Gabes game!! As we were coming back from the parade yesterday we drove by the fencing academy. I want to check it out for Gracie. She is probably too young but it would give her something to keep her busy, which she needs!!

    Kendal and Bethany - I was so happy when I saw that post too....it is so frustrating when you don't t see the number on the scale Changing can physically look in the mirror and see your body slimming down and changing!

    Sarah - welcome!! I've never been to Alaska but I have some mining customers up there and talk to them all the time.

    Kristina - I saw your post about gevurstraminer on fb...you are sooooo right!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well gals - I think I finally have it figured out (*whew - wipes sweat off brow*)... When I logged in and tried it at 1 it worked. The error message before was "server error" so I'm guessing myapex had a server down and it couldn't complete the final registration. It went right through this time. I even have the app loaded and coming up on my iPhone. I've been wearing it 10 min but no cal burned yet... I'm really getting excited to see how it does on my run at 3... OOOHHH cat fight about to ensue... The bully boy is napping on me and my sweet tiny temperamental girl just jumped on the bed - if looks could kill, I'd be dead for letting "that boy" near me!!! They are now in a death stare/glare. They don't get along. Kids (oh I mean kittens)... They both gone back to sleep.

    Hope you all are having a great day... I'll keep you posted on my bodybugg progress.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I am soooo happy you got your Bodybugg working. You have to let us know how it goes!!!!

    Lacey: OMG, fencing would be soooo cool! I bet they have classes for little ones like Gracie. It would be a great way to teach her about body awareness and posture.

    Kendal: I hope you get to go shooting...it's super-fun!

    I forgot to put my update here: I am feeling like I'm coming down with a sore throat and I took an Uber-nap this afternoon. I did do my KenpoX and will be doing a stretch DVD in a few (my muscles are sooorrreee from running yesterday). My eating has been under my calories (barely) but I've been inhaling salty junk due to my impending TOM (BOO!). I'm gonna be ok tomorrow - I promise.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for ex with BodyBugg Day 1 - 5 min at 3.0 warm-up treadmill, jogging 75 min at 14:52 ave pace and cool down 5 min at 3.0 mph... BodyBugg says 839 cal, Treadmill 829, and MFP 536... Very interesting...

    Hope you're feeling better Amy!!!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Victoria- Sorry about the frustration with the BodyBugg, but I hope it ends up being a great tool for you!

    Amy- I hope you get to feeling better soon!

    After my great weigh in on Friday, I have totally blown it this weekend! I had brownies last night, and then the rest for breakfast this morning! Oh no!!! I don't know why my husband even bought them because he's trying to lose weight too. He's been really big into couponing and finding good deals, so they were probably very cheap or even free. I told him no more yummies like that because he knows I have a sweet tooth! I didn't have to make them though, and I did.

    I am about to exercise and should be able to redeem myself today, but Friday and Saturday I was way over even with exercise!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria- glad to hear that your BB is working!! What do you thnk your HRM would have said for that work out??? How can MFP say that for running for that long when it so far overshoots everything else! Crazy. I figure that a polar hrm would maybe be around the 800-820is mark maybe?

    Karen - don't let another day go by...get back on that train girl!! You can do it.

    Amy - ugh. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. ,

    Went to the gym, did my work out and hit the hot tub for the first time...good gawd the jets in that thing! The only place where you don't have to apply pressure to not get blown all over the damn place was in the corner and even then the jets on either side of me made me feel like my poor boobs were punching bags! Lol. I got a little too hot in there and got light headed so I got out and cooled off with a cold shower and went into the sauna. Not the same after a hot though. From on I will do one or the other, not
    Anyways, started Tom today...and I have to weigh tomorrow so here's to hoping! My cals are on track and vie drank a lot of water so that should help. I'm totally wiped out tired tonight. Won't be long before I hit the sack!
  • sarabaumgarth
    I did my weigh in this morning and I lost 3.4 lbs! I LOVE when the scale is my friend :) But anyways my progress tracker thingy said I have only lost 1 lb...can anyone explain to me how it works? I have felt so dang lazy this weekend. My back went out on me (AGAIN) so I spent the whole weekend with my three best friends....ICY HOT, the HEATING PAD, and PAIN MEDS! I am starting to feel much better so maybe in a few days I will be able to get back to working out. But on the bright side I got a lot of reading done, watched lots of movies with my boys, and got a lot of cuddle time! So I guess it is okay to take it easy every now and then :)

    Alaska very BEAUTIFUL! Fall is amazing here...but if you blink you will miss it. I am from Missouri so I like seasons, and it seems like Alaska only has 2....SNOW and SUN! LOL! I will be glad when our tour is up here. This would be a great place to vacation, but I think I will pass on ever living here again :)

    Amy- How is Germany? I am praying we get to go there sometime. Thanks for you and your husbands service! Hope you feel better soon!

    Victoria- I have always wanted a BB. Keep us posted on how its working out for you :) Good luck!

    Have a WONDERFUL Monday ladies!