200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member

    boy we have had a rough week .. i got a good work out on MOnday... then my daughter got sick.. and wed night my son and other daughter were sick... one girl went back on thurs just to get sent home again today... uhh no needless to say i have been to the Y to work out... which kinda blows.. and ive been having a head ache also and some body aches... good thing is that they only had fevers.. no vomiting or loose stools...

    i hope they get better soon.. hubby is not feeling well either.. time to clean house really good.. and thanks to my MIL she brought over some chicken noodle soup for us... soooo good well i need to go .. just wanted to check in and say hello...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Holy Cr@p - I burned 3149 cal yesterday!!! My 5 mile jog, working all day and playing some Wii with the kids... I don't think I'll match it today. I see today as lazy with some P90X or a walk on the treadmill. 7 days till Vegas!!! I'm really getting psyched...

    Kristina - How's Emma? Did she survive her day alone? I was sending her happy vibes. Did you purchase the massage from Groupon/Social LIving that was in Ann Arbor? I'm thinking of buy one for Toledo today - I could use it the day after the 1/2 marathon...

    Lacey - I bought the Jim Butcher book. I loved "Water for Elephants". I may have to listen to "Outlander" again. You've got me dreaming of Scottish accents. I really like English accents. Hope you got lucky on date night.

    Amy - congrats on the loss... Start spitting - you can do it!!! Enjoy your long weekend.

    Bethany - hope the family feels better soon.

    Sarah - I'd go bug eyed looking at spread sheets. I haven't tried PS3 but love the Wii. You're right - anything that gets you moving.

    Sara - lock the scale up and throw away the key. Once a day at most for weighing yourself and only record the weight on 1 day per week. My day is Friday. That way I'm seeing the overall trend. Take measurements and see how your clothes are fitting. They are much better measures of success. As for P90X - it's a great workout that can be modified to any level. It works because you workout an hour plus per day. I followed it for a month and could see a difference in my strength. I quit the program because I love to run and couldn't find the time to do both. I'm now using the workouts to fill in gaps on non running days. PS I'm glad you're liking our group!!! Thanks for contributing... What kind of books do you like to read - then I can pass on some of my favorite authors that are similar. I read everything and like most of it... I've been in bookclub for 7 years which has gotten me to broaden my horizons on genres. In the last year, I've only read 1 physical book due to lack of time. I drive all day for work and listen to audiobooks as I exercise. I generally go through several books a week.

    _Sarah_ hope the kids are feeling better. We may need initials or numbers to keep all the Sara(h)s straight.

    Amber - I'm proud of you for sticking with this. Awareness/Knowledge are the keys to success!!!
    Amy - favorite place on earth - hmmm... I haven't been to Monterrey so I'd have to pick a place that I've been. Anywhere in northern Michigan will have to win. I really do love the 4 seasons and the views of forests and lakes. That's probably why I'm living here. (*smiles*) Thanks for getting me to think about it. I do reserve the right to change my mind if I make it to Monterrey. I used Goodreads for awhile but have stopped. MFP took over my free time.

    Debra - if anyone needs a BodyBugg or BodyMedia, it's you. You do so much more than me and my high calorie burn amazes me. I'd love to know how much you burn in 24 hours!!!

    Kendal - YEAH for the loss!!! At least it wasn't a gain. Great job spending more time with the Yoga and keeping committed to P90X.

    Karen - SWEET JOB on the weight loss!!! Keep up the great work

    izzy - run, girl, run... Good luck getting through the 10K training. PS - I'm 42 but still 27 too... Happy Anniversary:flowerforyou:

    Kim - here's to hoping you hit onederland this week!!!:drinker:

    Now that I've caught up with everything, I need to get some paperwork done then exercise... Have a wonderful weekend.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member

    Check this out! This is my Valentine's Day present from The Hubbs. (He is absolutely TERRIBLE at keeping secrets and waiting to give/get gifts so he couldn't wait any more and gave me my present today!) The reason I'm so excited about it (besides the fact that it's my favorite color and Uber cute) is that it's a size LARGE! LARGE, not XL. LARGE. I'm so freaking happy it's ridiculous!

    Victoria: Isn't it nice when you live in your favorite place?? I lived in Monterey, CA for a total of 6 years before moving here to Germany and I loved every second of it. We WILL make it back there at some point...it's "home".

    Bethany: I hope you and your fam are up & at 'em again soon. Feel better!

    Sarathes: I think I have that game on the Wii (I have some kind of EA Sports game on the Wii - I'm terrible with remembering names of books/songs/video games/my next door neighbor/etc.) I really like the video games that get you moving!

    Kristina: How's Emma doing?? How'd she do with her day home alone??

    I did my Core Synergistics workout and HOLY HELL that is the HARDEST P90X DVD I've done. I did it once already this week (It's my "recovery week" - HA!) for the first time and it blew my mind with how freakin' hard it is. Today was no better. My core must be pathetically terrible...that workout is SOOOOO hard. But I did it and burned about a billion calories, so it was worth it. I also impressed The Hubbs (who watched me do it and NOT die - he couldn't believe how hard it was either). Now I just have to muster up enough energy to make dinner *sigh*.

    Oh, hey - question for ya'll: what kind of underwear do you wear for your workouts?? I've been wearing my regular everyday undies (mostly lace boy shorts cuz that's how I roll) but they sneak up when I run or do yoga. Any recommendations? I was thinking about some Under Armor boy shorts or something but I thought I'd ask you ladies how you roll to get some ideas.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Amy- That's a great picture, and a great present! I bet it feels good not having an X in front of your size anymore!

    Victoria- Wow... that was a great calorie burn! I've never done anything close to that!

    Bethany- I am sorry everyone has been sick and I hope for a quick recovery!

    Sarathes- I don't have a play station, but I use the wii for exercise sometimes. Yes, anything that gets you moving is good! Much better than sitting on the couch watching tv!

    So far today I have been lazy. I slept late and then got on the computer to check everything. In a few minutes I have to get busy cleaning! My place is a mess!

    I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Dang busy morning on this page! YEAY!

    Amy I love your coat! Totally something I would wear! As for undies, I wear thongs. Lately I've been buying cheapo ones from target that don't make it through a wash before they are in terrible shape. Soon I will fit back into my victories secret stuff YEAY! I have found that it doesn't matter when kind of undies I wear working out, they all ride. Especially doing squats. Yeesh lol.

    Victoria how do you figure out how many cals you eat with the body bugg???

    Bethany that sucks about your family being sick...it sure does throw a major wrench into exercising.

    Everyone enjoy their weekends!!

    Last night the gym for $10 had a parents night outfor 3 hours while the kids got pizza and played games, did projects etc. Jeff and I only used two hours of it, but it was SO nice to go to dinner by ourselves. We had sushi, which IMO is an adult type dinner and just not as enjoyable with G there lol. I ate way too much and was one piece away from being sick but it was awesome!!! And the. E picked G up and got DQ and went home. Good day.

    Today the plan is to round up the dogs and the kid and head into town to walk around the park and get some exercise that way. Then go grocery shopping. Then come home and do the 3.3 mile walk here in town instead of the gym. Tomorrow is a rest day again as long as I can keep cals under control. If not, I'll do the long walk again.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - ***LIKES*** Congrats on the smaller size. It's an awesome coat. Your hubby gets a check plus for the day!!! As to undies, I'm an old fart and don't wear granny panties or thongs but rather bikini box type cut They almost look square. I have more of a problem with the front falling down under my big belly then them riding up. I tend to wear more cotton pants than other materials.

    Lacey - Glad you had fun.

    Karen - have fun cleaning...
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Bethany: Sounds like a rough week! I hope your family and you are feeling better soon.

    Victoria: Wow, that's awesome! Is that your total burn for the whole day? I think I'd be pretty psyched too if I was heading for Vegas in the near future. All I have to look forward to is snow and more snow. Oh, and snow.

    Amy: That is a fabulous coat and you look great! Good on your husband--he has great taste!

    The husband and I went to Tim Hortons for breakfast this morning and I'm definitely feeling it now. The food just did not sit well with me. If I can't get away with having that one crappy meal a week I'm going to be pretty sad. Their menu doesn't have any healthy options at all... maybe next time I'll cut out the doughnut (since my fave kind is the one with the most calories on the entire menu... fatty and sugary... mmmm...)

    I did get in 30ish minutes of working out with my EA Active game. The game says I burned about 200 calories but I've heard that it greatly underestimates. And my other food choices for the day aren't bad so I should come in fairly close to my calories when all is said and done. Well, if I stick to only 2 pieces of my husband's homemade pizza, that is!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well i weighed in this morning and i am making it my official weigh-in. i lost 1.2 pound making my weight for the week 240. YAY! i have lost 6 pounds since coming back. i feel good and tonight i couldnt keep my pants up. lol thats always good right?

    Amy love the coat.

    well it has been a long day and im ready for bed. good night all!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I hate the scale. It shows me at 209 this morning. I know its from the sushi I had friday night and doing good enough work out that my muscles are sore today but still. I'm going to take it easy today, stay within in my cal limit. Do some yoga or go for a walk weather permitting and stay under sodium. Drink lots of water. Hopefully tomorrow morning it will be at least at last weeks weigh in. And then I'm hiding that dern scale till next Monday. It's evil.

    The good news is that in four weeks the fat roll onmy back is completely gone and i know at least my stomach area has reduced down too. So things ARE happening. And that is what I have to remember. We have two more weeks in this challenge and a lot can happen in two weeks. And I have eight total weeks left till Vegas. A lot a lot a lot can happen in eight weeks!!

    We are watching Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs. I used to love that book as a kid and they made a great movie out of it!

    Well I will check out later..
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Amber- Congratulations on your loss this week!

    Lacey- You're right, you have to focus on the good things that are happening. Sometimes the scale is just not very nice! You've seen changes in your body and that's a good thing. Keep focusing on your goal for Vegas and you will do great!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Yay for losing the back fat!!! I wandered around my bedroom naked in daylight for the first time in a long time today (no children were blinded...I swear) due to feeling better about my body. Seriously, I normally go in to the bathroom from my bedroom (the bathroom is located INSIDE my bedroom) to undress for a shower and then bring my dirty clothes out to put in the hamper when I'm done. Today, I stripped down, put my clothes in the hamper and walked into the bathroom naked. My husband raised his eyebrows but didn't say a word.

    Amber: WTG on your loss for the week!!!

    sarahthes: Thanks for the coat compliments. My hubby has amazing taste. He has purchased several pieces of fabulous jewelry, a gorgeous purse and my new coat all without outside help.

    Victoria: Thanks for the underwear input. I ended up buying 3 different pairs of underwear on Amazon to try them out (they were Under Armour, Patagonia and Commando brands and mostly boy short style). We'll see how it works out. I need to find something that moves with me when doing Yoga or running.

    Happy Sunday everyone! We had a relatively laid back Sunday around here. We watched this week's American Idol (how much am I LOVING Stephen Tyler and J-LO as judges??? They're really great!) and then I did YogaX to end my recovery week of P90X. Now I'm getting ready for Month 2. I had a Yoga break-thru today. I managed to get into the wheel pose and hold it for the whole minute! I'm really digging how much stronger and flexible I am getting doing this workout. It almost negates how much I HATE doing asanas...almost. Have a great day all!
  • sarabaumgarth
    HAPPY SUNDAY!!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! OMG these dogs are driving me nuts today. They are so loud jumping around and wrestling. If feel horrible bc we live in an apartment complex on post and I am sure our neighbors hate us! Between my wild 17 month old who loves to ride his wheely bug into the kitchen wall and the crazy dogs....I am sure the neighbors think the WWE is next door!!! LOL! If I was them I would prob call the police!!!

    Anyways did my check in for the week and I was amazed!!! I lost 4.6 lbs so I am down to 204.0 lbs!!! I am very excited about this! My back is finally feels back to normal so I am going to start working out tomorrow (*WISH ME LUCK*) It has been a while since I have done a workout so I hope it goes well, and my husband doesn't come home and find me dead in the floor :) Maybe if I keep on track this week with my calories and with some exercise I might be able to weigh in under the 200 lb mark next week! I WOULD CRY...but lets see if it happens first.

    Well I better get off here and do something with all of these animals...and my little man! Have a wonderful day and keep up all the hard work ladies!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ahhhhhhhh nice sunny weekend! Took a walk outside both days and soaked up some sun!!

    Today I'm not convinced that my cal count is right. I feel stuffed and am pretty sure I ate way more. Like my cookie cal count is off but the recipe is right so who knows.
    I will weigh myself tomorrow but am not going to expect anything other than what ive seen all week which is a gain.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    sorry for being so quiet this weekend. It was my last weekend with Taylor around so we spent a lot of time together. We went to lunch with my family today and mom and my sister both commented on how I'm looking thinner. I told them I haven't lost weight but I think I'm losing inches and they both agreed.

    Hope its not too late to give my panty point of view, but I wear the regular bikini briefs for the most part. I don't have any problem with them moving around while exercising. I occasionally wear boyshorts but the leg holes that wrap around my thighs have no elastic in them so they give me wedgies all the time (but they do make my booty look cute lol).

    anyways, its late and I have laundry to do.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hooray it's Sunday!

    I decided not to work out today... felt my body deserved a bit of a rest, and I stuck to my calorie goals so it's all good.

    I weighed in this morning. 244, so that's 1 more lb down! Woohoo! I've noticed some of my clothes are fitting a bit differently/better as well.

    Hope everyone else had a great day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    sarahthes: Woohoo for another pound gone!!!!

    Kendal: The scale can sure suck when it doesn't reflect how we feel. Mine's FINALLY starting to be nice to me but the whole time I've been at this, I've been losing inches. It's nice when other people notice. Way to go!!! (thanks for the panty input, I'm really just looking for something that is gonna stay in place while I'm moving but I'm not sure the "perfect" panty is out there...I'm gonna keep looking though)

    Lacey: I've thought the same thing with the recipe tool - that it's GOT to be way more calories than the tool says. Generally, when I feel that way, I tweak the servings per recipe a bit lower to make sure the calorie count matches the serving we actually eat. Maybe you've just got a really filling and not-so-terrible recipe??

    I did a bunch of laundry yesterday and as me & The Hubbs were folding it, he held up a Henley of mine and then put it on OVER his T-Shirt and turned to me and said: "This shirt looks ridiculous on you. I'm giving you an intervention. You are hotter than THIS. It's a tent. Please, can we get rid of it." He was right, the thing was just wayyyyy tooo biggg but I've been wearing it anyway cuz it's cozy. Well, it's now gone.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning. Another week begins. According to my Hoops & Yoyo calendar, today is Backwards Day. Just thought you ladies should know that. Its some vital information there.

    umm....I forget what my weight was this morning. Its still not that great. Like 218ish. Boo.

    I'm tired of having clothes that are way too big. I need to find more stuff that fits me.
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Gaaahhhhh! I've fallen off the wagon! I didn't log in much this last week so I wasn't counting my calories and I didn't work out once! We finished closing the store and The kid had the flu, but quite frankly I got lazy. I woke up this morning and gave myself a swift kick in the rear and I'm ready to get moving again. I know I've kind of failed myself this challenge but I'm going to try to finish as strong as I can with the little time I have left. My weight this morning was 205.8 so I have gone up a bit :(
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies. I'm alive!! I've completely neglected you (and MFP in general over the past few days) and the scale is showing it.

    I had pizza twice (TWICE!!) this week, including last night, so the scale was way up this morning. Like 4 pounds up this morning. Ugh. I know some of it is sodium, but I'm definitely up a bit. I'm going to pass on weighing in this week, as this morning really isn't accurate, and I haven't weighed in in several days, so I'm not sure where I'm really landing.

    I'll put the weekly's weigh in numbers for everyone this evening. Anyone who hasn't weighed in yet, please do so today!

    Exercise has been a struggle outside of dog walks. I don't know how you ladies do it. I mean Emma and I are walking between 3 and 4 miles a day, and pretty much power walking, but it's certainly not running, but I just don't then want to go to the gym as well. I need to start figuring out how I'm going to get that back in my schedule.

    Victoria- I'm seriously in denial about how quickly the half is coming up. I haven't increased my distance, and it's rapidly coming up. I don't think I'm going to be ready for it in time. Eep? I don't know what to do!!

    In Emma news, she's still coming along fantastically. She had her first playdate yesterday with my friend's pug, Violet, who was very tolerant of her jumping all over her. We went to the local dog park, which I was a bit worried about, but Emma did fantastic. She was racing around, and completely collapsed when we got home. Also, she did just fine on her long day home alone. No accidents or anything! What a good girl!

    I'm about to start the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the rest of the series. Wanted to wait until they all came out, and I've got them loaded up on my kindle, and all the movies ready to go on my netflix instant, so I should be set. Anyone else enjoy them? Then I need to get back to the Brothers Karamazov, and I've got several other classics ready to go and read, as always.

    Amy- congrats on the weight drop!! Nice loss! *twirls for you* I haven't used GoodReads, but it's something I might check out and will add you! Right now I keep a list of what I've read and the movies I've seen on listography. For your undie question, I haven't sprung for any fancy ones. I usually just wear my cotton ones and they are okay. I try and wear ones that aren't too "booty-ish" as they will definitely start creeping up into no man's land.

    Victoria- woot for back down in the 180s! I'm unfortunately with you this morning. *grumbles* 170s... hello? (echoes) Wowsas on the burn yesterday! Holy crap lady! *high fives*

    Kendal- a loss is a loss! Take it girlfriend!

    Karen- another great loss for you this week! Nice! You're just melting away!

    Lacey- I read Water for Elephants last year and really enjoyed. I'm a bit nervous about the upcoming movie. I hope they don't eff it up. And woohoo for no more back fat rolls! Try and think about those changes in your body when you have bad weeks. It's what often keeps me going.

    Sara- holy weight loss batman!! Nice work!! You're so close to onederland! So very exciting!!!

    Sarahthes- woohoo for another pound down!!

    Sarah- it's okay... jump back on that wagon!! We all have setbacks. What's important is that you don't give up!!

    Amber- nice loss this week!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey friends...How is everyone. we had a really busy weekend..cleaned out our basement to make room for a new workout station someone gave my husband at work...a bit of work getting it in the house, but it's all hooked up and I am hoping if I do it a few times a week I will someday be able to pull myself up to do a chin-up...it really frustrates me that I still am not able to complete one...I use to a bar stool to assist me, I am so going to do one by my birthday this year...and I am also working on my time per mile...going to try to do myself a 5k in 25 minutes or less at a 1.5 incline...just little quirky goals that keep me going.

    Scale stuck for me still 217.6

    Victoria...I tell you what, the more I hear about you and Bella and how accuarate the readings are...the more I want one... I just may have to splurge, I like that you can leave it on all day long..because my problem has been that I forget to wear my HRM sometimes and you just really have too...like this morning I was walking at incline...well the treamill said I burned 582 cals...but my HRM said only 387...so that is a big difference if I were to go with the machine only...

    Have a great day everyone...I need to get back to my laundry...we have a ton of it!