200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Sorry for not being here much this last week. Though I tried hard to get in some treadmill walking done & thought I might have lost 1- 1.5 lbs. I am EXCITED to report I am at 186.8 lbs!!!!!:drinker: 3lbs down!!!!

    I know this is little for some, but is HUGE for me! As I have never felt so committed & finally feel I have staying power. Though I know the ONLY REASON I have this is because of ALL OF YOU:flowerforyou:

    SO THANK YOU for a great week. I guess I still was a bit apprehensive of being able to do this. Now I KNOW I CAN.

    :heart: Suzie
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Ok.. the discrepancy you might see in my total weight loss is due to the fact that when I first joined I ACTUALLY weighed 191.4... not 191! Just did not have the guts to own up to that... so my APOLOGIES to everyone here as I know that TOTAL HONESTY is the prime directive for being here (at least for me) & I should not have fudged:-(

    I am sorry.:sad:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey Ladies! I am still fighting to get rid of this weather induced mild cold. Its driving me nuts. I felt like *kitten* two days last week, fine all day Saturday then woke up yesterday and felt horrible. I went back to bed at 9:30 and got up at 1 when the medicine kicked in. Low energy level all day. Today I've got sinus pressure and headache and mild congestion but nothing super bad.

    I set a work out goal of 300 minutes between now and Saturday - 6 50 minute work outs. Hopefully I can stay healthy enough to push through them. I really want to do the HIIT run/walk training today for 30 minutes. I know I can do it.

    I'm also not eating any white carb food until at least 2 pm every day or later. My stomach has been a mess for about two weeks now and I think its from too much carbs and sugar. So out with the icecream and bread and chips, etc. No white chocolate mochas either. Lots of digestive enzymes, cheese, meat, veggies, fruit, etc. That should also help the weight come off again.

    Well I need to get to work. I will hop back on later and reply to everyone!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Newbies - Welcome. I joined a little over a week ago & the people here are amazingly supportive & helpful:-) You will have a good time here.:flowerforyou:

    kimmrdodge - thanks for the blood sugars info. When you talk about eating 80 carbs a day.. do you include carbs from vegetables, fruits & soy milk etc? i am REALLY proud of your weight loss progress:-)

    anvy1221 - how is your hubby doing? Has his discomfort gotten any better?

    I lived in Berlin for 4.5 yrs & a degree in German language.. and so get the greeting strangers bit! I actually thought it pretty sweet & felt it set up for an overall polite environment.

    what is "Core Synergistics"?

    KendalBeee - loved your Shoulders/Arm workout description & your pants falling down!!! Yay! Looking forward to hearin how your garden is coming about:-):smile:

    jamielr84 - You go girl! I am proud of you.

    dixiegal2484 - sounds like you are having a great week:-)

    Laceylala - can you tell me more about Digest enzymes.. how does it help & what brand do you buy. I seem to be having a gluten/wheat problem.. undiagnosed by a DR.. but I see the writing on the wall every time I try to eat them:-)

    Have a GREAT WEEK Chicas:heart:

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Suzie - Trader Joes has a small bottle of digestive enzymes for about $8 that are pretty good. I use this powder in my smoothie:
    http://macrolifenaturals.com/home.htm every morning. Its got all sorts of greens in it, plus spirulina and chorella. Those are great for the digestive track. What I find is that I feel SO much better when I take them constantly. Also, if you are a person that has to eat tums, etc. often that means the mucus lining of your stomach has been depleted, and the tums only makes it worse. These enzymes help the growth of the good bacteria and the lining so that food is processed better. This is a pretty base explanation and I could be off on one or more things, but those are the basics of what our ND gave us when we had to put our daughter on them when we took her off wheat/dairy.

    My headache is NOT going away. Its sinus pressure hell. I have got to get to the gym tonight, so I am downing more medicine and praying. LOL.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Suzie: Way to go on your loss! You are rocking!!!! I would agree that the Germans (overall) are very polite and orderly. It takes some getting used to for a native Californian like me. Core Synergistics is one of the P90X workouts that works your entire core. It's about an hour long and it is freaking HARD. Oh, my hubby still has some pain but he says he's feeling better. He thinks maybe he tore a muscle or something. He's going for a follow up with his doc later this week or next week. Thanks for asking.

    Lacey: I hope you get rid of that cold. You've been feeling crappy for too long! I need to ditch the white carbs too. I actually need to do quite a bit of diet overhaul. I have fibromyalgia and, while the exercise I do has kept my symptoms a lot less painful, my symptoms are not gone. I'm gonna ditch the processed carbs, up the veggies and fruit, go organic and probably ditch wheat and gluten for a while to see if it helps the symptoms. It just sounds like a lot of work.

    Kendal: Your yard stuff sounds super cute!!! I love gardening but no where near how much the Germans love gardening. They've all got plants in every room of their houses, planter boxes on their balconies and gardens out front. I'm hoping to start an herb garden and tomato plants this year once the weather warms up. And, yeah, Charlie Sheen is effin' nuts!

    Victoria: Yay for a close to home kind of day!

    As for me, I did YogaX with Gabe today (he did the ENTIRE hour and a half workout - mostly). I spent the evening getting my stuff together to apply for a Master's Program in Nutrition. I thought it would be best to study something that I really have an interest in and since this program emphasizes holistic nutrition - it's right up my alley. However - it means doing more school work (sigh). I'm excited about it though! Hope you all are having a great day!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I watched a clip of Charlie Sheen an hour or so ago. I'm not a doctor duh...but he looks and acts like he is manic or something. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. I think he is a little nuts and I feel sad for the other people who are working with him now out of a job the rest of the season. But I also don't understand why everything has to be so public all the time. Oh wait, I guess it do, "It's Hollywood."

    Amy I dream of going back to school for a Masters in Religious Studies, with an emphasis in Art History if that makes any sense. I guess I'd almost have to do an independent study ma. The next thing, if this getting rid of white carbs doesn't work and it always does, is dairy. I hope its not dairy. Cheese and yogurt? ugh. I'd die.

    When Gracie and I went to Ikea Saturday I was so shocked at how perfectly behaved she was. She is always good, just has to always be moving and into things, like a typical 4 year old I guess. She was so perfect I kept looking at her to make sure she was ok. I didn't have to tell her no, stop doing that, anything. And the store was a freaking mad house of screaming kids and people. (Made me a million times happy that I am done with one) She was even good at Red Robin afterwards. I still wonder where my kid went that day, but was thankful too!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    justa quick check in. i was 240 last week ans i ams down to 239 this week. that is a loss of one pound
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Laceylala - thanks for the info. I will stop by & check it out:-) I think I need to go to the Dr and get checked for my gluten & wheat allergies. I think I need to see an ND!

    Interesting to note.. I have allergies to grass & other greens as well:-( I tried this "RAW" protein mix from Whole foods & my stomach did a churn the whole day!!!! I was miserable. I am mostly off dairy, white flour, sugar and of course have reactions to some greens. Since I love my latte's I substituted to Soy milk & then was told... too much is not good for you either!!!!! Am kinda in a bind... but try to work through it... caz have no options. Have tried Almond milk & am planing to give walnut, rice & hemp milk over a period of time:-)

    anvy1221 - I do not believe I like hearing about Core Synergistics... sounds too hard so I am removing any mention from my sub conscious mind!:laugh:

    Good luck for your Master's Program in Nutrition!!! Wow! Way too cool!:smokin:

    I am happy for today & gave myself an extra soy latte this am:-) Onwards & downwards (in weight):bigsmile:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I had a great weekend away! Wish it could have been longer because today was so stressful at work! I am about to turn up some music and put in an exercise dvd so I can work out and get this stress out of my system!

    I know I'm way behind on everyone's updates. I hope you all are doing great. Talk to you soon.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    I have just completed my first workout of my journey to 175. I don't remember the last time I exercised to exercise. Nothing fancy but I did burn a few cals and started building momentum.

    Ok. So we ate at Perkins tonight. Oh my goodness! I think I am going to have to do research before I go out anywhere. I chose chicken piccata with spinach and asparagus with a side salad. When I got my plate the whole thing was drown in butter! And there were two sides of butter too! I skipped the roll and butter but WOW. And I couldn't find the Perkins version of chicken piccata but I chose another from the list as an approximation. I'm way over today. Live and learn. Tomorrow's a new day.

    Have a great day ladies. I love reading your stories! Keep them coming because I love being inspired by real women.

    You are awesome!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    checking in .. im at 189lb so i look at it this way .. im doing GREAT at maintaing my weight... lol
  • Babcakes
    Babcakes Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    If possible, I would like to join the Slimmin Down in Spring motivation group. I think having this motivational group is great. Thank you.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hello new people!

    Congrats to those who lost--you're doing great!

    Today was a typical Monday crossed with month-end hell. I wound up staying about half an hour late to get a bit caught up. I also worked last Saturday. Had a good workout today but my husband is having a day from hell. His thesis advisor waited until today--the day before proposals are due--to hand back her critique of his thesis proposal, and she absolutely tore it apart. While I think he can still do what he wants--just needs to tighten things up--there's no way he can do it in 24 hours. So he's looking into his options--submitting on a later timeline, or switching to a course-based MA if it won't hurt his PhD applications when it comes time for that.

    On top of that, he got told he was grading his papers too high and he had to drop the class average on the assignment by 7%. So he's grumpy and we're both in for some comfort food tonight. Fortunately, today's aforementioned good workout gave me a fair few excess calories so the slice of banana bread and the Cadbury Thin chocolate bar I'm planning to eat after supper shouldn't break the bank.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    First day fully back on the wagon in check. A tad over on cals but I am cool with it. I worked out for 56 minutes and got in my planned 30 minutes of run/walk. Yeehaw!!! I'm not gonna lie and say that I'm not having a bit of a hard time not having a night time snack but I can do it!

    I finally found a good book...it's called Tigers Curse. I think it's a YA book but the author is from Salem, just up the road and it good. I'm two thirds of the way through and i bought it on Friday.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member

    kimmrdodge - thanks for the blood sugars info. When you talk about eating 80 carbs a day.. do you include carbs from vegetables, fruits & soy milk etc? i am REALLY proud of your weight loss progress:-)

    No problem. I include ALL carbs in that. And thanks, I appreciate that. I also mostly stopped drinking artificial sweeteners, mostly my diet soda since it did say that it still spikes insulin and releases it. I have no tried the stevia yet, I think I will do that in my tea, even though I don't really like the taste of it, im sure ill get used to it though. They say that for some reason stevia does not cause an insulin release.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I love me some YA books. I have actually been working hard to find non-YA books I want to read just so I can appear a little more "grown-up" in my reading choices (LOL). I also wanted to say that I am also floored by my child when he is out in public around other people's children. Now, he's almost 8 and he's really intelligent but his intelligence (and his KNOWING that he's smart) often causes arguments between the two of us at home but he's mostly a great kid. When we go out to some kind of group function - like when we were on the 4 hour Vatican Museum tour in January - I am reminded how remarkably great he is. There weren't a lot of short ones in the Vatican and none were on the guided tours and apparently the reason is because the under-12 set has a hard time not spazzing out. Gabe got soooo many compliments from our fellow tour-goers and our tour guide! It never occurred to me that he might be too young for the tour. I've been dragging him through museums since he was old enough to walk. (I recall one incident at the De Young Museum in San Francisco where his FATHER had a bit of a melt-down from too long of a day of walking but he did pretty ok - for a 4 year old) I have a BA in Humanities and the focus of my studies was on art history and comparative religion (and languages) so I FEEL you on your desired Master's program.

    Sarah: What a crappy day! I can't believe your DH had his thesis critique returned to him without the time available to actually fix it. That sucks so bad I can't even properly articulate it.

    Babcakes: Hi there! Welcome. Please tell us about yourself. We love new people!

    Bethany: I seem to be maintaining my weight too. I guess it's better than a gain.

    Noelle: What kind of exercise are you doing? Don't you just hate that about eating out?!?!?! I try not to eat out because I'm kind of a control freak and I need to know not just how many calories are in my food but where exactly my food comes from.

    Suzie: I try not to think about core synergistics too!! Bummer about all your food allergies. That really makes it hard to figure out what you can eat!

    Kimm: Agave nectar also doesn't impact the blood sugar. It isn't calorie free but I find the taste of it preferable to stevia.

    Amber: Great job on your loss this week!

    Today is a rest day for me. I'll do my XStretch video and get my dog walked but, other than that, I'm taking it off. I haven't had a rest day in a couple of weeks and my body is feeling it. I just have to make sure to keep my calories lower. Honestly, the reason I exercise is to that I can eat more :) Have a great day all!
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Last night I did my first workout. Did you know that there are muscles all down your back, arms, bum, legs, and hips?
    I swear I can feel my ears this morning!

    I did a 5min warm up on my ancient exercise bike, stretching, leg lifts, and 10 min on our punching bag. Grand total of 30min.

    I think I need to do something light today to warm up and then stretch out. . . . .everything! Rake anyone?

    I feel accomplished though which always feels great.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job on the workout Nicole!!!

    As for me - pure laziness kicked in as I slept in until 7:30. I left by 8:30 for work and am trying to figure out how to get my run in, exercise with mom and watch BL tonight. To much to do and so little time. Maybe a client will cancel and I'll find some extra time (*dreams*)... welcome to March!!! At least it's sunny and 23 today. See you later - I'm off to my next client.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies... I'll check in later with how my trip went and with our weekly chart. I just skimmed through peep's responses and these are the the weights that I'm missing for the week (though I might have just missed them). Please check in asap, as I'll post the chart when I get home this evening:
