bronnyd Member


  • I'm obsessed with Dave Ramsey right now. I'm listening to the Total Money Makeover audiobook for the second time and listen to his show on YouTube pretty much every day. It is motivating and it works and I can't wait to be debt free. I just wrote out my monthly budget down to the penny and am about to get gazelle intense,…
  • This is exactly why I use the cash envelope system. Every 2 weeks, I take out a specific amount for groceries, entertainment, etc., and when it's gone it's gone. When I am blindly swiping my cards, I have no idea how much I am spending and I just blow through everything!
  • congrats on your weight loss! i know i personally feel most confident when i dress for my shape. even when i am feeling super stoked on my body and my weight loss, as soon as i put on something that does not flatter me my confidence plummets. forcing yourself to wear a skimpy bikini to the beach *if that's not what you…
  • hi! torontonian over here.
  • same here, i just don't care. let 'em see my butt!
  • Good points! I hadn't thought of it this way. :smile:
  • You're giving your kids too many choices. My parents didn't "offer" to take us on a walk, to the park, or on a family bike ride. If I didn't want to go? Too bad, it's family bike ride time here's your helmet. If I whined and complained the whole time? My parents ignored me and talked amongst themselves while I sulked.…
  • i hope this thread lasts forever! thank you! this is so fascinating.
  • Ladies of this thread feel free to add me as well. I'm 32, and it seems like we all have similar goals :smile:
  • great idea! i love my shoulders :smile:
  • You look great if you ask me! I can totally relate to this as I've left many a shopping trip feeling bad about myself. Three things to remember: 1. We are our own worst critics. The "flaws" that we see in ourselves often aren't noticeable to others. 2. Changeroom mirrors are HORRIBLE! I've often wondered what the logic is…
  • Hello Torontonians! I am one of you. :smile:
  • Totally agree! I've had success using this method as well. I added you :smile:
  • hi everyone! i just got my fitbit charge last week and i am obsessed with it! i'd love to have more fitbit friends to help stay motivated and to motivate others. my user profile is: add me and happy stepping!
  • I am from Canada and was in Cardiff briefly during my last trip to the UK. I always love going over that way (especially Wales) because they know how to pronounce my name on the first try! (It's Bronwyn). :wink:
  • $5000 is too much for me at this point in my life which is exactly why I do not have a pet yet. I would love love love to have a dog, but I know that if anything unexpected happened, I would want to do anything I could to help/save the dog, but at this time I would be unable to. So I have resolved to wait until I am more…
  • I agree with all of this Punky :smile: I personally haven't ever known how you've stayed so peppy eating only 1500 cals per day with the huge burns that you have, but I don't mention it because it's what you and your trainer have worked out, and you certainly do your research and are aware of your own body and limitations…
  • My biggest challenge right now is that I'm REALLY busy at work and I need the chocolate to stay alive and sane! Ha ha...September may not be the best time for me to cut out sugar.
  • Moonbaby: Do you follow Kris Carr? This post made me think you'd really dig her (others would too...she's awesome!) Basically, she was diagnosed with a rare, untreatable stage 4 cancer of the liver and lungs. Since chemo or surgery were not options she decided to see what she could do on her own. She adopted a completely…
  • Thanks for the suggestion! And resist the cake! Office cake is never as good as it sounds. :wink:
  • Speaking of which...oops! I just ate 2 small squares of dark chocolate. It's at my desk at work and I have a killer headache/brain fog today so I slipped and ate a bit of dark chocolate because it always seems to help. I wonder what I could use in place of this? It's not so much that I was tempted by it I guess, but rather…
  • I have had my sugars manually set to 50g for a while now and that works pretty well for me. Sometimes I'm over, and sometimes I'm under but 50 is pretty standard for me. I figure as long as most of it comes from fruit and maybe a bit of other natural sweeteners I'm not too concerned about it. Don't sweat it!
  • My first day went well! I satisfied my sweet tooth with fruit and with a bit of pure maple syrup - I plan to keep eating things like maple syrup and honey, because for me I'm already pretty happy with my overall sugar intake, it's just that I want to make sure I'm consuming only natural sugars. My biggest challenge is that…
  • Wow that is a crazy long list of names for sugar!! I knew some of them but some of them are new to me. For example "Panocha"?!
  • Good tips, thanks for posting!
  • listen to your body. i think there is a difference between pushing through when your MIND says "i can't" (this is when you should push) and pushing through when your BODY says "i can't". if your body is literally shutting down and you are feeling pain, you need to give it a bit of a break. I agree with others who say maybe…
  • You should just go! I know exactly how you feel...every time I am about to try a new class I get nervous and am afraid I'm going to look stupid, uncoordinated, lost, etc. but then I just go and it ends up being no big deal at all. Just happened to me yesterday actually! I was nervous to try my first BodyCombat class, but I…
  • Chelsea Peretti podcast.
  • I just planned mine out: Brown rice pasta with pesto and roasted zucchini and a little side salad of just romaine and tomatoes with balsamic dressing. :love:
  • I prefer to hit the gym on my lunch hour because I always run into this conundrum when I try to do the evening thing. I find I can't go right after work - I am too hungry. So I go home and eat something first, but then need to wait for it to digest at least a little, so when I do that I can't start my workout until like…