esco2186 Member


  • i have no idea what the hell marshmellow fluff is (someone help) lol doesnt sound so good, but then again i dont like marshmellows lol
  • IM and a better notification system would be AWESOME...seriously lol
  • they are doin it by every 4oz???! haha what!? i thought they were doing it by cups! lol
  • i go to the gym on base....or i go to the "gym" that my apartment complex has....its a treadmill and kind alike a bowflex machine haha
  • ive never used that type of HRM i have only bought the HRMs with the chest strap, all the research i have found said that by having the chest strap it actually gives you the exact reading on your calories burned. most polar HRMs have the chest strap and you dont need to keep logging your heart rate it does it automatically.
  • stick with the chicken! haha you know if you get that burger and fries you wont be able to eat just half...i never can thats why i try not to go anywhere near there! lol
  • does subway count????
  • i got the FT7 and i love it! i did alot of research before i bought one and i ended up choosing the FT7 (guys watch not the was ugly lol) you can upload all your workouts with this one too, just hook up your Flowlink to your comp and then put your watch down on it and it brings everything up haha
  • are they ripe? mangos r already sweet haha
  • i love tattoos! and i think the cheapest one i got was 150 haha thats the tatt on my chest
  • when lunch comes around or even before lunch i take oranges, apples etc with me to work so i can eat those. but throughout the day i drink alot of water there was an article sayin that the majority of the time your not hungry your thirsty! crazy i know. but yea i bring fruit or i have gum and just drink water in between…
  • i want to try and save my cash for my next tattoos haha i am thinkin about startin my sleeves orrrrrrrrrrr going and get side pieces done...its a tough decision lol
  • haha of course! eatin salty things and chocolate! i hate my TOM lol
  • i kno how you feel about the candy and the family issues (trust me really i do lol) i say get ur mind back on track and make sure the gf knows you will gettin back to workin out cus you need to! haha you can do it!!!:happy:
  • your body maybe going into starvation mode everything you eat your body will hold onto since it doesnt know when there will be more food...thats 1 thing that might be happening or you just arent working out enough or drinking more water. idk what are you doing for workouts,eating,drinking etc..??
    in HELPPP!! Comment by esco2186 April 2010
  • i like this way!! lol screw being nice and get straight to the point! :D
  • doctors dont care cus they are gettin $$$ its sad but its true haha i think if you do take the pills and then get off but keep working out and eating healthy you are good you just cant slack off as soon as the weight is off, and im not saying thats what happened in your case but i think you can keep it off if you keep your…
  • good lord big red! ohhh how i miss it! :( haha i miss having big red and some blue bell vanilla ice cream haha but now you can get blue bell anywhere, but not big red (breaks my heart a little) lol
  • i never knew which one to use so i actually went out at got a polar heart rate monitor and it tells you how much you burned exactly...thats the only thing i really trust. i suggest get a heart rate monitor that shows u how much u burned when you workout
  • for the whole eating thing and tryin not to go over i try and eat healthy stuff like oranges or apples and if i dont got that i drink water or i chew gum....i read in an article that the majority of the time the body isnt hungry its thirsty....kinda weird but i try and remember that. its ok u went over by 1000 all u can do…
  • that sounds good! haha but then again i love shrimp lol i might have to try this out!
  • i can put on my AF uniform and be able to feel like im swimming in it now! haha
  • if lost 56lbs already i say good for you! congrats! it will be hard but you can do it! i lost 34lbs since jan 10lbs since i joined MFP but now i need to lose my last 35lbs...dont give up just keep doin what your doin or change up your workouts somtimes your body hits a wall and you need to trick it by doin other workouts…
  • im down! haha i dont even want to say how much i weighed before but since jan. i have lost 34lbs and i need another 35lbs i need the help and i need to get my weight down im working on the next 35 now :) glad you made this group!
  • from what i have read it says its a scam
  • yes! lol i say if your gunna do it make sure to hit the gym the next day even if you feel ****ty haha
  • i posted this on another forum but its really good its a lean shake it gives you all you need for nreakfast and lunch...protein calories etc....its really good it cuts down all your fat and tones up everything but when you take it make sure you keep doing your…
  • oh heres the link just incase you want to check it out! :)
  • i drink a lean shake made by GNC its really good helps my muscles since i workout twice a day it works really good! its for women only really cuts down your body fat tones you up pretty good too! haha i have only tried the vanilla and its really good it tastes like a vanilla shake but i usually drink it for breakfast and…
  • i agree! your friends didnt care about your feelings so dont care about theirs! go for it! what are they gunna say to you? " hey but i use to date him!" you come back with "umm and? you 2 dated him and are still friends, and you didnt care that i liked him first so why should i worry about you??"