Lost Over 50 lbs and Still Feeling Discouraged!!!

Hello everyone. I've lost 56 lbs so far (30 before MFP and 26 with MFP) and I want to lose another 20 lbs or so but I feel so unmotivated. I really want to lose the last bit of "jiggle" in my belly, arms, and thighs but progress has been so slow lately that it is so discouraging!!!. I could really use some words of encouragement. Have any of you ever encountered this issue on your weight loss journey??? I feel like I'm so close yet so far. :sad: Please share your stories/opinions. Thanks!!!



  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    Look at all you have accomplished so far..You have come way to far to gie up now ..the last 20lbs may be the hardest to lose but you have lost 56 so far..so you know what you have to do to lose the last 20lbs so get busy and go for it..use the engery of being discouraged and use it to lose the last 20lbs...I know you can do it so ...on your mark, get set, now go get it.!! I wish you all the luck and keep that chin up sweetie!!

    I have just lost 30lbs as of this morning an I will be damn if I give in...I am looking forward and moving ahead..I have 87lbs to go ..an I will do it..so I know you can do 20 more!!
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    In 2005 I started the journey of weight loss and went from 222 to 177 I stayed at 177 until recently and now I am at 165. When you start getting closer to your goal it gets harder to lose weight. I understand being discourgaged and wanting the last 20 or so pounds off. Just keep in mind the last 20 will take some time. I know you want it off now, but if it takes 6 months to reach that goal remember it is ok. You have the time.

    I am at my last 15lbs and I have decided to run my first 1/2 marathon so training has been a huge motivation in weight loss. I won't be at my goal by the time of my 1/2 marathon so I signed up for a full marathon in October and that is my goal. I gave myself enough time to reach my goal so I don't feel discouraged.

    You are doing wonderful and these things will happen. I am proud of you for losing 56lbs! That is a huge accomplishment. Go out and buy a new outfit!
  • ferdinandcc
    I think we all encounter this issue at some point. For me, it's hard to get under 200 lbs. I lost all the other weight 'relatively' easy, but the last two weeks I've lost like half a pound, which is always discouraging. What I tell myself is to keep exercising and eating right, not just to lose weight, but because it's the right way to treat my body anyway. We'll have to keep exercising the rest of our lives if we're serious about getting in better shape and living a healthier lifestyle.
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    if lost 56lbs already i say good for you! congrats! it will be hard but you can do it! i lost 34lbs since jan 10lbs since i joined MFP but now i need to lose my last 35lbs...dont give up just keep doin what your doin or change up your workouts somtimes your body hits a wall and you need to trick it by doin other workouts since your body got use to what you were doin you kno? try some diff. workouts and see what happens and change the food you eat like if you eat alot of veggies try eatin more fruits than veggies or add more fiber or more water..idk just some ideas :)
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I felt like that the last time I lost weight and I gained it all back plus 20 pounds.

    This time I am aiming for a higher, more attainable goal and when I get there, I will take it a day at a time and see what happens but plan on being happy to be there so I dont set myself up to fail again.

    Congratulations, you have made quite an accomplishment!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hang in there!

    I've encountered the 'jiggle' problem myself and I have added more cardio to my routines. It seems to be helping.

    Don't give up! Look at how far you have come already! (I have about 30 more to go myself and I am determined to get there!)
  • mtweety33
    mtweety33 Posts: 29
    This is why I love MFP. One minute you're feeling like giving up, then you share your frustrations on MFP, and everyone comes together to help motivate you all over again. Thank you to everyone who replied!!! Your words really did make a difference and I wish you all the best of luck on your journeys as well. :happy:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You're almost there. Take a day off if you want but then dig right in and get the rest of it off. Think how small you'll be :)
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm right there with you. It seems the more you lose the harder it gets to lose.. But I'm hanging in there. I usually start losing motivation when it's TOM.. If you want it bad enough then you will reach your goal.. I'm gonna keep going though.. Just keep going... :drinker:
  • faith2010
    I have found that if you're feeling frustrated - it might be time to mix up your meals, snacks and workouts. Take your frustration out on a fun workout - go dancing to burn some calories! Enjoy the weather! Think about how much better you feel now and really try to remember your old self and how un-motivated you felt then. And frankly, sometimes the last few pounds just aren't worth the stress. You're healthier and you formed new healthy habits. Even the biggest losers usually gain some back - it's a new lifestyle - celebrate the new you!
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    I agree with the person who said go buy yourself a new outfit and look at all the things about it look better on you now than it did 56 lbs ago! (And btw, GOOD FOR YOU! THAT'S AWESOME!!!) Don't look at what you don't like look at yourself as the amazing person that you are! :happy: