Joining in the groups

Hi All.
I've been on this site for a while and never really looked at all the great resources it had.
2 years ago I was a hardcore runner, running 4 miles a day and eating great, then life set in and i got a "big girl' job and began eating McDonalds for breakfast and never exercising. I've gained 20 pounds since then.
Numerous times I’ve tried to go on a "diet" but that usually lasted a day or two.
Most recently I've begun using this site again logging in what I eat and it helps me eat a bit better.
Every week day a co-worker and I walk and occasionally jog 4 miles around our facility.
I'm beginning to become very discouraged. We've been doing this for a couple months now and nothing seems to be happening. Although I’ve just recently started to really look at what I’m eating. It just seems like I’m getting nowhere. Not only have I been stuck at the same weight over the past 3 days it seems my weight is going up but I’ve been eating better than ever those last couple days.
I pulled out my clothes for the summer a few weeks ago and out of all my pants I was only able to squeeze into 1 pair.

I'm looking for some encouragement and maybe some tips to help me curb hunger. My problem is i get into work at 7:00am and have a bowl of cereal or yogurt. Between breakfast and lunch I begin to starve and munch on things.

I've look through some old threads and seen a lot of people losing a lot of weight. Congrats to all those of you that have taken charge and seen results! I'll use your progress as my motivation!!!


  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    can you tell me what you've been eating? kinda hard to point you in the right direction without knowing that.
  • natsav
    natsav Posts: 1

    My name is Nathalie and I can only say that when you get hungry have celery sticks close by. I say this because celery is made up of mostly water so by eating celery you do not keep what you eat and actually the more celery you eat the more you loss. It takes more energy to digest celery then the calories that are in celery, therefore, you burn more calories.

    Let me know how it goes.

  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    when lunch comes around or even before lunch i take oranges, apples etc with me to work so i can eat those. but throughout the day i drink alot of water there was an article sayin that the majority of the time your not hungry your thirsty! crazy i know. but yea i bring fruit or i have gum and just drink water in between meals:drinker: