

  • Thanks for the request added everyone, still looking for more friends :) Together we can do anything!!!!
  • Personally it doesn't really matter what direction you walk. If you are on a sidewalk or in the street because either way you are walking with traffic and now a days more people are walking and drivers are more aware of walkers. So there is no point to teach which why to walk because its not important. They just need to…
  • My father worked long and hard when I was growing up. 12 hr days 6 days a week sometimes 7days. But when he was home at night and was able to spend time with me he would crawl into my fort that I made between the two couches and sit for hours playing cards and teaching my different card games and eatting snacks with me. Or…
  • Also measuring cup or the small measuring cup set is very cheap in the usa and I would try and pick some up because a scale can only do so much.
    in Cup of ? Comment by Achlys101 June 2011
  • One cup is equal to 48 teaspoons or 8 fluid ounces. Or one cup to 237 ml. I hope that helps.
    in Cup of ? Comment by Achlys101 June 2011
  • I have never tried club soda but there is always water that has carbonation added but not nearly as bad as any soda products. But let me know how it goes.
  • Bump looks good to me!
  • Whats the healthiest chocolate out on market. Like is dark better then milk and is there low sugar ones. I want to make smores with my nephew over a camp fire next week but I want to keep my family eating healthier.
  • Thanks all for your advice and understanding my problem, I just wanted to make sure that I was doing things right, I need to stop over thinking the weight loss. I feel stupid for thinking that losing that much weight in a short time was possible. I am very grateful to know that everyone who is as big as me or was as big…
  • I edited somethings to my first post that am 5'4" and I been doing workout dvd's. And yes I understand that a lb is a big deal but one pound isn't losing fat for me because if that was true in one day I won't gain 7 lbs and that happen last week. I am jumping between 10lbs every other day it seems. According to my doctor I…
  • According to this 1900 since I lost 10lbs but I never eat that much but I normally get in about 1550 calories a day with the new diet. Of course my diet is just me changing less healthy for more healthy like, no more white bread in the house and only low fat stuff. No pop and lots of water which is complete 180 for me.
  • Also I don't want to just lose a lb here or 2 lbs I want to lose the weight by at least 10lbs a week until am under 250lbs. It would be different if I was only 130 then 1lb is alot but at my weight its nothing.
  • I haven't had surgery but my advice is to stick with the site and track your food that way you will feel responsible if you over eat or eat bad foods. That way you can at least maintain your weight loss or still lose. Also some advice about not getting into old habits is don't take the easy way out with your food. Even tho…
  • Its all based on your own body and that what makes the database on here so misleading. Sometimes its way off and sometimes its right on. I don't think there is a base cal per hour rate that you can stick onto any exercise but if you do figure it out let me know so I can try that for my biggest loser workouts.
  • I am a very picky eater, and when I get into the foods I like that are healthy I don't change. But I know I need to work on my fruit and veggie intake. I love green beans and corn, but I can't have tomatoes. I hate the taste of alot of fruits but I love bananas, oranges, grapes, and apples. I love canned peaches but not…
  • Well, you have plenty of support and love on this end. I hope you make it to the test and get this figured out. I know I have done the same thing as you, run from tests until my doctor made me get the testing done while she watched. You and your family need to know what this is so they and you can help yourself in the…
  • Well the game seems to be as much as the complete pack of dvds on ebay. So maybe I will buy them off ebay. Thanks I just wanted to know how others feel.
  • Good question, I would like to know myself as I live in MI and in the summer its very humid and hot.
    in Humidity Comment by Achlys101 May 2011
  • I wanted to watch it so bad, but i didn't know when it was going to be on. I love biggest loser because the diet even for family members have fast results. 150lbs over a year equals 2.88 pounds a week which is slow but steadly. This show seems like its more realistic but I know people who did the biggest loser diet and…
  • Ive heard bad things about it but I think its your personal experience, like the food taste bad and that you don't feel full but I can't personally say that I tried it but I know ordering from the company is expensive and I won't do it.
  • Am confused too so I can't help you :(
  • I've been there, when my wedding dress fit me at the store when I bought it and then 6 weeks later I could get it on all the way I was so unhappy. I cried for hours and then when they had to fix it because I gained a whole dress size, I cried myself to sleep for two days. So my sister and I decided we needed to change and…
  • Hi, well I will add you and let me say this :love: I love the site to and here to starting new friend ships :flowerforyou:
    in official Comment by Achlys101 May 2011
  • Am in I have well over 100lbs to lose :laugh:
  • Cool thanks for the pics and info :)
    in Ab Workout Comment by Achlys101 May 2011
  • I too have over 100lbs to lose and am here to support everyone even if they only have 20lbs to lose. :bigsmile:
  • Am new too 5 days in but I have so much support I can't believe it. I will send you an add request :)
  • When on a break leave the building and go to your car then walk back inside. Also another tip is to park your car at the very end of the lot if you leave before it gets dark that way you are walking more then normal. Also walk to the farest bathroom away if you can.