Looking for Motivating Friends

Am looking for friends who are looking for someone to help them but also have a long or been on a long weight loss journey. Am not new to the site but restarting my journey and am looking for people are who need a friend. Please feel free to add me. Thanks and good luck all!


  • DawnMarie1970
    DawnMarie1970 Posts: 97 Member
    Added You
  • jenniferlthomas0305
    I'll send a request! I've been struggling all of my adult life and part of my teen years. Buckling down now. I have 130-140lbs I need to lose! I'd love you help you!
  • ashleyjade57
    ashleyjade57 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am really motivated and would like to have some more friends on here :)
  • Achlys101
    Thanks for the request added everyone, still looking for more friends :) Together we can do anything!!!!