Going through a very hard time

For the past 9 months I'vebeen feeling like my body is falling apart; hair loss, rashes, eye infection, sudden alletgies, joint/muscle ached, vision diminishing, bruising, bleeding, constant fatigue, kidney problems, migrains, gastro problems, wounds that take months to heal, and much more.

I went to see a doctor initially who said he thought I had lupus. I didnt go back for the testing because I got too nervous. Now its ben 7 months and I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon.

I'm so nervous and worried and stressed. I have 3 little children and I worry about the effects of something like me having MS or lupus could have on them. I want to eat brownies and ice cream and candy. I'm not posting so much looking for advice on not binging (though advice is welcome), I'm just looking for support in general. I feel so alone and afraid.


  • ElleEise
    ElleEise Posts: 21
    Don't give up!!! There is this beautiful principal called the "Law of Attraction"... simply, thinking positively will bring good things and thinking negatively will bring bad. Of course that doesn't mean that bad things don't happen to good people and likewise good things often happen to bad people. But remain positive! You are going to get through this stronger and more informed!

    Keep your head up! I'd love to hear how it goes!
  • kelldoll
    kelldoll Posts: 14 Member
    You could also be dealing with Cushing's syndrom, which is significantly easier to work with and treat.

    As a fellow stressed out Mom my best advice is to take time for yourself. I know, VERY difficult to do with three kids. However, once they are in bed, pop in a simple movie. Do N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Allow your brain to wander. Often times I find that, in my deepest moments of anxiety, thinking/working/trying just makes it all worse.

    Hang in there. Go back and get the testing done. Treatment now will prolong your life and stave off the symptoms. You will witness your kids growing up, getting married and having babies of their own. And THAT is what is most important. ; )

  • sarahlyzzibeth
    One thing to remember would be that your family will always love and support you, even if you do find out that you are having some medical challenges. My boyfriend has MS, and he constantly tells me that he worries that he is a burden on me or his family, and I don't see it that way at all. Because I love him, I want what's best for him and I want to help him in any way I can. I don't see that as a burden, I see it more as a trial that we have to work through, but the fact that we're working through it together is good enough for me. I know your family will see it in the same way. I wish I could explain further, but it's hard to put into words. Day to day routines might change, but their love and support for you will not, so you don't have to feel alone. Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    my heart is breaking for you. i can only imagine the anxiety of waiting for results. i'm sure you'll be fine. and if you have to binge, do it. you'll get back on track once your mind is at ease. think positive, happy thoughts. just your beautiful children will be enough to get you through. good luck and keep us posted:)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    You don't know for sure until you get tested and not knowing just adds more stress that your body doesn't need. I know it won't help much if you get an actual diagnosis for one of the things you're scared of but I know people with Lupus and people with MS who all manage to have good, full lives and enjoy their children. One of the women I know with MS is actually pregnant with her sixth child! She'd wear you out even if you didn't know she has MS but knowing she battles it daily makes her even more amazing! She has learned to listen to her body though and take rest times when she needs it.

    i hope you get the answers you need very quickly and I hope that things turn out much brighter than you fear. There are many things that could cause crazy symptoms so please continue seeking answers if your initial tests come back as fine. Hang in there!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm so glad to hear you are going back! It is much more important to you and your family that you are trying to find out the cause of what is wrong, rather than being afraid of unknowns and in pain. :flowerforyou:
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Youre youngest is 8 months correct? Did alot of this start after you had him/her? Have you been seeing a PCP before and after each pregnancy? Did they do blood tests from the beginning to establish baseline levels for you? then again after each pregnancy to make sure your hormones levelled back out? I didnt think it was a big deal till I started with a new PCP after my son (very trusted by my very picky family) and he asked if I had baseline blood test from before I got pregnant because I was delaing with exhaustion and hair loss. Turns out my hormones were still a little wacky but it was easily fixed with very little medication and stress reducing techniques. Did you know your hormones can take a year to go back to normal after pregnancy?? A Year! Imagine My shock!
  • lunatletica
    The great thing it that your are getting tested tomorrow. The worst thing is not knowing what you are dealing with, once you know you will be able to take action and feel better. This is good for yourself and your children.

    Have faith, all will go well.
  • bushrakhan24
    you sound like a strong woman. you have to be...you're a mother of three children! i agree with the ladies...get it checked out and let the rest fall on faith (whatever you believe in). early detection is key now. keep us updated. will pray for you :)
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Youre youngest is 8 months correct? Did alot of this start after you had him/her? Have you been seeing a PCP before and after each pregnancy? Did they do blood tests from the beginning to establish baseline levels for you? then again after each pregnancy to make sure your hormones levelled back out? I didnt think it was a big deal till I started with a new PCP after my son (very trusted by my very picky family) and he asked if I had baseline blood test from before I got pregnant because I was delaing with exhaustion and hair loss. Turns out my hormones were still a little wacky but it was easily fixed with very little medication and stress reducing techniques. Did you know your hormones can take a year to go back to normal after pregnancy?? A Year! Imagine My shock!

    She's right ya know. Could be something as simple as a hormone imbalance and alot of what you've described sounds like it. I suffer from major hormone imbalances myself (although my youngest is 8 years old..lol)

    Either way, it's good you're going to get tested and I know, easier said then done, try not to stress over it and just remind yourself that you are making yourself healthier for your babies. They need you, so no matter what the doctor says, you'll get through it. You have a lot of support here and I would imagine in real life too.

    Good luck and if you want, please update us!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    *hugs* to you.

    You know that while you are worrying about how you will cope another day has gone by and guess what you got through it! Most of what we worry about never comes to fruition so we are better to just take it a day at a time. I know because I've been sideswiped by life many times, and I didn't see it coming.

    Look after yourself and be determined to make the most of whatever lies in front of you.

  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    Well, you have plenty of support and love on this end. I hope you make it to the test and get this figured out. I know I have done the same thing as you, run from tests until my doctor made me get the testing done while she watched. You and your family need to know what this is so they and you can help yourself in the right way. Just think positive and at worst you will need to ask for out side help from family and friends and am sure they will help.

    Don't think about eating is my advice about the binging, think about watching a movie or listening to music something to keep you out of the kitchen and keep you from over thinking the issue.
  • TwistedBanana
    You're being very strong by actually attending the appointment tomorrow. It's also very healthy to be reaching out for support like this :) you're kids already have an amazing role model to look up to! I hope that every thing works out well for you. I'll do my best to send positive thoughts your way.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Your thyroid could be off too. My daughter has been deal with the same symptoms and doctor just found out it she has hypothyroidism.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you all so much for your kind and informative answers. its so nice to know I'm not totally alone.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Sorry to hear you're having a hard time, but wanted to give you some reassurance about lupus and your children. My mother was diagnosed with lupus when I was little, so my brother and I have grown up dealing with the disease. There have been times where it has been worse and times where it has been totally normal. I'll be honest and say there were some difficult times and when your kids get older you might have to ask them to take on more responsibility, but please know that you can still be an amazing and supportive mom even with an autoimmune disease.

    Feel free to add or message me. Best of luck!
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    How about hugs? :flowerforyou:

    **great big hugs** :heart:
  • mousumi30
    mousumi30 Posts: 52
    be positive and remember once you visit your doctor and start your treatment according to his/her advice, things will only going to get better, eat well and take lots of rest.you can also do some meditation under an expert 's guidance, meditation heals a lot of pain
  • jayne2304
    jayne2304 Posts: 16
    I am sure you will be fine. I hope that it is something simple that can be easily fixed - as you can see from the many many replies we are all thinking of you and will be here when you need us.

    Take care

    HUGS :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Stay strong, you can get through this.