I wish I liked...

Healthier foods...........

I don't like yogurt, cheese, fish, most veggies and most fruits. There are very few fruits and veggies I like. I have always been a junk food junkie and I hate it.

So..any advice for a really really picky eater like me?


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I wish I liked celery.
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    I like celery, but only if it has cream cheese on it :frown:
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    So Ameslee, instead of telling us what you don't like, Tell us what you do like?

    make a list and show us
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    So Ameslee, instead of telling us what you don't like, Tell us what you do like?

    make a list and show us

    Totally agree
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I'm fairly picky too, I wish I liked peppers as they seem to be in everything!

    If I find a recipe that sounds good but when I see the list of ingredients contains something I don't like then I either leave that bit out or substitute it for something I DO like!

    Experimenting is fun! Enjoy the foods you do like rather than worrying about the ones you don't :happy:
  • daintycake
    daintycake Posts: 23
    I used to be a very picky eater as a kid and unfortunately I don't have good advice or at least the advice you probably want to hear. What worked for me, besides working closely with chefs and being obligated to trying different foods, was repeatedly eating healthier foods and developing acquired tastes for them. Like salad, I used to have to cover it with ranch.. now I can eat it with oil and vinegar or a very light vinaigrette dressing. Just keep trying different healthy foods and I think you'll find something you like. I still don't like celery. :)
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    chicken (white meat only)
    ice cream

    pretty much the bad carbs.....

    The fruits and veggies I DO like

    green apples
    green grapes

    green beans
    iceburg lettuce
    corn on the cob

    I prefer most of my veggies in a can. I am not at all fond of fresh veggies. Fresh veggies I will eat are onions, lettuce, corn on the cob and carrots.

    That's just a short list that I can think of.....
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Oh and I also have texture issues...I am very picky when it comes to certain textures.
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    I am a very picky eater, and when I get into the foods I like that are healthy I don't change. But I know I need to work on my fruit and veggie intake. I love green beans and corn, but I can't have tomatoes. I hate the taste of alot of fruits but I love bananas, oranges, grapes, and apples. I love canned peaches but not fresh ones and I can't have pineapple. I also hate yogurt . You really just have to pick and choose and try new things. That is what I have to do, I waste alot of food atm which is why I stick to things I like all ready but that is how I got to my weight in the first place.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    i wish i liked celery...covered up in stuff or plain...i can't do it. same with raw carrots...it'd make my life easier lol
    also fish...wasn't raised on it...dunno how to cook it and so far have tried salmon and it is...ok.
    also wish i liked tomatoes...
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    I wish I liked ... onions! Raw onions, they're in EVERYthing! I HATE the way they crunch!... But I love all other crunchy veggies. go figure! lol
  • TwistedBanana
    okay i looooove what mellowga just said because that's exactly what i would say! i also used to be such a junk food junkie....but one day i was driving past mcdonalds and i looked at the golden arches and somehow it popped into my head that they look EXACTLY like the tubes that suck the fat out of peoples stomach because the fat is yellow. Yes I like to watch those surgeries..
    I also love pizza but now I buy ‘tofurkey’ pizza its not as good as pizza and it’s vegan (im not a full vegan but I eat a lot of vegan products) but I promise it makes the cravings go away. I also use veganaise instead of mayo…even if I go pick up a sandwich I ask for no mayo and add for own veganaise when I get home.
    Instead of ice cream (which is my all-time favorite) I eat “rice cream” its ice cream using rice milk instead of cow milk…rice bream is a great brand and I love the ‘rice dream bites’ nom nom nom
    Eating vegan options have helped me with my cravings and it has taken me a while to get used to but the results are so worth it! By having less fast food in my diet I feel more energized, skin has improved, as well as my attitude. And of course losing weight has been a great plus! :)
    I of course still make myself eat fruits and vegies because they fill me up and after a while you will start to crave them TRUST ME your mind and body adapt much more easily than you think.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I wish I liked ... onions! Raw onions, they're in EVERYthing! I HATE the way they crunch!... But I love all other crunchy veggies. go figure! lol

    My hubby doesn't like onions either which is a real pain as they're in everything like you say. I make sure I chop them up so fine that he can't notice them! Funny thing is though although he hates onions he likes pickled onions! Strange boy :laugh:
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Oooo I don't think I could eat vegan stuff....Just the thought makes me cringe. I have nothing against it. I know people who eat it, I'm just a steak and potatoes kinda girl..LOL..I'm also not big on condiments. I don't like mayo, relish, mustard, etc.

    I forgot to mention I do like peaches and pineapple as long as they're canned. And mandarin oranges are SO yummy as long as they're canned and cold.

    I will say that I have cut down ALOT on the sugary foods in the last 2 weeks. So much so that when I do eat them I can tell my body is getting used to not having them as much because I'll start to feel sick. And McDonalds used to be at least a once a week thing in our house (especially with having 3 young kids) but I have successfully avoided it for over 3 weeks,...that is until the husband got it yesterday for dinner. HOWEVER, I measured out only 1 oz. of fries and I ate both hamburgers with ketchup only and without the buns. I ate WAY less than I used to. Before I would eat both burgers, buns and all and a medium or even large fry and a large sweet tea. What I ate yesterday was actually plenty! I have noticed that no matter what I'm eating, if I measure/weigh and stick to the portion sizes I am actually satisfied. Who knew!? LOL
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    I wish I liked ... onions! Raw onions, they're in EVERYthing! I HATE the way they crunch!... But I love all other crunchy veggies. go figure! lol

    My hubby doesn't like onions either which is a real pain as they're in everything like you say. I make sure I chop them up so fine that he can't notice them! Funny thing is though although he hates onions he likes pickled onions! Strange boy :laugh:

    My husband doesn't like onions either unless they're grilled...I don't get it.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    What's wrong with rice and pasta?

    Are you against eating the same things regularly? I mean if someone suggested you eat white chicken 1-3x per day every day, is that overload to you?
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I have the same problem, I LOVE food that is bad for me, but I'm starting with baby steps. I still indulge sometimes, but I plan it into my day. And while I'm still not as healthy an eater as I hope to be down the road, I"m starting with stuff I do like and putting more of it into my diet. Changing everything over night will make it harder on you. Gradually work the stuff you do like into your diet and then once that has become commonplace for you then start branching out to newer healthy stuff.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I have the same problem, I LOVE food that is bad for me, but I'm starting with baby steps. I still indulge sometimes, but I plan it into my day. And while I'm still not as healthy an eater as I hope to be down the road, I"m starting with stuff I do like and putting more of it into my diet. Changing everything over night will make it harder on you. Gradually work the stuff you do like into your diet and then once that has become commonplace for you then start branching out to newer healthy stuff.
    Bingo. Eating chocolate and ice cream is fine so long as they aren't dietary staples and they fit into your calories/macronutrients. If you have the self control, then fill 70% of your calories with healthy, micronutrient-rich foods, and the other 30% with treats.

    Is this an option?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Double post.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    Chocolate ---OK only eat a small amount, say like 1-2 Hershey kisses for a "treat" or something
    candy ---Dump, say goodbye
    steak ---good in moderation
    chicken (white meat only) ---learn to like darm meat aas well, find multiple recipes for Chicken
    ice cream --you can eat a small amount say 1-3 scoops Per week...no toppings, just a bowl of Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry...natural
    rice - brown rice
    pasta- tri color or wheat , or a small bowl, not often

    pretty much the bad carbs.....

    The fruits and veggies I DO like

    green apples - apples are good, use red as well
    green grapes - eat red as well, but good
    watermelon - This is a better desert then chocolate or ice cream
    oranges - oranges are good

    peas -good
    green beans -good
    onions -good
    carrots -good
    iceburg lettuce - Switch to mix greens, romaine lettuce, Iceberg has little nutrients

    corn on the cob -- switch to can corn, no butter or salt

    Try new Veggies and mix them into a salad, try it with Oil and balsamic vin...stay away from pre-made salad dressings.

    Foods to add...

    whole wheat bread
    different foods

    be creative with a new diet...drop the junk :)