Has anyone tried nutrisystem?

I was thinking about trying it and was going to buy a months supply from someone who didn't like it. Before I make an offer, does anyone know how many items come in a months supply? Thanks in advance!


  • rokikio
    rokikio Posts: 92
    I have done it before, you should get a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks with your purchase for each day of the month. Nutrisystem works and you will lose weight but the food is really awful tasting and becomes very repetitive. Once you get off Nutrisystem you will end up in the same place you started at. I think it's better to learn how to eat the right foods and portion control instead of buying into those things. But every person is different and you may like it. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    I bought mine off of craigslist when I did it that way i had no pre-scheduled monthly payments. i also got it at great prices. just a suggestion
  • rockinfree
    rockinfree Posts: 6
    I actually tried Nutrisystem last year, and still have a mostly full box that I don't want 'cause I got tired of the food lol. I don't remember exactly how many packages there are, but it's a big box ... so approximately 30 breakfasts, 30 lunches, 30 dinners, and 30 snacks/dessert. Also note that the plan requires you to buy additional vegetables/fruit to supplement the prepackaged meals. If you end up liking it, I'd be happy to sell you my box!
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    Ive heard bad things about it but I think its your personal experience, like the food taste bad and that you don't feel full but I can't personally say that I tried it but I know ordering from the company is expensive and I won't do it.
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    I have done it before, you should get a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks with your purchase for each day of the month. Nutrisystem works and you will lose weight but the food is really awful tasting and becomes very repetitive. Once you get off Nutrisystem you will end up in the same place you started at. I think it's better to learn how to eat the right foods and portion control instead of buying into those things. But every person is different and you may like it. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!

    I've agree! Relying on pre-packaged food is an expensive and not so tasty way to eat. Count your calories - it's cheaper and you learn to live a healthy lifestyle!
  • Pamela3
    Pamela3 Posts: 96 Member
    My post copied from one of the other millions of Nutrisystem posts...

    Here's my problem with Nutrisystem - Are you going to buy and eat their food for the rest of your life? What happens after you drop the weight you want to and then stop using Nutrisystem? Do you think you learned anything from opening a box and eating what was manufactured by someone else? Not to mention the complete and utter lack of natural nutrients and vitamins, plus all of the preservatives, hormones, and goodness knows what else.

    I've never done Nutrisystem for all of the above reasons. I've done Weight Watchers with great success until I wasn't in the sceario where it was as convenient or with my regular group of support I was used to. Guess what happened when I lost that support group? Guess why I'm here? Not only am I here to lose the weight I gained back, but aso becuase this time, I don't want to be accountable to anyone ut myself and I want to do this MYSELF. In my head, I'm never going to get away from me, so this is the best way to go about it.

    Good luck with your weightloss journey - do it for you - do it for life!

    Seriously - go to the market, get some fresh NATURAL food - prepare your own meals for the week. It's as easy as getting some food sae containers and freezing them - grab your meals in the morning for work and come lunch time, guess who has an easy microwaveable meal that you actually made yourself???
  • mickie_on_my_way
    mickie_on_my_way Posts: 32 Member
    I have tried it and did not like the food. Anything with meat....BLECH! Now, that's my personal opinion, and people's tastes vary.

    The biggest thing for me was how deprived I felt eating my little boxed meal while my family ate the dinner I had prepared. I was fine for breakfast and lunch, but dinner was very, very difficult for me.

    I also found it very expensive.

    That was my experience!
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Everyone else - thank you for your replys
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I tried it twice. It didn't agree with me at ALL! The first time around I thought perhaps it had too much sodium in it because I felt like my blood pressure went through the roof. A year or so later I tried again because I'd seen that the sodium was low...and had the same reaction. Apparently my body rejects Soy! Crazy, but good to know!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I was thinking about trying it and was going to buy a months supply from someone who didn't like it. Before I make an offer, does anyone know how many items come in a months supply? Thanks in advance!

    Nutrisystem has a few different plans, and the number of items per month varies based on the plan. 30 day plans will have 30 breakfasts, 30 lunches, 30 dinners and 30 snacks. The weekends off plans will have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack for 5 days per week.

    Some of their items are really tasty and some are pretty blah.

    Everything is highly processed and can be stored without refrigeration, which can be a help if you have to take food somewhere with you and have no access to a fridge.

    I wouldn't endorse it as a plan, but if you're looking at it for a bargain to tide you over through emergencies or travel, might be worth it if you can get it cheap.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    My mom tried Nutrisystem. It failed. First of all, she was so hungry from eating tiny packets of processed food that she ate the whole week supply in like, 3 days. And like others have said, she learned nothing about how to eat normally.

    You are way better off using wholesome fresh ingredients to make you own meals. Less sodium, chemicals all that stuff.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Thank you :-)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I won't bother repeating things that have already been said, but perhaps after you've had time to reflect you might want to think about reading it again and give it some consideration.
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  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I was thinking about trying it and was going to buy a months supply from someone who didn't like it. Before I make an offer, does anyone know how many items come in a months supply? Thanks in advance!

    Nutrisystem has a few different plans, and the number of items per month varies based on the plan. 30 day plans will have 30 breakfasts, 30 lunches, 30 dinners and 30 snacks. The weekends off plans will have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack for 5 days per week.

    Some of their items are really tasty and some are pretty blah.

    Everything is highly processed and can be stored without refrigeration, which can be a help if you have to take food somewhere with you and have no access to a fridge.

    I wouldn't endorse it as a plan, but if you're looking at it for a bargain to tide you over through emergencies or travel, might be worth it if you can get it cheap.

    I should have added that the Nutrisystem plan expects you to round out almost every meal with a significant amount of veggies and/or dairy. So the pre-packaged 'meals' are smaller than you'd expect and usually very low in calories.