

  • I have Core Rhythms which is Salsa style which is kindof fun, and I have Carmen Electra's Strip Tease workout dvds and those are super fun!
  • I added you as a friend. Hopefully I can get a glimpse at your diet and help some. I'm currently battling the same issue but am at a plateau. I lost 60lbs and then gained about 8 back, and am trying to get it back off. About two of it is probably muscle, but the rest I can tell is fat. But hopefully I can help you some…
  • Chicken dip and watermelon WOOP! LOL
  • I've turned to exercise when my emotions take hold. When I'm angry, I run/walk, when I'm sad, I run/walk, when I'm stressed I run or do yoga. They clear my head. Workouts make my day better. If I REALLY feel like I need something to eat, I keep Kashi granola bars handy. They're low in calories and some of them have…
  • Love that smothie recipe. I need to get chocolate protein so I can try it. Yesterday I had a 3 egg omelette with feta and vegan sausage and it was SO GOOD! You can do a lot of things with oatmeal. I have a blog bookmarked with 100 different oatmeal recipes. I'll post it later. I generally make my oatmeal with soy milk, and…
  • Well a) how much are you increasing activity/weight work? I just had to increase from 1200 to 1800 based on the fitness program I'm starting. Make sure that you are getting the correct amount of protein as well to build the muscle. You should be just fine, I'd actually be worried about you needing more to actually gain the…
  • I use Gaspari Myofusion Vanilla sometimes in the morning, sometimes mid day, but always right after a workout.
  • I calculated based on the Katch-McArdle method which put me at 1800-2000 calories a day. I end up around 1700 if I"m lucky. I've gained 7 lbs in recent months that I don't necessarily NEED off, but I need to be sculpted, if that makes sense. With Jamie Eason's program I'll be doing leg, shoulder, arm, back, and ab splits…
  • This may have been covered, but I'm gonna ask anyways lol. For those of you lifting, how are you noting calories burned in yoru exercise diaries? I started Jamie Eason's 12 week program today on bodybuilding.com and am trying to figure out how to note that. I know good and well that I'm burning more than 50 calories in one…
  • 1) I am trying to lose about 4lbs but am mainly working to maintain and sculpt muscles 2) I lift at home a few times a week using 20lbs dumb bells 10lb dumb bells. I am working on getting up the nerve to get into the weight room though lol. I usually do at least a half hour, working my arms, back, shoulders, abdominals and…
  • I seem to be sitting tight at 115, and it's bugging me. I Imagine a small part of it is muscle gain, but I really need work in my abdominals and my bumm. I know most of it is diet and cardio but I'm a bit at a loss. I guess I'm going to really have to bust my butt to get there.
  • Unfortunately you might just have to switch your breakfast food. Bagels can also be high in empty carbs, which give you a sugar spike and then leave you hungry again. I eat oatmeal, with almonds, fruit, or protein powder and a touch of honey. Or I'll have eggs with light cheese and salsa with grapefruit or some other…
  • Totally love this!
  • Nariee - Diet is a big big part of weight loss. What are you generally eating? Here are some great low cost foods to use! Brown rice - buy it in bulk. You can make a batch at the first of the week to include with lunches Barley - Same as above Oats/oatmeal - I eat this several mornings out of the week with honey or brown…
  • I've gotta catch up with this. I'll be jogging tonight and doing bodyrock, then probably weights
  • 1lb in a week is awesome!!! It all takes hard work, practice, and dedication and you're gonna make it!
    in sad Comment by jgdragonfly411 June 2011
  • She counts, so does Oprah, Rosie O Donnell, and several other women. They also remember that they're beautiful regardless of their weight ;) so no one here should forget that either.
  • Remember that Beyonce and other women like her do a LOT of dancing to stay fit too. Their diets are very reserved as well. If you read many of them follow a restricted diet, or are vegetarians. Carrie Underwood is a vegetarian and follows fitness routines. Miranda Lambert has lost a lot just from working out and drinking…
  • lilhot - you should really try to get in breakfast every day, and not just a slim fast. You can pre-make your breakfast the night before (omelets, granola, pukolla, etc) and have it ready for in the morning. I always find that I"m more hungry in the day if I haven't had breakfast.
  • I think it's ok to fall a little under, but bear in mind that carbohydrates are what your brain uses for fuel. I.E. carbs = smarts. You should try to get them in complex form, so things like oatmeal, 100% whole grain breads or pastas, fruits, vegetables, yogurts. Etc.
  • Do you guys include stairs that you climb at work?
  • I think you're very strong for taking the class to start with. The point of classes like those is to introduce healthy lifestyles, not make others feel bad for not being perfect. Do pay attention at the grocery meeting, it might help you with diet! As for exercises to do around the house - squats while folding laundry,…
  • I'm late, but I'm totally in on this. Technically I've burned more calories in the past 9 days, but I'm just going to start with today and bust my tail to do this!!!!!!!
  • Oh gosh, mine is so varied: Eminem - Drop the World Eminem - I'm not Afraid Rihanna - Only Girl Blake Shelton - Honeybee Miranda Lambert - Kerosene Miranda Lambert - Only Prettier Flogging Molly - Anything Party like a Rockstar Hillbilly Delux Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy Bon Jovi - Livin on a Prayer, Blaze of Glory, It's my…
  • Thank you. Is there not a way for me to manually enter the calories burned?
  • I'll add you in! I'm in FL. I'm 25 and I've already lost 50lbs, now trying to tone. Do you like the site so far? I'm still learning it.
  • Oh boy, I have at on of these. Some I haven't done in a long time. 1) I Despise tomatoes. I cannot eat a taco if it has chunks of tomato. I can eat tomato sauce, paste, etc. I can't eat tomato soup. I can't eat raw tomato UNLESS it is in the buffalo bleu salad from Zaxby's. OMG best salad ever. 2) I hate mushrooms. 3) I…
  • Canned Tuna, Canned Salmon, frozen baby shrimp, lentils, kidney beans, black beans, bagged dried peas/beans mixed, cous cous, oatmeal, store brand cottage cheese, store brand barred cheese, eggs, store brand yogurt, frozen veggies (just check sodium content to be sure), chicken breast, whole grain pasta, brown rice in…
  • Hey Everyone! New to the boards. Name: Jamie Ht: 5ft 2 in Age : 25 Hair: long blonde Eyes: blue with flecks of hazel Starting weight: 160 Current weight : 115 though I was at 108 hence me getting more active in here and getting my butt back in gear. Status: In a relationship Job: shipping and a waitress (that's right DOS…
  • I'm a complete newb and a student. I'm actually returning to school to get my R.N. and hopefully carry forth to nutrition/food sciences. Right now I'm working on my A.A. reqs and nursing pre-reqs. It's been hectic, as I also work two jobs. Love to hear from other students too!