Weird Food Quirks



  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    My texture issues involve tapioca, orange juice with pulp, and Jello salads. I can't stand fish eyes even though I like the taste of the pudding. If I take a drink of orange juice with pulp -- I will gag and spit it out, I can't even swallow it. and I won't even attempt to eat jello salad.

    I like doritos on my bologna sandwiches -- but only with ketchup and mayo.

    I love hog jowel and if we get fresh pork chops -- I let the "juice" (blood) fry up and I salt it and eat it.

    When I was younger -- I had to split a bag of M&Ms with my 3 brothers -- so we'd count them out -- trade for favorite colors lol. then I would bite all of mine into 4th -- put them back in the bowl and drive my brothers crazy by savoring each little morsel while they had scarfed theirs down.

    In high school -- I would put hot sauce and mayo on my fries, pizza, and fiestada (sp?) to keep people at my table from stealing them.
  • jgdragonfly411
    Oh boy, I have at on of these. Some I haven't done in a long time.

    1) I Despise tomatoes. I cannot eat a taco if it has chunks of tomato. I can eat tomato sauce, paste, etc. I can't eat tomato soup. I can't eat raw tomato UNLESS it is in the buffalo bleu salad from Zaxby's. OMG best salad ever.

    2) I hate mushrooms.

    3) I can't stand when my grandmother puts whole seasoning leaves in food.

    4) If I eat too much banana, or yogurt without anything mixed in I gag. I have to have granola in my yogurt. I don't eat bananas often b/c of this. This also goes for cottage cheese.

    5) I won't eat store bought pork. I can raise my own, or eat wild hog and it is sooooo much better. Store bought tastes chewy and gummy to me. Gross.

    6) I cannot eat shrimp unless they are de-veined but I am thinking I may just switch to craw fish full time after this thread.... fetus...gross.

    7) I have to have my steaks rare. If they are too cooked, I cannot chew them to a consistency that my body will accept. I can chew and chew and chew but if I try to swallow my body chokes it back up. Totally not mental, it really is physical. I can't eat lamb chops for this same reason.

    8) I love fries in chocolate cake icing (It has to be cream cheese icing, not confectioner's sugar icing) or chocolate pudding.

    9) I hate pickles unless they're fried.

    10) I have to have chips with a regular sandwich. This doesn't go for subs. I have to have a bite of chip per bite of sandwich. It's my major comfort food. The sandwich has to have melted cheese and a gob of mayo too.

    11) I drink hot tea all summer.

    12)I can't eat celery without peanut butter.

    13) I eat peanut m&m's in my popcorn at the movies. One m&m per bite and if I run out of m&m's I stop eating the popcorn.

    14) I HATE cocktail sauce

    15) I can't stand the smell of plain fried chicken. I worked at a chicken specialized place for two weeks and it destroyed fried chicken for me. Love buffalo style though.

    16) I will only drink bottled water plain the first time. If I refill the bottle it has to have Crystal Light or Ocean spray sweeteners in it.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Cooking the tail of the chicken or. Turkey in the oven till the fat is all. Crispy salt and pepper dad did all the cooking so left over spaghetti became spagetti and egg scramble, he would make us refried bean sandwhichs cold, and jelly and griled cheese sandwhichs, and fried potaoe sandwhichs,mircle whip and white bread,...oh the peanuts and pepsi thing lol I remember all my. Classmates doing that dad came up with some weird combos to fed us
  • dcornwe
    dcornwe Posts: 73
    DH quirks, he eat skyline chili with a peanut butter sandwich. He also put peanut butter between 2 waffles then covers them with syrup. Oh and he puts ketchup on everything. We have to put it out at Thanksgiving.

    My brother, - at the japenese restaurant we go to they cook in front of you. Usually they cut off the excess fat from the steak and pitch, my brother eats everyone at the tables.

    My aunt has to have meat with her dessert. She will eat a bite of one then the other.

    Me, I hate sliced bread. I eat all my luchmeat on crackers. Same thing with pulled pork.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    What is jello salad? I don't think we have that in the uk
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    This thread is great! :)

    Not sure if this is weird but its my fav: I LOVE BBQ sauce and shredded cheese on my scrambeled eggs.

    When I eat chocolate covered peanuts, pretzels etc I usually suck off the chocolate then eat the inside seperately.

    I like to bite the different gummy bear heads off and attach them to a different colored body before I eat them (I haven't had any in forever!)

    When I used to go to McD's I enjoyed their vanilla icecream cone with frenchfries--I would dip them into the icecream

    I also like the combo of mayo and ketchup on my fries (again haven't had this in forever)

    I can't drink water out of a normal cup--I NEED a straw, even my waterbottle has a built in straw

    Here in Utah we have a regional favorite called "fry sauce", which is ketchup and mayo mixed together. Most restaurants here serve it. Some will do variations such as BBQ sauce mixed with mayo, which is also very good. It's so funny to go out of state and request "fry sauce" or describe it and see the looks of horror from people, but seriously, here in Utah people are addicted to it. I remember when Katie Couric was here for the Olympics in 2002 she kept raving about it on TV :laugh: Obviously I very rarely eat fries/onion rings now, but when I do it is fry sauce all the way! :)
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    This is so interesting! I personally am not a picky eater, but I do have one or two quirks:
    - I have texture issues with foods that "squeak" against my teeth, like raw spinach and some kinds of raw lettuce. I eat them, but I usually try to have some sort of dressing or olive oil on them to get rid of the squeak.
    - I like to put peanut butter and syrup on my pancakes, which my dad finds horrifying.
    - On the rare occasion I eat peanut butter M&M's, I like to smush them between my fingers before popping them in my mouth.

    Other odd food quirks from loved ones:
    - My best friend can't stand eating with a spoon. She thinks spit pools up on a spoon and gets so disgusted. She will only eat cereal with a spoon, eats ice cream with a fork, and avoids soups altogether because of the spoon issue.
    - My husband dips his fries in just mayo (gagggg!! And so unhealthy!!)
    - My in-laws like to put salt and vinegar chips in a cup of buttermilk and eat them with a spoon. So weird.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    How much do I love this thread? A lot! :smile:

    I eat m&ms by color. First the green (because they're so pretty altho sometimes I add a couple yellows because they look good together), then the yellow, then orange, then red, then brown/black and the blues get thrown out. In the days before calorie counting, I'd buy one of those big bags and separate them, not into 100 calorie packs like I would if I bought them now, but into bags by color. Now, when we get a mega bag from one of our vendors, I take a few at a time but still by color.

    I don't like hot on top of cold so when I get my grilled chicken salads when going out to lunch, I get the chicken in some sort of separate container (if they don't already do that). Except at El Pollo Loco. I should really ask them to do that.

    I've never liked the texture of mushrooms.

    I don't cook much but when I do I overcook because I'm always worried it won't be cooked enough. The person who liked raw meat's post made me gag a little. :tongue:
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Wow. This is great! No bones for me :) Boneless all the way for me. I also have some texture issues (bananas!) But Raw Steak! Wow.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    I'm now seeing spoons in a whole new light! Actually I have issues with forks. There are a couple of forks at home that I just can't use. Not really sure why, but the feel of them makes me gag. I can't eat with a fork if the tines 'look funny' or if it is too wide. All other cutlery is ok (although I have distinct preferences) but the fork thing is a strange but significant issue.
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    Dipping salty McDonalds fries in a chocolate milkshake... mmmmmmmmmmmm=)
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    I wont eat my food if someone has entered into the kitchen while i have been cooking it.
    I wont eat certain foods in public.. i.e Bread, rice,banana's,dips,eggs,potato (heaps more) .... most things are "pale" in apperence..
    Some foods i'm only allowed a certain number at a time .. i.e blueberrys is 20 ...sultanas 5 .......

    i could go on and on....
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    i have a coffee cup i always drink out of.
    a fork and a spoon i always use... (dont care about what knife lol)
    a bowl i use.. and nothing is allowed past a particular groove... (but dont care about plate)

    i really could just keep going... wow i'm a freak :\ lol
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    This past year my friends at school started to make fun of me for my eating habits... so I feel all of your pain!

    Let's see...

    1. Nothing can touch on my plate..( when I was younger my mom told me how her mother used to put everything together and the water from the peas would mix with the blood from the meat and the ketchup too... yech)
    2. Any sandwich is better with cheddar and sour cream chips on it.
    3. All sandwiches crusts must be eaten first. The middle part of the sandwich usually gets torn into pieces and then eaten.

    That's all I can think of for now, but I know there are other weird habits!

    i'm the same with crusts!! except if its been toasted i pull crust off then eat it last!!
    dont eat bread atm though....
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    i'm the same with crusts!! except if its been toasted i pull crust off then eat it last!!
    dont eat bread atm though....
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    I'm pleased to see so many people eat chocolate bars layer by layer, I thought I was just a complete weirdo for doing that!

    This ones kind of hard to describe but one thing I can't eat because it really goes through me is cauliflower florets that have gaps in them, so all the "leaves" aren't touching.

    Oh, and whenever I eat baked beans the sauce can absolutley NOT touch anything on my plate!
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Can't have eggs with any red food at the same time - like ketchup, erg! Can't even watch someone eat it!
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Chips and mayo is normal in the Netherlands and if you like peanut butter on your pancakes, you should try Nutella (chocolate spread)! My boyfriend can't eat anything that squeaks - it makes him sick.
    This is so interesting! I personally am not a picky eater, but I do have one or two quirks:
    - I have texture issues with foods that "squeak" against my teeth, like raw spinach and some kinds of raw lettuce. I eat them, but I usually try to have some sort of dressing or olive oil on them to get rid of the squeak.
    - I like to put peanut butter and syrup on my pancakes, which my dad finds horrifying.
    - On the rare occasion I eat peanut butter M&M's, I like to smush them between my fingers before popping them in my mouth.

    Other odd food quirks from loved ones:
    - My best friend can't stand eating with a spoon. She thinks spit pools up on a spoon and gets so disgusted. She will only eat cereal with a spoon, eats ice cream with a fork, and avoids soups altogether because of the spoon issue.
    - My husband dips his fries in just mayo (gagggg!! And so unhealthy!!)
    - My in-laws like to put salt and vinegar chips in a cup of buttermilk and eat them with a spoon. So weird.
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    LOL Could shave the kiwi.
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    I don't have any food quirks obviously that's why I am where I am today!! lol:laugh:

    My hubby eats mayo on his hot dogs and corn dogs, Gags me still after 20 + years! No ketsup or mustard just mayo!

    My son won't eat cheese on his hamburgers but loves grilled cheese sandwiches and nachos!:ohwell: