Weird Food Quirks



  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    my hubs is the worst! when i met him he ate salads without any dressing (he's now graduated up to vinaigrettes, but that's it), had to have beef cooked to within an inch of it's life (and no burgers) and would only eat scrambled eggs. but his strangest one is NOTHING white & creamy. no sour cream, no cream cheese, no mayonaisse, no yogurt, no cottage or ricotta cheese, etc. i do cook with all of these things and he's fine with them if it's unrecognizable. i tease him a lot by trying to get him to guess which mystery ingredient I've included.
  • skshep
    skshep Posts: 30
    I LOVE this post! I've always been picked on for being 'picky'.

    I have a really hard time with meats. For example, When trimming chicken, you know that hard white tendon-like thing in it? I have to COMPLETELY remove that or I won't be able to even think about eating it. I can't eat processed chicken products because they look like someone chewed the chicken up, spit it out and then breaded & fried it. Gross, I know.

    When I eat any kind of meat at all (pork chop, steak, roast, turkey, etc) have to inspect EVERY.SINGLE.BITE that goes in my mouth. I cut them up in to such small pieces that a baby could eat it...probably a centimeter size bite just to make sure there's no weird stuff in it (gristle, fat, veins *cringe*). If I have a 4 oz piece of meat I usually only eat 1/3 to 1/2 of it.

    When I eat any kind of sandwich (lunchmeat, hamburger or even subway veggie sub) I have to completely disassemble it and place everything on there neatly. To me I just cannot stand to eat it if it's sloppy.

    With lunch meat I can only eat the REALLY thinly sliced meat and only 2-3 slices on a sandwich.

    Ahh...feels good to get that all out there! LOL
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Oh and I like to eat frozen peas still frozen
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    My DD cannot eat "thick cheese' - it has to be thin.

    My DH puts peanuts in his Pepsi.
  • ChloMonster
    ChloMonster Posts: 19 Member
    No ketchup, mustard, mayo in anyway. If I even think something might have a dash of it in there, I can't eat it.
  • skshep
    skshep Posts: 30
    "My DH puts peanuts in his Pepsi."

    Peanuts in Pepsi!? How did he even discover this? LOL

    ps...I don't know how everyone is doing the quotes with the blue boxes? Am I being stupid lol
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I have to eat my food in a straight line. Sandwiches are nibbled straight across, then roated until I have a tiny square left. Anything round must be eaten the same. Pretty-much anything that is eaten without a fork (picked up by hand) is eaten this way. On the flip side, when I'm NOT eating finger foods and am eating something with a fork then I like to "trash" it. All get mixed together. When I go out for Mexican food I order my chimichanga and then put the lettuce, pico, beans, sour cream, rice, and anything else served on my plate on top of it. Then I have to dig to find the actual chimichanga. LOL! Of course, I won't be eating those anymore. Back to chicken fajita's for me!
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    I hate cheese.. its a texture thing.. except mozarella.. i can literally gag if i smell mac N cheese.. been this why my whole life.. just in the last 6 years do i eat mozarella other than on pizza... also cream sauses really disgust me.. anything with cream added to it i wont eat.. except my 1/2 & 1/2 in coffee...
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Ohh i also hate Butter.. Butter can make me gag too.. never use it just smelling someone use it makes me sick...
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I used to love dill pickles & doritos together. Talk about sodium overload!
  • outburstjessi
    Ha! Fun thread!!

    When I go to the movies - I will only eat popcorn if I can mix skittles in with it.

    I can not do mushrooms - I've tried. They gross me out.

    Bleu Cheese and Cottage Cheese make me gag. I can't even look at them!

    I won't eat the skin on certain foods - cucumbers, potatoes, pears, kiwis...

    I can eat sushi, I can eat crab cakes - but that's IT as far as fish goes.

    Doritoes and cream cheese are AWESOME together, but most people think I'm nuts for mixing them.

    Cheddar Sun Chips go REALLY well with PB&J Sandwiches.

    If it comes in blueberry flavor - I will get it in blueberry flavor. This includes coffee.

    I love cream cheese on blueberry waffles.

    I can only eat cupcakes if I take the top off and flip it over - making a "sandwich" with the frosting in the middle.

    I think that's enough for now! haha!
  • skshep
    skshep Posts: 30
    I love Doritos and Cream Cheese too!
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    These are great! Whenever I spread a condiment on something (like butter on bread), it has to cover the entire surface, every single inch, corner to corner, a thin layer yes, but still covering everything..

    And when it comes to eating a kit kat (which I haven't done in a long time..) oh boy.. I eat the top layer first, then the surrounding chocolate, then the middle layer, and finally the last one.. A process yes, but it makes it last longer!

    I eat all the chocolate from the sides of the Kit Kit then separate the layers (top layer-has more chocolate, middle layer then bottom layer) I then eat the middle layer, bottom layer and top layer-in that order. It is a process and lasts alot longer!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I can't stand it if someone TALKS too close to my food. I just cannot eat food if someone has "talked over it". It is completely ridiculous, I know. But I keep imagining little invisible droplets of spit landing on my food. I will actually snap at people about "talking over my food".

    My Husband never eats the last bite of food.. the part his hand has touched. It stems from having worked on a dairy farm his entire teen-years where they had no where to wash their hands before eating their lunch. So there is alway a little square of sandwich or burger or whatever left on his plate. But he'll eat chips or crackers with out leaving any piece. Consistent, right?
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    I like gefilte fish.

    A lot.

    I also dislike lasagna.
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I also hate eggs, only eat them scrambled with cheese &meat from a restaurant. Don't eat any condiments except ketchup, bar-b-que sauce or steak sauce.

    For all chocolate candy bars I eat the chocolate first then the inside. For peanut M&Ms, I bite the M&M, eat the section with the peanut then save the rest for later. Reese's peanut butter cups, I eat the sides, bottom then top and roll the peanut butter from both cups together before I eat it.

    Hate bananas. Don't like alot of fruits because of the textures but will drink almost any fruit or fruit combination mixed in a blender.

    Love McDonald's fries in a chocolate shake. (Has to be McDonald's fries, it doesn't work with any other fries.)

    I'm sure I have more...
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I love to mix Pepsi with almost everything- Milk, orange juice and my favorite - grape or tropical fruit kool-aid
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Jiffy cornbread in a bowl of chocolate milk! After nearly 16 years of marriage, this one still grosses my wife out!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Whenever I used to eat a sandwich and chips together, I'd put the chips on my sandwich to make it crunch. I also can't stand cold drinks. I prefer them room temp. Even when I drank soda, I wouldn't keep it in the fridge.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    Whenever I used to eat a sandwich and chips together, I'd put the chips on my sandwich to make it crunch.

    Me and my dad used to do this! But only in one combination... white bread, salami, cream cheese and Peerless potato chips (an Indiana product). A smear of mustard was an acceptable add-on, but only when the bread wasn't from the first half of the loaf!