Need Guidance

Im so tired of losing and then regaining the same 10 lbs! I have to break the vicious cycle and am looking for people on this site to help me out. Although I document my food intake and exercise 3-5 times a week, I maintain my current weight. If there was an award for being dilgent while dieting only to maintain, I would win hands-down. I even gave up margaritas and sangria!!! Anyhow, if anyone would like to befriend me and give some advice along the way, I would greatly appreciate it!


  • jgdragonfly411
    I added you as a friend. Hopefully I can get a glimpse at your diet and help some. I'm currently battling the same issue but am at a plateau. I lost 60lbs and then gained about 8 back, and am trying to get it back off. About two of it is probably muscle, but the rest I can tell is fat. But hopefully I can help you some with tweaks and little things to do :)