*deep sigh*



  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I wouldnt even tell my weight to my best mate! Let alone my BMI. What business is it of anybody???

    Tell your teacher she has no right to ask for such personal information!! Tell her to take a hike!!!

    Bloomin cheek of the woman!! She probably hasn't had anyone stand up to her. Take control of this situation and tell her that she needs to mind her business!! Her 'teaching' methods suck!! If she needs to teach the math of BMI calculation then she should be doing it with fictitious examples.

    I find her attitutude insensitive and thoughtless and if she insists on this personall affront then I'd report her.

    Grrrrrrrrr, I'm really annoyed a teacher could be so insensitive!! :angry: :explode:
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I don't think her problem is that she is a 'fitness freak', it is an insensitivity that is inherent in her.

    I wonder if you can turn up early and ask to have yours taken before everyone gets there? You know you may not be the only one uncomfortable with having your BMI taken in front of the class. I know I wouldn't want to either, so you are certainly not alone.

    Other than that, congratulations on your taking control of your life, and I hope you end up getting something out of the class, and then move onto bigger and better challenges.

  • Eatsleepkitten
    How did it go? Is everything okay?
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    hey you guys!! it actually went okay she ran out of time in the class and told people who wanted to do it to do it after class. I had work so I had to leave but I dont think i would have done it with all the class standing around like they were when I left. I'm glad i'm over that...now we're going on a grocery store meeting next week, will see how that goes...now on to more important things like me finding exercises to do around my home lol!! Thanks sooo much for the encouragement you guys, it was a BIG help!
  • jgdragonfly411
    I think you're very strong for taking the class to start with. The point of classes like those is to introduce healthy lifestyles, not make others feel bad for not being perfect. Do pay attention at the grocery meeting, it might help you with diet! As for exercises to do around the house - squats while folding laundry, lunges when you walk back and forth to put dishes away or put clothes away, do push ups or jumping jacks during commercials, squats in the shower.

    If you want a full workout, I go to bodyrock.tv a LOT and she has 12-30 minute home workouts to do!