Cooking mainly but also: treat dandruff, moisturiser, hair conditioner, stop itchy chickenpox, treat thrush, tattoo & piercing healing, oil pulling
We have similar stats and I hazard a guess that you need more calories, I'm at around 1600 but that's at slight deficit too... I find all my results stall as soon as I go lower than 1500, it's just not enough
I don't class tinned fish as processed... If it has stuff added in the ingredients then yes but a time of 100% tuna I would not hesitate to eat! I tend to go more off ingredients, if I know what each ingredient is and it's a readily available item for the pantry I'll eat it, anything chemically sounding and it's a no no…
My go to is a tin or sardines actually, I eat them cold out of the tin so it's a good portable protein hit for me! Also try hemp seeds, great to bump the protein in smoothies, and another fan of Greek yoghurt here too
Well my only cravings really are for sugar, but I'm low carbing. A spoon of coconut oil helps massively when I'm about to reach for the cakes!
I'm just getting back on track after a 'new boyfriend binge' haha, but I truly feel fantastic when I eat like this (once the sugar craving a have passed) and it's the only time I've been able to lower my bf% without loosing weight
That doesn't seem right, these are only a few cms long
Look at where else you're getting sugar from and eat fruits with less sugar
Abel and cole are excellent
I'm a terrible carb/sugar addict which is why I'm going low carb. There was a documentary on recently that showed why we crave carbs the way we do, when we were cave people sugar and high amounts of carbs were very hard to come by so when we found them we binged and this allowed us to put down pay stores for insulation.…
Oh you are a genius!
'Portion size' is bullsh*t
Oh I never realised you don't have it with rice across the pond! The thing is you end up eating a bigger serving if there's nothing with it don't you? I suppose most people here do it to kind of stretch it out a bit? Anyway I had mine on a bed of baby spinach with lots of extra mature cheddar which was lovely, I will give…
Actually as a recovered anorexic I get this completely, in fact I admit that I probably do it. I've kind of transferred all the habits of anorexia to good diet and training and possibly this is what you've seen with others? I know I obsess over it too much, I know I worry about my macros too much and I avoid certain social…
Have a look at the keto diet :)
But it puts you over the RDAa they also set for calories, fat, sugar, salt and protein. Do you not think that's strange?
Sorry to hijack, is there any way to get the nutrients without taking a vit? The chemicallyness of vitamins scares me, my shampoo has less chemicals lol
I love STF, thanks for the link, even if it is the daily fail ;)
I'm doing keto, my good diary is open and you're welcome to add me as a friend :)
I have this too unless I follow low carb, that's why I'm on keto right now. Yesterday the craving hit and I had a cream cheese pancake with Black Forest fruits, because there's no other sugar in my diet the fruit tasted so ridiculously sweet it was making me pull faces! And I stayed in my carb allowance ;)
What does he want? Just imagine if it was the other way round and your boyfriend wanted a really buff girlfriend. He decided what you could eat, when you could eat, how much, monitored your weight and bf% obsessively! made you feel guilty for falling off the wagon... And all this time you don't want to be buff, you were…
Try this and log your calories, maybe you are overheating without realising. BUT, saying that I ate perfectly through my pregnancy, gained 33lbs, the day after I had my daughter I weighed myself out of curiosity and I was 6lbs off my pre pregnancy weight...…
PERSONALLY I think a healthy weight that is easy to maintain for you is ideal as long as your bf is in huge range you want too.
There's alway one :laugh: Thanks for the suggestions, hookilau those recipes look great I will definitely check them out! I'm now very curious about deep fried butter though... I've never heard of it before
I don't think I have that much oil lol. Anyway doesn't the batter have lots of carbs?
As amazing as deep fried butter sounds I don't have a deep fat fryer lol Think I might have to go with baked cheese of some kind...
My go to is simply a tbsp each of olive oil and apple cider vinegar with black pepper
Lol I made spinach soup with the spinach and cream :) I'm using macros given by
I love chocolate too, I don't eat it everyday but I do love it. Thankfully I've alway preferred the dark, high quality stuff; only 85% organic in my house ;)
Ah yes I see the problem, I suppose I do want to loose weight then. Once I have my BF down I'll see how I look and bulk up if needed :) thanks