

  • Hi all! Checking in for this week. House Points: 100 OWLS: 5 Weigh in: 302. November goal is 295 Hope everyone has a great week!
  • I definitely would! My breasts are normal for my size, but after I'm done losing weight, if I need a breast lift, i'm totally getting one.
  • Hi Ravenclaws! These past couple weeks have been a challenge for me. I didn't think I was a stress eater, but this quarter is even more stressful than usual and it pushed me into that. Now that I'm aware of it, hopefully I can avoid those triggers :) Weigh in for this week is 306 (down 4 lbs) OWLS: 2 for spirit and 7 for…
  • This week was a challenge. I snacked way too much and got a little discouraged. No change in weight for the week, but no gains either! :) Weight: 310 OWLS: 7 House points: 0 :(
  • Hi Ravenclaws! My weight for this week is 310. 17 OWLS 60 House Points. Have a great weekend!
  • Hi guys. Just checking in! I'm surprised at how easy the sugar challenge has been easy for me. I thought I ate way more sugar than I do.
  • Hi Ravenclaws! I lost the scale war today and weighed myself. I think I'm addicted. School is definitely taking up a lot more of my time that I anticipated.
  • Good evening Ravenclaws! Today was a super boring day for me. I spent 8 hours in the library reading for classes and I'm still not done. OWLS for yesterday Food: 0 Exercise: 1 Spirit: 1
  • Happy Saturday fellow Ravenclaws! Today should be a pretty chill day for me. The roommate is out of town, so I don't have much on docket except for tons and tons of reading and a trip to Subway in a little while to get a sandwich. OWLS for yesterday Exercise - 1 Food - 1 Spirit - 1
  • I leave mine at sedentary for the same reason that someone else already mentioned. If I burn extra calories running around on campus then it's a nice surprise on weigh-in day. And there are some days that I just walk to one class and spend the rest of the day sitting in the library so keeping it sedentary accounts for days…
  • Hi Ravenclaws! I have appointments first thing in the morning and will probably forget to weigh in, so I figured I'd go ahead and do it now since it's technically Friday. Weight for this week is 316. Down 5 lbs from last week :) OWLS for the week: 7 for water 6 for checking in 3 for moving Total OWLS 16 Have a great day…
  • I finally got my Pottermore email today and got sorted into Ravenclaw! I'm super stoked about that as I'm sure you guys can understand :) School started today also, so it's going to be a continuous challenge to manage my stress and keep on top of my fitness goals, but definitely a bonus is that I'll get some more activity…
  • My sleep schedule has been completely out of control. I guess I'm just taking advantage of school being out of session. Hoping to get to bed early tonight to wake up early tomorrow :) The weather is amazing where I live too, so I'm planning to take advantage of that tomorrow with an outdoor workout.
  • I am right there with you on Pottermore. My roommate and I have been checking our emails probably five times a day! A few of our friends have gotten in and from we've seen, it's absolutely amazing. It is only another month, but I stayed up to 4am to answer that question, dangit! :) Hopefully we'll get our emails soon!
  • My roommate and I had chinese night and board games last night! It's a really fun way to ease into the school year. And good for you for taking the stairs. I find that I definitely move much more when school is in session. It's so much easier just to park away from campus than to deal with parking wars close to it.
  • It's been raining nonstop today and my gym is closed for the whole weekend! Such a bummer, but I'm hoping to get back in there on Monday when they open to get some house points. Does our original post saying our goal count as an OWL for that day for posting?
  • My weight for today is 321. My goal for September is 311. School is starting back up for me really soon, so my challenge for this month is really going to be planning ahead well enough that I don't end up having the hit vending machines or the terrible campus dining options.
  • Hi fellow Potterheads! I'm excited to join in for September's challenge. This is my first challenge ever on MFP so I'm extra excited!!
  • I'm so amped that I found this place! I'd like to join in!
  • JD, I am so with you on needing structure back in my life. I'm a graduate student, so I work on campus too. I've lost 13 lbs this summer so far, but I feel like I definitely eat more due to the boredom of not having a set schedule.
  • Emailing the captain sounds like a good idea to me as well. Can we still check in on the thread as well though? It's always nice to get the support of the whole group for our accomplishments. I just stay more motivated when I have pats on the back lol :)
  • Check-in on Friday works for me! I don't return to university until mid-September, so I should probably be utilizing this free time to hit the gym hard instead of sleeping in :) When does everyone else go back to school?
  • This is actually my first post on MFP :). This sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely in. Could we possibly make the weigh-in day more flexible? I weigh in on Mondays.