Ravenclaw Common Room



  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I was under too. Lunch was my four color meal....carrots, beans, cauliflower and baby corn....orange, green, white and yellow

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    I just got to Hogwarts today :)
    Is this group/competition/challenge intended for people who have been in this group before, or can new students participate too?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I just got to Hogwarts today :)
    Is this group/competition/challenge intended for people who have been in this group before, or can new students participate too?

    New students are welcome any time! Our inter-house competition starts tomorrow. Let me know if you have any questions!
  • kaseyb21
    I'm so amped that I found this place! I'd like to join in!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Ok First Years! speak up and tell us something about yourself!

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all, I am going to start weighing in on Fridays if that's ok Azsusi, that's my weigh day so it's easier to remember to do it.
    Current weight is 184.1lb, so this will be my start weight for the September challenge. House points this week were three for posting, seven for the food challenge and three for the exercise challenge.

    Am psyched for the Exercise challenge! Whoop! Let's go Ravenclaws!
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Hello! Current weight is 208:) (Good-bye bloat! Thank goodness!) As a warning - I am low carb/paleo - so I don't know how well I will do with the four colors. Green is really common - as is brown. But I can't have carrots, certainly can't have corn. I eat squash a lot. (Is that yellow? or maybe white?) I'll have to look at my list and see what other colors I can find. I can also have peppers - so there's red...

    I'll have to keep looking around.

    Ohhhh cabbage!! I can get purple cabbage..... you know what - just ignore that comment - I'll be fine if I just use my brain.
  • missbeccaanne
    Yay! I managed two four color meals this week with my family, and more importantly to me the scale budged. I had been yoyoing the past three weeks between 146 and 143 and this morning I weighed in at 142. I also targeted the negleted areas, since I just do general cardio really I made a point to get down on the floor and work on my legs, tush, and abs as well as arms. I feel very accomplished this week and now the start of the term just makes it so much better. My goal is to be at 135 by the end of September and fit back in all my size sevens.
  • kaseyb21
    My weight for today is 321. My goal for September is 311.

    School is starting back up for me really soon, so my challenge for this month is really going to be planning ahead well enough that I don't end up having the hit vending machines or the terrible campus dining options.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ravenclaw house challenges for Week 1 September - start on these the day you weigh in (if you weighed in today - sorry I'm a bit late for you!)

    EXERCISE: earn 1 OWL for each day you meet this challenge
    Just Move! - take the stairs instead of the elevator; park on the fringes and walk across the parking lot to the store or office; walk or ride your bike for short errands instead of using the car - you get the idea!

    FOOD: earn 1 OWL for each day you meet this challenge
    Drink Water! - drink at least 64 ounces (8 cups) of water each day or if you already do, add a couple more cups for good measure! I'm going back to this because so many of us don't drink enough water. Did you know that water actually helps flush the fat out of your body, keeps your brain more alert and helps you to not feel so hungry? Your urine should be almost clear - if it is thick yellow, you need more water!!

    HOUSE SPIRIT: earn 1 OWL for each day you drop by the common room and post something to let us all know how your day is going.

    House Points: This is for the inter-house challenge. Keep track of how many minutes you exercise each day - you earn 1 House Point for each exercise minute. Report these each weekend when you weigh in.

    Good luck everyone!! Let the games begin! :bigsmile:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    OK Ravenclaws- I've been kind of MIA this summer but school's about to start again and a new challenge is JUST what I need (I do better with the routine of school on things like checking in). I'm going to post weight each week and measurements every other week- I'm finding that the scale is stuck but the inches are coming off and the muscles are showing so I think both are important to hold me accountable (actually just waist (the smallest part) belly (my problem area-right around my belly button) and hips

    September 30th goal: 130

    So . . .
    Week 1:
    weight 135
    waist- 30
    belly- 35

    Today's Stats: 3 OWLS and 70 house points
    1 Owl for exercise (ran 4 miles and took a walk after dinner)
    1 Owl for water (10 glasses today)
    1 Owl for checking in
    60 points for house challenge
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    The moving challenge will be easy. I walk everywhere on my campus (driving sucks here, the only time I drive is if I have to go to Walmart or something like that).

    So 1 OWL for walking to everywhere I needed to be today!
    Also 1 OWL for the water. It's 100+ degrees here today, so I've been drinking like a camel!
    And 1 OWL for posting on here.

    I'm nervous to weigh again this weekend. Last time didn't go very well and I did not have the greatest week. But, it's a necessary evil I guess. Kind of like a Dementor. Necessary for those in Azkaban, horrible for every other wizzard. Plus, if you get too wrapped up in weighing yourself, the scale just kinda sucks the happiness and fun out of life.

    Wow I am such a nerd :blushing:
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    My Current weight is 155.5
    My Goal for September is 145

    Exercise: I walked to lunch today with a friend and then we walked around the mall for a few hours... haven't actually made myself go to the gym to REALLY exercise though, so no house points. :(
    Food: I've had my normal 64 oz already and it's only 4:30, so there will definitely be more in this heat!
    House Spirit: Hello! How are you all doing? My day is going wonderfully :) (I passed the five pound point since I started dieting, mid August, which has put me in a great and confident mood right now :) )
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hello fellow Ravenclaws am weighing in today but Saturdays may not always be the day that I weigh in.
    My September 30th goal: 98 Ibs am hoping to actually get there so am starting off small but if I get below that goal then I will be very happy.

    Week 1:
    weight - 100 Ibs

    Today's Stats: Will edit my post later on and will place these details.
    Owl for exercise ()
    Owl for water ()
    1 Owl for checking in
    points for house challenge
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    hi Ravenclaw!! sorry i didn't have time to check in earlier. busy day. got a brief workout in before work. gonna get my water in before i go to bed. tonight was the first football game of the year at my daughter's high school. she's in the band (senior year :cry: ) so we went to the game. i was planning ahead, so i had an actual cheeseburger. it was sooo yummy!! i still made it in under calorie goal even with the soft pretzel i also had. glad i planned ahead!!
    so my numbers for today are:
    3 house points, 1 each for for exercise, water, and check in. off to finish up my water and go to bed.

    PS in case you were wondering....we lost the football game (but the band sounded great!! :wink: )
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hello fellow Ravenclaws am weighing in today but Saturdays may not always be the day that I weigh in.
    My September 30th goal: 98 Ibs am hoping to actually get there so am starting off small but if I get below that goal then I will be very happy. Am not entirely sure how to count the OWLs so if I get it wrong, fee free to correct me and am not sure if I have edited my post the right way?

    Week 1:
    weight - 100 Ibs

    Today's Stats: Will edit my post later on and will place these details.
    1 Owl for exercise (Took 2 of my dogs for a 45 min walk)
    Owl for water ()
    1 Owl for checking in
    points for house challenge
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning all! (It's Saturday morning here in BKK) I have a question about the house challenge... Let me explain... Yesterday (the first day of the challenge for me) I swam for 30 minutes and boxed for 30 minutes. I log both of these as cardio. I also did 30 minutes of weight training with my trainer. I don't log these because it's pure strength training and, according to mfp, doesn't count (which makes me mad because it's waaaay harder than 30 mins swimming!!) So, when I record exercise minutes for the challenge, do I count cardio minutes logged here, or total minutes? Total minutes is better for Ravenclaws obviously, but I don't want to cheat!!

    Day two of challenge for me, but yesterday I was OWLs: 2, Housepoints: 60 (or maybe 90)!!
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Took my son roller skating - and YES I skate with him. That has got to be the most fun way to kill 1200 calories I can imagine- we are SO GOING back tomorrow.
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    How do I do my owls? Today I roller skated for 120 minutes and yesterday I swam 90 and practiced a 30 minute Karate class.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Today was deemed "free day" by my two roommates. I really need to get some guts and make up my own mind instead of listening to what others are doing. Right now, in terms of weightloss, if my friends dared me to jump off a bridge, I'd probably do it. I'm too apathetic to hate myself, but too upset to merely think, "Well tomorrow's a new day!"