Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Im not sure If My goal weight should be 150 or 140....so maybe 145 cuz thats in the middle. I am at 153 right now. Lately Ive gotten comments like. Sami your looking thin....... and where are you going sami when you turn sideways I cant see you. Im worried its not playful banter and Im starting to look sickly or something. I dunno if I posted a picture would you guys tell me honestly if you thought i looked unhealthy.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Im not sure If My goal weight should be 150 or 140....so maybe 145 cuz thats in the middle. I am at 153 right now. Lately Ive gotten comments like. Sami your looking thin....... and where are you going sami when you turn sideways I cant see you. Im worried its not playful banter and Im starting to look sickly or something. I dunno if I posted a picture would you guys tell me honestly if you thought i looked unhealthy.

    When it comes down to it, it's really up to you to know and decide when you feel you're at a healthy weight. I'm sure if you posted pictures you'd get some honest replies, though. Just as long as you don't let someone else tell you where you need to be. :)
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Im not sure If My goal weight should be 150 or 140....so maybe 145 cuz thats in the middle. I am at 153 right now. Lately Ive gotten comments like. Sami your looking thin....... and where are you going sami when you turn sideways I cant see you. Im worried its not playful banter and Im starting to look sickly or something. I dunno if I posted a picture would you guys tell me honestly if you thought i looked unhealthy.

    When it comes down to it, it's really up to you to know and decide when you feel you're at a healthy weight. I'm sure if you posted pictures you'd get some honest replies, though. Just as long as you don't let someone else tell you where you need to be. :)

    I have to agree. I have people telling me "Oh you're wasting away to nothing!" or "You better be careful or you'll get blown away by the wind." But they don't know for my height and age and activity level what my healthy weight is! I'm currently 7 pounds away from what is deemed my "ideal" weight. I intend to go a few below that as a buffer for the upcoming holidays, that way if I gain a few I'm still at "ideal". I want this to be the first year I don't have to make the New Year's Resolution....."This year I resolve to lose weight."
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Im not sure If My goal weight should be 150 or 140....so maybe 145 cuz thats in the middle. I am at 153 right now. Lately Ive gotten comments like. Sami your looking thin....... and where are you going sami when you turn sideways I cant see you. Im worried its not playful banter and Im starting to look sickly or something. I dunno if I posted a picture would you guys tell me honestly if you thought i looked unhealthy.

    When it comes down to it, it's really up to you to know and decide when you feel you're at a healthy weight. I'm sure if you posted pictures you'd get some honest replies, though. Just as long as you don't let someone else tell you where you need to be. :)

    I have to agree. I have people telling me "Oh you're wasting away to nothing!" or "You better be careful or you'll get blown away by the wind." But they don't know for my height and age and activity level what my healthy weight is! I'm currently 7 pounds away from what is deemed my "ideal" weight. I intend to go a few below that as a buffer for the upcoming holidays, that way if I gain a few I'm still at "ideal". I want this to be the first year I don't have to make the New Year's Resolution....."This year I resolve to lose weight."
    It seems like people who are used to seeing you heavy get uncomfortable when they see you slim. My mom is the absolute worst for making those comments - but then again, she has never been good about handing out compliments. I think its her way of saying I'm looking good, but I always seem to let it sabotage my efforts and start gaining again. Its just a reflection of other people's insecurities.

    I'd love to see a progress picture of you! ...and if you do post one, I promise to give you an honest assessment. :) BTW - I weigh the same as you right now!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw!! Weighing in today a pound lighter and officially reporting 50 pounds lost - finally lost that 1/2 pound!!

    Weight: 153
    Nov goal: 150 (My goal has been 150 for the last 3 months. Maybe I'll get there this time! :laugh: )
    Food: 4
    Exercise: 2
    Spirit: 7
    OWLs: 13
    House Points: 70

    This hasn't been the greatest week for me as far as exercise goes and next week won't be much better. I don't know how active I'll be allowed to be after my surgery on Monday - but I'll still be here to cheer you all on! GO RAVENCLAW!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    happy snowy Saturday from Pennsylvania Ravenclaw!! i expect to earn some house points shoveling this weekend. it's quite early for snow for us here but as i haven't been doing well with exercise this week, i guess i will have to look at it as an opportunity to get back to it!! hope everyone has a great day :bigsmile:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw!! Weighing in today a pound lighter and officially reporting 50 pounds lost - finally lost that 1/2 pound!!

    This hasn't been the greatest week for me as far as exercise goes and next week won't be much better. I don't know how active I'll be allowed to be after my surgery on Monday - but I'll still be here to cheer you all on! GO RAVENCLAW!!

    Congrats on your 50, Sue!! Very glad to see it!

    Also, sending you good vibes for your surgery. We'll be cheering for *you*, too. :)
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Checking in for the week. I didn't earn any house points this week as I was still resting my knee, but I continued to play Quidditch well at least!

    Weight: 245.0
    OWLS: 7
    House Points: 0

    Have a great weekend everyone. (What's with the snow in the northeast! Way too soon for that :grumble: )
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Checking in for the week. I didn't earn any house points this week as I was still resting my knee, but I continued to play Quidditch well at least!

    Weight: 245.0
    OWLS: 7
    House Points: 0

    Have a great weekend everyone. (What's with the snow in the northeast! Way too soon for that :grumble: )
    That's a great play in Quidditch Justin! Keep up the nice work - and stay warm! **she says from 90 degree Arizona**

    I just checked in on Pottermore and it looks like the grand opening has been postponed again - with no new date set this time. It sounds like they're making some nice changes, but I really want to get in there and join the fun!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, with the R & R I was taking from exercise this week to let my body heal, I would have been content to just simply hold steady. But I'm actually down to 137.1. So, I met my October goal mostly (it was 137 and there's still a pesky .1 on there lol). Since my overall goal is to get down to 130 (Which as per another challenge I am trying to lose by Christmas) that gives me about two months to lose 7 pounds. So how about I cut it in half? I'll make my November goal be to get down by 3.5 pounds, so.....133.5.

    My OWLs will be low this week, as per my break.

    Food: 0 (Taking a zero on this because I'm pretty sure I was super bad this week (especially if you count fresco tacos off the drive thru diet menu at taco bell).
    Exercise: 3
    Spirit: 5

    Total OWLs: 8 (not up to my standards. I intend to fix that this week :wink: )
    House Points: 127 (Got some rest so I'm ready to rake in more points this coming up week)

    Can't wait! I'm charged up and ready to go! I eat fruits and veggies all the time, it's my main staple. The exercise challenge will be tougher, but I'll try very hard! I do have a question. It says bicep curls can be used. What about tricep extensions? I usually do some crunches, bicep curls, and tricep extensions after I run. Would be great if all 3 counted towards my 150 :bigsmile:
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE next week's challenges- I DO NOT eat enough veggies and this will kick my butt into gear!!! I've noticed that once its a challenge I tend to do it even after the week has ended- I'm still parking at the back of the parking lot!

    Great! That's exactly the point of the challenges - to help get you started with incorporating healthier choices in your life. That's why I don't mind seeing repeat challenges. It reminds me to keep working on them! :happy:

    @cherubcrnp - You have made SO much progress. The difference is amazing!

    @TwiFan5 - do you track your measurements? If you're losing inches, the weight gain doesn't mean a thing. With the amount of exercise that you're doing, it may just be muscle weight. Try watching your inches for a while instead. :flowerforyou:

    OH - and Kelly - some of the stuff on that site is hilarious! :laugh: Thanks for sharing it.

    No I don't actually lol, maybe I should start doing that, what should I use. Thanks
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Am weighing in at 104 Ibs (Posted the other day), 370 House Points, 1 Food OWL, 2 Exercise and roughly 4 Spirit OWLS so a total of 7 OWLS. :)

    My November goal will be 102 Ibs so hoping that I can reach it. :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. happy to say that the snow wasn't as bad as expected (at least in my part of the world). it was enough to have the homecoming dance postponed which made for a very unhappy teenager here but not the foot that was a possibility.

    sue-hoping things go well for you tomorrow-will keep you in my thoughts.

    my weight today is 174.8 which is actually a gain of .2lbs, but after the week i had, i'm ok with that. i'm still slightly below my october goal of 175.

    not a great week. hopefully this week will be better.
    i'm setting my november goal at 5lbs again, so 170.

    stress is starting to set in and i'm trying to avoid my usual stress eating.
    have a great day everyone!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    @TwiFan5 - do you track your measurements? If you're losing inches, the weight gain doesn't mean a thing. With the amount of exercise that you're doing, it may just be muscle weight. Try watching your inches for a while instead. :flowerforyou:
    No I don't actually lol, maybe I should start doing that, what should I use. Thanks
    You will want to get a measuring tape like they use for sewing. MFP defaults to track your neck, waist and hips but you can add whatever you want - like biceps, thighs, bust, etc. When you burn fat through cardio, you will see these areas get smaller which is why your weight may stay the same or get higher, but your clothes may start feeling looser.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm back from my artist retreat. I had a great time and didn't go crazy with food until the very end. I ate my usual breakfast daily, tried to eyeball my portions for lunch, and tended to graze a bit for dinner. I didn't keep up with my water intake too well, or do any regular exercise. I ate a box of Good & Plenty candies on the way home and ate out for dinner last night.

    Totals for week of 10/27
    House Spirit (post ) - who knows...
    Food (no junk food) - LOL!
    Exercise (problem area) - +0
    ? OWLs
    exercise minutes = 90
    Weight gain = + .6 lb, weighed in at 186.8.

    *Progress towards week of 10/30 -10/30 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +0
    Food (Veggies) - +0
    Exercise (150 reps) - +0

    *exercise minutes*
    October Month to date total = 315
    Week of 10/30 exercise minutes = 0
    10/30 exercise minutes - TBD
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Discussion Topic
    While I'm on the subject of measurements and body fat...

    How many of you just randomly chose a goal weight? I know I did, but I didn't really know if it was a healthy goal. According to the BMI chart, the healthy range for me is between 111 and 150 pounds. I just can't see 111 being a healthy weight for me and I'm very close to 150, but I still have quite a bit of body fat hanging on.

    So, I wondered, what is a healthy goal for me and what does the BMI chart tell me? After a little bit of reading, I found an excellent blog written by an athlete (can't find it now - sorry). He recounted year after year of going for his physicals only to have his doctor tell him that according to the BMI chart, he was "obese" and that he needed to lose weight. The flaw in the BMI is that it uses only your height and weight and does not consider your lean muscle mass and percent of body fat. In the athlete's case, the weight that put him in the "obese" range was all muscle!

    After reading this, I went looking for a good body fat calculator and found this great site: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/body-fat-calculator/ . Not only does it calculate your percent of body fat, it tells you how to set a realistic goal weight on the next screen: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/body-fat-calculator/body-fat-chart.php

    Here's how it worked for me (using my 10/9/11 weight and measurements:
    weight: 156
    waist: 34.25
    wrist: 6
    hips: 39.5
    forearm: 9.75
    body fat calculator result: 26.85% (in the "acceptable" range :smile: )

    Then I multiplied my weight (156) by the result (26.85%). This shows that I was carrying 41.886 pounds of body fat and 114.114 lean body mass. (156 x 26.85% = 41.886 and 156 - 41.886 = 114.114)

    Next, I used their chart to see what percentage of body fat I wanted to work towards and chose 21% - the low end of "fitness" but not in the "athletic" range. To find my goal weight at 21% body fat, I took my present weight (156) and multiplied it by my goal body fat (21%). My goal body fat is 32.76 pounds. Add that to my current lean body mass and the result is 46.874 - my new goal weight. (156 x 21% = 32.76 and 114.114 + 32.76 = 146.874)

    So, how close do each of you come to what you had already set as your goal weight? I was only off by about 2 pounds, so I'm feeling like I've set a realistic and healthy goal for myself! :drinker:
  • kaseyb21
    Hi all! Checking in for this week.

    House Points: 100
    OWLS: 5
    Weigh in: 302.

    November goal is 295

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Weight: 153
    Nov goal: 150 this 3 lbs wont lets go!!!!
    Food.no junk food. 4pts
    Exercise my trouble spots. 4
    Spirit: 4 im pretty sure of that
    oh exercise mins 60.....gah what a slacker i am....

    ps. sue im excited to see which of us reaches 150 first!!!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well Sue, using the site u talked about I did the same calculations and according to that website if I want a 21% bodyfat I hit that at 139?? Which is two pounds heavier than I am right now and at 137 it's giving me a bodyfat% of 26.43%. So I guess according to that chart I just need to lose inches? Idk, I'm probably still going to try for the goal weight I already had set.
  • NikkiMustang77
    Checking in for the week - things are still so crazy here that I don't think I'll be able to do much more than a weekly check-in, sorry guys. =[

    Weight: 153.6
    OWLS - negligible, I barely keep track anymore.
    Exercise minutes: 215