Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well I had a gain. It was extremely small, almost like the scale not moving at all, but I had a couple of bad days and I KNOW I did. Fortunately I go back to Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet tomorrow for a total combined loss of 19 pounds since the beginning of August. I had lost weight every week since then, so I can take this small gain without beating myself up because I know I wasn't as careful with sticking to my diet plan as I should have been this week.


    This weeks OWLs:
    Exercise~~0 (Sorry. Like I said, I don't watch TV. Don't have time lol.)
    Total OWLs for this week:11
    Housepoints earned this week:222
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    I've been battling the chocolate monster all week - hopefully next week will be better...

    perhaps dementors are nearby??

    I've been battling the chocolate monster, too, and it has been very foggy. Five days of severe fog warnings this week. I think you have something with that dementor idea :)
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    I've been battling the chocolate monster all week - hopefully next week will be better...

    perhaps dementors are nearby??

    I've been battling the chocolate monster, too, and it has been very foggy. Five days of severe fog warnings this week. I think you have something with that dementor idea :)

    Maybe this explains my unexplained cookie eating this week. I mean, they did have chocolate in them.
  • NikkiMustang77
    I agree with everyone on the chocolate bit. I've been eating some, and I usually NEVER like chocolate ;~;
    Will weigh in tomorrow morning once I get to a scale - I'm not home tonight - but for now:

    Exercise: 0
    Food: 0
    Spirit: 4, I believe, with today.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Weighing in at 64.8kg. Not a big loss, but something, so I'm happy :). I plan to be a lot stricter next week and onwards though. This week has been crazy stressful and I ate accordingly lol. Realised I need to fully commit if I want to reach my Christmas goal of 60kg. It just won't happen otherwise.

    Interhouse challenge: 410 exercise minutes this week.

    Exercise: 0
    Food: 5
    Spirit: 3 (including today?)

    How has everyone's week gone? Hope we're all doing well :flowerforyou:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    so i took a little break because i've been so busy with work lately. i haven't been logging or counting calories, but i've been trying to maintain....which worked pretty well cuz i actually managed to lose a little :drinker:

    last week - 204.6
    this week - 204.0

    week's loss - 0.6 lbs
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    happy sunday Ravenclaw!! i was soooo expecting a nice loss today but am sorry to report that i am at 179.8, a 0.6lb GAIN!!!
    very disappointed. not sure what the problem is. this week i am working the shift that makes it hard to get my workouts in. have to rethink my plan from the last time i worked it. guess i'll need to be up extra early to be sure to get it in before work. i seriously need to see a loss next week!!!

    sept sw-179.8
    total loss-0!!!!

    my owls are:
    house points for exercise minutes-323
  • kaseyb21
    This week was a challenge. I snacked way too much and got a little discouraged. No change in weight for the week, but no gains either! :)

    Weight: 310
    OWLS: 7
    House points: 0 :(
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    good morning Ravenclaws here are my stats for the week

    TOM started this morning, so scale read 228.2 BLAH
    Other stats Sun - Sat is
    House points = 417
    Food 7
    Exercise 2
    Spirit 2
  • DefiningRaquel
    A big shout out to all my Ravenclaws ( just got back from my workout so im still feeling the rush). Its my 1st week here and Here's my stats:

    Weight: 126
    Food OWL: 0
    Exercise OWL: 0
    House Spirit: 3
    Total OWLS: 0
    House Points: 180

    I need to work harder in getting Owls :( But its been a great week so far. Hope you guys have a great one too. Cheers:D
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    happy sunday Ravenclaw!! i was soooo expecting a nice loss today but am sorry to report that i am at 179.8, a 0.6lb GAIN!!!
    very disappointed. not sure what the problem is. this week i am working the shift that makes it hard to get my workouts in. have to rethink my plan from the last time i worked it. guess i'll need to be up extra early to be sure to get it in before work. i seriously need to see a loss next week!!!
    @psb13 - I read somewhere that when you work out, your muscles retain water to help them heal and that can show as a gain on the scale. I know that you started a new work out routine this week. Maybe your gain is just water retention. Drink lots of water to help flush it from you system and I bet you'll see a drop next week. Just another reason not to rely on the scale to measure your progress! Keep your chin up - you're doing great!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! We are still waiting for weigh ins and/or house points for:

    cNhobbes - House Points only

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This is emmie_rene forgetting to log out of bron's account. Please ignore and see post below :D
  • the_accountinator
    Hello again!

    I'm weighing in at 280.0 today and I'm not sure whether that's up or down or sideways but it is what it is. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and after a crazy week at work I'm not that surprised I'm still stuck where I am. I did get some great news, though: I passed the last section of my cpa exam!! So only one more to go!! I'll be IMMENSELY glad to have it done with!

    No OWLs or NEWTs or House Points (that's just how crazy and hectic my week's been) but I have not lost hope and am motivated more each day. I've decided on my next study schedule, this time making time for exercise instead of just trying to fit it in. Now, I've just got to beat this cold :P

    Cheers to everyone! Keep going strong!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello again!

    I'm weighing in at 280.0 today and I'm not sure whether that's up or down or sideways but it is what it is. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and after a crazy week at work I'm not that surprised I'm still stuck where I am. I did get some great news, though: I passed the last section of my cpa exam!! So only one more to go!! I'll be IMMENSELY glad to have it done with!

    No OWLs or NEWTs or House Points (that's just how crazy and hectic my week's been) but I have not lost hope and am motivated more each day. I've decided on my next study schedule, this time making time for exercise instead of just trying to fit it in. Now, I've just got to beat this cold :P

    Cheers to everyone! Keep going strong!
    Hey emmee - that is wonderful news about the CPA exam!! Way to go! And good luck on the final round!

    More good news - that is a 1.6 pound drop for you!! Good job!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    @psb13 - I read somewhere that when you work out, your muscles retain water to help them heal and that can show as a gain on the scale.
    I'm glad to hear that, I suspected that might be the case but didn't have any data to back up my theory.

    My back is still tender, but not causing problems. I was able to do my squats this morning just fine.

    Totals for week of 9/18
    House Spirit (post ) - +7
    Food (fiber) - +5
    Exercise (calisthenics) - +0
    12 OWLs
    exercise minutes = 195
    Weight loss = 1 lb, weighed in at 189.4 (Happy Dance! I'm in the 80's! Next goal is 183, I'll be at my halfway point to maintenance weight and 20 lbs away from 'normal weight range'.)

    *Progress towards week of 9/25 OWLS -9/25 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +0
    Food (protein) - +0
    Exercise (squats) - +1

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 615
    Week 9/18 to date total = 50
    9/25 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 20 min stretches
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    thanks for the encouraging words!! :flowerforyou: just got back from a very invigorating workout at the Y and i'm feeling better about my progress!! we can do this!! GO RAVENCLAW!!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I didn't check in yesterday :(
    Ran my first 5K this morning- ran 26m 15s which is ok- somewhere in the middle of the pack. I've never run with other people before so it was different. Learned a few things (don't try to keep up with the crazy muscle marathon runner in the beginning, don't take the cup of water because then I hold it the rest of the way, I need to run more hills). Already signed up for my next one though!!!

    Today's Stats:
    Exercise (squats): +2 (yesterday and today)
    Food (protein): +2 (yesterday and today)
    Spirit: +1

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 5 House points: 86 (30m walk yesterday, 26m run today, 30m walk tonight)
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    hello ravenclaws! my house/exercise points for this week were sun through sat 411

    keep up your great work!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    I'm plateauing. I'm still 229.5. This sucks. This week was so busy, so I have no idea what my OWLS or quidditch points are either.

    At least I'm not gaining weight, right?