Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Congrats to our prefects, momofJandA and _gwen!!

    Still fighting a losing battle on the exercise front, but I'm DETERMINED to actually do some real exercise this week. I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday, busy day from early morning until late night, but at least that also meant I didn't get to check my scale, lol. That has to be one of the hardest challenges I've ever met....sad, isn't it?

    At least I have my food planned for the day, which is getting easier to do, so that should keep me from cheating in the cafeteria at work.

    Daily Stats from 9/12:
    Food: 1 (yay!)
    Exercise: 1
    Spirit: 0
    House Points: 10

    Weekly Stats (week of 9/10 - 9/16):
    Food: 1
    Exercise: 1
    Spirit: 2
    House Points: 30
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Prefects, you can use this prefect badge in your signature this week until the new prefects are announced next week!
    Heh, heh...Thanks!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws!!

    Checking in for my Spirit Owl today!! Hope everyone is doing well.

    I was never a big fan of weighing myself, but now that I am told to wait... The temptation to hop on is strong. But, I will resist it!!

    I have a fun update, went the NY Ren Fair and bought a Quiddich broom!! It is beautiful.

    Congrats to this weeks Prefects!! great work last week
  • kaseyb21
    Hi Ravenclaws!

    I lost the scale war today and weighed myself. I think I'm addicted.

    School is definitely taking up a lot more of my time that I anticipated.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Oh phooey! I tricked myself into stepping on the scale today. I wanted to weigh my cat and the only way to do it is to weigh myself holding him and then just weighing me and subtracting to get his weight. It didn't cross my mind what I was doing until it was too late! AHHHHH!!!

    Hope everyone had a marvelous day. I'm off for a little treadmill work with Harry (listening to the Half Blood Prince on audio book while I walk!) Then its back to work for me tomorrow after a nice couple of days off. Have a good night everyone!

    (Oh, by the way - the cat weighs 21 pounds!!)
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Good evening Ravenclaws,
    I had an awesome day. We went to Hollywood today and I tried on a ton of clothes(those shop attendants at the Beverly center just loved this) and found out a ten is just way too big now!!

    :drinker: woohoo I made prefect!!!!!! (I think this may be the first time ever)

    Matchamatcha- lets go girl!!! I know it tough but think of how good you will feel afterwards!! you WILL go tomorrow morning ( I will be there in spirit with you!)

    Wearing a very fitted black dress today- and I must look good because I've gotten about 4 compliments already- everything from "You have amazing calves" to "What the hell are you doing to look like that?"
    Of course my husband's response was, "How much did you pay for it?" leave it to him to be rational!!!!!

    Thank you! And congratulations on rocking that dress!

    I *did* go to boot camp. And I'm glad I did because it seemed like it was a lot harder this week. I definitely need to up my game. I can't go on Friday because I have a training day for my new job way on other side of the city (boo). But I'm going with a friend to the gym tmrw, either for a jog on the treadmills or a swim.

    After all that boxing this morning, I kind of don't know what to do with all my calories? I don't know if I'll be able to eat them all :/. Should have planned my eating a bit better, even pigging out at lunch has only done so much :laugh:

    Oh forgot to do my points:

    Exercise - I forgot and weighed myself :/
    Food - Had a very sugar drink from Maccas so none (the only time I ever feel inclined to drink coke/soft drink is Maccas coke.. maybe because it's more watered down? Hmm... )
    House spirit - yay! +1
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Had a great day today, wasn't real hungry though.
    Wednesday 14/9/11
    1 OWL Exercise
    OWL Food/Water - No
    1 OWL Post
    House Points – 70
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Daily check-in for my free OWL! So, I keep a stack of jeans that are my "goal" jeans and every once in a while I try them on and get rid of pants that are getting looser. I grabbed a pair off the top of that stack last night and was able to wear them! Today may be a good day to go thru my "goal" jeans and get rid of some of my current choices. Yay! I like smaller pants!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Good Morning Ravenclaws!! Today is a new day- whatever happened/didn't happen yesterday is gone, done, can't be changed, so let's DECIDE and then MAKE today the day!!!!

    Today's Stats:
    Food: +1
    Exercise: +1
    Spirit: +1

    Weekly Stats:
    Owls: 11 House Points:272
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Oh phooey! I tricked myself into stepping on the scale today.

    More like the cat tricked you! Those darn cats.

    *Progress towards week of 9/11 OWLS -9/14 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +3
    Food (sugar) - +3
    Exercise (Don't look at scale) - +3 - <--This is HARD!

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 260
    Week 9/11 to date total = 90
    9/14 exercise minutes - 30 min walking
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Not much to report, but I wanted to check in at least. Getting ready to go shopping. They are changing our dress code at work, which is unfortunately not happy news for me. Since I've lost weight prior to this, very little of my older clothes fit properly, and I'm not shrinking into anything good yet, so really I'm going to have to buy clothes every time I start getting out of range. It's a little happy I guess - it *is* new clothes, afterall - but I didn't want to splurge yet!

    Ah well, I'll call it an advanced reward for what I'm currently doing. :)

    Daily Stats from 9/13:
    Food: 0
    Exercise: 1
    Spirit: 1
    House Points:

    Weekly Stats (week of 9/10 - 9/16):
    Food: 1
    Exercise: 2
    Spirit: 3
    House Points: 30
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Not much to report, but I wanted to check in at least. Getting ready to go shopping. They are changing our dress code at work, which is unfortunately not happy news for me. Since I've lost weight prior to this, very little of my older clothes fit properly, and I'm not shrinking into anything good yet, so really I'm going to have to buy clothes every time I start getting out of range. It's a little happy I guess - it *is* new clothes, afterall - but I didn't want to splurge yet!

    Ah well, I'll call it an advanced reward for what I'm currently doing. :)

    That stinks - are they making it stricter?? More business than casual? I would be so grumpy about that!

    I don't know what size you wear but I recently went and got new work pants after discovering that final sale pants at the limited end up being about 15 bucks before taxes and they have a cut that fits me pretty well. Sizes are very limited at my store by this point though, its ALL 14s and some 12s which works out find for me right now since I'm a 12 but if I drop another size it won't be a viable strategy.

    I failed at the scale again so only 1 point there for me so far this week. 3 posts though! and ....3 good food days? yeah!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ravenclaw! I stayed off the scale this morning!! The cat's not going to sabotage me again! :laugh:

    I've been trying to strenthen my arms to be able to do pull-ups. I've never been able to do them even as a very active child. My attempts yesterday rewarded me with pulled muscles down both sides of my back today - owwwie!! I must be doing something wrong - I just can't get my feet to even leave the ground unless I do a little jump first. Anyone have any pointers for me??

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Not much to report, but I wanted to check in at least. Getting ready to go shopping. They are changing our dress code at work, which is unfortunately not happy news for me. Since I've lost weight prior to this, very little of my older clothes fit properly, and I'm not shrinking into anything good yet, so really I'm going to have to buy clothes every time I start getting out of range. It's a little happy I guess - it *is* new clothes, afterall - but I didn't want to splurge yet!

    Ah well, I'll call it an advanced reward for what I'm currently doing. :)

    That stinks - are they making it stricter?? More business than casual? I would be so grumpy about that!

    Unfortunately, they are making it stricter, which is more dressy/business than it was before. *sigh* I never was a fan of wearing business clothes. And thanks for the tip - I might recommend a friend of mine check out any sales that might be there around here, but my sizes wouldn't be included, alas. Happy news for you finding some options for the moment at least, though :) And if you shrink past them, then that's a different kind of happy news!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm pretty sure they'd be in for a mutiny if they did that to us here.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Oh phooey! I tricked myself into stepping on the scale today. I wanted to weigh my cat and the only way to do it is to weigh myself holding him and then just weighing me and subtracting to get his weight. It didn't cross my mind what I was doing until it was too late! AHHHHH!!!

    gee, i wonder how much the dog weighs??? lol!!
    so far i have not caved in and stepped on the scale. today is my high day for zig zagging and i had an awesome ride home from work on my bike sooo, i have 1365 calories to go yet tonight!!! Mr PB, here i come!!!

    editing as i forgot something else exciting. i bought a really pretty purple sweater (my favorite color) last fall when i started doing this on my own. i have referred to it as my goal sweater and hoped to be able to wear it this winter. just for fun i tried it on the other day. sad to say, by the time it's cold enough to wear it, it will be too BIG!!! fits a little loose now!!! maybe i will be able to find it in a smaller size...it's really pretty!!
  • missbeccaanne
    managed to stay of the scale, however haven't really managed to move my butt.
    Going on my beach trip this sunday and still hoping for a little loss.
    going to try to get a workout in today but I am being way too lazy.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    This is one of the most stressful and badgering weeks ever. midterms are beginning, friends are annoying, seriously ill relatives and overwhelming extracurricular activities leave very little room for exercise, and make all the time in the world for stress eating. Doing my best to eat healthier things when I cave into eating. Plus, TOM is just around the corner. All is just so dandy.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    This is one of the most stressful and badgering weeks ever. midterms are beginning, friends are annoying, seriously ill relatives and overwhelming extracurricular activities leave very little room for exercise, and make all the time in the world for stress eating. Doing my best to eat healthier things when I cave into eating. Plus, TOM is just around the corner. All is just so dandy.

    hang in there bethany. you know that all of this will pass. try to not cave, but if you have to, try to make the best choices that you can in terms of what you eat. microwaveable low cal popcorn really helps me. it satisfies the craving for crunchy and a little bit salty. crunchy veggies or sweet fruits also help. you know that you will only regret it later if you do major damage. we all have those times that we consider turning to food to make us feel better, but in the end, does it really? it's a short term fix to a long term problem, the long term problem being that most of us are emotional eaters. that's why he got ourselves in this shape. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! take a walk, find something healthy to get you past it!!! remember Dumbledore's quote about choices!! it's my favorite-hence it's in my signature. remember that we are here for you!!
  • NikkiMustang77
    Hey Ravenclaw.

    I really DO feel bad about not reporting in, but full-time student status plus two jobs are kinda kicking me all over the place. I hardly go on the computer for anything anymore >.<

    I'm trying to keep track of my exercise points: This week I have 125 so far (starting on Sunday).
    Weight's gone up: I hover around 157. I'm not a happy camper.
    Once my financial aid check comes in I'm getting a gym membership for myself here at the college - it's only 20 bucks and I can actually run when the weather is horrible. I've just been DDR-ing for now ^^;

    If y'all don't wanna include me in the totals for the House Cup or the week or whatever, I don't mind either way. I'm gonna be slow to reporting and whatnot, so yeah.

    Edit: If you do include me, I guess a goal can be 153.