

  • Your doing awesome, yes, you can see a difference. keep up the great work. :~)
  • I am losing mine as well. And, am happy to see them shrink to a size that doesn't hurt my back. i didn't get extra large breasts until I but the weight on and pleased that they are going.
  • Your doing great, And looking good. :~)
  • You look awesome and what an amazing story. Thank for sharing your success story it is an inspiration to us all.
  • Your doing great keep up the awesome job. It won't be long and you will be down to where you want to be. :~)
  • WOW!! You look totally awesome. You don't even look like the same person. Your pics have given me hope in knowing that the fat does come off. Your doing a great Job. keep on doing what your doing. And, if that darn scale gives you grief pack it away for awhile. Your pics tell it all. Thanks for sharing.
  • Me and my husband like the stationary bike, Dance videos, and the Danskin exercise ball that work your core muscles. it is a great way to get in your exercises when it's way to go out for out door activities.
  • We don't lose touch with each other. Take the time to to do it right. We keep each other as a priority no matter what. if work keeps us from spending to little time with each other. We send notes in lunch boxes , leave a text message. Always keep in touch. Plus when we get a couple of days together we don't let something…
  • Go for it, I don't see how it could hurt anything.
  • I think it is an awesome idea to have them use this site to help in controlling their calorie intake and their exercise. It is a wonderful thing what you are trying to do to help out the kids. You don't find many who will go the extra mile and it is a breath of fresh air to know their are still people like you willing to…
  • Welcome back. It can get hard at times but just keep thinking positive and give yourself a little push once in awhile. You can do it.
  • Looking good, your doing a fantastic job on your weight loss journey. :~)
  • I am so proud of you. You have come a long ways and have been an inspiration. With all that you have accomplished in the last year is incredible.Keep up the awesome work,I know you will make it to your goal. Your looking fantastic!
  • I have had three c-sections and every time I was able to fit into my old clothes. So, there shouldn't be any reason why you shouldn't be able to if you keep doing it right.
  • Thank-you for the great information. i tend to beat myself up over not losing the weight after a week of be so good at the weight loss journey. Guess it's time to put away the scale for awhile and just let my clothes determine if I'm losing weight and body to tell me I'm doing good by the way it feels. :flowerforyou:…
  • I know what ya mean about Pepsi. At one time in my life I could consume a case of it in one day.,with no problem.Then one day I was told by my Doc. that it was destroying my kidneys. A little bit was okay but the amount I was consuming was to much. I did it. I switched to Dr. pepper and then eventually I quit soda . I do…
  • Welcome aboard. This is an awesome site and with the journals that you can keep here it is easy to stay focused. Mind over matter and you can make it happen. like a wise man once said... "he who conquers self conquers all" It has been a great help for me to stick with the plan and loss the weight. Even when it seems…
  • I use to work that shift. i always tried to eat my heaviest meal before I went to work. Had a nice lunch at work and then just had a bowl of cereal when I got home. Unwind a little with a night cap and went to bed. it is hard to get use to that shift, but it falls right into place when you get a routine down. The hardest…
  • I'm doing a dance workout, it's lots of fun and burns the calories.
  • Your welcome,Darlin. You do know that it works both ways. You have been there to help me along the way. At times when I just wanted nothing more then to take it easy you pushed me on. And, I am very grateful for your encouragement. I wouldn't be this far along if it weren't for you and Jamie. The support that you two give…
  • Wow, you are doing awesome.
  • Congratulations, It is a challenge to make to that final goal. Then to maintain that weight. Thanks to my wonderful husband and MFP I am on the road to success.
  • Just a thought, but perhaps your retaining quite a lot of water. I've found that most eateries pack in the sodium and MSG's to make things taste better. After dining out, my husband and I both need a few days to lose the weight we gain from the sodium and resulting water retention. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is…
  • My husband an I enjoy making up a menu for the week a head of us. It works and we don't have to spend time wondering what we are going to have for dinner.
  • It's your home, he should abide by your rules. he needs to understand that along with his parents. Have his parents get him something that is creative to do at your home. Such as a drawing kit or model that he can put together. They have snap together for his age group and can be very entertaining for a young boy. Make him…
  • try eating more homemade foods, You will not get away from the sodiums if you eat processed foods. You do need some fruits each day, along with your vegetables. high protein foods will give you the calories that you need. Watch your labels when purchasing foods.
  • I hope that this site and the people here help you in obtaining the goals that you are looking for. You have to how ever need to start with yourself. You are on the right track by joining a weight lose site. The next step is to start feeling better about yourself. It sounds like you have low self esteem, which I am sure is…
    in New Here Comment by Rhonnie07 June 2010
  • Checked out, I had to work my brain a little bit. But, guess you could say that's working more muscles. Thanks for the info it will come in mighty handy in figuring up recipes and such.
  • Sounds like you cold use a doctor's advise here along with an x-ray. It doesn't sound good. From there he can advise you on what kind of exercises would be good and what not to do.