Just Need To Vent

Today started off great! Got off work early, my daughter and I went to lunch at Cheeseburger In Paradise, I was scared, but didn't give in to my temptations. I had a carribean chicken breast sandwich added lettuce and tomatoe with the mayo sauce stuff on the side and ordered the corn for my side dish. Yay me! They didn't have a light menu or the nutrional value of the items on the menu so I did my best. The chicken was grilled with cheddar cheese (probably should had that eliminated) and some red peppers.

Well tonight was weigh in after exercise class, and I am so let down, the scale DID NOT MOVE!!! And here I am thinking I am working out hard and trying to eat the right things, all the while it seems like for nothing. I came home and just cried because I was sooooo disappointed and I hate what I see when I look in the mirror. I was feeling so strong this time, like okay, I finally am at a point where I get it, in order to change my body, I have to change my mind, eating habits and exercise. But now damn after tonight's weigh in I am feeling defeated and that maybe I am just destined to be FAT!!!! My mind tells me all the right things, like don't give up, after all it's only been a week since I really been tracking what I eat and exercising every day or don't pay attention to the scale, those numbers don't matter, it's the changes I see in my body that matter or you can do this, stop expecting a miracle in 1 week!!!!! I wanna see results, I am so afraid if I don't that I will slip back into my old ways of eating and not exercising and blow up even bigger than I am now. I HATE WHAT I SEE WHEN I LOOK IN THE MIRROR - I HATE MY STOMACH AND IT IS ALWAYS THERE LOOKING AT ME!!!!! Why won't it go away? See I started this journey in April by joining a ladies boot camp the class is 3 days a week and focuses on strength training, and I have noticed small differences in my body make-up, like I am starting to get a little, and I do mean little, muscle definition in my arms especially. People see me and saw oh you've lost weight, it was only 8 lbs, but damn I must have been big as a house if it was that noticeable. I lost those 8 lbs and 1 dress size in my first two weeks of starting the boot camp and haven't lost a damn thing since then.


Oh and I don't think I have mentioned that I have really stayed away from fried foods and sodas. But hell if this is the thanks I get, I might have me some fried chicken, fried fish, fried french fries, fried pork chop, fried onion rings, fried shrimp, hell I might even have some fried ice cream!!!!!!!!!!

Bottom Line, after all that venting, I am going to stick with the program and just pray for change and weight loss!!


  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    Weigh yourself in the morning, after the bathroom and before eating/drinking anything. That is the most consistent time to check.You're doing the right things, keep at it!
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    Hey I know your frustration! I was there myself at one time! Since you are doing strength training you are GAINING muscle! Losing fat but gaining muscle! That muscle that you are building will help in your total fat loss! Keep doing what you are doing at you WILL see results!
  • momster18
    momster18 Posts: 7
    Hello QueenB-
    I hear you! I'm 56 years old and have been doing a "Biggest Losers" program at my local recreation center. My daughter is the teacher for this program. Well, I am not the biggest loser, I'm not even close. I believe as women we beat ourselves up so much about our weight. We look at our stomachs and feel so upset with ourselves. Yet, we do our very best to be healthy. I have a stomach that looks at me each day too.... I hear you 100%! We need to define ourselves in other things besides our weight... We will do this!!! Time and commitment will do it!
    I am with you!
  • odatcindy
    odatcindy Posts: 641
    Take it easy on yourself. This is a life style change; it has taken years to get here. We all know it is easier to gain, then to lose. So make this a mental winning battle with yourself. Stick with it, queenb.
  • mhesterruns
    I feel the same way at times! Just this morning actually! I have been stuck at the same weight twice now. I had lost a bunch but then moved and stopped working out so I can 15 pounds. I have lost that now but I can;t get past the same number. I have to remind myself that my body is changing and that others have noticed and my clothes are fitting again and loser than last summer when I weighed the same. Be sure to have a piece of clothing that hyou can use as a reference on how your body ischanging as well as by looking in the mirror or the scale. CLothes are my guide.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Weigh yourself in the morning, after the bathroom and before eating/drinking anything. That is the most consistent time to check.You're doing the right things, keep at it!
    agreed! Especially after eating a burger with all the sodium in it, that wouldn't be a good time to weigh after.

    Keep up with healthy eating, get your water in, keep up with the workout, see if you can lower the stress level and yes it will happen for you!:flowerforyou:
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Agree. Weigh in the a.m. I'm one of those freaks that weighs in multiple times a day, and I can be five or six pounds heavier after an afternoon workout than I am in the a.m. And my weight goes up and down throughout the day. Too, are you seeing progress in other areas? Is your energy level up? Are your clothes a tiny bit looser? Does your skin look a tiny bit clearer? You have to look past the numbers on the scale and realize that what you're doing now is good for you and your body. It's not just about the weight; it's about feeling better and being healthier! Don't be so hard on yourself. In fact, you need to be your biggest cheerleader. We're here to help, sure. but there is only one person who is with you all the time! Until then, hugs!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    Just a thought, but perhaps your retaining quite a lot of water. I've found that most eateries pack in the sodium and MSG's to make things taste better. After dining out, my husband and I both need a few days to lose the weight we gain from the sodium and resulting water retention. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true for you. Drink lots of water for the next couple of days, watch you sodium intake, and then try getting on the scale again. I'd be willing to bet your down a few pounds at least.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I completely agree with those who say you have to look past the numbers on the scale, and I know you've even told yourself that. Numbers are just numbers, and if I was going on those alone, I would have quit by now, having lost only 11 lbs in 7 months . . . measure yourself is my advice to everyone! It REALLY shows the changes, not to mention, I have went down a jean size . . . like you though, I haven't dropped another size since January. It's frustrating, but it will come in time. In the end, you will be so thankful you stuck with it!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Glad you are venting here instead of keeping it bottled up and then giving up. Most of us have all been there. I've been stuck at 220 (then 224) for almost an entire year until just recently. By eating more than I usually would and watching that I eat healthier, and of course the dreaded WATER by the tons...I've finally gotten to 217 on my weigh in Monday. In my case it took me several years and two children to gain this weight. I've also got that most ugly "baby Apron" belly going on that I absolutely hate. I know that no matter how much I lose, that ugliness will always be there (pending surgery). Its frustrating to lose weight but not pant size... But, at the same time, I am focusing on how I feel, and all the small changes. I have much more energy now than I have had in ages, I also sleep so much better.

    Everyone here is so helpful and they all have such great advice! Keep working hard, it will pay off! Find the parts of you that YOU love, inside and out, focus on those and work to change the parts you don't like. Weight loss and a healthy life are journeys that we have to go on for the rest of our lives, I'm just trying to enjoy it. I hope you can too.
  • belinda1789
    I would try eating every 3 hours with protein, low carb fruits and vegetables. Cut your portions by half or a 1/4 if you can or try going on a restricted 1200-1500 calorie diet depending on your activity level. It's extremely difficult the first few days but it will be worth it in the long run. Try doing 3 days of cardio (aerobic classes) weights 2 days a week. Remember that you want to burn more calories then you are intaking to achieve weight loss.

    Instead if eating the whole cheeseburger in one sitting, try and cut it in half and save the other part for later.
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    WOW! I had no idea, people had the same frustrations as me until just now. I thank you all for your words of inspiration, advice and the time you took to respond. I love this sight it is the best and I am sticking with the plan. But just wanted to say that I do not own a scale and I weigh at my boot camp class every Tuesday evening. If I had a scale I would go crazy:noway:
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Glad to hear you'll be sticking with it!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I bet next week it will all catch up and the scale will show your efforts! And I agree with everyone else -- do your weigh-ins in the morning! I am also a scale freak and weigh sometimes several times a day "just to see" and even after drinking a glass of water, my scale will go up 2, 3 pounds!!!

    I do hear your pain though because I want to see big losses every week and I know that is not going to happen and we just have to be patient!
  • Jcrowe0317
    Jcrowe0317 Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with the others... You need to weigh yourself at the start of the day. I always weigh myself after brushing my teeth. Now this does not mean your scale will go down but it will be consistent. I find my scale goes down periodically not every week. As long as you are keeping in control and exercising, it will move sooner or later. I always say " The scale is not my friend but my small clothes in the closet are becoming my friend!" Keep it up.

    Do you also track inches?
  • tjptaylor
    tjptaylor Posts: 21 Member
    The sodium is a killer in restaraunt food. If you will be weighing in on Tuesday evenings, I would figure out a good menu for Mondays and Tuesdays and stick with it. That way you're taking out other factors that could affect the scale. For me over doing it on sodium sticks with me for a couple days -- thats why I'm suggesting a standard menu for two days.

    Also, have you done your measurements? This past month my weight has gone down but by very little. I did however, lose an inch off my waist! Good luck!
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Hi. I hope your week goes well. I would just say don't focus on the scale - which you can't control. Focus on what you CAN contol - what you eat, how much water you drink, the time you spend working out. The boot camp sounds awesome and congratulations for sticking with it. Can you take a walk on the days you don't have boot camp? Even walking for 30 minutes 4 times a week could burn off some extra calories. (Try the exercise calculator and see how many calories it would be fore you.) I like to walk around and critique the neighbor's yards -- that's my entertainment instead of watching TV -- hahaha.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Oh and I don't think I have mentioned that I have really stayed away from fried foods and sodas. But hell if this is the thanks I get, I might have me some fried chicken, fried fish, fried french fries, fried pork chop, fried onion rings, fried shrimp, hell I might even have some fried ice cream!!!!!!!!!!

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I want a piece of fried chicken RIGHT NOW!

    But you know what you gotta do. Don't let this set you back. And remember NO GAIN is still a WIN!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your frustration. I can relate. Even when I think I'm doing good, I'm not SEEING the good.

    But something eye-opening happened yesterday. I try very hard to keep my anxieties between my husband and myself. Even my "binges" I do in private.

    Well, my 9 year old has asked me to start jogging/walking with her. She comes downstairs yesterday in tears. Why? Because she has a "belly" and she thinks she is fat. She is over 5 feet and 107 lb. Perfectly healthy. But not the size of her friends who are in the underweight phase. I knew then that no matter what I said to her would fall on deaf ears, the same way my husband's words fall on my deaf ears. So I just held her and told her that I totally understand.

    Then and there I realized that I need to change how I look at me so that my daughter can have a more positive attitude about herself. Celebrate all the accomplishments, no matter how small (i.e. making healthy choices at a restaurant). Because those small choices are going to make a huge difference, not only in my world, but also in hers.

    Again, I totally understand the frustration. But you can do this. You already are!!! You are worth all the beauty!
  • dopegirl422
    Since you are like me you get discouarge when you don't see any changes on the scale, why don't you forget about the scale for a few weeks (maybe schedule an official weigh in for a month later in the morning, after using the bathroom!) than after that you can do weekly or w.e works for you the first month is always the hardest because we are adjusting to something completely NEW to us!


    Best of luck!