Baby its cold outside!

Just curious what type of workouts people like to do when its too cold to venture outside. I've been trying to get back into running, but thats not happening with ice on the roads. So what do you do?


  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    Workout DVDs and my bike is set up on a trainer. Also have Wii Fit plus for some fun. And I dream of the day the temperatures rise and the 3 ft of snow melts.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Right now I'm rotating my exercise dvds, mostly Jillian Micheal's stuff. Some are 25 minutes, some are 50 minutes.
  • verjavec
    verjavec Posts: 30 Member
    I have the opposite problem. I can't go out when it's too hot outside because I get heat stroke super easy if it's over 80. Since I live in TX now, that's about 9 mos out of the year. What I do are videos and the gym.

    Some of the videos I have are P90X and a few of the Biggest Loser videos as well as some yoga and pilates. There are also workouts on Netflix watch instantly that I do when I'm bored with mine - it's fun to get a change of pace. I've also been known to run up and down my stairs, dance around the living room with my kids, use my kids as weights and bench press, bicep curl and do sit ups with them as added resistance. Just get creative and figure out what you like to do. :)

    At the gym I use the treadmills, ellipticals, spin class and the swimming pool.
  • Rhonnie07
    Me and my husband like the stationary bike, Dance videos, and the Danskin exercise ball that work your core muscles. it is a great way to get in your exercises when it's way to go out for out door activities.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I joined a new gym end of December. I wanted to get back into running after completing my first 5k in November. I knew I wouldn't train outside so I definitely needed a treadmill. I've been able to shave off a minute since then from my 5k (have only ran a 5k 3 times since the first race) and am doing weight training 3 days a week, working legs and abs one day, and arms, back, and chest another day, with a couple cardio days in between and one light cardio day in between. Today I did legs & abs and tomorrow I'll run another 5k since yesterday I just did 30 minutes of easy rollerblading. After I strength train, I fill the rest of my hour (whether I did 45 minutes of strength or 30 - I finish the hour) with either stationary bike, a walk, or the elliptical.