Can anyone speak to Menopause and Metabolism AND how that af

Hi there!

I, like many other women over 50 or through menopause, am completely frustrated with the process of losing weight and getting fit after menopause. Most of us describe it as flatout "impossible". None of what you try seems to work on the post menopause body, it is very disheartening to say the least.

Can anyone speak with true information about why it is so much more difficult and more importantly WHAT we can do about it?!

I know at least a gazillon women who would appreciate some answers/advice and support.

Thanks so kindly,



  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I am worried about this too. I read an article about the pre-menopausal woman (at 43, that's me) and it warns of slowing metabolism. That scares me! I will be interested to hear what people say. Are there any ladies on here who lost a considerable amount of weight POST menopause?? If so, please sing out! :smile:
  • mweather74
    I am going through peri menopause right now and I am finding the weight becoming an issue for me....I am 37.

    I am interested as well to see what is said,
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I just hit 1 year since my last cycle, so I am officially "done." I lost 50 pounds almost 3 years ago, and I suppose I was pre-menopausal at the time.

    Don't confuse weight loss with getting fit. The weight certainly does not come off like it did when I was younger. I could cut calories and the weight would fall right off: now I have to pay much closer attention to nutrition and WHAT I am eating too. I started running a few years ago. And while I certainly have been thinner, I have never been fitter!! I have completed several distance races and will be competing in my first sprint triathlon this fall @ the age of 49.

    This link explains some of what we face:
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I had a hysterectomy when I was 25 and it wasn't until I hit 30 that I started to gain. Now I'm having to give up EVERTHING in order to MAYBE lose a pound or two...totally frustrating!!!
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    Bump- interested, too
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    thanks for the bumps and replies.

    I am hoping one of our sites personal trainers might post???

  • anniepants1
    I agree with RMinVA. My last cycle was in July 2007 and in order to loose weight I have to make sure everything I eat is nutritionally sound, WATCH THE SODIUM and drink lots and lots of water.
  • Debinapril
    Debinapril Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there,

    I guess I will have to admit that I'm starting the menopause, I'm nearly 53 and my periods are irregular and I'm getting the dreaded night sweats too. You could power a small town on the heat I generate at times! LOL I refuse to worry about it though. Three years ago I decided to get fit and to tackle my weight problem. I can honestly say that I'm fitter and stronger than I have ever been in my adult life. Gradually over time I've lost 35lbs and have another 35 to lose. In spite of that I feel in great shape. It might be slow, but in my opinion slow is better anyway, it still comes off. When I'm in weightloss mode (as opposed to 'resting') I lose about a 1lb a week, which is very good. It's a safe sustainable amount and doesn't put your health at risk. Of course when I was younger I could lose 3-4lbs a week easy but those days are gone. So I have no doubt that I can do it - continue to lose weight and maintain fitness. By being fit and a healthy weight will make coping with the changes easier. That's what I am hoping anyway!
    All the best.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    from an article on Mayo Cinic website:

    Eat less. To maintain your current weight — let alone lose excess pounds — you may need about 200 fewer calories a day during your 50s than you did during your 30s and 40s. To reduce calories without skimping on nutrition, pay attention to what you're eating and drinking. Choose more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Opt for lean sources of protein. Don't skip meals, which may lead you to overeat later.

    So how does this fit in with not going into starvation mode philosophy???

    If we need to eat a few hundred less calories a day (because as we age we have a metabolism slow down as well as menopause), it brings up a coupla questions:

    Does MFP take this into consideration when they guide us though setting our limits? (age factor)

    And it seems, it would set us pretty close to starvation mode??

  • Wightvixen
    Wightvixen Posts: 117
    It's because of all the horror stories I've heard that I decided to get a grip on my weight before menopause came knocking. At 46, I could start to see symptoms literally any day now. I just hope the effort isn't wasted if my metabolism goes into complete disarray.

    I too would be interested to know what the advice would be as regards a lower calorie intake post menopause. I highly doubt that MFPs one-size-fits-all calculator takes it into account at all.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I highly doubt that MFPs one-size-fits-all calculator takes it into account at all.

    I completely agree!! There are so many things that impact it at ANY age. You just have to figure out what works best for you.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I am intersted in this too. I figure as long as I stay active, I'll be fine. I am more worried about hot flashes and stuff like that. Yikes, can I just skip this step.
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    I to have been dealing with menopause but a year and a half a go found some supplements that my DR reviewed and said would not hurt me to try and I have lost close to 70 lbs-and feel better than I did in my 40's. No more dealing with hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain etc. Starting to think the 50's may be the best years of my life! this site also helps me to stay focused and realize there is a whole world out there going thru the same thing. Gives me hope and encouragement daily!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Remember ladies, MFP asks for our age, when we calculate our formulas. So, I bet that MFP does take into consideration just how old we are. I'm 56 (i still think I'm 26 however! ) and I can lose weight. I have it set at about 1 lb a week. At this age, I'm not in a hurry about anything, including weight loss! :laugh:
  • sellingsworth
    Hi there,

    For me exercise is the key - I am over 55 (okay I am 57) I really started my weight loss journey on 11/3/2010 and I have no idea why. It just happened - I joined the local Snap, hated every second of it for 3 weeks, then I found that it just became a habit and I had no choice and started craving exercise. I really didn't change my food - I haven't had fast food in years, not a big cake eater, but I do love the bread, pasta and potatoes - I quit eating them. That has helped. Instead of pasta or potatoes I eat spaghetti squash - yummy!!!! Instead of a sandwich I eat salad - and whatever I would have on a sandwich I put on my salad. Then gradually I started to pay attention to calories and sugar - I love to eat so I try and get more food with my calories .. The weight has come off slowly - I have only lost about 18 lbs - but the inches have been dramatic and also my clothes fit.

    Baby steps for sure - but always forward
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I truly am appreciating all your thoughtful comments. Please help me keep this thread going, I really believe alot of us "menopaused" women are confused and need solid information and support.

    Please know that I would be glad to become friends if you are willing.

  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Remember ladies, MFP asks for our age, when we calculate our formulas. So, I bet that MFP does take into consideration just how old we are. I'm 56 (i still think I'm 26 however! ) and I can lose weight. I have it set at about 1 lb a week. At this age, I'm not in a hurry about anything, including weight loss! :laugh:

    The problem is that menopause is not an age specific thing though, so it is very difficult to account for. There is nothing that says..."HMMM, she's 48 and must be going through menopause." Everyone experiences it at a different age and everyone has a different experience.

    I use what MFP gives me as a guideline, nothing more.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I am 50 and losing this weight has been a major struggle for the last 5 years. First I tried eating nearly breakfast, or snacks, often no lunch or a lean cuisine and some crackers and SoBe energy's at dinner. That didn't work (of course!!), although I tried it for 3 years. Then I quit smoking and got serious about nutrition and health. For the last 2 years I've tried various calorie levels, exercise levels and macronutrient levels. I had my metabolism tested and did a 2 month reset of eating at maintenance.

    .. It is now coming off, but slightly slower than anticipated (.8 pounds per week, instead of 1). What has worked is knowing my calorie burn exactly (I use a FitBit), measuring and weighing everything precisely, and absolutely no cheat days/meals/whatever. I consider my eating habits to be a lifestyle, not a temporary abberration.

    I exercise daily, but nothing horribly drastic...intervals on Mon and Fridays, strength training on Tue, Thu and Saturday, and a walk or similar on Wed and Saturday. I follow a 40/30/30 c/f/p macro split and avoid anything artificial. I get at least 6 hours of sleep per night, mostly closer to 7. I take a multi-vitamin, a b complex, a C1000 and a D supplement. No other drugs or supplements.

    Compared to my younger years when all-nighters were common, as were skipping meals, heavy athletic exercise, plenty of drinking, smoking, carousing and I could eat anything and not gain a pound.

    So it's not the same anymore. Weight loss can still happen, but it takes dedication and committment. I've just started running again, after 25 years away from the track. It's never too late to get (back) into shape!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I to have been dealing with menopause but a year and a half a go found some supplements that my DR reviewed and said would not hurt me to try and I have lost close to 70 lbs-and feel better than I did in my 40's. No more dealing with hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain etc. Starting to think the 50's may be the best years of my life! this site also helps me to stay focused and realize there is a whole world out there going thru the same thing. Gives me hope and encouragement daily!

    Do tell! Which supplements are you taking?