suckitup Member


  • Popcorn, Indiana Cinnamon Kettle Corn is completely addicting...only 130 calories and 7grams of sugar for 2 1/2 cups! I also love - Veggie Straws because they are crunchy and salty like chips. I switch up the sweet then salty at work and save the Skinny Cow varieties for after dinner. :blushing: I also love to add…
  • I love these posts! Here's friend just told me today that she went and got a ring because she liked the one I got for Christmas. Awww, I should be flattered right? Then she tells me that she got one she liked...knew it was just cheap costume jewelry, but liked it anyway! She mentioned this several times in our…
  • I also tried the homemade macaroni as well because two neighbors had mentioned it over the weekend. It will be weird to fix big fat Bubba Burgers for my son and thin husband and the normal turkey burgers for my daughter and I. This just means more temptation in my house!:angry:
  • I almost cried from possible relief after reading about your son. Thank you SO much for posting that because that IS my big fear! This was a child that was always off the growth chart for height and they were prepping us for a 6'5" son. Now I see him in line with his class and he is no longer a head taller than everyone. I…
  • Bless you ALL for the suggestions! :heart: I am happy to say that many of the ideas are ones that I purchased. We are adding the Carnation drinks in the morning after his breakfast. Morning, before school starts, is the easiest to add the quantity b/c the meds haven't taken hold yet. I got extra jars of the Peter Pan…
  • Oh, I needed to laugh today! :laugh:
  • Alright, congrats on being so close to your goal but I have to say... I am 5'8" and weigh the same as you do now (147) and I would look NOTHING like that in a me. :laugh: I hope you reach your goal but know that you do look great must carry it alot better than me! Well done
  • Well, I feel average...gained 5lbs in November and took off 4 quickly when I got on the ball. Then I gained 7 in December and am right now, eating kettle corn and sucking water. Nice. Started hitting the gym more over the holiday break to offset the number that "could have been". I am down 3lbs already and am not straying…
  • Teacher too...hit my goal right b/f school started again, and have gained 7lbs back now that Christmas is over! I may try sneaking into work tomorrow with black yoga pants...hmmmmm. My favorite snacks for work have been: Sensible Portions - smores snacks (also comes in cinnamon) --comes in snack-size bags (crunchy and…
  • While I totally agree with not logging on daily activities for the more "active" person, I wouldn't take away from the less active person who busts out the "big clean" once a week and counts that. If it makes them feel successful by seeing their efforts on the screen, I am in total favor of that. I agree with others that…
  • I agree that you don't need a gym. ALL of my weight came off from the Wii Fit, walking the neighborhood and at soccer practices, and logging my food. I even walked our stairs for 10 minutes...thought that would kill me. It is doable.
  • I love the idea of posting pictures and graphing it in your room! There are days where I don't have time to get on the computer at all, but a reminding picture might keep me on track! I have my school id badge for this year with last years pic behind it. That helps my choices a little more at work. **they are night and…
  • Congratulations, first, on all of the wonderful new events in your life. I LOVE that you recognize that you do have time to hit the gym and plan some meals instead of grabbing what you happen to be running past. (been there) All I can say is...USE THIS TIME BEFORE IT IS GONE! Most people (including myself) have a TON of…
  • Thanks, family was very supportive once they could see the difference and it certainly did help me mentally! I like the small goal vs. full blown resolution approach. I think that maintaining my goal weight is important, but I also need to focus on the positive things in my life instead of festering on the…
  • There are SO many amazing posts that I've read here!!! I lost 45lbs by the beginning of summer and have worked to maintain ever since! I have put on 5 "unwanted friends" since early November and have just had the goal of not adding more by the end of the holidays. I hope to add more 5ks to the one I ran in the fall.
  • I love this one...and the impact of that profile pic! Well done!
  • Big kudos to this one! I am impressed with BOTH the weight loss and the freedom from meds!!!!
  • This said it exactly how I felt when I reached my goal, reset it, reached it again, then questioned how far to keep going! Going into the maintenance phase was a HUGE jump in calories. This happeded at the same time that summer ended and I started back to work. The workouts slowed down and the stress eating started up.…
  • Well, the damage that I've done is not as bad as I feared. I am up 2.6lbs...which is better than the 5 I expected to see. On the other hand, I had an AMAZING time at a beautiful beach wedding in NC that my daughter was the flower girl in. I welcomed in my new sister-in-law with a lot of mixed drinks. I haven't had that…
  • I am laughing so hard because I can relate to all of that SO much! I needed that! How about something a little more regular and peeing first thing in the morning. Now there is never a day that I skip that and say, "nah, not today". :laugh:
  • I am in that boat too! The only difference is that I've been too scared to weigh myself! With work and wedding weekends, I have gone right back to eating like I used to and threw in a wild drinking binge to boot! Running has not happened in a week and I'm hoping to get out today when my husband gets home! Everything is SO…
  • Have a WONDERFUL time on the cruise! It sounds like you have the perfect workout partner to balance any fun food or drinking while you're gone. Enjoy! Good luck on the 30th. :happy:
  • :smile: WOW! Way to go! Sometimes the scale just loves you. :smile: Mine is not always my friend!!!
  • Well, I am back from my parents house and my first 5K! :smile: Get this, I placed first in my age group!!! Now that you're impressed, I should probably tell you that there was only one other in my group! :laugh: Everyone I went with came home with a medal. Regardless of house incredibly small the race was, I had a LOT of…
  • I hope that I can still stay in these challenges. They are what helped me reach my final goal by the end of Aug. Now I just need to stay with you guys so I can re-inspire myself into keeping it off. If I stop logging in, I am sure it will come back fast! You guys are great! Best of luck!!
  • I was thrilled to report that I ran our 5K route (with multiple hills and long inclines) in 27.09! I tried to pick up the pace on any flat area to make up for just surviving the hills. That made me more confident and excited for the 5K this coming weekend in the beautiful flatland! I could actually surprise myself. Wish me…
  • Amanda - I feel exactly the same way! Reaching the goal is amazing but staying there is a yo-yo of emotions! My choices have not been perfect lately and workout time has fallen through the floor since summer ended. I have been blessed to stay at or around my final goal weight. Good luck to you...I agree that if you can't…
  • I am running in my very first 5K next weekend but am having a crazy time finding time to jog at all since school started. I am lucky if I can go out once on the weekend! I know I was diehard last school year in the spring with walking every night. Now we have bears that are out and about (that stopped my jogging in the…
  • Amen to this fact...not just a theory. My kids this year are the chattiest group of kids I have ever seen! I know I say that at the beginning of every year because I am "starting over" with babies that are a year younger, but this year is different. They are the ones that are looking you right in the face, still talking to…