Vent Page

So, I don't know about you guys, but people just get on my nerves sometimes. Lately, it's just been building up inside me and I know it's not healthy. So I thought it would be a good idea to create a 'vent page' where we can all vent our feelings. Any kind of feelings, I guess. It doesn't just have to be about weight.

My rant right now is:
I was walking today and it's pretty cold outside. Walking seemed the easiest way to go. Then someone tells me that I should run instead and it would work better. Can't people just mind their own business? I mean, it's good when they offer support, but it's just annoying when they critisize (sp).

Thanks for listening!


  • MrsMills712
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    And here's yet another one: people need to listen more closely.
  • orangebella
    getting cut off on the road, and cars tailing your behind. oh man that sets me off! trying to be better about it though
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    I know how you feel! One time i was in the grocery store getting lunch and i got about a 1/2 cup of macaroni salad and this lady who i've never met before leans over to me and says...we'll you're certainly not going to lose weight that way are you. i was really insulted and I didn't want to eat anymore after hearing that :(
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I get really annoyed when I cook a meal and then by the time I set down everyone else has their plates already filled ready to eat away. I haven't even made it to the table yet! Then, when they finish eating before me, they just get up and leave me there.

    I'm tempted to quit cooking for them. GRRrrrr....
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I belong to a facebook group called "I secretly want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head" Does that count?

    Seriously though. I am considerably grouchier lately. Annnd more verbal about the things that I am grouchy about. I just decided to take a chill pill and realize that my perception may be a little skewed with all the new changes in my life. I get advice from people at work on a daily basis...not asked for, and some are certainly annoying, but if they feel they need to share their knowledge, I am patient. Then I usually just laugh about it later.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    OK, here's mine.

    My DH is gone all week, and he is pretty picky about having a clean house. I am a mom of 3 kids, and I also work full time. We do what we can to keep the house neat. Sometimes it just isn't enough, but we do what we can.

    Anyway, when he comes home after being gone all week, he walks in to the kitchen and starts washing dishes. I think he must feel as if he is helping, but REALLY! It would be nice to get a "hello" first!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Being the "dumping ground" in work. No matter what has to be done, I seem to be the one asked to do it. As if I don't have enough to do without being given extra work.:explode:

    I seriously think the place is going to disintegrate into complete chaos in February when I go off for two weeks holidays.:smile:
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I was out running one day and an OLD lady stopped me to tell me I would better off walking..running is so dumb.....
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I am tired of being criticized for being healthy. That since I eat healthy I don't eat anything fun. Well pardon me, I do have a cheat day and I do not have a desire to eat the foods that they do! I have become very happy with the way I eat and how it makes me feel. When I do have my cheat day and god forbid I have ONE small cookie or such. they make fun of me saying well thats not on your "Diet." First of all I am not on a diet I choose to eat healthy it is my life style. I do not plan to return to binge eating crap all day thank you!
  • sunnysashka
    Hello, everyone!

    Here is mine. During my vacations to my motherland I've gained like 3 lbs. It is not lilke I've gone a size up. Just on smaller people 3 lbs are more visible.
    So, after my Zumba class (I teach it) one of my students comes over and says "I hope you'll lose weight" And she is like 3 times bigger then me!
    Really, what is wrong with people? When politeness became "old school"?!!!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.

    Refuse to buy them unless they are on sale. Diet Pepsi fiend hubby over here. I tried a 3 a day limit on him but it often goes to 4. Considering we eat so healthy I spend a maximum of $150 a month on groceries & essentials ($40 of which is Diet Pepsi on sale) on average $80-110 a month its no big deal. There are worse habits to have but its $3 a 12 pack or NO POP FOR YOU!! (If you got the Soup Nazi Seinfeld reference there, thanks!

    Here’s the mini fridge we put into our theatre room (4th bedroom) but don’t show your hubby, he’ll get ideas LOL!

  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am tired of being criticized for being healthy. That since I eat healthy I don't eat anything fun. Well pardon me, I do have a cheat day and I do not have a desire to eat the foods that they do! I have become very happy with the way I eat and how it makes me feel. When I do have my cheat day and god forbid I have ONE small cookie or such. they make fun of me saying well thats not on your "Diet." First of all I am not on a diet I choose to eat healthy it is my life style. I do not plan to return to binge eating crap all day thank you!

    This...all of this....
    Also when I am eating healthy and I know what kind of workout I have done or am going to do later and I get the comments like "oh you are so small" like I am doing something to them...well not 2 years ago I was 30 pounds heavier and unhappy with I work VERY VERY VERY hard to do what I do..I enjoy all the foods I eat...and prefer most of them to what I used to eat and really for me it was a portion thing anyhow...but I run and workout and count calories...I earned this through my choices..I wish people would stop looking at me with disgust like I don't have to work for it...when I do..
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    OH and never...ever...ever discuss my healthy eating choices in front of my kids if you are going to behave as if I am some crazy "dieter" who needs to let go and live a little kids are learning about healthy foods from me... they are learning that food is fuel for your body to help it achieve the activities they want etc...the next person who gives my kid the impression that I am not healthy because I am eating carrots instead of cookies is seriously going to get thrown.(I do judo so know how to throw a person without hurting them too badly)
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    let's have such a pretty face....if you could just lose your weight.....

    and what I'd like to say is.... you'd be much nicer...if you could just lose your tongue.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    It looks like this thread is definately helping everyone. I'm glad about that. It's good to rant and to get helpful advice/sympathy from the people who are going through it also. :flowerforyou:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I needed this thread last night. My DH was supposed to be out of work at 5 and he was going to pick up pizza for supper. I had planned it and saved my calories and at 5:15 he wasn't done working, not even close. I was so mad that he didn't call so I could have made other plans. Last thing you want to do is tick off a dieting woman with a craving and a plan for that craving.

    I was soooo mad.
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I love these posts!

    Here's friend just told me today that she went and got a ring because she liked the one I got for Christmas. Awww, I should be flattered right? Then she tells me that she got one she liked...knew it was just cheap costume jewelry, but liked it anyway! She mentioned this several times in our conversation.

    ...deep breath...and sigh...
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    getting cut off on the road, and cars tailing your behind. oh man that sets me off! trying to be better about it though

    Oh I was mad when people did that to me in my car. For the past 2 weeks I've been training to drive a school bus. It's crazy people don't even look and then seem shocked that there is a HUGE yellow bus right on top of them when they dart out infront of me. OR they ride so close behind I can't see them in ANY of my mirrors and the front end of their car is literally under the back of my bus.

    The WORST is the ones who race past when I'm pulling over to do simulated pick ups/drop offs. They don't know if there are really kids about to cross or not and they just race past.
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.

    Refuse to buy them unless they are on sale. Diet Pepsi fiend hubby over here. I tried a 3 a day limit on him but it often goes to 4. Considering we eat so healthy I spend a maximum of $150 a month on groceries & essentials ($40 of which is Diet Pepsi on sale) on average $80-110 a month its no big deal. There are worse habits to have but its $3 a 12 pack or NO POP FOR YOU!! (If you got the Soup Nazi Seinfeld reference there, thanks!

    Here’s the mini fridge we put into our theatre room (4th bedroom) but don’t show your hubby, he’ll get ideas LOL!


    You only have to pay $3.00 for a 12 pack of diet pepsi!! Here we have to pay $5.79 + GST for a 12 pack not on sale. An AWSOME sale is $3.00 for 12 and we load up big time!